Supply Chain Resilience
April 201
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Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Strategic Overview
Disasters disrupt preexisting networks of demand and supply. Quickly reestablishing flows of
water, food, pharmaceuticals, medical goods, fuel, and other crucial commodities is almost
always in the immediate interest of survivors and longer-term recovery.
When there has been catastrophic damage to critical infrastructure, such as the electrical grid and
telecommunications systems, there will be an urgent need to resume—and possibly redirect
preexisting flows of life-preserving resources. In the case of densely populated places, when
survivors number in the hundreds of thousands, only preexisting sources of supply have enough
volume and potential flow to fulfill demand.
During the disasters in Japan (2011) and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (2017), sources of
supply remained sufficient to fulfill survivor needs. But the loss of critical infrastructure, the
surge in demand, and limited distribution capabilities (e.g., trucks, truckers, loading locations,
and more) seriously complicated existing distribution capacity. If emergency managers can
develop an understanding of fundamental network behaviors, they can help avoid unintentionally
suppressing supply chain resilience, with the ultimate goal of ensuring emergency managers “do
no harm” to surviving capacity.
Delayed and uneven delivery can prompt consumer uncertainty that increases demand and
further challenges delivery capabilities. On the worst days, involving large populations of
survivors, emergency management can actively facilitate the maximum possible flow of
preexisting sources of supply: public water systems; commercial water/beverage bottlers; food,
pharmaceutical, and medical goods distributors; fuel providers; and others. To do this effectively
requires a level of network understanding and a set of relationships that must be cultivated prior
to the extreme event. Ideally, key private and public stakeholders will conceive, test, and refine
strategic concepts and operational preparedness through recurring workshops and tabletop
exercises. When possible, mitigation measures will be pre-loaded. In this way, private-public and
private-private relationships are reinforced through practical problem solving.
Contemporary supply chains share important functional characteristics, but risk and resilience
are generally anchored in local-to-regional conditions. What best advances supply chain
resilience in Miami will probably share strategic similarities with Seattle, but will be highly
differentiated in terms of operations and who is involved.
In recent years the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) have engaged with state, local, tribal and territorial partners,
private sector, civic sector, and the academic community in a series of innovative interactions to
enhance supply chain resilience. This guide reflects the issues explored and the lessons (still
being) learned from this process. The guide is designed to help emergency managers at every
level think through the challenge and opportunity presented by supply chain resilience. Specific
suggestions are made related to research, outreach, and action.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
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Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Supply Chain Defined .............................................................................................................. 2
Supply Chain Resilience .......................................................................................................... 3
Supply Chains and Emergency Management .......................................................................... 4
Community Lifelines ............................................................................................................... 5
SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE PROCESS.............................................................................. 8
Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Phase 1: Research and Mapping ..................................................................................................... 9
Phase 2: Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 11
Phase 3: Outreach ........................................................................................................................... 13
Phase 4: Action ............................................................................................................................... 15
Phase 5: Assess and Refine ............................................................................................................ 16
CONNECTION TO LOGISTICS PLANNING ....................................................................... 19
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Considerations ................................................................................................................................ 19
Supply Source ........................................................................................................................ 20
Distribution Points ................................................................................................................. 20
Inventory ................................................................................................................................ 21
Access and Re-entry ............................................................................................................... 21
Routes .................................................................................................................................... 23
Fuel ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Transportation Operators ....................................................................................................... 24
APPENDIX A. DEFENSE PRODUCTION ACT .............................................................. 25
Requesting DPA Priority Ratings ................................................................................................. 25
Establishing a Voluntary Agreement ............................................................................................ 26
APPENDIX B. COMMUNITY LIFELINE FRAMEWORK ........................................... 27
Safety and Security ......................................................................................................................... 27
Food, Water, Sheltering ................................................................................................................. 28
Health and Medical ........................................................................................................................ 29
Energy (Power & Fuel) .................................................................................................................. 30
Communications ............................................................................................................................. 31
Transportation ................................................................................................................................ 32
Hazardous Material ........................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX D. COMPLEX SUPPLY CHAIN EXAMPLE .............................................. 36
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
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Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Supply Chain Resilience
The most effective way to deliver the needed supplies to a disaster-impacted area is by re-establishing
pre-disaster supply chains. Building resilience within, and providing for the rapid restoration of, supply
chain systems is key to responding to any catastrophic incident.
This document provides emergency managers with recommendations on how to analyze supply
chains and to work with the private sector to enhance supply chain resilience in support of
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101: Developing and Maintaining Emergency
Operations Plans.
This document also identifies how the results of the supply chain resilience
process can inform logistics planning.
Each day, individuals and families routinely receive critical goods and services such as water,
food, pharmaceuticals, medical goods, power, and fuel from healthy, functioning supply chains.
However, in times of disaster, even supply chains that were previously functioning well can
experience significant disruption, generating acute life-safety challenges and quickly turning a
disaster into a catastrophe. Supply chains that effectively adapt to disasters, disruptions, and
fluctuating needs greatly benefit the community and can reduce the need for a larger response
and recovery operation.
While the private sector operates and maintains the
majority of supply chains, emergency managers can
play a critical role in enhancing supply chain
resilience by fostering awareness and collaboration
among key supply chain players and promoting
actions to enhance supply chain resilience. They
must also be aware of supply chain vulnerabilities
and potential impacts to the community so that they
can develop effective emergency response plans and
operate efficiently in times of disaster. For example,
emergency response plans are often based on the
assumption of working supply chains. Awareness of
vulnerabilities can help emergency managers
understand the potential impacts of disrupted supply chains. In addition, such awareness helps
managers to support the private sector in re-establishing supply chains and to take necessary
actions to mitigate the impacts (e.g., prioritizing stabilization of critical supply chain
FEMA Strategic Plan 20182022,
FEMA, CPG 101: Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, Version 2.0, (Washington, DC,
Resilient supply chains are a critical
element in protecting community lifelines.
Community lifelines provide
indispensable services that (1) enable the
continuous operation of critical business
and government functions, and (2) are
critical to human health and safety or
economic security.
community lifelines,
ch depend on resilient
supply chains,
ave and sustain life, ensure public
safety, and speed economic recovery.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
infrastructure, reviewing stockpile options, and identifying alternate supply chains for
emergencies when needed). Integrating the needs of supply chains into mitigation, response,
recovery, and resilience planning and actions is key to improving supply chain resilience and
ensuring the availability of key goods and services.
To effectively support supply chain resilience and develop response and recovery plans,
emergency managers must understand the activities and principles for each local supply chain,
similar to the general understanding they have with law enforcement, fire suppression,
emergency medical services, and public works. Awareness of supply and demand flows,
bottlenecks, interconnections, and interdependencies between supply chains is as important to
disaster planning and resilience building as knowledge of the local road networks and
The State of Alaska 2012 Evaluation of Supply Chains and Resilience Building
Issue: The supply chains to Alaska primarily come from the mainland United States, either by ship from
Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, or by air. As previous disasters have demonstrated, severe
winter weather, volcanoes, and earthquakes could cut off Alaska’s normal supply chains for several
weeks or months. In 1964, Alaska experienced a 9.2-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that
devastated its power infrastructure, shipping, and distribution networks.
Action: In 2012, the State of Alaska assessed the supply chains that provide food, supplies, and fuel to
the state.
Result: Based on the assessment, the State of Alaska explored procuring shelf-stable meals for 40,000
survivors for seven days. In addition, the State identified the need to store medical supplies, cold-climate
water purification systems, and generators. A significant consideration included food that was culturally
and nutritionally appropriate for both the urban city residents and for rural Alaskan diets, such as smoked
salmon. Recent catastrophic logistics planning shows that Alaska has seven days of food available
following a disruption to the supply chain.
Supply Chain Defined
A supply chain has many definitions. This guide defines a supply chain as the socio-technical
network that identifies, targets, and fulfills demand. It is the process of deciding what, when, and
how much should move to where.
Supply chains can be vastly complex, and they can vary significantly from product to product.
Appendix D presents a complex example of a supply chain, specific to petroleum. However, all
supply chains include the same basic components. As Figure 1 shows, supply chains include the
Supply Nodes Entities that manufacture, process, store, and/or ship goods and services.
They generally include raw material providers, suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.
(Also Known As: Origins, Outputs, Vertices, Terminals, Warehouses, Distribution Centers,
Cross Docks, Push Places, and more.)
Demand Nodes Entities that purchase and/or signal for goods and services from supply
nodes. They generally include individuals, families, businesses, and governments. (Also
Known As: Destinations, Inputs, Vertices, Retailers, Pull Places, and more.)
Tiers A common way to group nodes and identify upstream and downstream relationships
within the supply chain. Tier 1 suppliers provide products or services to the
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
producer/processor; Tier 2 suppliers provide products or services to Tier 1 suppliers; Tier 3
suppliers provide products or services to Tier 2 suppliers. As the Tier numbers get higher, the
further that supplier is from the producer/processor of the finished product.
Links The physical and functional connections between nodes, such as communication,
transport, or transaction connections. Links can also relate to service infrastructure, such as
power. (Also Known As: Edges, Arcs, Paths, Tracks, Routes, and more.)
Supply chains involve the movement of products, information, and money. Products flow from
supply nodes to demand nodes, while money usually follows the reverse direction. Information
sharing occurs among all nodes. Humans are agents within the nodes and links.
Figure 1: Supply Chain Diagram
Supply Chain Resilience
Supply chains are fundamental to modern life and often fluctuate to address minor disruptions
and changes in both supply and demand. However, the common supplemental and gap-filling
functions that address minor changes may be insufficient to mitigate significant supply chain
disruptions. Disruptions that significantly impede or stop the capability or capacity for a good or
service can have a significant impact on communities, particularly in times of disaster.
Supply chain resilience is the ability of a preexisting network of demand and supply to deploy
surviving capacity, and/or introduce new capacity, under severe duress. It is the ability of a
network, or portion of a network, to continue moving (directing, redirecting, flowing) goods and
services even when important elements of the network are no longer operating. For example, the
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
continued flow of water, food, and fuel while the electric power grid is not operating would be
an expression of supply chain resilience.
A meaningful awareness and understanding of preexisting networks, including major players,
crucial places, interdependencies, vulnerabilities, and threats, enhances the ability of emergency
managers to interact with supply chain owners and operators to support and improve supply
chain resilience and post-incident restoration. As is often the case for emergency managers, it is
not necessary to have expert knowledge, but there is value in having sufficient awareness and
understanding to communicate effectively with experts (and in this case, especially with the
owners and operators of the preexisting networks).
All supply chain components, such as the transportation mechanisms between nodes, facilities,
people, and communication networks, can impact supply chain resilience. Other examples of
attributes that may impact supply chain resilience include:
Just-in-time inventory practices
Core reliance on information technology systems and data exchange
A diverse risk landscape
Industry consolidation into a small set of large suppliers
The regulatory environment and constraints on supply chain flexibility.
Supply Chains and Emergency Management
Emergency managers have two primary roles related to supply chain resilience:
To foster collaboration with and among supply chain partners to promote actions that make
supply chains of critical goods and services more resilient.
To develop an awareness of supply chains and their vulnerabilities and use that information
to inform response and recovery planning.
Emergency managers frequently foster collaboration to create and promote resilience efforts
across private and public sectors. However, few supply chain players have experience
coordinating with emergency managers, and it can be challenging for emergency managers to
engage these organizations with disaster planning and resilience-building actions. For example,
some regulated public sector and private sector supply chains may require legal actions to build
or improve resilience, with an increase in costs transferred to the residents and businesses in the
jurisdiction. Other supply chains involve private sector businesses that compete with each other,
which can hinder collaboration and hide interdependencies.
As such, emergency managers may need to employ non-traditional approaches to engage some
supply chain stakeholders to fully understand the vulnerabilities of the supply chain. For
example, one non-traditional approach is to implement seldom-used authorities, such as the
Defense Production Act (DPA), to bridge gaps. The DPA has authorities, which Appendix A
discusses in detail, that facilitate collaboration by removing barriers between the public and
private sectors. The Supply Chain Resilience Process section of this guide includes tips and best
practices for engaging supply chain partners in resilience efforts.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
oversees the National Business Emergency Operations
Center (NBEOC) to facilitate private sector engagement at
the national level. Jurisdictions are encouraged to establish a
NBEOC agreement to streamline communications and
coordination with private sector members and establish
data-sharing agreements.
To effectively plan for response and recovery operations and
support supply chain resilience, emergency managers need
an awareness and understanding of the systems that make up
a supply chain and the distribution networks that support the jurisdiction.
Emergency managers
should also understand the legal constraints that can impact supply chain resilience, such as road
and driver restrictions, normal licensing for delivery of medical and food items, restrictions on
the movements or storage of medical gases, on-site fuel storage rules, conflicting rules across
adjacent jurisdictions, data privacy and availability, and specific legal restraints regarding
procurement practices. This knowledge will help emergency managers develop realistic plans
and prioritize actions that support supply chain resilience. For example, debris removal is a vital
aspect of restoring supply chain functionality. Emergency managers can facilitate public-private
sector debris removal plans focused on partnerships with private sector supply chains.
Community Lifelines
Government alone cannot respond to the threats and hazards that affect our communities and
citizens. Response is a shared responsibility across multiple stakeholder groups, including
governments, the private sector, and non-government entities. Often these groups do not share
the same lexicon to facilitate unity of purpose across all stakeholders.
The community lifelines construct promotes a response that facilitates unity of purpose and
better communication among the whole community (Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial
governments, and private sector and non-governmental entities) to prioritize, sequence, and focus
response efforts towards maintaining or restoring the most critical services and infrastructure.
A community lifeline enables the continuous operation of government functions and critical
business and is essential to human health and safety or economic security. The seven community
lifelines are described below.
More information on the NBEOC, including the NBEOC’s purpose, operation engagement tools, membership, and
commonly asked questions, can be found on the NBEOC fact sheet at
library/assets/documents/28983 or by emailing FEMA-Private-[email protected].
FEMA National Mitigation Framework, Second Edition, June 2016.
Community Lifelines Toolkit.
The community lifelines concept is still evolving. Please visit for more information.
One potential way to bolster
relationships with supply chain
stakeholders is to establish a
Business Emergency
Operations Center (BEOC)
within the jurisdiction’s
Emergency Operation Center
(EOC) and to connect the
BEOC to existing private sector
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Safety and Security – Supports responder and survivor safety and the continuity of
government (including basic services, firefighting, and law enforcement). This
lifeline provides critical actions that enable the other lifelines to function.
Food, Water, Sheltering – Supports current and projected community needs for
food, water, durable goods, and shelter capacity, as well as evacuations and water and
agricultural infrastructure.
Health and Medical – Provides medical care, public health support, pre-hospital
care, fatality management services, behavioral health services, and support to the
medical industry to ensure life-saving and sustaining services are adequate to meet
the needs of the impacted area.
Energy (Power & Fuel) – Provides electric power, gas, and liquid fuel to support the
needs of the whole community. It includes electric power generation, transmission,
and distribution systems, as well as gas and liquid fuel processing, transportation, and
delivery systems. This lifeline supports the whole community’s response efforts by
enabling all other community lifelines.
Communications – Supports the transmission of information through mechanisms
such as broadband internet, ethernet, cellular networks, cable television, and radio
broadcast networks. It covers all types of communications necessary to effectively
respond to and help survivors, including alerts and warnings, 911 and dispatch, and
responder communications. This lifeline supports the whole community’s response
efforts by enabling all other community lifelines.
Transportation – Enables the movement of goods and services to support the whole
community. Transportation infrastructure generally includes highway/roadways, mass
transit, rail, aviation, shipping, pipeline, and intermodal systems. This lifeline
supports the whole community’s response efforts by enabling all other community
Hazardous Material – Covers the management (including containment and removal)
of all hazardous materials. It focuses on ensuring that hazardous substance facilities,
conveyance assets, wastewater systems, and incident debris, pollutants, and
contaminants do not require ongoing emergency responses to mitigate imminent or
substantial threats to public health and welfare or the environment.
The lifeline construct provides numerous benefits to jurisdictions, such as helping prioritize,
sequence, and focus response efforts towards maintaining or restoring the most critical services
and infrastructure. In the context of supply chain resilience, lifelines provide jurisdictions with a
way to understand and examine complex (multifaceted) supply chains that require cross-sector
Community lifelines also identify critical focus areas for jurisdictions to consider, as secondary
supply chain problems can result from broken lifelines. For example, a break in the power grid
can lead to a surge in generator and fuel demand. This in turn impacts local gas prices from surge
demand and/or a shortage in generator supply.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Case Study: Resupplying Miami
In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in 2017, resupply of the Miami metropolitan area was complicated by
widespread electrical outages and fuel shortages resulting from mass evacuation. In some cases,
resupply of groceries and other key resources into Miami required the resupply of fuel and the restoration
of electricity or emergency backup to truck stops along Interstate 95.
Lifelines are often interdependent and widely geographically distributed. When disruption or destruction
cascades across multiple critical infrastructures and supply chains simultaneously, timely restoration and
possible redirection often benefits from private-public collaboration. In the case of Hurricane Irma, the
private and public sectors worked together to expedite restoration of the Energy and Transportation
lifelines, including identifying grid connections for truck stops, providing emergency backup generation for
truck stops, and delivering fuel to the truck stops. This collaboration also benefitted other lifelines, such as
Food, Water, Sheltering.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Supply Chain Resilience Process
To enhance supply chain resilience, emergency managers should develop a strategic
understanding of the current supply chains and engage with relevant stakeholders, such as
vendors and industry associations, to foster public-private sector collaboration, cooperation, and
planning. This section presents a five-phased cyclical approach to enhance supply chain
resilience (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Supply Chain Resilience Phases
Before beginning the five-phase process, emergency managers should identify an initial supply
chain to explore. As supply chain networks are complex systems with numerous stakeholders,
nodes, and specialized concerns, emergency managers who are just starting to engage supply
chain issues may find it helpful to focus on the supply chain for a single good or service, such as
groceries or fuel. Developing experience and confidence in one supply chain will often
accelerate engagement with multiple supply chains and the interdependencies that supply chains
share. As emergency managers become more comfortable with the process, they will find it
easier to expand the focus to a community lifeline, which may encompass multiple goods or
services (see Appendix B for more information).
The first two phases of the supply chain resilience process, Phase 1: Research and Mapping
and Phase 2: Analysis, use open source data to identify and analyze a supply chain. The goal is
to develop a strategic understanding of the supply chain, helping emergency managers identify
key stakeholders with which to engage and potentially uncovering supply chain resilience issues.
Phase 3: Outreach engages specific stakeholders to vet the findings from the first two phases
and develop collaborative relationships focused on enhancing supply chain resilience.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Phase 4: Action develops and implements preparedness activities, including tabletop exercises,
with partners to enhance supply chain resilience. These preparedness activities may include
actions that private sector partners can take, either to mitigate disruption of their nodes or links
or to create continuity in the event of a disruption. They may also include developing or revising
Emergency Operations Plan annexes or logistics plans outlining how the jurisdiction will
implement logistics operations in light of potential supply chain issues.
Phase 5: Assess and Refine maintains the effort by refreshing the data and revising the analysis
as needed and continuing to collaborate with stakeholders. Supply chains and stakeholders are
constantly changing, so an ongoing effort is critical.
The following sections present additional details about each phase of the supply chain resilience
process, along with examples of how this process may apply to the fuel sector. Figure 3 on page
17 provides a consolidated graphic of the fuel sector examples.
Phase 1: Research and Mapping
This phase uses readily available data, such as open
source information or other available data sets, to
identify and map supply chain nodes.
information, which the emergency manager will
analyze in Phase 2, provides important insight into the
supply chain’s key players. However, given the
constantly evolving nature of supply chains, the goal is
to develop a strategic understanding of the
local/regional demand and supply network to identify
key supply chain players with whom to engage. A
detailed and comprehensive understanding of the
global supply chain is not necessary.
To complete this phase, emergency managers should:
Identify the primary crucial suppliers for the local community. Emergency managers may
use a variety of sources for this step, such as online searches, local community knowledge,
and local economic reports. Strategic plans, Emergency Operations Plans, or other plans and
policy documents are also good sources, as they may identify response operational priorities
or previously identified supply nodes.
Identify supply chain nodes within the scope of the review. Supply chains are global, so
defining a geographic boundary when reviewing
each supply chain helps scope the analysis into a
manageable size. Boundaries to consider include
the state, a region, and/or focusing mainly on “last
mile” delivery. It is not practical or necessary to
identify all nodes within a supply chain; focus on
identifying nodes that serve a large proportion of
The NBEOC can assist with establishing data-sharing agreements to support this effort.
Many resources are available to
support emergency managers with
Research and Mapping (Phase 1) and
Analysis (Phase 2). Examples include:
DHS Infrastructure Protection (IP)
partners in the FEMA Regions
Private sector contractors
The Regional Resiliency
Assessment Program (RRAP)
FEMA’s Planning Technical
Assistance Program
Last mile is the movement of products
along the final stretch of the supply
chain to deliver products to their final
destination, often covering the
movement of the product from the
distributor to the demand node.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
demand and/or supply. Concentration occurs in both demand
and supply nodes and is especially typical of supply nodes.
These points of concentration, such as ports, distribution
centers, and fuel terminals/racks, are fundamental to the
strategic capacity of the entire supply chain. As long as the
point of concentration persists, the capacity to supply the
demand is likely to persist. The capacity to supply the demand
significantly drops if the point of concentration is destroyed or
separated from its network. It is common for 80 percent of key
goods and services serving a densely populated area to depend
on seven or fewer distribution centers.
Identify ultimate destinations of goods. By widening the
scope of distribution nodes, emergency managers can obtain a
more complete picture of a supply chain. For example, part of
supply chain resilience for healthcare goods is knowing the
location of healthcare product distribution centers. An
expanded understanding of the multitude of end customer sites
(such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, surgical centers,
dialysis centers, and cancer treatment centers) provides
information to inform more robust resilience efforts.
Identify infrastructure systems supporting supply chain
operations. To more fully address supply chain resilience,
emergency managers should identify the infrastructure
dependencies of key nodes, along with their physical
locations. Utility service providers, their geographic service
areas, critical utility system nodes, and transportation
routes/mechanisms are especially important to rapidly restore
normal supply chain operations. Some supply chain
infrastructure dependencies are themselves supply chains (e.g.,
diesel and gasoline fuels) that emergency managers may also
need to explore. Electric power, refined fuels, natural gas,
water, wastewater, and communications are the infrastructure
systems most likely to be dependencies of the various nodes
comprising a supply chain, though others will certainly exist.
Overlay key threats and hazards, and other stressors and disruptors, against the identified
primary crucial suppliers. Hazard Mitigation Plans may provide key threats, hazards, and
mitigation strategies for this stage of research. Geographic Information System (GIS)
specialists may provide mapping support by overlaying identified hazards across supply
chain nodes and known routes.
The concentrated nature of the wholesale level of the U.S. (and other advanced economies) tends to be referenced
sector by sector. In many sectors and for many products, the concentration level is consistently high, but individual
players may change from city to city or region to region. Sector-specific articles that support this include
The Pareto
rule for frequently purchased packaged goods: an empirical generalization, 2018 Top Pharmaceutical Distributors,
and Concentration and Mergers in U.S. Wholesale Grocery Markets.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Phase 2: Analysis
After identifying and mapping the demand and supply nodes,
emergency managers conduct an initial analysis of the supply
chain by examining the importance of specific suppliers and nodes
previously identified and targeting outreach to these potential
stakeholders. In this phase, emergency managers:
Assess the capabilities of the infrastructures and
organizations previously identified through engagement.
Self-assessments may be beneficial in this effort, as
stakeholders can self-disclose their capabilities, plans, and
partnerships for further planning coordination. Most
contemporary demand and supply networks are diverse,
dynamic, and very difficult to fully comprehend, but the intent
is to think through key questions and identify and document
the information available.
Distinguish between the nodes that comprise a supply chain
(such as manufacturing facilities and hospitals) and the
infrastructure that those nodes depend on (such as electric
power, water systems, and transportation). The distinction is
important, as the two groups of systems/nodes need analysis
from different perspectives. For example, a power company
that serves key supply chain nodes may be able to offer
anticipated recovery time objectives for service to that area
following a disruption. This is a helpful detail for comparison
against the supply chain node’s on-site backup power
capabilities and the length of time that it can operate without
refueling. If power restoration recovery time objectives are
longer than the length of time that the supply chain node can
operate on backup without significant impact to operations,
then there is a resilience gap.
Examples of key questions to include in the analysis process:
Can you determine sources of strategic capacity?
Can you identify the potential downstream flow of
water, food, pharmaceuticals, medical goods, fuel,
and other key goods and services?
What is the volume and velocity of these flows on
most days? What is the regular throughput?
How quickly can volume increase and be
Based on your research and mapping phase, where is the
strategic capacity of preexisting supply chains located?
Who owns this strategic capacity?
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
What, if any, elements of this strategic capacity are likely to survive your
jurisdictions catastrophic risks?
Who are the key players? In many cases, capacity has significant concentrations;
identify the seven or fewer sources that are likely to generate 70 to 80 percent of total
Is current strategic capacity already insufficient in some geographic areas (for
example, areas with a lack of grocery stores and food providers)?
Are risks especially likely to create particularly troublesome new deficiencies in
any geographic areas?
Are your sources of strategic capacity dependent on or interdependent with critical
infrastructure or other key resources?
If these dependencies fail, are mitigation strategies and measures in place?
What is your professional judgment regarding the survival of sufficient strategic
capacity for key resources?
Appendix B provides additional considerations specific to supply chains for all seven
community lifelinesSafety and Security; Food, Water, Sheltering; Health and Medical;
Energy (Power & Fuel); Communications; Transportation; and Hazardous Material.
Identify key stakeholders to target for engagement. Based on the answers to the previous
analytical questions, identify where to focus outreach efforts for Phase 3. Consider the
following questions when identifying stakeholders to target:
What are the highest priority needs?
What are the dependencies or interdependencies that have the broadest impact?
Given your risks and your population needs, which element(s) of the supply chain
would enhance resilience to serve the highest number of, or perhaps most
vulnerable, survivors?
What external entities are most important to enhancing supply chain resilience?
What functions or roles are most important?
Among these priorities, where or with whom do you already have trusted relationships?
Is the trusted relationship with a supply chain professional? If not, can the trusted
party provide an appropriate introduction?
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Phase 3: Outreach
After analyzing the supply chain, emergency managers can
engage with key stakeholders, including private sector
organizations, relevant jurisdictions, and other community
partners, to vet their findings and begin the collaboration process.
Whenever possible, outreach should involve supply chain
professionals, including distribution center managers,
procurement managers, and transportation managers. However, in
some organizations, supply chain professionals may be difficult to
engage and are often introduced through contacts with safety,
security, and external relations professionals. Successful outreach
often depends on finding at least one internal champion. The
champion is not always a supply chain professional but is
someone who can ensure the direct participation of supply chain
professionals. In some contexts, supply chain resilience problems
and opportunities require involvement of senior executives. In this
case, it may be necessary for senior emergency management or
political leadership to reach out. However, this should be done in
close communication with the supply chain and other
professionals already engaged.
In this phase, emergency managers:
Hold targeted meetings to vet findings and initial analysis.
Reach out to the identified stakeholders to initiate discussions
about current priorities, concerns, and knowledge of supply
chain resilience. The organizations involved with supply
chains are predominantly private sector entities. These
partners may already have emergency management
considerations in company plans, trainings, and experience.
Consider these best practices when initiating and holding
discussions with supply chain stakeholders:
When opening a new relationship, it may be helpful to
visit the other party's place of business for a one-on-one
informal discussion. This approach can help build rapport
and trust, which is critical to the success of the effort.
Consider asking for a tour of their facilities. This is often
a good starting point, as the organization may enjoy
showing off their facility, and it provides you with the
opportunity to ask naturally occurring questions about
how they operate, which will often serve to confirm or
deny aspects of your Phase 2 analysis.
A discussion, and cultivating trust, is more likely to
emerge from asking questions than from making
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
statements. The same sort of questions asked in the prior analysis phase can be a good
place to begin.
Consider asking how you can support the private sector in building more resilient supply
Explain your concept for catastrophe preparedness and outline the desired end state.
Emphasize the importance of their organization to the effort.
Some private sector entities are not familiar with catastrophic risk profiles. After a brief
presentation, ask the individual(s) how and where the risk profile has the most potential
impact on their supply chains.
Meaningfully vet the outcomes of your analysis, and assess the collaborative readiness
of a supply chain owner/operator. in two or three one-on-one (or small group) meetings.
In many cases, finding one or two market leaders ready to collaborate will help
encourage others to participate. Typically, at the point you perceive that at least three
entities constituting at least fifty percent of your jurisdiction’s strategic capacity are
ready to collaborate, a more group-oriented process may be productive. A checklist for
the group process is in Appendix C.
Consider meeting with both the private sector organization’s operational leaders and the
public relations staff to clarify roles/responsibilities as they relate to either operational
requirements and/or messaging.
Identify and prioritize issues to address, in coordination with the key stakeholders. This
process may take various forms depending on the preferences of the participants. One
common approach is to use tabletop exercises to identify critical issues. As the exercises
identify issues, emergency managers and stakeholders can work together to prioritize them.
The criteria for prioritization will vary from group to group, but consider the criticality of the
issue and the feasibility of developing an economical approach to mitigating or resolving the
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Phase 4: Action
After engaging with key stakeholders and identifying/prioritizing
issues to address, emergency managers can collaborate with
relevant stakeholders to develop and implement preparedness
activities and enhance supply chain resilience.
Supply chain resilience is a still-developing discipline of
emergency management. Depending on purposes, private-public
relationships, and priorities emerging from the research and
outreach phases, different jurisdictions will deploy different
actions. In many of the most mature examples of action taken to
enhance supply chain resilience, tabletop exercises (TTXs) have
been especially helpful. Private sector entities seem to value the
ability of emergency management professionals to convene
various stakeholders, frame supply chain risks, design and execute
realistic TTXs, facilitate action-oriented discussion, and deliver
After Action Reports that drive future collaboration and follow-on
In some cases, a recurring calendar of private-public workshops
and TTXs is hosted by a civic sector organization (professional or
academic entity) that serves as a helpful broker between private
and public, a source of operational continuity, and a safe place for
very different stakeholders to interact.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Phase 5: Assess and Refine
After reviewing a supply chain, creating partnerships, and
developing a resilience plan, maintenance begins. Supply chains
evolve so rapidly that resilience requires continuous collaboration
with stakeholders and reviewing and refining data, analysis, and
plans. In this phase, emergency managers:
Maintain relationships. It is essential to maintain the
relationships built through this process. Some ways include
holding annual reviews and recurring discussions with
stakeholders and engaging stakeholders in relevant exercises
throughout the year.
Validate and refine data. The constantly evolving nature of
supply chains means the data collected throughout this process
can change quickly. While it is not necessary to constantly
monitor and update every detail, it is important to frequently
review and refine the data. This may include independent
research by emergency managers, as well as regular
conversations with key stakeholders to identify changes.
Training and exercises can also support this step. Incorporate
identified changes to refine plans or develop new plans to
enhance supply chain resilience.
Target outreach as needed. While maintaining the
relationships developed through this process is crucial, it is
also important to identify other important stakeholders and
target outreach to them, as needed. For example, as supply
chains evolve, emergency managers may identify new crucial
suppliers, whom they should then engage in the supply chain
resilience process.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Figure 3: Supply Chain Resilience Process Fuel Sector Example
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
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Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Connection to Logistics Planning
The supply chain resilience process described in the previous section focuses on understanding
supply chain vulnerabilities and identifying actions to enhance resilience. However, in extreme
events, supply chains will not always be resilient. For example, disasters can destroy nodes,
separate demand from sources of supply, destroy road networks, or create long-term disruption.
While many impediments are possible, some are predictable.
The results of the five-phased supply chain resilience process provide emergency managers with
valuable information to inform actions to restore supply chains and priorities for logistics
planning. It yields an understanding of key supply chain stakeholders, vulnerabilities, and
challenges and identifies actions emergency managers may need to take in the event of supply
chain disruption. Emergency managers should use this information to develop or refine logistics
plans or annexes, following the six-step planning process described in CPG 101 (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Six-Step Planning Process from CPG 101
For example, identifying key supply chain stakeholders through the supply chain resilience
process provides emergency managers with critical potential members for the Collaborative
Planning Team (Step 1). Additionally, emergency managers can apply the outcomes from the
supply chain resilience process to understand the situation (Step 2), as well as to establish or
refine operational priorities and develop goals and objectives (Step 3).
This section presents additional considerations that emergency managers may want to explore to
develop a unified approach to restoring community lifelines: restoring private sector supply
chains and public sector logistics planning. Emergency managers may have uncovered some of
these answers during the supply chain resilience process or may need to conduct additional
analysis efforts to identify necessary details.
To effectively inform logistics planning, emergency managers should examine known and
potential hazards plotted along the supply chain, alternate routes, alternate methods of
transportation, and any known restrictions of storage, handling, and/or transportation. Their
analysis should address both the supply chain nodes (e.g., manufacturing sites, storage facilities,
distribution facilities, customersreceiving sites), as well as the infrastructure on which these
nodes depend. For example, it is important to include the power infrastructure that provides
service to a key tunnel along a main supply route, as without power the tunnel may need to be
closed due to inoperable ventilation systems.
FEMA, CPG 101: Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, Version 2.0, (Washington, DC,
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Supply Source
Supply nodes may be overseas, across the country, or in a hazardous area. Consider what
potential events may impact supplier production (e.g., extreme weather or natural disasters,
political upheaval, national holidays). Steps include:
Identify the origin of supplies, tracing the supply chain as far upstream as practical.
Review relevant foreign customs and holidays.
Some countries shut down factory work for several days, even weeks, each year to
celebrate holidays.
Consider alternative supply sources.
To what extent do customers have secondary contracts? How easily could customers
turn to new sources in a major event?
What plans and capabilities do suppliers have as part of their business continuity plans?
Are they likely to fill a gap with limited or no direct involvement by government?
Distribution Points
Emergency managers should review the distribution points for the supply chain within the
network under review. Multiple distribution points may help reroute supplies to other
distribution centers to alleviate some local distribution strain during disasters.
Reviewing multiple modes of distribution may help planning teams identify stakeholders to
include in planning efforts. Steps include:
Review distribution points:
Determine the need to prioritize route clearances, restore power, water, and
communication, and provide staff access.
Coordinate with other jurisdictions to inform them of the importance of distribution
points if they are located outside of your jurisdiction.
Identify legal/regulatory restrictions that could impede an easy transfer to another
distribution location (e.g., required licensing to service a given destination, such as with
certain pharmaceuticals).
Identify specialized capabilities or needs of certain distribution points (e.g., cold
chain/refrigeration, reliance on automation and information technology).
Identify the second- and third-tier backup sites for the primary points of distribution, and
determine potential delays, cost increases, or transport options.
Identify alternative facilities that can be used to reroute supplies.
Consider multiple modes of distribution.
Consider door-to-door delivery service, such as how the Postal Service delivers medication.
Include supply chain distribution points in logistics planning to provide community lifeline
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Supply chains provide community lifeline goods and services to the jurisdiction pre-disaster.
Post-disaster, the jurisdiction may need to augment a community lifeline that supply chains
temporarily cannot provide. During logistics planning, emergency managers should review
standard inventory supply, resupply intervals, storage facilities or compartments and their power
requirements, and Just-In-Time restock options during emergency scenarios. Just-In-Time
resupply adaptability may mitigate short-term breaks in the supply chain.
Additional steps include:
Consider the process to invoke government-managed emergency stockpiles for food, water,
and healthcare.
Will this help or harm recovery of supply chains?
Determine if the capability and capacity of supply chains’ inventory status is available to
emergency managers.
Are companies likely to provide detailed data, and could anti-competitive/legal concerns
Consider how purely commercial interests may adversely harm restoration of the normal
supply chain (e.g., hoarding supplies out of concern for shortages, exacerbating the
Review standard inventory supply.
Review resupply intervals.
Review Just-In-Time restock opportunities.
Consider seasonal influxes.
Consider temperature-sensitive stock.
Review secondary power source options.
Backup generators.
Fuel for the generators.
Consider additional equipment, such as cables, hookups adaptors, and batteries.
Access and Re-entry
Supply chain logistics, partnerships, and memoranda of understanding (MOUs) should consider
route security and escort needs. Local police departments and military units may be sources of
security during emergency events. Restricted area access and security at the point of distribution
may require additional communication. To prevent denial of entry, personnel stationed at the
checkpoints along the route, at barriers, and/or at the facility need to be aware of what is in the
The Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework, developed by the DHS Office of
Infrastructure Protection, outlines a common approach to manage access to affected areas during and after an
incident. For more information, visit
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
shipment and the destination. Planning teams should consider procedures for clearance,
checkpoint access, and facility access. Steps include:
Determine who is responsible for granting access.
Coordinate communication approaches, including who will send what message and through
which pathways.
Develop message templates for resuming operation of supply chain nodes, activating
emergency supply chain routes, and/or providing route security.
Determine if supply chain stakeholders/product transporters are aware of, and enrolled in,
local emergency access programs.
What gaps/inadequacies exist with these programs that may exclude critical
organizations (e.g., private medical product suppliers that are often not considered
Access Case Study: Impact to Community Water and Wastewater Services
Excerpts from Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework Case Study
Challenge: Coordinating access management and control during emergencies to support community
water and wastewater services.
Scenario Summary: A significant, geographically widespread incident has occurred that has affected
public drinking water and wastewater treatment operations, as well as distribution and collection systems.
Local authorities have established checkpoints to restrict access to emergency zones across multiple
jurisdictions, many of which contain water and wastewater utility assets that must be immediately
assessed for damage or repaired to maintain water and wastewater services for critical infrastructure
facilities, response and recovery operations, and public consumption requirements.
Access Challenges:
During emergencies, water and wastewater utility personnel may need the same degree of access as
other first responders to enable emergency response operations or to maintain municipal and
community lifelines (e.g., water and wastewater utility personnel often require prompt access to
damaged assets both at the treatment facility and within the distribution or collection systems [e.g.,
pump or lift stations, damaged water lines], even though they may not be directly involved in the
lifesaving portion of the incident).
Local access program managers may need to coordinate access requirements with neighboring
jurisdictions for water and wastewater utility assets dispersed across large areas, with additional
support from state or Federal entities during large-scale incidents.
Ensuring the ability to identify and support access by water and wastewater utility chemical suppliers,
fuel delivery, and mutual assistance assets (e.g., assistance provided through the Emergency
Management Assistance Compact) may be difficult if they are not pre-registered in the local access
program or known to local authorities.
DHS Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) Framework, March 2018,
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Pre-plan to contend with multiple access and reentry rules as a single supplier passes through
different jurisdictions (for example, when the end destination allows reentry, but outer
jurisdictions that must be traversed do not).
Review initial access procedures to emergency supply chain nodes.
Review re-entry access procedures to emergency supply chain nodes.
Are there differences between initial access and re-entry?
Identify communication procedures:
When supply nodes resume operation.
For emergency routes.
When providing route security and/or escorts.
Review route security and/or escort procedures.
Clearances for transportation, supply and distribution nodes.
Checkpoint access along emergency route.
Facility access.
Consider Restricted Areas access and procedures.
Consider waivers.
One way to analyze a supply chain is to review the normal means of transportation and the
normal routes. Supply chain logistic plans should identify main supply routes and alternative
routes. Following a disaster, jurisdictions may waive special considerations such as weight and
noise restrictions on routes (other restrictions, such as height for roads under bridges, and
hazardous or flammable materials, may not be waived). Planning teams should consider debris
management plans (who will clear which roads first, and where the debris will go). Steps
Review normal transportation.
Review normal routes.
Identify main and alternative routes.
Review special considerations on route restrictions.
Consider waivers.
Consider varying modes, including the delivery of supplies into the region/jurisdiction by
rail, marine, air.
What options exist to alter modes to continue product deliveries (e.g., switch to barge
when bridge/tunnel access to a water-bound city is impeded)?
Consider debris management.
Partner with the private sector. Consider if local entities can clear debris on their
property to expedite supply chain recovery.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Consider vehicle type and fuel in supply chain logistics, as different supply vehicles may require
different types of fuel. Diesel is common, as well as gasoline and flex-fuel vehicles.
Fuel access, stockpile, and re-supply procedures are crucial for supply chain recovery. Steps
Identify the vehicle fuel types required.
Identify all support requirements needed to operate the fuel supply chain (e.g., backup
generators, security).
Consider access to fuel at distribution centers.
Determine normal fuel operations.
Consider stockpiling emergency fuel.
Identify when, how, and who will receive emergency fuel.
Transportation Operators
Supply chains function across air, land, and sea. Authorization and availability of pilots, drivers,
and captains may require specific considerations for various supply chains. For example, in
healthcare supply chains, strict rules relate to who may transport certain products and the
tracking and accountability of these products. Requirements for temperature and environmental
controls may limit the transporters that can provide the service.
Transportation operators often rely heavily on information technology and communications to
direct their movements and deliveries. Consider what, if any, plans exist to address loss of these
normal capabilities.
Large-scale disasters can significantly diminish available transport staff, drivers, and dispatchers.
Union member operators and volunteer operators may have different regulations for operation
than other private or public operators. Pre-standing MOUs with unions, volunteer organizations,
and private/public sector entities may alleviate a lack of authorized drivers in an emergency.
Transportation operators may need clearances to transport materials and/or enter facilities.
Personnel entering secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels require the Transportation
Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
and fuel truck drivers require site-specific
certifications before they can receive fuel at individual distribution terminals.
Steps include:
Review transportation operators’ regulations:
Union members.
Clearances required, including TWIC.
Transportation Security Administration TWIC website,
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Appendix A. Defense Production
The Defense Production Act (DPA)
is the primary source of Presidential authorities to
expedite and expand the supply of critical resources from the United States private sector to
support national defense. The DPA broadly defines national defense to include emergency
management preparedness, response, and recovery activities. Emergency preparedness activities,
which are a component of national defense, include measures designed or undertaken to:
Prepare for or minimize the effects of a hazard upon the civilian population;
Deal with the immediate emergency conditions, which the hazard would create; and
Effectuate emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, vital utilities and facilities
that the hazard destroyed or damaged.
DPA is a Federal authority that states, localities, tribes, and territories can petition to use, and
approval is considered on a case-by-case basis. Private sector critical infrastructure owners can
also petition for DPA use to protect and restore their critical infrastructure.
DPA is primarily used for prioritizing resources both in the planning process and in response and
recovery activities. The contracting process executes DPA priority ratings. DPA priority-rated
contracts receive preferential treatment from contractors and supporting subcontractors and
suppliers to meet delivery dates and quantities. This authority, in effect, places these rated
contracts at the head of the line, in front of all other unrated contracts.
DPA encompasses the term critical infrastructure protection and restoration” in its definition of
national defense. The DPA defines “critical infrastructure” to mean “any systems and assets,
whether physical or cyber-based, so vital to the United States that the degradation or destruction
of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on national security, including, but
not limited to, national economic security and national public health or safety.”
Requesting DPA Priority Ratings
The process starts with a request from a state, local, tribal, or territorial government or
owners/operators of private sector critical infrastructure for a priority rating. DPA requests can
go to different organizations in various ways, but during Presidentially declared disasters,
requests should go to the Federal Coordinating Officer at the Joint Field Office. The Federal
Coordinating Officer will determine whether to support the request and initiate coordination
accordingly. Outside of a disaster, such as preparedness planning, the state, local, tribal, and
territorial governments should refer to the FEMA Regional staff to initiate coordination.
The Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.)
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Step 1 (Request)The Federal Coordinating Officer should notify the supporting FEMA
Region and the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) of the request and provide
comments on whether to approve the request or not.
Step 2 (Operational Priority)The Resource Support Section Chief in the NRCC identifies
the stakeholders who should work together to determine if this should be an operational
priority. In conjunction with these stakeholders, the Federal Coordinating Officer, and the
supporting FEMA Region, the Resource Support Section Chief will determine if this request
is an operational priority and whether to support the request.
Step 3 (Approval)If the request is approved, FEMA works with the appropriate Federal
department to obtain a priority rating. The Federal Coordinating Officer will provide the
rating to the jurisdiction or private sector organization requesting the priority rating.
Step 4 (Implementation)The private sector organization or jurisdiction places the priority
rating in its contracts in accordance with the applicable Federal statutes and regulations.
Establishing a Voluntary Agreement
Voluntary agreements allow key business sectors that are likely to be severely impacted by
catastrophic disasters, or suppliers of critical materials or services for disaster response and
recovery, to coordinate emergency preparedness plans and actions. A voluntary agreement
allows cooperation among what otherwise may be business competitors to expedite or expand
the supply of critical materials or services to meet national defense needs, including emergency
preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities and critical infrastructure protection
and restoration. Sectors that could respond more effectively with coordinated emergency
response plans might include, for example, data processing and storage for financial and other
vital business records and construction for repair and rebuilding of damaged infrastructure.
The steps to establish a voluntary agreement include:
Step 1 (Request) Forward request for voluntary agreements to the Federal Coordinating
Officer, the primary Federal interface with jurisdictions and private sector owner/operators of
critical infrastructure. The Federal Coordinating Officer should notify the supporting FEMA
Region and the Resource Support Section in the NRCC of the request and comment on
whether to approve the request.
Step 2 (Sponsor) – The process for establishing a voluntary agreement starts with
identifying a Federal sponsor for the private sector organizations that the agreement will
represent. Contact the FEMA DPA Program Division at FEMA-OPPA[email protected]
or (202) 212-3441 for assistance finding a sponsor.
Step 3 (Initial Approval)FEMA coordinates with the Department of Justice to obtain the
initial approval from the Attorney General. This approval allows the sponsor to consult with
private interests about establishing an agreement.
Step 4 (Meetings) – Conduct publicly announced meetings to establish the agreement.
Step 5 (Final Approval)The Attorney General provides final approval to implement the
agreement, along with a finding that a voluntary agreement is needed (See 44 CFR 332.2 for
more details).
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Appendix B. Community Lifeline
Community lifelines provide a common lexicon to facilitate unity of purpose among the whole
community (Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, and private sector and non-
governmental entities) to prioritize, sequence, and focus response efforts towards maintaining or
restoring the most critical services and infrastructure. In the context of supply chain resilience,
community lifelines identify critical focus areas for jurisdictions to consider. Community
lifelines also provide jurisdictions with a way to understand and examine complex (multifaceted)
supply chains that require cross-sector coordination.
This section presents questions and examples that may be helpful in jumpstarting a jurisdiction’s
identification of the nodes, links, and flow related to the seven community lifelines:
Safety and Security
Food, Water, Sheltering
Health and Medical
Energy (Power & Fuel)
Hazardous Material.
Safety and Security
The Safety and Security lifeline supports responder and survivor safety and the continuity of
government (including basic services, firefighting, and law enforcement). This community
lifeline provides critical actions that enable the other lifelines to function.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Emergency medical transportation, high-water vehicles, rescue rafts
911 Call Center operations, public safety communications network
Fuel for public safety transportation and backup generation
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
911 Call Centers
Police precincts, fire stations
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Police cruisers, fire suppression vehicles, ambulances, incident command post, base, and
staging areas
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Neighborhoods, private homes, schools, commercial properties, hospitals, clinics
Forward-deployed professional safety and security personnel
Disaster response and recovery shipments
Access and re-entry points
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Surface transportation network, trucking, fueling, and related
Demand is typically expressed through telecommunications
Telecommunications dispatch is usually needed to sustain the flow
Food, Water, Sheltering
The Food, Water, Sheltering lifeline supports current and projected community needs for food,
water, durable goods, and shelter capacity, as well as evacuations and water and agricultural
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Fresh food, consumer packaged goods, other groceries
Prepared food, bottled water, bulk water, other beverages
Foods for infants and young children
Residential housing market: builders, brokers, lenders, information resources
Emergency shelters
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Grocery distribution centers, wholesalers, food processing facilities
Institutional and commercial food distribution centers
Preexisting houses, condominiums, and multifamily housing complexes
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Grocery stores, convenience stores, bodegas, and other food retailers
Restaurants, fast-food outlets
Shelters, feeding stations, commodity points of distribution (PODs)
Real estate brokers, rental housing centers, online search providers
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Surface transportation network, trucking, fueling, and related
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Cash, credit card, and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card transactions
Readiness to receive, especially related to on-site electricity and personnel
Readiness to receive commodities (e.g., bottled drinking water, packaged food), stage,
and deliver to commodity PODs and end users
Health and Medical
The Health and Medical lifeline provides medical care, public health support, pre-hospital care,
fatality management services, behavioral health services, and support to the medical industry to
ensure life-saving and sustaining services are adequate to meet the needs of the impacted area.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Medical goods
Medical gases
Medical professionals
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Medical goods and pharmaceutical distribution centers, corporate supply centers,
warehouses, and refrigerated storage
Hospital and other pharmacies
Clinics and expeditionary emergency facilities
Home healthcare providers
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Ambulances, incident command post, base, and staging areas
Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, specialty treatment centers, home healthcare providers
Emergency shelters, points of dispensing
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Demand is typically expressed by telecommunications or by those in need physically
presenting themselves at a demand node (e.g., hospital or clinic)
Delivery requires medical professionals with diagnostic and treatment assets
Sustained flow requires resupply of diagnostic and treatment assets (especially
pharmaceuticals and medical goods), pure water, a clean physical environment, and
some source of electricity, especially for diagnostic equipment
EBT is an electronic system that allows a recipient to authorize transfer of their government benefits from a
Federal account to a retailer account to pay for products received. See
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Delivery mode may include maritime, aviation, freight rail, and trucking fleet
(independent drivers or corporate transportation company, truck yards)
Energy (Power & Fuel)
The Energy lifeline provides electric power, gas, and liquid fuel to support the needs of the
whole community. It includes electric power generation, transmission, and distribution systems,
as well as gas and liquid fuel processing, transportation, and delivery systems. This lifeline
supports the whole community’s response efforts by enabling all other community lifelines.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Grid continuity or rapid repair, utility mutual aid, transformers, powerlines
Backup generation pre-wired or in place
Flow of fuel
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Fuel terminals, refineries, pipelines, racks
Propane distributors, truck stops and other fuel retailers
Electric utility mutual aid agreements, personnel, equipment, and processes
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Gas stations
Federal, state, or private enterprise fuel depots
Distribution substations
NOTE: While substation location is important, its associated service area is a far
more effective piece of information for the purposes of dependency analysis and
planning. Attempting to identify specific service lines connecting an asset to a
particular substation has value in certain cases (for example, when a single service
line to a key facility identifies a single point of failure), but that can be a
challenging proposition when dealing with multiple facilities.
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Surface transportation network, trucking, fueling, and related
Demand is typically expressed through telecommunications
Professional electricians, utility personnel, dispatch personnel
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
The Communications lifeline supports the transmission of information through mechanisms such
as broadband internet, ethernet, cellular networks, cable television, and radio broadcast networks.
It covers all types of communications necessary to effectively respond to and help survivors,
including alerts and warnings, 911 and dispatch, and responder communications. This lifeline
supports the whole community’s response efforts by enabling all other community lifelines.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Grid continuity, rapid repair, or backup generation with refueling
Cell On Wheels (COW), Cell On Truck (COT), or cellular airframes (e.g., blimps)
Fuel tankers with drivers, telecommunications repair personnel and trucks
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) facilities
Internet Service Providers
Data Centers and server farms
NOTE: This is challenging data to obtain and is of greatest value only when the
location of the critical data to support infrastructure or supply chain operations is
known. For example, a jurisdiction cannot prioritize restoration of a commercial
cargo port’s cloud-based terminal operating system unless they know the data
center that stores it. Not all infrastructure owners know where their offsite data
physically resides.
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Credit, debit, and EBT point-of-sale terminals at retailers
911 Call Centers
Transportation dispatch and broker operations
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
High-speed fiber and wireless connections
NOTE: Fiber line routes are notoriously difficult to obtain with any accuracy;
certain owners are more forthcoming than others.
Cellular telephone provider cell sites
NOTE: While cell site location is important, its associated coverage area is most
useful for dependency analysis.
Widely distributed consumer demand
Access to some source of electricity across the flow of demand and supply
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
The Transportation lifeline enables the movement of goods and services to support the whole
community. Transportation infrastructure generally includes highway/roadways, mass transit,
rail, aviation, shipping, pipeline, and intermodal systems. This lifeline supports the whole
community’s response efforts by enabling all other community lifelines.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Trucks and truckers
Truck stops and other fuel providers
Surface transportation network, including roads, rail, bridges, ports
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Transportation companies: wholly owned, dedicated fleets, third-party logistics (3PL)
providers, package delivery, U.S. Mail
Freight yards, staging lots, community of independent truckers
Ports, intermodal facilities, wherever there is concentration of flow
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Food processing facilities
Distribution centers
Fuel retailers
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Surface, maritime, and air transportation networks
Preexisting delivery contracts, spot-market calls, transportation brokers
Refueling vehicles and vessels is essential to sustaining the flow
Hazardous Material
The Hazardous Material lifeline covers the management (including containment and removal) of
all hazardous materials. It focuses on ensuring that hazardous substance facilities, conveyance
assets, wastewater systems, and incident debris, pollution, and contaminants do not require
ongoing emergency responses to mitigate imminent or substantial threats to public health and
welfare or the environment.
What goods or services are essential to provide this lifeline? Examples:
Biochemical treatment and containment products
Backup power generation and fuel
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Pre-identification of hazardous substance facilities
Where do these goods or services originate (where are the supply nodes)? Examples:
Hazardous materials teams (local, state, Federal and private sector)
Occupational and material safety professionals, both public and private sector
Biochemical suppliers, heavy equipment sources, specialty extraction providers
Where are these goods or services stored or deployed (where are the demand nodes)?
Treatment facilities (e.g., water, sewage)
Hazardous waste storage facilities (e.g., coal ash, nuclear spent fuel pool)
Biochemical production and processing facilities compromised by extreme events
How are these goods or services delivered? (Where are the links? How is demand expressed?
How do goods or services move from supply nodes to demand nodes? What is minimally
needed to start the flow? What is minimally needed to sustain the flow?) Examples:
Surface transportation, maritime, and air may all be involved
Demand is typically expressed by telecommunications
Effective flow typically requires pre-identification, active monitoring, extensive
mitigation, and rapid response facilitated by research, outreach, and exercises
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Appendix C. Supply Chain
Resilience Engagement Checklist
The following recommended actions help emergency managers foster long-term collaboration
between the public and private sector stakeholders to support supply chain resilience.
Identify perceived or known issues/obstacles that hinder the private sector from engaging in
response and recovery efforts in coordination with the public sector.
Identify issues per individual company (if not done so previously).
Identify trends across the sector within community and/or region (if not done so
Based on information gleaned from the Action Phase, form a “Task Force” of appropriate
Private Sector Representatives.
Identify representatives from each private sector company if possible, ensure
representation of both operators and decisions makers.
Consider representatives from trade associations, Federal agencies, tribes, state agencies,
county agencies, and city agencies.
Develop a “Task Force” Concept of Operations (CONOPS) or Charter outlining agreed-upon
parameters for engagement during steady state operations and response or disaster
operations. The CONOPS/Charter could include:
Mission Statement
Area of Operation/
Purpose and Scope
Subcommittees (if
Timeframe for
Membership &
Meeting Schedule
Roles & Responsibilities
Reporting Structure
Decision Process.
Leverage the Task Force for information planning and assumption development.
Conduct a workshop with the Task Force to determine public and private sector priorities.
Determine ownership of priorities and potential solutions.
Host workshops/seminars, potentially with cross-sector representation, to address identified
Develop products to facilitate inclusive response and recovery efforts.
Develop tactics and MOUs/Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) to facilitate inclusive
response and recovery efforts.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Network Sector Task Force members with other Sector Task Force members to develop
innovative options to address identified issues and priorities, as well as share lessons
learned and best practices.
Host exercises to validate products, tactics, and agreements developed from workshops.
Provide training/outreach informing the private sector on the different opportunities and
requirements to conduct business with the appropriate state agencies.
Continue to facilitate the resilience-building actions developed from the Task Force.
Host exercises (discussion- and operations-based).
Host conferences and/or seminars.
Provide/Host networking opportunities.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Appendix D. Complex Supply
Chain Example
Demand and supply networks can be highly differentiated by product, region, and enterprise.
Figure 5 shows a representation of the petroleum product supply chain. In this representation,
sourcing starts on the left, with inputs flowing toward outputs on the right (other terminology is
sometimes used, for example originsare connected to “destinations,” or supply is “pulled” to
demand, etc.).
In the figure, several major production processes are given particular attention (e.g., refining)
and multiple distribution options are highlighted (e.g., pipelines, maritime barge, tanker truck,
rail). These process steps are often said to represent specific tiers”" in the supply chain. Further
dis-aggregation of flow is possible that can help identify “hiddenparticipants and anticipate
potential bottlenecks in supply.
It can be helpful for emergency managers to know where the key supply chain functions serving
their jurisdiction are located and who owns/operates these functions. They should ask:
How many of these functions are located in your jurisdiction or your region?
To what extent – and how – does your jurisdiction depend on sources outside your region?
As emergency managers especially know, maps are very helpful. However, a map is not the
territory. Every helpful visualization of a supply chain tends to be over-simplified. For example,
this visualization does not highlight dependencies (e.g., necessary electric power, chemical, and
workforce inputs). Demand signals, including financial flows, are not shown. In supply chain
resilience, it can be very helpful to work with stakeholders to conceive and deploy models and
maps that key participants agree represent an accurate representation of local/regional reality.
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
Figure 5: Representation of a Petroleum Supply Chain
Supply Chain Resilience Guide
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