21 Academy Street, Colebrook, New Hampshire 03576
603-237-5571 / 603-237-4961 / fax: 603-237-5126
Debra J. Taylor, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
January 1, 2023
Dear SAU 7 School Community,
Let me begin by wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with many successes and continued
progress! A new year means a new chapter. I hope that 2023 will be an incredible part of your
I trust that you had a wonderful winter break spending time with family and friends and getting
some well-deserved rest. I am excited to welcome you back as we continue our work for the
second half of the year to ensure that student growth and learning continues.
As we welcome 2023, I want to offer my sincerest gratitude to our educators, staff members, and
families. Your ability to elevate the importance of learning while balancing the safety and
social-emotional needs of our students has not gone unnoticed. The challenges of the last few
years have tested our resolve. However, our school community’s resilience has been nothing
short of amazing. I am extremely proud of your hard work, compassion, and determination.
We have engaged our students differently this year, creating new learning pathways through the
new North Point Career and Technical Education Center, including many college credits for our
high school students as well as numerous industry credentials. Our teachers have been focused
on closing the academic acquisition gaps through implementation of competency based
education at all levels supporting student learning and growth.
The new year in January provides each of us time to reflect on our lives and recommit to making
changes and being better versions of ourselves. As the Superintendent of SAU 7 I am committed
to continuous improvement and to always work on being the best version of myself. I am
honored to serve as your Superintendent.
As we return from a well-deserved winter break, continue to support one another. Your kindness,
guidance, and encouragement have created an invaluable foundation upon which our students
continue to thrive and grow.
Thank you for your commitment to making sure that ALL students are provided with all of the
tools, resources, opportunities and choices to support their individual paths to be successful
something our communities have come to expect. I look forward to working with you in the
coming year.
On behalf of the School Board, and our leadership team, we wish you a Happy New Year and
look forward to continuing to support our students as they learn and grow in 2023.
Happy New Year!
Yours in Education,
Debra Taylor
Debra Taylor, Ph.D.
Connect via Email: [email protected]
Visit Our Website: www.sau7.org