Open Watcom C/C++ Tools
User’s Guide
Version 2.0
Notice of Copyright
Copyright 2002-2024 the Open Watcom Contributors. Portions Copyright 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc.
and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
Any part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of anyone.
For more information please visit .
The Open Watcom C/C++ Tools User’s Guide describes how to use Open Watcom’s software development
tools on Intel 80x86-based personal computers with DOS, Windows, or OS/2. The Open Watcom C/C++
Tools User’s Guide describes the following tools:
• compile and link utility
• assembler
• object file library manager
• object file disassembler
• exe2bin utility
• far call optimization utility
• patch utility
• executable file strip utility
• make utility
• touch utility
• ide2make utility
This book was produced with the Open Watcom GML electronic publishing system, a software tool
developed by WATCOM. In this system, writers use an ASCII text editor to create source files containing
text annotated with tags. These tags label the structural elements of the document, such as chapters,
sections, paragraphs, and lists. The Open Watcom GML software, which runs on a variety of operating
systems, interprets the tags to format the text into a form such as you see here. Writers can produce output
for a variety of printers, including laser printers, using separately specified layout directives for such things
as font selection, column width and height, number of columns, etc. The result is type-set quality copy
containing integrated text and graphics.
July, 1997.
Trademarks Used in this Manual
OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp. IBM is a registered trademark of
International Business Machines Corp.
Intel are registered trademarks of Intel Corp.
Microsoft, Windows and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Windows NT is a
trademark of Microsoft Corp.
NetWare, NetWare 386, and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
Phar Lap, 286|DOS-Extender, and 386|DOS-Extender are trademarks of Phar Lap Software, Inc.
QNX is a registered trademark of QNX Software Systems Ltd.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
WATCOM is a trademark of Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Table of Contents
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility ...................................................................................................... 1
1 The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility .................................................................................. 3
1.1 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Format .............................................................................................. 3
1.2 Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary ......................................................................... 4
1.3 WCL/WCL386 Environment Variables .............................................................................................. 9
1.4 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples ......................................................................................... 9
2 The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler Driver ............................................................................ 13
2.1 owcc Command Line Format .............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 owcc Options Summary ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 owcc Command Line Examples .......................................................................................................... 18
The Open Watcom Assembler .............................................................................................................................. 21
3 The Open Watcom Assembler ..................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes .................................................................. 25
3.3 Unsupported Directives ....................................................................................................................... 29
3.4 Open Watcom Assembler Specific ..................................................................................................... 29
3.4.1 Naming convention .................................................................................................................... 30
3.4.2 Open Watcom "C" name mangler .............................................................................................. 30
3.4.3 Calling convention ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.5 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages ................................................................................. 31
Object File Utilities .............................................................................................................................................. 39
4 The Open Watcom Library Manager ........................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 The Open Watcom Library Manager Command Line ........................................................................ 41
4.3 Open Watcom Library Manager Module Commands ......................................................................... 43
4.4 Adding Modules to a Library File ....................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Deleting Modules from a Library File ................................................................................................ 43
4.6 Replacing Modules in a Library File ................................................................................................... 44
4.7 Extracting a Module from a Library File ............................................................................................ 44
4.8 Creating Import Libraries .................................................................................................................... 45
4.9 Creating Import Library Entries .......................................................................................................... 46
4.10 Commands from a File or Environment Variable ............................................................................. 46
4.11 Open Watcom Library Manager Options .......................................................................................... 47
4.11.1 Suppress Creation of Backup File - "b" Option ....................................................................... 47
4.11.2 Case Sensitive Symbol Names - "c" Option ............................................................................. 47
4.11.3 Specify Output Directory - "d" Option ..................................................................................... 47
4.11.4 Specify Output Format - "f" Option ......................................................................................... 47
4.11.5 Generating Imports - "i" Option ............................................................................................... 48
4.11.6 Creating a Listing File - "l" Option .......................................................................................... 48
4.11.7 Display C++ Mangled Names - "m" Option ............................................................................ 49
4.11.8 Always Create a New Library - "n" Option ............................................................................. 49
4.11.9 Specifying an Output File Name - "o" Option ......................................................................... 49
4.11.10 Specifying a Library Record Size - "p" and "pa" Options ..................................................... 50
4.11.11 Operate Quietly - "q" Option .................................................................................................. 50
Table of Contents
4.11.12 Strip Line Number Records - "s" Option ................................................................................ 50
4.11.13 Trim Module Name - "t" Option ............................................................................................ 51
4.11.14 Operate Verbosely - "v" Option ............................................................................................. 51
4.11.15 Explode Library File - "x" Option .......................................................................................... 51
4.12 Librarian Error Messages .................................................................................................................. 51
5 The Object File Disassembler ...................................................................................................................... 55
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 55
5.2 Changing the Internal Label Character - "i=<char>" .......................................................................... 56
5.3 The Assembly Format Option - "a" ..................................................................................................... 56
5.4 The External Symbols Option - "e" ..................................................................................................... 56
5.5 The FPU emulator fixups Option - "ff" ............................................................................................... 57
5.6 The Alternate Addressing Form Option - "fi" ..................................................................................... 57
5.7 The No Instruction Name Pseudonyms Option - "fp" ......................................................................... 57
5.8 The No Register Name Pseudonyms Option - "fr" ............................................................................. 58
5.9 The Uppercase Instructions/Registers Option - "fu" ........................................................................... 58
5.10 The Listing Option - "l[=<list_file>]" ............................................................................................... 58
5.11 The Public Symbols Option - "p" ...................................................................................................... 58
5.12 Retain C++ Mangled Names - "m" .................................................................................................. 59
5.13 The Source Option - "s[=<source_file>]" ......................................................................................... 59
5.14 An Example ....................................................................................................................................... 60
6 Optimization of Far Calls ............................................................................................................................. 65
6.1 Far Call Optimizations for Non-Open Watcom Object Modules ....................................................... 66
6.1.1 The Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling Utility ....................................................... 66
7 The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility ............................................................................................................. 69
7.1 The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility Command Line ........................................................................... 69
7.2 Exe2bin Messages ............................................................................................................................... 71
Executable Image Utilities .................................................................................................................................... 75
8 The Open Watcom Patch Utility .................................................................................................................. 77
8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Applying a Patch ................................................................................................................................. 77
8.3 Diagnostic Messages ........................................................................................................................... 78
9 The Open Watcom Strip Utility ................................................................................................................... 81
9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 81
9.2 The Open Watcom Strip Utility Command Line ................................................................................ 81
9.3 Strip Utility Messages ......................................................................................................................... 83
The Make/Touch Utilities ..................................................................................................................................... 85
10 The Open Watcom Make Utility ................................................................................................................ 87
10.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 87
10.2 Open Watcom Make Reference ........................................................................................................ 87
10.2.1 Open Watcom Make Command Line Format .......................................................................... 87
10.2.2 Open Watcom Make Options Summary ................................................................................... 88
10.2.3 Command Line Options ............................................................................................................ 88
Table of Contents
10.2.4 Special Macros ......................................................................................................................... 96
10.3 Dependency Declarations .................................................................................................................. 98
10.4 Multiple Dependents ......................................................................................................................... 99
10.5 Multiple Targets ................................................................................................................................ 99
10.6 Multiple Rules ................................................................................................................................... 100
10.7 Command Lists ................................................................................................................................. 101
10.8 Final Commands (.AFTER) .............................................................................................................. 102
10.9 Ignoring Dependent Timestamps (.ALWAYS) ................................................................................ 102
10.10 Automatic Dependency Detection (.AUTODEPEND) ................................................................... 103
10.11 Initial Commands (.BEFORE) ........................................................................................................ 103
10.12 Disable Implicit Rules (.BLOCK) ................................................................................................... 103
10.13 Ignoring Errors (.CONTINUE) ....................................................................................................... 103
10.14 Default Command List (.DEFAULT) ............................................................................................. 104
10.15 Erasing Targets After Error (.ERASE) ........................................................................................... 104
10.16 Error Action (.ERROR) .................................................................................................................. 105
10.17 Ignoring Target Timestamp (.EXISTSONLY) ............................................................................... 105
10.18 Specifying Explicitly Updated Targets (.EXPLICIT) ..................................................................... 105
10.19 Defining Recognized File Extensions (.EXTENSIONS) ................................................................ 106
10.20 Approximate Timestamp Matching (.FUZZY) ............................................................................... 107
10.21 Preserving Targets After Error (.HOLD) ........................................................................................ 107
10.22 Ignoring Return Codes (.IGNORE) ................................................................................................ 107
10.23 Minimising Target Timestamp (.JUST_ENOUGH) ....................................................................... 108
10.24 Updating Targets Multiple Times (.MULTIPLE) ........................................................................... 108
10.25 Ignoring Target Timestamp (.NOCHECK) ..................................................................................... 109
10.26 Cache Search Path (.OPTIMIZE) .................................................................................................... 109
10.27 Preserving Targets (.PRECIOUS) ................................................................................................... 110
10.28 Name Command Sequence (.PROCEDURE) ................................................................................. 110
10.29 Re-Checking Target Timestamp (.RECHECK) .............................................................................. 110
10.30 Suppressing Terminal Output (.SILENT) ....................................................................................... 111
10.31 Defining Recognized File Extensions (.SUFFIXES) ...................................................................... 112
10.32 Targets Without Any Dependents (.SYMBOLIC) .......................................................................... 112
10.33 Macros ............................................................................................................................................. 113
10.34 Implicit Rules .................................................................................................................................. 122
10.35 Double Colon Explicit Rules ........................................................................................................... 131
10.36 Preprocessing Directives ................................................................................................................. 132
10.36.1 File Inclusion .......................................................................................................................... 132
10.36.2 Conditional Processing ........................................................................................................... 135
10.36.3 Loading Dynamic Link Libraries ........................................................................................... 139
10.37 Command List Directives ................................................................................................................ 141
10.38 MAKEINIT File .............................................................................................................................. 142
10.39 Command List Execution ................................................................................................................ 143
10.39.1 echo command ........................................................................................................................ 144
10.39.2 set command ........................................................................................................................... 145
10.39.3 for command ........................................................................................................................... 146
10.39.4 if command ............................................................................................................................. 147
10.39.5 rm command ........................................................................................................................... 147
10.39.6 mkdir command ...................................................................................................................... 147
10.39.7 rmdir command ...................................................................................................................... 148
10.39.8 Make internal commands ........................................................................................................ 148
10.40 Compatibility Between Open Watcom Make and UNIX Make ...................................................... 151
10.41 Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages ..................................................................................... 152
Table of Contents
11 The Touch Utility ....................................................................................................................................... 157
11.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 157
11.2 WTOUCH Operation ........................................................................................................................ 157
The IDE2MAKE Batch Utility ............................................................................................................................. 159
12 The IDE2MAKE Utility ............................................................................................................................ 161
12.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 161
12.2 IDE2MAKE Operation ..................................................................................................................... 162
The Open Watcom Compile and Link
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
1 The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link
The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility is designed for generating applications, simply and
quickly, using a single command line. On the command line, you can list source file names as well as
object file names. Source files are either compiled or assembled based on file extension; object files and
libraries are simply included in the link phase. Options can be passed on to both the compiler and linker.
1.1 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Format
The format of the command line is:
WCL [files] [options]
WCL386 [files] [options]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
WCL is the name of the Open Watcom Compile and Link utility that invokes the 16-bit compiler.
WCL386 is the name of the Open Watcom Compile and Link utility that invokes the 32-bit compiler.
The files and options may be specified in any order. The Open Watcom Compile and Link utility uses the
extension of the file name to determine if it is a source file, an object file, or a library file. Files with
extensions of "OBJ" and "LIB" are assumed to be object files and library files respectively. Files with
extensions of "ASM" are assumed to be assembler source files and will be assembled by the Open Watcom
Assembler. Files with any other extension, including none at all, are assumed to be C/C++ source files and
will be compiled. Pattern matching characters ("*" and "?") may be used in the file specifications.
If no file extension is specified for a file name then the Open Watcom Compile and Link utility will check
for a file with one of the following extensions.
Order Name.Ext Assumed to be
----- -------- ---------------
1. file.ASM Assembler source code
2. file.CXX C++ source code
3. file.CPP C++ source code
4. file.CC C++ source code
5. file.C C source code
It checks for each file in the order listed. By default, the Open Watcom Assembler will be selected to
compile files with the extension "ASM". By default, the Open Watcom C++ compiler will be selected to
compile files with any of the extensions "CXX", "CPP" or "CC". By default, the Open Watcom C compiler
will be selected to compile a file with a "C" extension. The default selection of compiler can be overridden
by the "cc" and "cc++" options, described below.
WCL/WCL386 Command Line Format 3
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
Options are prefixed with a slash (/) or a dash () and may be specified in any order. Options can include
any of the Open Watcom C/C++ compiler options plus some additional options specific to the Open
Watcom Compile and Link utility. A summary of options is displayed on the screen by simply entering the
"WCL" or "WCL386" command with no arguments.
1.2 Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary
General options: Description:
c compile the files only, do not link them
cc treat source files as C code
cc++ treat source files as C++ code
y ignore the WCL/WCL386 environment variable
Compiler options: Description:
0 (16-bit only) 8088 and 8086 instructions (default for 16-bit)
1 (16-bit only) 188 and 186 instructions
2 (16-bit only) 286 instructions
3 (16-bit only) 386 instructions
4 (16-bit only) 486 instructions
5 (16-bit only) Pentium instructions
6 (16-bit only) Pentium Pro instructions
3r (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on 386 instruction timings and use
register-based argument passing conventions
3s (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on 386 instruction timings and use
stack-based argument passing conventions
4r (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on 486 instruction timings and use
register-based argument passing conventions
4s (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on 486 instruction timings and use
stack-based argument passing conventions
5r (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on Intel Pentium instruction timings and use
register-based argument passing conventions (default for 32-bit)
5s (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on Intel Pentium instruction timings and use
stack-based argument passing conventions
6r (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on Intel Pentium Pro instruction timings and
use register-based argument passing conventions
6s (32-bit only) generate 386 instructions based on Intel Pentium Pro instruction timings and
use stack-based argument passing conventions
aa (C only) allow non-constant initializers for local aggregates or unions
ad[=<file_name>] generate make style automatic dependency file
adbs force path separators generated in auto-dependency files to backslashes
add[=<file_name>] specify source dependency name generated in make style auto-dependency file
adhp[=<file_name>] specify path to use for headers with no path given
adfs force path separators generated in auto-dependency files to forward slashes
adt[=<target_name>] specify target name generated in make style auto-dependency file
bc build target is a console application
bd build target is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
bg build target is a GUI application
bm build target is a multi-thread environment
4 Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary
The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility
br build target uses DLL version of C/C++ run-time libraries
bt[=<os>] build target for operating system <os>
bw build target uses default windowing support
d0 (C++ only) no debugging information
d1 line number debugging information
d1+ (C only) line number debugging information plus typing information for global symbols
and local structs and arrays
d2 full symbolic debugging information
d2i (C++ only) d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as external out-of-line functions
d2s (C++ only) d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as static out-of-line functions
d2t (C++ only) full symbolic debugging information, without type names
d3 full symbolic debugging with unreferenced type names
d3i (C++ only) d3 plus debug inlines; emit inlines as external out-of-line functions
d3s (C++ only) d3 plus debug inlines; emit inlines as static out-of-line functions
d<name>[=text] preprocessor #define name [text]
d+ allow extended -d macro definitions
db generate browsing information
e<number> set error limit number (default is 20)
ecc set default calling convention to __cdecl
ecd set default calling convention to __stdcall
ecf set default calling convention to __fastcall
ecp set default calling convention to __pascal
ecr set default calling convention to __fortran
ecs set default calling convention to __syscall
ecw set default calling convention to __watcall (default)
ee call epilogue hook routine
ef use full path names in error messages
ei force enum base type to use at least an int
em force enum base type to use minimum
en emit routine name before prologue
ep[<number>] call prologue hook routine with number of stack bytes available
eq do not display error messages (they are still written to a file)
er (C++ only) do not recover from undefined symbol errors
et Pentium profiling
ew (C++ only) generate less verbose messages
ez (32-bit only) generate Phar Lap Easy OMF-386 object file
fc=<file_name> (C++ only) specify file of command lines to be batch processed
fh[q][=<file_name>] use precompiled headers
fhd store debug info for pre-compiled header once (DWARF only)
fhr (C++ only) force compiler to read pre-compiled header
fhw (C++ only) force compiler to write pre-compiled header
fhwe (C++ only) don’t include pre-compiled header warnings when "we" is used
fi=<file_name> force file_name to be included
fo=<file_name> set object or preprocessor output file specification
fpc generate calls to floating-point library
fpi (16-bit only) generate in-line 80x87 instructions with emulation (default)
(32-bit only) generate in-line 387 instructions with emulation (default)
fpi87 (16-bit only) generate in-line 80x87 instructions
(32-bit only) generate in-line 387 instructions
fp2 generate in-line 80x87 instructions
fp3 generate in-line 387 instructions
fp5 generate in-line 80x87 instructions optimized for Pentium processor
Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary 5
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
fp6 generate in-line 80x87 instructions optimized for Pentium Pro processor
fpd enable generation of Pentium FDIV bug check code
fpr generate 8087 code compatible with older versions of compiler
fr=<file_name> set error file specification
ft try truncated (8.3) header file specification
fti (C only) track include file opens
fx do not try truncated (8.3) header file specification
fzh (C++ only) do not automatically append extensions for include files
fzs (C++ only) do not automatically append extensions for source files
g=<codegroup> set code group name
h{w,d,c} set debug output format (Open Watcom, Dwarf, Codeview)
i=<directory> add directory to list of include directories
j change char default from unsigned to signed
k (C++ only) continue processing files (ignore errors)
m{f,s,m,c,l,h} memory model
(default is "ms" for 16-bit and Netware, "mf" for 32-bit)
nc=<name> set name of the code class
nd=<name> set name of the "data" segment
nm=<name> set module name different from filename
nt=<name> set name of the "text" segment
o{a,b,c,d,e,f,f+,h,i,i+,k,l,l+,m,n,o,p,r,s,t,u,x,z} control optimization
pil preprocessor ignores #line directives
p{e,l,c,w=<num>} preprocess file only, sending output to standard output
"c" include comments
"e" encrypt identifiers (C++ only)
"l" include #line directives
"w=<num>" wrap output lines at <num> columns (zero means no wrap)
q operate quietly
r save/restore segment registers
ri return chars and shorts as ints
s remove stack overflow checks
sg generate calls to grow the stack
st touch stack through SS first
t=<num> (C++ only) set tab stop multiplier
u<name> preprocessor #undef name
v output function declarations to .def file (with typedef names)
vc... (C++ only) VC++ compatibility options
w<number> set warning level number (default is w1)
wcd=<num> warning control: disable warning message <num>
wce=<num> warning control: enable warning message <num>
we treat all warnings as errors
wo (C only) (16-bit only) warn about problems with overlaid code
wx set warning level to maximum setting
x preprocessor ignores environment variables
xd (C++ only) disable exception handling (default)
xdt (C++ only) disable exception handling (same as "xd")
6 Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary
The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility
xds (C++ only) disable exception handling (table-driven destructors)
xr (C++ only) enable RTTI
xs (C++ only) enable exception handling
xst (C++ only) enable exception handling (direct calls for destruction)
xss (C++ only) enable exception handling (table-driven destructors)
xx ignore default directories for file search (.,../h,../c,...)
z{a,e} disable/enable language extensions (default is ze)
zastd=<standard> use specified ISO/ANSI language standard
za99 use ISO/ANSI C99 language standard; deprecated, use zastd=c99
zam disable all predefined old extension macros (keyword macros, non-ISO names)
zat (C++ only) disable alternative tokens
zc place literal strings in code segment
zd{f,p} allow DS register to "float" or "peg" it to DGROUP (default is zdp)
zdl (32-bit only) load DS register directly from DGROUP
zev (C only, Unix extension) enable arithmetic on void derived types
zf (C++ only) let scope of for loop initialization extend beyond loop
zf{f,p} allow FS register to be used (default for all but flat memory model) or not be used
(default for flat memory model)
zfw generate FWAIT instructions on 386 and later
zg output function declarations to .def (without typedef names)
zg{f,p} allow GS register to be used or not used
zk0 double-byte char support for Kanji
zk0u translate Kanji double-byte characters to UNICODE
zk1 double-byte char support for Chinese/Taiwanese
zk2 double-byte char support for Korean
zkl double-byte char support if current code page has lead bytes
zku=<codepage> load UNICODE translate table for specified code page
zl suppress generation of library file names and references in object file
zld suppress generation of file dependency information in object file
zlf add default library information to object files
zls remove automatically inserted symbols (such as runtime library references)
zm place each function in separate segment (near functions not allowed)
zmf place each function in separate segment (near functions allowed)
zp{1,2,4,8,16} set minimal structure packing (member alignment)
zpw output warning when padding is added in a struct/class
zq operate quietly
zri inline floating point rounding code
zro omit floating point rounding code
zs syntax check only
zt<number> set data threshold (default is 32767 for 16-bit and 2147483647 for 32-bit)
zu do not assume that SS contains segment of DGROUP
zv (C++ only) enable virtual function removal optimization
zw Microsoft Windows prologue/epilogue code sequences
zW (16-bit only) Microsoft Windows optimized prologue/epilogue code sequences
zWs (16-bit only) Microsoft Windows smart callback sequences
zz remove "@size" from __stdcall function names (10.0 compatible)
See the Open Watcom C/C++ User’s Guide for a full description of compiler options.
Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary 7
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
Linker options: Description:
bcl=<system name> Compile and link for the specified system name. See the section for link option ’l=’
below and the linker user guide for available system names. This is equivalent to
specifying -bt=<system name> and -l=<system name>.
k<stack_size> set stack size
fd[=<directive_file>] keep directive file and, optionally, rename it (default name is "__WCL__.LNK").
fe=<executable> name executable file
fm[=<map_file>] generate map file and name it (optional)
lp (16-bit only) create an OS/2 protected-mode program
lr (16-bit only) create a DOS real-mode program
l=<system_name> link a program for the specified system. Among the supported systems are:
286 16-bit DOS executables (synonym for "DOS") under DOS, NT and Linux
16-bit OS/2 executables (synonym for "OS2") under 32-bit OS/2 hosted
OS/2 session
386 32-bit DOS executables (synonym for "DOS4G") under DOS
32-bit NT character-mode executables (synonym for "NT") under
Windows NT
32-bit OS/2 executables (synonym for "OS2V2") under 32-bit OS/2
hosted OS/2 session
32-bit Linux executables (synonym for "LINUX") under Linux
CAUSEWAY 32-bit Causeway DOS Extender executables
COM 16-bit DOS "COM" files
DOS 16-bit DOS executables
DOS4G 32-bit Tenberry Software DOS Extender executables
DOS4GNZ 32-bit Tenberry Software DOS Extender non-zero base executables
NETWARE 32-bit Novell NetWare 386 NLMs
NOVELL 32-bit Novell NetWare 386 NLMs (synonym for NETWARE)
NT 32-bit Windows NT character-mode executables
NT_DLL 32-bit Windows NT DLLs
NT_WIN 32-bit Windows NT windowed executables
OS2 16-bit OS/2 V1.x executables
OS2_DLL 16-bit OS/2 DLLs
OS2_PM 16-bit OS/2 PM executables
OS2V2 32-bit OS/2 executables
OS2V2_DLL 32-bit OS/2 DLLs
OS2V2_PM 32-bit OS/2 PM executables
PHARLAP 32-bit PharLap DOS Extender executables
PMODEW 32-bit PMODE/W DOS Extender executables
QNX 16-bit QNX executables
QNX386 32-bit QNX executables
TNT 32-bit Phar Lap TNT DOS-style executable
WIN386 32-bit extended Windows 3.x executables/DLLs
WIN95 32-bit Windows 9x executables/DLLs
WINDOWS 16-bit Windows executables
WINDOWS_DLL 16-bit Windows Dynamic Link Libraries
X32R 32-bit FlashTek (register calling convention) executables
X32RV 32-bit FlashTek Virtual Memory (register calling convention) executables
X32S 32-bit FlashTek (stack calling convention) executables
X32SV 32-bit FlashTek Virtual Memory (stack calling convention) executables
These names are among the systems identified in the Open Watcom Linker initialization
file, "WLSYSTEM.LNK". The Open Watcom Linker "SYSTEM" directives, found in
8 Open Watcom Compile and Link Options Summary
The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility
this file, are used to specify default link options for particular (operating) systems. Users
can augment the Open Watcom Linker initialization file with their own system definitions
and these may be specified as an argument to the "l=" option. The "system_name"
specified in the "l=" option is used to create a "SYSTEM system_name" Open Watcom
Linker directive when linking the application.
@<directive_file> include additional directive file
"linker directives" allows use of any linker directive
1.3 WCL/WCL386 Environment Variables
The WCL environment variable can be used to specify commonly used WCL options. The WCL386
environment variable can be used to specify commonly used WCL386 options. These options are
processed before options specified on the command line.
C>set wcl=-d1 -ot
C>set wcl386=-d1 -ot
The above example defines the default options to be "d1" (include line number debugging information in
the object file), and "ot" (favour time optimizations over size optimizations).
Whenever you wish to specify an option that requires the use of an "=" character, you can use the "#"
character in its place. This is required by the syntax of the "SET" command.
Once the appropriate environment variable has been defined, those options listed become the default each
time the WCL or WCL386 command is used.
The WCL environment variable is used by WCL only. The WCL386 environment variable is used by
WCL386 only. Both WCL and WCL386 pass the relevant options to the Open Watcom C/C++ compiler
and linker. This environment variable is not examined by the Open Watcom C/C++ compiler or the linker
when invoked directly.
Hint: If you are running DOS and you use the same WCL or WCL386 options all the time, you may
find it handy to place the "SET WCL" or "SET WCL386" command in your DOS system initialization
file, AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you are running OS/2 and you use the same WCL or WCL386 options all
the time, you may find it handy to place the "SET WCL" or "SET WCL386" command in your OS/2
system initialization file, CONFIG.SYS.
1.4 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples
For most small applications, the WCL or WCL386 command will suffice. We have only scratched the
surface in describing the capabilities of the WCL and WCL386 commands. The following examples
describe the WCL and WCL386 commands in more detail.
Suppose that your application is contained in three files called apdemo.c, aputils.c, and
apdata.c. We can compile and link all three files with one command.
WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples 9
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
Example 1:
C>wcl -d2 apdemo.c aputils.c apdata.c
C>wcl386 -d2 apdemo.c aputils.c apdata.c
The executable program will be stored in apdemo.exe since apdemo appeared first in the list. Each of
the three files is compiled with the "d2" debug option. Debugging information is included in the executable
We can issue a simpler command if the current directory contains only our three C/C++ source files.
Example 2:
C>wcl -d2 *.c
C>wcl386 -d2 *.c
WCL or WCL386 will locate all files with the ".c" filename extension and compile each of them. The name
of the executable file will depend on which of the C/C++ source files is found first. Since this is a
somewhat haphazard approach to naming the executable file, WCL and WCL386 have an option, "fe",
which will allow you to specify the name to be used.
Example 3:
C>wcl -d2 -fe=apdemo *.c
C>wcl386 -d2 -fe=apdemo *.c
By using the "fe" option, the executable file will always be called apdemo.exe regardless of the order of
the C/C++ source files in the directory.
If the directory contains other C/C++ source files which are not part of the application then other tricks may
be used to identify a subset of the files to be compiled and linked.
Example 4:
C>wcl -d2 -fe=apdemo ap*.c
C>wcl386 -d2 -fe=apdemo ap*.c
Here we compile only those C/C++ source files that begin with the letters "ap".
In our examples, we have recompiled all the source files each time. In general, we will only compile one of
them and include the object code for the others.
Example 5:
C>wcl -d2 -fe=apdemo aputils.c ap*.obj
C>wcl386 -d2 -fe=apdemo aputils.c ap*.obj
The source file aputils.c is recompiled and apdemo.obj and apdata.obj are included when
linking the application. The ".obj" filename extension indicates that this file need not be compiled.
Example 6:
C>wcl -fe=demo *.c utility.obj
C>wcl386 -fe=demo *.c utility.obj
All of the C/C++ source files in the current directory are compiled and then linked with utility.obj to
generate demo.exe.
10 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples
The Open Watcom C/C++ Compile and Link Utility
Example 7:
C>set wcl=-mm -d1 -ox -k4096
C>wcl -fe=grdemo gr*.c graph.lib -fd=grdemo
C>set wcl386=-d1 -ox -k4096
C>wcl386 -fe=grdemo gr*.c graph.lib -fd=grdemo
All C/C++ source files beginning with the letters "gr" are compiled and then linked with graph.lib to
generate grdemo.exe which uses a 4K stack. The temporary linker directive file that is created by WCL
or WCL386 will be kept and renamed to grdemo.lnk.
Example 8:
C>set libos2=c:\watcom\lib286\os2;c:\os2
C>set lib=c:\watcom\lib286\dos;c:\watcom\lib286
C>set wcl=-mm -lp
C>wcl grdemo1 \watcom\lib286\os2\graphp.obj phapi.lib
The file grdemo1 is compiled for the medium memory model and then linked with graphp.obj and
phapi.lib to generate grdemo1.exe which is to be used with Phar Lap’s 286 DOS Extender. The
"lp" option indicates that an OS/2 format executable is to be created. The file graphp.obj in the
directory "\WATCOM\LIB286\OS2" contains special initialization code for Phar Lap’s 286 DOS Extender.
The file phapi.lib is part of the Phar Lap 286 DOS Extender package. The LIBOS2 environment
variable must include the location of the OS/2 libraries and the LIB environment variable must include the
location of the DOS libraries (in order to locate graph.lib). The LIBOS2 environment variable must
also include the location of the OS/2 file doscalls.lib which is usually "C:\OS2".
For more complex applications, you should use the "Make" utility.
WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples 11
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
12 WCL/WCL386 Command Line Examples
2 The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler
The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler Driver is designed for generating applications, simply and
quickly, using a single command line. On the command line, you can list source file names as well as
object file names. Source files are either compiled or assembled based on file extension; object files and
libraries are simply included in the link phase. Options can be passed on to both the compiler and linker.
2.1 owcc Command Line Format
The format of the command line is:
owcc [options] [files]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
The files and options may be specified in any order. The owcc utility uses the extension of the file name to
determine if it is a source file, an object file, or a library file. Files with extensions of "o" and "lib" are
assumed to be object files and library files respectively. Files with extensions of "asm" are assumed to be
assembler source files and will be assembled by the Open Watcom Assembler. Files with any other
extension, including none at all, are assumed to be C/C++ source files and will be compiled. Pattern
matching characters ("*" and "?") may be used in the file specifications.
If no file extension is specified for a file name then the owcc utility will check for a file with one of the
following extensions.
Order Name.Ext Assumed to be
----- -------- ---------------
1. file.asm Assembler source code
2. file.cxx C++ source code
3. file.cpp C++ source code
4. C++ source code
5. file.c C source code
It checks for each file in the order listed. By default, the Open Watcom Assembler will be selected to
compile files with the extension "asm". By default, the Open Watcom C++ compiler will be selected to
compile files with any of the extensions "cxx", "cpp" or "cc". By default, the Open Watcom C compiler
will be selected to compile a file with a "c" extension. The default selection of compiler can be overridden
by the "-x" option, described below.
Options are prefixed with a dash () and may be specified in any order. Option names were chosen to
resemble those of the GNU Compiler Collection (a.k.a. GCC). They are translated into Open Watcom
C/C++ options, or to directives for the Open Watcom C/C++ wlink utility, accordingly. A summary of
options is displayed on the screen by running the compiler driver like this: "owcc -?". If run without any
arguments the compiler driver just displays its name and hints towards the "-?" option.
owcc Command Line Format 13
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
2.2 owcc Options Summary
General options: Description:
c compile the files only, do not link them
S compile the source file(s), then run the Open Watcom C/C++ disassembler on the
generated object file(s) instead of linking them. Please note that this leaves you with both
an object file and an assembly source file. Unix compilers traditionally compile by
generating asm source and pass that to the assembler, so there, the "-S" option is done by
stopping short of assembling the file. Open Watcom C/C++ compiles directly to object
files, so we need the disassembler to achieve a similar effect.
x {c,c++} treat all source files as written in the specified programming language, regardless of
filename suffix.
o <filename> Change the name of the generated file. If only the preprocessor is run, this sends the
preprocessed output to a file instead of the standard output stream. If only compilation is
done, this allows to change the name of the object file. If compilation and disassembly is
done, this changes the name of the assembly source file. If owcc runs the linker, this
changes the name of the generated executable or DLL.
v operate verbosely, displaying the actual command lines used to invoke the compiler and
linker, and passing flags to them to operate verbosely, too.
zq operate quietly (default). This is the opposite of the "-v" option.
Compiler options: Description:
march=i{,1,2,3}86,axp,mips,ppc which CPU architecture instruction set is used
mtune=i{3,4,5,6}86 which x86 CPU type to optimize for
mregparm=1 use register-based argument passing conventions (default)
mregparm=0 use stack-based argument passing conventions
MMD generate auto depend makefile fragment
MF <file> change name of makefile style auto depend file. Without this option, the filename is the
same as the the base name of the source file, with a suffix of ".d".
MT <target> specify target name generated in makefile style auto depend different than that of the
object file name
mconsole build target is a console application
shared build target is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
mwindows build target is a GUI application
mthreads build target is a multi-thread environment
mrtdll build target uses DLL version of C/C++ run-time libraries
mdefault-windowing build target uses default windowing support
g0 (C++ only) no debugging information
g1 line number debugging information
g1+ (C only) line number debugging information plus typing information for global symbols
and local structs and arrays
g2 full symbolic debugging information
g2i (C++ only) d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as external out-of-line functions
g2s (C++ only) d2 and debug inlines; emit inlines as static out-of-line functions
g2t (C++ only) full symbolic debugging information, without type names
g3 full symbolic debugging with unreferenced type names ,*
g3i (C++ only) d3 plus debug inlines; emit inlines as external out-of-line functions
g3s (C++ only) d3 plus debug inlines; emit inlines as static out-of-line functions
g{watcom,dwarf,codeview} set debug output format (Open Watcom, Dwarf, Codeview)
14 owcc Options Summary
The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler Driver
D<name>[=text] preprocessor #define name [text]
D+ allow extended -D macro definitions
fbrowser generate browsing information
Wstop-after-errors=<number> set error limit number (default is 20)
mabi={cdecl,stdcall,fastcall,pascal,fortran,syscall,watcall} set default calling convention
fhook-epilogue call epilogue hook routine
fmessage-full-path use full path names in error messages
fno-short-enum force enum base type to use at least an int
fshort-enum force enum base type to use minimum
femit-names emit routine name before prologue
fhook-prologue[=<number>] call prologue hook routine with number of stack bytes available
include <file_name> force file_name to be included in front of the source file text
fo=<file_name> set object or preprocessor output file specification
mhard-emu-float generate inline 80x87 instructions with emulation
msoft-float generate calls to floating-point library
fpmath=287 generate in-line 80x87 instructions
fpmath=387 generate in-line 387 instructions
fptune=586 generate in-line 80x87 instructions optimized for Pentium processor
fptune=686 generate in-line 80x87 instructions optimized for Pentium Pro processor
fr=<file_name> enable error file creation and specify its name
H (C only) track include file opens
I add directory to the list of include directories
fsigned-char change char default from unsigned to signed
k (C++ only) continue processing files (ignore errors)
mcmodel={f,s,m,c,l,h} select a memory model from these choices:
f flat
s small
m medium
c compact
l large
h huge
t compile code for the small memory model and then use the Open
Watcom Linker to generate a "COM" file
The default is small for 16-bit and Netware, flat for 32-bit targets.
O0 turn off all optimization
O1 enable some optimazion
O2 enable most of the usual optimizations
O3 enable even more optimizations
fno-strict-aliasing relax alias checking
fguess-branch-probability branch prediction
fno-optimize-sibling-calls disable call/ret optimization
finline-functions expand functions inline
finline-limit=num which functions to expand inline
fno-omit-frame-pointer generate traceable stack frames
fno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer generate more stack frames
frerun-optimizer enable repeated optimizations
finline-intrinsics[-max] inline intrinsic functions [-max: more aggressively]
fschedule-prologue control flow entry/exit seq.
floop-optimize perform loop optimizations
funroll-loops perform loop unrolling
owcc Options Summary 15
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
finline-math generate inline math functions
funsafe-math-optimizations numerically unstable floating-point
ffloat-store improve floating-point consistency
fschedule-insns re-order instructions to avoid stalls
fkeep-duplicates ensure unique addresses for functions
fignore-line-directives preprocessor ignores #line directives
E preprocess sources, sending output to standard output or filename selected via -o
C include original comments in -E output
P don’t include #line directives in -E output
fcpp-wrap=<num> wrap output lines at <num> columns (zero means no wrap)
ftabstop=<num> (C++ only) set tab stop multiplier
fno-stack-check remove stack overflow checks
fgrow-stack generate calls to grow the stack
fstack-probe touch stack through SS first
U <name> preprocessor #undef name
fwrite-def output function declarations to .def file (with typedef names)
w turn off all warnings (same as Wlevel0)
Wall turn on most warnings, but not all (same as Wlevel4)
Wlevel<number> set warning level number (default is w1)
Wextra set warning level to maximum setting
Wno-n<num> warning control: disable warning message <num>
Wn<num> warning control: enable warning message <num>
Werror treat all warnings as errors
Woverlay (C only) warn about problems with overlaid code
frtti (C++ only) enable RTTI
fno-eh (C++ only) disable exception handling (default)
feh (C++ only) enable exception handling
feh-direct (C++ only) enable exception handling (direct calls for destruction)
feh-table (C++ only) enable exception handling (table-driven destructors)
std={c89,c99,ow} select language dialect; c89 is (almost) strictly ANSI/ISO standard C89 only, c99 enables
C99 support (may be incomplete), ow enables all Open Watcom C/C++ extensions.
fno-writable-strings place literal strings in code segment
fvoid-ptr-arithmetics (C only, Unix extension) enable arithmetic on void derived types
fwrite-def-without-typedefs output function declarations to .def (without typedef names)
fnostdlib suppress generation of library file names and references in object file
ffunction-sections place each function in separate segment (near functions not allowed)
fpack-struct=[{1,2,4,8,16}] set minimal structure packing (member alignment)
Wpadded output warning when padding is added in a struct/class
finline-fp-rounding inline floating point rounding code
fomit-fp-rounding omit floating point rounding code
fnonconst-initializers allow non-constant initializers
fsyntax-only syntax check only
See the Open Watcom C/C++ User’s Guide for a full description of compiler options.
Linker options: Description:
b <target name> Compile and link for the specified target system name. See the section linker user guide
for available system names. The linker will effectively receive a -l=<target name>
option. owcc looks up <system name> in a specification table "specs.owc" to find out
which of the Open Watcom C utilities to run. One those options will be -bt=<os>, where
<os> is the generic target platform name, and usually less specific than the linker <system
name>. Among the supported systems are:
16 owcc Options Summary
The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler Driver
286 16-bit DOS executables (synonym for "DOS") under DOS, NT and Linux
16-bit OS/2 executables (synonym for "OS2") under 32-bit OS/2 hosted
OS/2 session
386 32-bit DOS executables (synonym for "DOS4G") under DOS
32-bit NT character-mode executables (synonym for "NT") under
Windows NT
32-bit OS/2 executables (synonym for "OS2V2") under 32-bit OS/2
hosted OS/2 session
32-bit Linux executables (synonym for "LINUX") under Linux
CAUSEWAY 32-bit Causeway DOS Extender executables
COM 16-bit DOS "COM" files
DOS 16-bit DOS executables
DOS4G 32-bit Tenberry Software DOS/4G DOS Extender executables
DOS4GNZ 32-bit Tenberry Software DOS/4G DOS Extender non-zero base
NETWARE 32-bit Novell NetWare 386 NLMs
NOVELL 32-bit Novell NetWare 386 NLMs (synonym for NETWARE)
NT 32-bit Windows NT character-mode executables
NT_DLL 32-bit Windows NT DLLs
NT_WIN 32-bit Windows NT windowed executables
OS2 16-bit OS/2 V1.x executables
OS2_DLL 16-bit OS/2 DLLs
OS2_PM 16-bit OS/2 PM executables
OS2V2 32-bit OS/2 executables
OS2V2_DLL 32-bit OS/2 DLLs
OS2V2_PM 32-bit OS/2 PM executables
PHARLAP 32-bit PharLap DOS Extender executables
PMODEW 32-bit PMODE/W DOS Extender executables
QNX 16-bit QNX executables
QNX386 32-bit QNX executables
TNT 32-bit Phar Lap TNT DOS-style executable
WIN386 32-bit extended Windows 3.x executables/DLLs
WIN95 32-bit Windows 9x executables/DLLs
WINDOWS 16-bit Windows executables
WINDOWS_DLL 16-bit Windows Dynamic Link Libraries
X32R 32-bit FlashTek (register calling convention) executables
X32RV 32-bit FlashTek Virtual Memory (register calling convention) executables
X32S 32-bit FlashTek (stack calling convention) executables
X32SV 32-bit FlashTek Virtual Memory (stack calling convention) executables
These names are among the systems identified in the Open Watcom Linker initialization
file, "wlsystem.lnk". The Open Watcom Linker "SYSTEM" directives, found in this file,
are used to specify default link options for particular (operating) systems. Users can
augment the Open Watcom Linker initialization file with their own system definitions
and these may be specified as an argument to the "l=" option. The "system_name"
specified in the "l=" option is used to create a "SYSTEM system_name" Open Watcom
Linker directive when linking the application.
L <dir> add <dir> to directories search list for library search
l <library> search the library named lib<library>.a
mstack-size=<size> set stack size
fd[=<directive_file>] keep linker directive file generated by this tool and, optionally, rename it (default
name is "__owcc__.lnk").
owcc Options Summary 17
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
fm[=<map_file>] generate map file, optionally specify its name.
s strip symbolic information not strictly required to run from executable.
Wl,"directives" send any supplementary directives directly to the linker
Wl,@<file> include additional linker directives from <file>. This is actually just a special case of -Wl
used to pass the linker’s @ directive to pull in directives from <file>
2.3 owcc Command Line Examples
For most small applications, the owcc command will suffice. We have only scratched the surface in
describing the capabilities of the owcc command. The following examples describe the owcc commands in
more detail.
Suppose that your application is contained in three files called apdemo.c, aputils.c, and
apdata.c. We can compile and link all three files with one command.
Example 1:
C>owcc -g apdemo.c aputils.c apdata.c
The executable program will be stored in a.out. Each of the three files is compiled with the "g" debug
option. Debugging information is included in the executable file.
We can issue a simpler command if the current directory contains only our three C/C++ source files.
Example 2:
C>owcc -g *.c
owcc will locate all files with the ".c" filename extension and compile each of them. The default name of
the executable file will be a.out. Since it is only possible to have one executable with the name a.out
in a directory, owcc has an option, "o", which will allow you to specify the name to be used.
Example 3:
C>owcc -g -o apdemo *.c
By using the "o" option, the executable file will always be called apdemo.
If the directory contains other C/C++ source files which are not part of the application then other tricks may
be used to identify a subset of the files to be compiled and linked.
Example 4:
C>owcc -g -o apdemo ap*.c
Here we compile only those C/C++ source files that begin with the letters "ap".
In our examples, we have recompiled all the source files each time. In general, we will only compile one of
them and include the object code for the others.
Example 5:
C>owcc -g -o apdemo aputils.c ap*.obj
The source file aputils.c is recompiled and apdemo.obj and apdata.obj are included when
linking the application. The ".obj" filename extension indicates that this file need not be compiled.
18 owcc Command Line Examples
The Open Watcom C/C++ POSIX-like Compiler Driver
Example 6:
C>owcc -o demo *.c utility.obj
All of the C/C++ source files in the current directory are compiled and then linked with utility.obj to
generate demo. The temporary linker directive file that is created by owcc will be kept and renamed to
For more complex applications, you should use a "Make" utility.
owcc Command Line Examples 19
The Open Watcom Compile and Link Utility
20 owcc Command Line Examples
The Open Watcom Assembler
The Open Watcom Assembler
3 The Open Watcom Assembler
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the Open Watcom Assembler. It takes as input an assembler source file (a file with
extension ".asm") and produces, as output, an object file.
The Open Watcom Assembler command line syntax is the following.
WASM [options] [d:][path]filename[.ext] [options] [@env_var]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
WASM is the name of the Open Watcom Assembler.
d: is an optional drive specification such as "A:", "B:", etc. If not specified, the default drive
is assumed.
path is an optional path specification such as "\PROGRAMS\ASM\". If not specified, the
current directory is assumed.
filename is the file name of the assembler source file to be assembled.
ext is the file extension of the assembler source file to be assembled. If omitted, a file
extension of ".asm" is assumed. If the period "." is specified but not the extension, the file
is assumed to have no file extension.
options is a list of valid options, each preceded by a slash ("/") or a dash (""). Options may be
specified in any order.
The options supported by the Open Watcom Assembler are:
0 same as ".8086"
1 same as ".186"
2{p} same as ".286" or ".286p"
3{p} same as ".386" or ".386p" (also defines "__386__" and changes the default
USE attribute of segments from "USE16" to "USE32")
4{p} same as ".486" or ".486p" (also defines "__386__" and changes the default
USE attribute of segments from "USE16" to "USE32")
5{p} same as ".586" or ".586p" (also defines "__386__" and changes the default
USE attribute of segments from "USE16" to "USE32")
6{p} same as ".686" or ".686p" (also defines "__386__" and changes the default
USE attribute of segments from "USE16" to "USE32")
Introduction 23
The Open Watcom Assembler
p protect mode
add r defines "__REGISTER__"
add s defines "__STACK__"
-2 -3p -4pr -5p
bt=<os> defines "__<os>__" and checks the "<os>_INCLUDE" environment variable for include
c do not output OMF COMENT records that allow WDISASM to figure out when data bytes
have been placed in a code segment
d<name>[=text] define text macro
d1 line number debugging support
e stop reading assembler source file at END directive. Normally, anything following the
END directive will cause an error.
e<number> set error limit number
fe=<file_name> set error file name
fo=<file_name> set object file name
fi=<file_name> force <file_name> to be included
fpc same as ".no87"
fpi inline 80x87 instructions with emulation
fpi87 inline 80x87 instructions
fp0 same as ".8087"
fp2 same as ".287" or ".287p"
fp3 same as ".387" or ".387p"
fp5 same as ".587" or ".587p"
fp6 same as ".687" or ".687p"
i=<directory> add directory to list of include directories
Note: to be host platform independent the form like i="../h" (quoted path and forward slash
separator) is recommended.
j or s force signed types to be used for signed values
m{t,s,m,c,l,h,f} memory model: (Tiny, Small, Medium, Compact, Large, Huge, Flat)
-mt Same as ".model tiny"
-ms Same as ".model small"
-mm Same as ".model medium"
-mc Same as ".model compact"
-ml Same as ".model large"
-mh Same as ".model huge"
-mf Same as ".model flat"
Each of the model directives also defines "__<model>__" (e.g., ".model small" defines
"__SMALL__"). They also affect whether something like "foo proc" is considered a "far"
or "near" procedure.
nd=<name> set data segment name
nm=<name> set module name
nt=<name> set name of text segment
o allow C form of octal constants
zcm=<mode> set compatibility mode to <mode>
24 Introduction
The Open Watcom Assembler
Values Description
watcom (default) Open Watcom WASM mode
masm Microsoft MASM mode
tasm Borland TASM mode
ideal Borland TASM IDEAL mode
not specified MASM mode is used
zld remove file dependency information
zq or q operate quietly
zz remove "@size" from STDCALL function names
zzo don’t mangle STDCALL symbols (WASM backward compatible)
? or h print this message
w<number> set warning level number
we treat all warnings as errors
wx set warning level to maximum setting
3.2 Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes
It is not the intention of this chapter to describe assembly-language programming in any detail. You should
consult a book that deals with this topic. However, we present an alphabetically ordered list of the
directives, opcodes and register names that are recognized by the assembler.
.186 .286 .286c .286p
.287 .386 .386p .387
.486 .486p .586 .586p
.686 .686p .8086 .8087
addr alias align .alpha
and assume .break byte
casemap catstr .code comm
comment .const .continue .cref
.data .data? db dd
df .dosseg dosseg dp
dq dt dup dw
dword echo .else else
elseif end .endif endif
endm endp ends .endw
eq equ equ2 .err
.errb .errdef .errdif .errdifi
.erre .erridn .erridni .errnb
.errndef .errnz even .exit
exitm extern externdef extrn
far .fardata .fardata? for
forc fword ge global
group gt high highword
.if if if1 if2
ifb ifdef ifdif ifdifi
ife ifidn ifidni ifnb
ifndef include includelib invoke
irp irpc .k3d label
le length lengthof .lfcond
.list .listall .listif .listmacro
Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes 25
The Open Watcom Assembler
.listmacroall local low lowword
lroffset lt macro mask
.mmx mod .model name
ne near .no87 .nocref
.nolist offset opattr option
org oword page popcontext
proc proto ptr public
purge pushcontext pword qword
.radix record .repeat repeat
.sall sbyte sdword seg
segment .seq .sfcond size
sizeof .stack .startup struc
struct subtitle subttl sword
tbyte textequ .tfcond this
title typedef union .until
uses .while width word
.xcref .xlist .xmm .xmm2
aaa aad aam aas
adc add addpd addps
addsd addss addsubpd addsubps
and andnpd andnps andpd
andps arpl bound bp
bsf bsr bswap bt
btc btr bts call
callf cbw cdq clc
cld clflush cli clts
cmc cmova cmovae cmovb
cmovbe cmovc cmove cmovg
cmovge cmovl cmovle cmovna
cmovnae cmovnb cmovnbe cmovnc
cmovne cmovng cmovnge cmovnl
cmovnle cmovno cmovnp cmovns
cmovnz cmovo cmovp cmovpe
cmovpo cmovs cmovz cmp
cmpeqpd cmpeqps cmpeqsd cmpeqss
cmplepd cmpleps cmplesd cmpless
cmpltpd cmpltps cmpltsd cmpltss
cmpneqpd cmpneqps cmpneqsd cmpneqss
cmpnlepd cmpnleps cmpnlesd cmpnless
cmpnltpd cmpnltps cmpnltsd cmpnltss
cmpordpd cmpordps cmpordsd cmpordss
cmppd cmpps cmps cmpsb
cmpsd cmpss cmpsw cmpunordpd
cmpunordps cmpunordsd cmpunordss cmpxchg
cmpxchg8b comisd comiss cpuid
cvtdq2pd cvtdq2ps cvtpd2dq cvtpd2pi
cvtpd2ps cvtpi2pd cvtpi2ps cvtps2dq
cvtps2pd cvtps2pi cvtsd2si cvtsd2ss
cvtsi2sd cvtsi2ss cvtss2sd cvtss2si
cvttpd2dq cvttpd2pi cvttps2dq cvttps2pi
cvttsd2si cvttss2si cwd cwde
daa das dec div
divpd divps divsd divss
emms enter f2xm1 fabs
fadd faddp fbld fbstp
fchs fclex fcmovb fcmovbe
fcmove fcmovnb fcmovnbe fcmovne
26 Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes
The Open Watcom Assembler
fcmovnu fcmovu fcom fcomi
fcomip fcomp fcompp fcos
fdecstp fdisi fdiv fdivp
fdivr fdivrp femms feni
ffree fiadd ficom ficomp
fidiv fidivr fild fimul
fincstp finit fist fistp
fisttp fisub fisubr flat
fld fld1 fldcw fldenv
fldenvd fldenvw fldl2e fldl2t
fldlg2 fldln2 fldpi fldz
fmul fmulp fnclex fndisi
fneni fninit fnop fnrstor
fnrstord fnrstorw fnsave fnsaved
fnsavew fnstcw fnstenv fnstenvd
fnstenvw fnstsw fpatan fprem
fprem1 fptan frndint frstor
frstord frstorw fsave fsaved
fsavew fscale fsetpm fsin
fsincos fsqrt fst fstcw
fstenv fstenvd fstenvw fstp
fstsw fsub fsubp fsubr
fsubrp ftst fucom fucomi
fucomip fucomp fucompp fwait
fxam fxch fxrstor fxsave
fxtract fyl2x fyl2xp1 haddpd
haddps hlt hsubpd hsubps
idiv imul in inc
ins insb insd insw
int into invd invlpg
iret iretd iretdf iretf
ja jae jb jbe
jc jcxz je jecxz
jg jge jl jle
jmp jmpf jna jnae
jnb jnbe jnc jne
jng jnge jnl jnle
jno jnp jns jnz
jo jp jpe jpo
js jz lahf lar
lddqu ldmxcsr lds lea
leave les lfence lfs
lgdt lgs lidt lldt
lmsw lock lods lodsb
lodsd lodsw loop loopd
loope looped loopew loopne
loopned loopnew loopnz loopnzd
loopnzw loopw loopz loopzd
loopzw lsl lss ltr
maskmovdqu maskmovq maxpd maxps
maxsd maxss mfence minpd
minps minsd minss monitor
mov movapd movaps movd
movddup movdq2q movdqa movdqu
movhlps movhpd movhps movlhps
movlpd movlps movmskpd movmskps
movntdq movnti movntpd movntps
movntq movq movq2dq movs
movsb movsd movshdup movsldup
Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes 27
The Open Watcom Assembler
movss movsw movsx movupd
movups movzx mul mulpd
mulps mulsd mulss mwait
near neg nop not
or orpd orps out
outs outsb outsd outsw
packssdw packsswb packuswb paddb
paddd paddq paddsb paddsw
paddusb paddusw paddw pand
pandn pause pavgb pavgusb
pavgw pcmpeqb pcmpeqd pcmpeqw
pcmpgtb pcmpgtd pcmpgtw pextrw
pf2id pf2iw pfacc pfadd
pfcmpeq pfcmpge pfcmpgt pfmax
pfmin pfmul pfnacc pfpnacc
pfrcp pfrcpit1 pfrcpit2 pfrsqit1
pfrsqrt pfsub pfsubr pi2fd
pi2fw pinsrw pmaddwd pmaxsw
pmaxub pminsw pminub pmovmskb
pmulhrw pmulhuw pmulhw pmullw
pmuludq pop popa popad
popf popfd por prefetch
prefetchnta prefetcht0 prefetcht1 prefetcht2
prefetchw psadbw pshufd pshufhw
pshuflw pshufw pslld pslldq
psllq psllw psrad psraw
psrld psrldq psrlq psrlw
psubb psubd psubq psubsb
psubsw psubusb psubusw psubw
pswapd punpckhbw punpckhdq punpckhqdq
punpckhwd punpcklbw punpckldq punpcklqdq
punpcklwd push pusha pushad
pushd pushf pushfd pushw
pxor rcl rcpps rcpss
rcr rdmsr rdpmc rdtsc
rep repe repne repnz
rept repz ret retd
retf retfd retn rol
ror rsm rsqrtps rsqrtss
sahf sal sar sbb
scas scasb scasd scasw
seta setae setb setbe
setc sete setg setge
setl setle setna setnae
setnb setnbe setnc setne
setng setnge setnl setnle
setno setnp setns setnz
seto setp setpe setpo
sets setz sfence sgdt
shl shld short shr
shrd shufpd shufps sidt
sldt smsw sp sqrtpd
sqrtps sqrtsd sqrtss stc
std sti stmxcsr stos
stosb stosd stosw str
sub subpd subps subsd
subss sysenter sysexit test
ucomisd ucomiss unpckhpd unpckhps
unpcklpd unpcklps verr verw
28 Assembler Directives, Operators and Assembly Opcodes
The Open Watcom Assembler
wait wbinvd wrmsr xadd
xchg xlat xlatb xor
xorpd xorps
ah al ax bh
bl bx ch cl
cr0 cr2 cr3 cr4
cs cx dh di
dl dr0 dr1 dr2
dr3 dr6 dr7 ds
dx eax ebp ebx
ecx edi edx es
esi esp fs gs
mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3
mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7
si ss st st0
st1 st2 st3 st4
st5 st6 st7 tr3
tr4 tr5 tr6 tr7
xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3
xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7
3.3 Unsupported Directives
Other assemblers support directives that this assembler does not. The following is a list of directives that
are ignored by the Open Watcom Assembler (use of these directives results in a warning message).
.alpha .cref .lfcond .list
.listall .listif .listmacro .listmacroall
.nocref .nolist page .sall
.seq .sfcond subtitle subttl
.tfcond title .xcref .xlist
The following is a list of directives that are flagged by the Open Watcom Assembler (use of these directives
results in an error message).
addr .break casemap catstr
.continue echo .else endmacro
.endif .endw .exit high
highword .if invoke low
lowword lroffset mask opattr
option popcontext proto purge
pushcontext .radix record .repeat
.startup this typedef union
.until .while width
3.4 Open Watcom Assembler Specific
There are a few specific features in Open Watcom Assembler
Open Watcom Assembler Specific 29
The Open Watcom Assembler
3.4.1 Naming convention
Procedure Variable
Convention Name Name
--------------- ---------- ---------
C ’_*’ ’_*’
WATCOM_C see section Open Watcom "C" name mangler
SYSCALL ’*’ ’*’
STDCALL ’_*@nn’ ’_*’
STDCALL ’_*’ ’_*’ see note 1
STDCALL ’*’ ’*’ see note 2
BASIC ’^’ ’^’
FORTRAN ’^’ ’^’
PASCAL ’^’ ’^’
1. In STDCALL procedures name ’nn’ is overall parametrs size in bytes. ’@nn’ is suppressed
when -zz command line option is used (WATCOM 10.0 compatibility).
2. STDCALL symbols mangling is suppressed by -zzo command line option (WASM backward
3.4.2 Open Watcom "C" name mangler
Command line Procedure Variable
option Name Name
--------------- ---------- ---------
0,1,2 ’*_’ ’_*’
3,4,5,6 with r ’*_’ ’_*’
3,4,5,6 with s ’*’ ’*’
3.4.3 Calling convention
Parameters Parameters Cleanup caller
Convention Vararg passed by order stack
----------- ------ ------------ ------------- --------------
C yes stack right to left no
WATCOM_C yes registers right to left see note 1
yes stack right to left no
SYSCALL yes stack right to left no
STDCALL yes stack right to left yes see note 2
BASIC no stack left to right yes
FORTRAN no stack left to right yes
PASCAL no stack left to right yes
1. If any parameter is passed on the stack then WASM automaticaly cleanup caller stack.
2. For STDCALL procedures WASM automaticaly cleanup caller stack, except case when vararg
parameter is used.
30 Open Watcom Assembler Specific
The Open Watcom Assembler
3.5 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages
1 Size doesn’t match with previous definition
2 Invalid instruction with current CPU setting
3 LOCK prefix is not allowed on this instruction
4 REP prefix is not allowed on this instruction
5 Invalid memory pointer
6 Cannot use 386 addressing mode with current CPU setting
7 Too many base registers
8 Invalid index register
9 Scale factor must be 1, 2, 4 or 8
10 invalid addressing mode with current CPU setting
11 ESP cannot be used as index
12 Too many base/index registers
13 Memory offset cannot reference to more than one label
14 Offset must be relocatable
15 Memory offset expected
16 Invalid indirect memory operand
17 Cannot mix 16 and 32-bit registers
18 CPU type already set
19 Unknown directive
20 Expecting comma
21 Expecting number
22 Invalid label definition
23 Invalid use of SHORT, NEAR, FAR operator
24 No memory
25 Cannot use 386 segment register with current CPU setting
Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages 31
The Open Watcom Assembler
26 POP CS is not allowed
27 Cannot use 386 register with current CPU setting
28 Only MOV can use special register
29 Cannot use TR3, TR4, TR5 in current CPU setting
30 Cannot use SHORT with CALL
31 Only SHORT displacement is allowed
32 Syntax error
33 Prefix must be followed by an instruction
34 No size given before ’PTR’ operator
35 Invalid IMUL format
36 Invalid SHLD/SHRD format
37 Too many commas
38 Syntax error: Unexpected colon
39 Operands must be the same size
40 Invalid instruction operands
41 Immediate constant too large
42 Can not use short or near modifiers with this instruction
43 Jump out of range
44 Displacement cannot be larger than 32k
45 Initializer value too large
46 Symbol already defined
47 Immediate data too large
48 Immediate data out of range
49 Can not transfer control to stack symbol
50 Offset cannot be smaller than WORD size
51 Can not take offset of stack symbol
52 Can not take segment of stack symbol
32 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Assembler
53 Segment too large
54 Offset cannot be larger than 32k
55 Operand 2 too big
56 Operand 1 too small
57 Too many arithmetic operators
58 Too many open square brackets
59 Too many close square brackets
60 Too many open brackets
61 Too many close brackets
62 Invalid number digit
63 Assembler Code is too long
64 Brackets are not balanced
65 Operator is expected
66 Operand is expected
67 Too many tokens in a line
68 Bracket is expected
69 Illegal use of register
70 Illegal use of label
71 Invalid operand in addition
72 Invalid operand in subtraction
73 One operand must be constant
74 Constant operand is expected
75 A constant operand is expected in addition
76 A constant operand is expected in subtraction
77 A constant operand is expected in multiplication
78 A constant operand is expected in division
79 A constant operand is expected after a positive sign
Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages 33
The Open Watcom Assembler
80 A constant operand is expected after a negative sign
81 Label is not defined
82 More than one override
83 Label is expected
84 Only segment or group label is allowed
85 Only register or label is expected in override
86 Unexpected end of file
87 Label is too long
88 This feature has not been implemented yet
89 Internal Error #1
90 Can not take offset of group
91 Can not take offset of segment
92 Invalid character found
93 Invalid operand size for instruction
94 This instruction is not supported
95 size not specified -- BYTE PTR is assumed
96 size not specified -- WORD PTR is assumed
97 size not specified -- DWORD PTR is assumed
500 Segment parameter is defined already
501 Model parameter is defined already
502 Syntax error in segment definition
503 ’AT’ is not supported in segment definition
504 Segment definition is changed
505 Lname is too long
506 Block nesting error
507 Ends a segment which is not opened
508 Segment option is undefined
34 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Assembler
509 Model option is undefined
510 No segment is currently opened
511 Lname is used already
512 Segment is not defined
513 Public is not defined
514 Colon is expected
515 A token is expected after colon
516 Invalid qualified type
517 Qualified type is expected
518 External definition different from previous one
519 Memory model is not found in .MODEL
520 Cannot open include file
521 Name is used already
522 Library name is missing
523 Segment name is missing
524 Group name is missing
525 Data emitted with no segment
526 Seglocation is expected
527 Invalid register
528 Cannot address with assumed register
529 Invalid start address
530 Label is already defined
531 Token is too long
532 The line is too long after expansion
533 A label is expected after colon
534 Must be associated with code
535 Procedure must have a name
Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages 35
The Open Watcom Assembler
536 Procedure is alreadly defined
537 Language type must be specified
538 End of procedure is not found
539 Local variable must immediately follow PROC or MACRO statement
540 Extra character found
541 Cannot nest procedures
542 No procedure is currently defined
543 Procedure name does not match
544 Vararg requires C calling convention
545 Model declared already
546 Model is not declared
547 Backquote expected
548 COMMENT delimiter expected
549 End directive required at end of file
550 Nesting level too deep
551 Symbol not defined
552 Insert Stupid warning #1 here
553 Insert Stupid warning #2 here
554 Spaces not allowed in command line options
555 Error:
556 Source File
557 No filename specified.
558 Out of Memory
559 Cannot Open File -
560 Cannot Close File -
561 Cannot Get Start of Source File -
562 Cannot Set to Start of Source File -
36 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Assembler
563 Command Line Contains More Than 1 File To Assemble
564 include path %s.
565 Unknown option %s. Use -? for list of options.
566 read more command line from %s.
567 Internal error in %s(%u)
570 Parameter Required
571 Expecting closing square bracket
572 Expecting file name
573 Floating point instruction not allowed with -fpc
574 Too many errors
575 Build target not recognised
576 Public constants should be numeric
577 Expecting symbol
578 Do not mix simplified and full segment definitions
579 Parms passed in multiple registers must be accessed separately, use %s
580 Ten byte variables not supported in register calling convention
581 Parameter type not recognised
582 forced error:
583 forced error: Value not equal to 0 : %d
584 forced error: Value equal to 0: %d
585 forced error: symbol defined: %s
586 forced error: symbol not defined: %s
587 forced error: string blank : <%s>
588 forced error: string not blank : <%s>
589 forced error: strings not equal : <%s> : <%s>
Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages 37
The Open Watcom Assembler
590 forced error: strings equal : <%s> : <%s>
591 included by file %s(%d)
592 macro called from file %s(%d)
593 Symbol %s not defined
594 Extending jump
595 Ignoring inapplicable directive
596 Unknown symbol class ’%s’
597 Symbol class for ’%s’ already established
598 number must be a power of 2
599 alignment request greater than segment alignment
600 ’%s’ is already defined
601 %u unclosed conditional directive(s) detected
38 Open Watcom Assembler Diagnostic Messages
Object File Utilities
Object File Utilities
4 The Open Watcom Library Manager
4.1 Introduction
The Open Watcom Library Manager can be used to create and update object library files. It takes as input
an object file or a library file and creates or updates a library file. For OS/2, Win16 and Win32
applications, it can also create import libraries from Dynamic Link Libraries.
An object library is essentially a collection of object files. These object files generally contain utility
routines that can be used as input to the Open Watcom Linker to create an application. The following are
some of the advantages of using library files.
1. Only those modules that are referenced will be included in the executable file. This eliminates
the need to know which object files should be included and which ones should be left out when
linking an application.
2. Libraries are a good way of organizing object files. When linking an application, you need only
list one library file instead of several object files.
The Open Watcom Library Manager currently runs under the following operating systems.
• OS/2
• Windows
4.2 The Open Watcom Library Manager Command Line
The following describes the Open Watcom Library Manager command line.
WLIB [options_1] lib_file [options_2] [cmd_list]
The square brackets "[]" denote items which are optional.
lib_file is the file specification for the library file to be processed. If no file extension is specified,
a file extension of "lib" is assumed.
options_1 is a list of valid options. Options may be specified in any order. If you are using a DOS,
OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager, options are
preceded by a "/" or "—" character. If you are using a UNIX-hosted version of the Open
Watcom Library Manager, options are preceded by a "—" character.
The Open Watcom Library Manager Command Line 41
Object File Utilities
options_2 is a list of valid options. These options are only permitted if you are running a DOS, OS/2
or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager and must be preceded
by a "/" character. The "—" character cannot be used as an option delimiter for options
following the library file name since it will be interpreted as a delete command.
cmd_list is a list of commands to the Open Watcom Library Manager specifying what operations are
to be performed. Each command in cmd_list is separated by a space.
The following is a summary of valid options. Items enclosed in square brackets "[]" are optional. Items
separated by an or-bar "|" and enclosed in parentheses "()" indicate that one of the items must be specified.
Items enclosed in angle brackets "<>" are to be replaced with a user-supplied name or value (the "<>" are
not included in what you specify).
? display the usage message
b suppress creation of backup file
c perform case sensitive comparison
directory in which extracted object modules will be placed
fa output AR format library (host default ar format)
fab output AR format library (BSD ar format)
fac output AR format library (COFF ar format)
fag output AR format library (GNU ar format)
fm output MLIB format library
fo output OMF format library
h display the usage message
ia generate AXP import records
ii generate X86 import records
ip generate PPC import records
ie generate ELF import records
ic generate COFF import records
io generate OMF import records
i(r|n)(n|o) imports for the resident/non-resident names table are to be imported by name/ordinal.
l[=<list_file>] create a listing file
m display C++ mangled names
n always create a new library
set output file name for library
set library page size (supported for "OMF" library format only)
pa set optimal library page size automaticaly (supported for "OMF" library format only)
q suppress identification banner
s strip line number records from object files (supported for "OMF" library format only)
t remove path information from module name specified in THEADR records (supported for
"OMF" library format only)
v do not suppress identification banner
x extract all object modules from library
zld strip file dependency info from object files (supported for "OMF" library format only)
The following sections describe the operations that can be performed on a library file. Note that before
making a change to a library file, the Open Watcom Library Manager makes a backup copy of the original
library file unless the "o" option is used to specify an output library file whose name is different than the
original library file, or the "b" option is used to suppress the creation of the backup file. The backup copy
has the same file name as the original library file but has a file extension of "bak". Hence, lib_file should
not have a file extension of "bak".
42 The Open Watcom Library Manager Command Line
The Open Watcom Library Manager
4.3 Open Watcom Library Manager Module Commands
The following is a summary of basic Open Watcom Library Manager module manipulation commands:
+ add module to a library
- remove module from a library
* or : extract module from a library ( : is used with a UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom
Library Manager, otherwise * is used)
++ add import library entry
4.4 Adding Modules to a Library File
An object file can be added to a library file by specifying a +obj_file command where obj_file is the file
specification for an object file. If you are using a DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open
Watcom Library Manager, a file extension of "obj" is assumed if none is specified. If you are using a
UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager, a file extension of "o" is assumed if none is
specified. If the library file does not exist, a warning message will be issued and the library file will be
wlib mylib +myobj
In the above example, the object file "myobj" is added to the library file "mylib.lib".
When a module is added to a library, the Open Watcom Library Manager will issue a warning if a symbol
redefinition occurs. This will occur if a symbol in the module being added is already defined in another
module that already exists in the library file. Note that the module will be added to the library in any case.
It is also possible to combine two library files together. The following example adds all modules in the
library "newlib.lib" to the library "mylib.lib".
wlib mylib +newlib.lib
Note that you must specify the "lib" file extension. Otherwise, the Open Watcom Library Manager will
assume you are adding an object file.
4.5 Deleting Modules from a Library File
A module can be deleted from a library file by specifying a -mod_name command where mod_name is the
file name of the object file when it was added to the library with the directory and file extension removed.
Deleting Modules from a Library File 43
Object File Utilities
wlib mylib -myobj
In the above example, the Open Watcom Library Manager is instructed to delete the module "myobj" from
the library file "mylib.lib".
It is also possible to specify a library file instead of a module name.
wlib mylib -oldlib.lib
In the above example, all modules in the library file "oldlib.lib" are removed from the library file
"mylib.lib". Note that you must specify the "lib" file extension. Otherwise, the Open Watcom Library
Manager will assume you are removing an object module.
4.6 Replacing Modules in a Library File
A module can be replaced by specifying a -+mod_name or +-mod_name command. The module
mod_name is deleted from the library. The object file "mod_name" is then added to the library.
wlib mylib -+myobj
In the above example, the module "myobj" is replaced by the object file "myobj".
It is also possible to merge two library files.
wlib mylib -+updlib.lib
In the above example, all modules in the library file "updlib.lib" replace the corresponding modules in the
library file "mylib.lib". Any module in the library "updlib.lib" not in library "mylib.lib" is added to the
library "mylib.lib". Note that you must specify the "lib" file extension. Otherwise, the Open Watcom
Library Manager will assume you are replacing an object module.
4.7 Extracting a Module from a Library File
A module can be extracted from a library file by specifying a *mod_name [=file_name] command for a
DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager or a :mod_name
[=file_name] command for a UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager. The module
mod_name is not deleted but is copied to a disk file. If mod_name is preceded by a path specification, the
output file will be placed in the directory identified by the path specification. If mod_name is followed by
a file extension, the output file will contain the specified file extension.
44 Extracting a Module from a Library File
The Open Watcom Library Manager
wlib mylib *myobj DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib mylib :myobj UNIX-hosted
In the above example, the module "myobj" is copied to a disk file. The disk file will be an object file with
file name "myobj". If you are running a DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom
Library Manager, a file extension of "obj" will be used. If you are running a UNIX-hosted version of the
Open Watcom Library Manager, a file extension of "o" will be used.
wlib mylib *myobj.out DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib mylib :myobj.out UNIX-hosted
In the above example, the module "myobj" will be extracted from the library file "mylib.lib" and placed in
the file "myobj.out"
The following form of the extract command can be used if the module name is not the same as the output
file name.
wlib mylib *myobj=newmyobj.out DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib mylib :myobj=newmyobj.out UNIX-hosted
You can extract a module from a file and have that module deleted from the library file by specifying a
*-mod_name command for a DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library
Manager or a :-mod_name command for a UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager.
The following example performs the same operations as in the previous example but, in addition, the
module is deleted from the library file.
wlib mylib *-myobj.out DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib mylib :-myobj.out UNIX-hosted
Note that the same result is achieved if the delete operator precedes the extract operator.
4.8 Creating Import Libraries
The Open Watcom Library Manager can also be used to create import libraries from Dynamic Link
Libraries. Import libraries are used when linking OS/2, Win16 or Win32 applications.
wlib implib +dynamic.dll
In the above example, the following actions are performed. For each external symbol in the specified
Dynamic Link Library, a special object module is created that identifies the external symbol and the actual
name of the Dynamic Link Library it is defined in. This object module is then added to the specified
library. The resulting library is called an import library.
Creating Import Libraries 45
Object File Utilities
Note that you must specify the "dll" file extension. Otherwise, the Open Watcom Library Manager will
assume you are adding an object file.
4.9 Creating Import Library Entries
An import library entry can be created and added to a library by specifying a command of the following
where description
sym is the name of a symbol in a Dynamic Link Library.
dll_name is the name of the Dynamic Link Library that defines sym.
altsym is the name of a symbol in a Dynamic Link Library. When omitted, the default symbol
name is sym.
export_name is the name that an application that is linking to the Dynamic Link Library uses to reference
sym. When omitted, the default export name is sym.
ordinal is the ordinal value that can be used to identify sym instead of using the name
wlib math ++__sin.trig.sin.1
In the above example, an import library entry will be created for symbol sin and added to the library
"math.lib". The symbol sin is defined in the Dynamic Link Library called "trig.dll" as __sin. When an
application is linked with the library "math.lib", the resulting executable file will contain an import by
ordinal value 1. If the ordinal value was omitted, the resulting executable file would contain an import by
name sin.
4.10 Commands from a File or Environment Variable
The Open Watcom Library Manager can be instructed to process all commands in a disk file or
environment variable by specifying the @name command where name is a file specification for the
command file or the name of an environment variable. A file extension of "lbc" is assumed for files if none
is specified. The commands must be one of those previously described.
wlib mylib @mycmd
In the above example, all commands in the environment variable "mycmd" or file "mycmd.lbc" are
processed by the Open Watcom Library Manager.
46 Commands from a File or Environment Variable
The Open Watcom Library Manager
4.11 Open Watcom Library Manager Options
The following sections describe the list of options allowed when invoking the Open Watcom Library
4.11.1 Suppress Creation of Backup File - "b" Option
The "b" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to not create a backup library file. In the following
example, the object file identified by "new" will be added to the library file "mylib.lib".
wlib -b mylib +new
If the library file "mylib.lib" already exits, no backup library file ("mylib.bak") will be created.
4.11.2 Case Sensitive Symbol Names - "c" Option
The "c" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to use a case sensitive compare when comparing a
symbol to be added to the library to a symbol already in the library file. This will cause the names "myrtn"
and "MYRTN" to be treated as different symbols. By default, comparisons are case insensitive. That is the
symbol "myrtn" is the same as the symbol "MYRTN".
4.11.3 Specify Output Directory - "d" Option
The "d" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager the directory in which all extracted modules are to
be placed. The default is to place all extracted modules in the current directory.
In the following example, the module "mymod" is extracted from the library "mylib.lib". If you are
running a DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager, the module will
be placed in the file "\obj\mymod.obj". If you are running a UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom
Library Manager, the module will be placed in the file "/o/mymod.o".
wlib -d=\obj mymod DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib -d=/o mymod UNIX-hosted
4.11.4 Specify Output Format - "f" Option
The "f" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager the format of the output library. The default output
format is determined by the type of object files that are added to the library when it is created. The possible
output format options are:
fa output AR format library, host OS default ar format
fab output AR format library, BSD ar format
fac output AR format library, COFF ar format
Open Watcom Library Manager Options 47
Object File Utilities
fag output AR format library, GNU ar format
fm output MLIB format library
fo output OMF format library
4.11.5 Generating Imports - "i" Option
The "i" option can be used to describe type of import library to create.
ia generate AXP import records
ii generate X86 import records
ip generate PPC import records
ie generate ELF import records
ic generate COFF import records
io generate OMF import records
When creating import libraries from Dynamic Link Libraries, import entries for the names in the resident
and non-resident names tables are created. The "i" option can be used to describe the method used to
import these names.
iro Specifying "iro" causes imports for names in the resident names table to be imported by
irn Specifying "irn" causes imports for names in the resident names table to be imported by
name. This is the default.
ino Specifying "ino" causes imports for names in the non-resident names table to be imported
by ordinal. This is the default.
inn Specifying "inn" causes imports for names in the non-resident names table to be imported
by name.
wlib -iro -inn implib +dynamic.dll
Note that you must specify the "dll" file extension for the Dynamic Link Library. Otherwise an object file
will be assumed.
4.11.6 Creating a Listing File - "l" Option
The "l" (lower case "L") option instructs the Open Watcom Library Manager to produce a list of the names
of all symbols that can be found in the library file to a listing file. The file name of the listing file is the
same as the file name of the library file. The file extension of the listing file is "lst".
48 Open Watcom Library Manager Options
The Open Watcom Library Manager
wlib -l mylib
In the above example, the Open Watcom Library Manager is instructed to list the contents of the library file
"mylib.lib" and produce the output to a listing file called "mylib.lst".
An alternate form of this option is -l=list_file. With this form, you can specify the name of the
listing file. When specifying a listing file name, a file extension of "lst" is assumed if none is specified.
wlib -l=mylib.out mylib
In the above example, the Open Watcom Library Manager is instructed to list the contents of the library file
"mylib.lib" and produce the output to a listing file called "mylib.out".
You can get a listing of the contents of a library file to the terminal by specifying only the library name on
the command line as demonstrated by the following example.
wlib mylib
4.11.7 Display C++ Mangled Names - "m" Option
The "m" option instructs the Open Watcom Library Manager to display C++ mangled names rather than
displaying their demangled form. The default is to interpret mangled C++ names and display them in a
somewhat more intelligible form.
4.11.8 Always Create a New Library - "n" Option
The "n" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to always create a new library file. If the library
file already exists, a backup copy is made (unless the "b" option was specified). The original contents of
the library are discarded and a new library is created. If the "n" option was not specified, the existing
library would be updated.
wlib -n mylib +myobj
In the above example, a library file called "mylib.lib" is created. It will contain a single object module,
namely "myobj", regardless of the contents of "mylib.lib" prior to issuing the above command. If
"mylib.lib" already exists, it will be renamed to "mylib.bak".
4.11.9 Specifying an Output File Name - "o" Option
The "o" option can be used to specify the output library file name if you want the original library to remain
unchanged and a new library created.
Open Watcom Library Manager Options 49
Object File Utilities
wlib -o=newlib lib1 +lib2.lib
In the above example, the modules from "lib1.lib" and "lib2.lib" are added to the library "newlib.lib". Note
that since the original library remains unchanged, no backup copy is created. Also, if the "l" option is used
to specify a listing file, the listing file will assume the file name of the output library.
4.11.10 Specifying a Library Record Size - "p" and "pa" Options
The "p" option specifies the record size in bytes for each record in the library file. The record size must be
a power of 2 and in the range 16 to 32768. If the record size is less than 16, it will be rounded up to 16. If
the record size is greater than 16 and not a power of 2, it will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2. The
default record size is 256 bytes.
Each entry in the dictionary of a library file contains an offset from the start of the file which points to a
module. The offset is 16 bits and is a multiple of the record size. Since the default record size is 256, the
maximum size of a library file for a record size of 256 is 256*64K. If the size of the library file increases
beyond this size, you must increase the record size.
wlib -p=512 lib1 +lib2.lib
In the above example, the Open Watcom Library Manager is instructed to create/update the library file
"lib1.lib" by adding the modules from the library file "lib2.lib". The record size of the resulting library file
is 512 bytes.
The "pa" option specifies the record size is determined automaticaly to be minimal in size.
wlib -pa lib1 +lib2.lib
In the above example, the Open Watcom Library Manager is instructed to create/update the library file
"lib1.lib" by adding the modules from the library file "lib2.lib". The record size of the resulting library file
is optimal (minimal) regardles of what each library page size is.
4.11.11 Operate Quietly - "q" Option
The "q" option suppressing the banner and copyright notice that is normally displayed when the Open
Watcom Library Manager is invoked.
wlib -q -l mylib
4.11.12 Strip Line Number Records - "s" Option
The "s" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to remove line number records from object files
that are being added to a library. Line number records are generated in the object file if the "d1" option is
specified when compiling the source code.
50 Open Watcom Library Manager Options
The Open Watcom Library Manager
wlib -s mylib +myobj
4.11.13 Trim Module Name - "t" Option
The "t" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to remove path information from the module name
specified in THEADR records in object files that are being added to a library. The module name is created
from the file name by the compiler and placed in the THEADR record of the object file. The module name
will contain path information if the file name given to the compiler contains path information.
wlib -t mylib +myobj
4.11.14 Operate Verbosely - "v" Option
The "v" option enables the display of the banner and copyright notice when the Open Watcom Library
Manager is invoked.
wlib -v -l mylib
4.11.15 Explode Library File - "x" Option
The "x" option tells the Open Watcom Library Manager to extract all modules from the library. Note that
the modules are not deleted from the library. Object modules will be placed in the current directory unless
the "d" option is used to specify an alternate directory.
In the following example all modules will be extracted from the library "mylib.lib" and placed in the
current directory.
wlib -x mylib
In the following example, all modules will be extracted from the library "mylib.lib". If you are running a
DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager, the module will be placed
in the "\obj" directory. If you are running a UNIX-hosted version of the Open Watcom Library Manager,
the module will be placed in the file "/o" directory.
wlib -x -d=\obj mylib DOS, OS/2 or Windows-hosted
wlib -x -d=/o mylib UNIX-hosted
4.12 Librarian Error Messages
The following messages may be issued by the Open Watcom Library Manager.
Librarian Error Messages 51
Object File Utilities
Error! Could not open object file ’%s’.
Object file ’%s’ could not be found. This message is usually issued when an attempt is
made to add a non-existent object file to the library.
Error! Could not open library file ’%s’.
The specified library file could not be found. This is usually issued for input library files.
For example, if you are combining two library files, the library file you are adding is an
input library file and the library file you are adding to or creating is an output library file.
Error! Invalid object module in file ’%s’ not added.
The specified file contains an invalid object module.
Error! Dictionary too large. Recommend split library into two libraries.
The size of the dictionary in a library file cannot exceed 64K. You must split the library
file into two separate library files.
Error! Redefinition of module ’%s’ in file ’%s’.
This message is usually issued when an attempt is made to add a module to a library that
already contains a module by that name.
Warning! Redefinition of symbol ’%s’ in file ’%s’ ignored.
This message is issued if a symbol defined by a module already in the library is also
defined by a module being added to the library.
Error! Library too large. Recommend split library into two libraries or try a larger page_bound than
%xH. The record size of the library file does not allow the library file to increase beyond its
current size. The record size of the library file must be increased using the "p" option.
Error! Expected ’%s’ in ’%s’ but found ’%s’.
An error occurred while scanning command input.
Warning! Could not find module ’%s’ for deletion.
This message is issued if an attempt is made to delete a module that does not exist in the
Error! Could not find module ’%s’ for extraction.
This message is issued if an attempt is made to extract a module that does not exist in the
Error! Could not rename old library for backup.
The Open Watcom Library Manager creates a backup copy before making any changes
(unless the "b" option is specified). This message is issued if an error occurred while trying
to rename the original library file to the backup file name.
Warning! Could not open library ’%s’ : will be created.
The specified library does not exist. It is usually issued when you are adding to a
non-existent library. The Open Watcom Library Manager will create the library.
Warning! Output library name specification ignored.
This message is issued if the library file specified by the "o" option could not be opened.
Warning! Could not open library ’%s’ and no operations specified: will not be created.
This message is issued if the library file specified on the command line does not exist and
52 Librarian Error Messages
The Open Watcom Library Manager
no operations were specified. For example, asking for a listing file of a non-existent library
will cause this message to be issued.
Warning! Could not open listing file ’%s’.
The listing file could not be opened. For example, this message will be issued when a "disk
full" condition is present.
Error! Could not open output library.
The output library could not be opened.
Error! Unable to write to output library.
An error occurred while writing to the output library.
Error! Unable to write to extraction file ’%s’.
This message is issued when extracting an object module from a library file and an error
occurs while writing to the output file.
Error! Out of Memory.
There was not enough memory to process the library file.
Error! Could not open file ’%s’.
This message is issued if the output file for a module that is being extracted from a library
could not be opened.
Error! Library ’%s’ is invalid. Contents ignored.
The library file does not contain the correct header information.
Error! Library ’%s’ has an invalid page size. Contents ignored.
The library file has an invalid record size. The record size is contained in the library header
and must be a power of 2.
Error! Invalid object record found in file ’%s’.
The specified file contains an invalid object record.
Error! No library specified on command line.
This message is issued if a library file name is not specified on the command line.
Error! Expecting library name.
This message is issued if the location of the library file name on the command line is
Warning! Invalid file name ’%s’.
This message is issued if an invalid file name is specified. For example, a file name longer
that 127 characters is not allowed.
Error! Could not open command file ’%s’.
The specified command file could not be opened.
Error! Could not read from file ’%s’. Contents ignored as command input.
An error occurred while reading a command file.
Librarian Error Messages 53
Object File Utilities
54 Librarian Error Messages
5 The Object File Disassembler
5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the Open Watcom Disassembler. It takes as input an object file (a file with
extension ".obj") and produces, as output, the Intel assembly language equivalent. The Open Watcom
compilers do not produce an assembly language listing directly from a source program. Instead, the Open
Watcom Disassembler can be used to generate an assembly language listing from the object file generated
by the compiler.
The Open Watcom Disassembler command line syntax is the following.
WDIS [options] [d:][path]filename[.ext] [options]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
WDIS is the name of the Open Watcom Disassembler.
d: is an optional drive specification such as "A:", "B:", etc. If not specified, the default drive
is assumed.
path is an optional path specification such as "\PROGRAMS\OBJ\". If not specified, the current
directory is assumed.
filename is the file name of the object file to disassemble.
ext is the file extension of the object file to disassemble. If omitted, a file extension of ".obj" is
assumed. If the period "." is specified but not the extension, the file is assumed to have no
file extension.
options is a list of valid options, each preceded by a slash ("/") or a dash (""). Options may be
specified in any order.
The options supported by the Open Watcom Disassembler are:
a write assembly instructions only to the listing file
e include list of external names
ff print FPU emulator fixups as comment line
fi use alternate indexing format [80(x)86 only]
fp do not use instruction name pseudonyms
fr do not use register name pseudonyms [Alpha only]
fu instructions/registers in upper case
i=<char> redefine the initial character of internal labels (default: L)
l[=<list_file>] create a listing file
Introduction 55
Object File Utilities
m leave C++ names mangled
p include list of public names
using object file source line information, imbed original source lines into the output file
The following sections describe the list of options.
5.2 Changing the Internal Label Character - "i=<char>"
The "i" option permits you to specify the first character to be used for internal labels. Internal labels take
the form "Ln" where "n" is one or more digits. The default character "L" can be changed using the "i"
option. The replacement character must be a letter (a-z, A-Z). A lowercase letter is converted to
C>wdis calendar -i=x
5.3 The Assembly Format Option - "a"
The "a" option controls the format of the output produced to the listing file. When specified, the Open
Watcom Disassembler will produce a listing file that can be used as input to an assembler.
C>wdis calendar -a -l=calendar.asm
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
calendar.obj and produce the output to the file calendar.asm so that it can be assembled by an
5.4 The External Symbols Option - "e"
The "e" option controls the amount of information produced in the listing file. When specified, a list of all
externally defined symbols is produced in the listing file.
C>wdis calendar -e
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
calendar.obj and produce the output, with a list of all external symbols, on the screen. A sample list
of external symbols is shown below.
56 The External Symbols Option - "e"
The Object File Disassembler
List of external symbols
___iob 0000032f 00000210 000001f4 00000158 00000139
__CHK 00000381 00000343 000002eb 00000237 000000cb 00000006
Box_ 000000f2
Calendar_ 000000a7 00000079 00000049
ClearScreen_ 00000016
fflush_ 00000334 00000215 000001f9 0000015d 0000013e
int386_ 000003af 00000372
Line_ 000002db 000002b5 00000293 00000274 0000025a
localtime_ 00000028
memset_ 00000308
PosCursor_ 0000031e 000001e1 00000148 00000123 000000b6
printf_ 00000327 00000208 000001ec 00000150 00000131
strlen_ 00000108
time_ 0000001d
Each externally defined symbol is followed by a list of location counter values indicating where the symbol
is referenced.
The "e" option is ignored when the "a" option is specified.
5.5 The FPU emulator fixups Option - "ff"
The "ff" option causes the FPU emulator fixups will be printed as comment line before Intel FPU
; FPU fixup FIDRQQ
fld tbyte ptr [bx]
5.6 The Alternate Addressing Form Option - "fi"
The "fi" option causes an alternate syntactical form of the based or indexed addressing mode of the 80x86
to be used in an instruction. For example, the following form is used by default for Intel instructions.
mov ax,-2[bp]
If the "fi" option is specified, the following form is used.
mov ax,[bp-2]
5.7 The No Instruction Name Pseudonyms Option - "fp"
By default, AXP instruction name pseudonyms are emitted in place of actual instruction names. The Open
Watcom AXP Assembler accepts instruction name pseudonyms. The "fp" option instructs the Open
Watcom Disassembler to emit the actual instruction names instead.
The No Instruction Name Pseudonyms Option - "fp" 57
Object File Utilities
5.8 The No Register Name Pseudonyms Option - "fr"
By default, AXP register names are emitted in pseudonym form. The Open Watcom AXP Assembler
accepts register pseudonyms. The "fr" option instructs the Open Watcom Disassembler to display register
names in their non-pseudonym form.
5.9 The Uppercase Instructions/Registers Option - "fu"
The "fu" option instructs the Open Watcom Disassembler to display instruction and register names in
uppercase characters. The default is to display them in lowercase characters.
5.10 The Listing Option - "l[=<list_file>]"
By default, the Open Watcom Disassembler produces its output to the terminal. The "l" (lowercase L)
option instructs the Open Watcom Disassembler to produce the output to a listing file. The default file
name of the listing file is the same as the file name of the object file. The default file extension of the
listing file is .lst.
C>wdis calendar -l
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
calendar.obj and produce the output to a listing file called calendar.lst.
An alternate form of this option is "l=<list_file>". With this form, you can specify the name of the listing
file. When specifying a listing file, a file extension of .lst is assumed if none is specified.
C>wdis calendar -l=calendar.lis
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
calendar.obj and produce the output to a listing file called calendar.lis.
5.11 The Public Symbols Option - "p"
The "p" option controls the amount of information produced in the listing file. When specified, a list of all
public symbols is produced in the listing file.
C>wdis calendar -p
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
calendar.obj and produce the output, with a list of all exported symbols, to the screen. A sample list
of public symbols is shown below.
The following is a list of public symbols in 80x86 code.
58 The Public Symbols Option - "p"
The Object File Disassembler
List of public symbols
main_ _TEXT 000002C0
void near Box( int, int, int, int )
_TEXT 00000093
void near Calendar( int, int, int, int, int, char near * )
_TEXT 0000014A
void near ClearScreen() _TEXT 00000000
void near Line( int, int, int, char, char, char )
_TEXT 00000036
void near PosCursor( int, int )
_TEXT 0000001A
The following is a list of public symbols in Alpha AXP code.
List of public symbols
main .text 000004F0
void near Box( int, int, int, int )
.text 00000148
void near Calendar( int, int, int, int, int, char near * )
.text 00000260
void near ClearScreen() .text 00000000
void near Line( int, int, int, char, char, char )
.text 00000060
void near PosCursor( int, int )
.text 00000028
The "p" option is ignored when the "a" option is specified.
5.12 Retain C++ Mangled Names - "m"
The "m" option instructs the Open Watcom Disassembler to retain C++ mangled names rather than
displaying their demangled form. The default is to interpret mangled C++ names and display them in a
somewhat more intelligible form.
5.13 The Source Option - "s[=<source_file>]"
The "s" option causes the source lines corresponding to the assembly language instructions to be produced
in the listing file. The object file must contain line numbering information. That is, the "d1" or "d2" option
must have been specified when the source file was compiled. If no line numbering information is present in
the object file, the "s" option is ignored.
The following defines the order in which the source file name is determined when the "s" option is
1. If present, the source file name specified on the command line.
2. The name from the module header record.
3. The object file name.
In the following example, we have compiled the source file mysrc.c with "d1" debugging information.
We then disassemble it as follows:
The Source Option - "s[=<source_file>]" 59
Object File Utilities
C>wdis mysrc -s -l
In the above example, the Open Watcom Disassembler is instructed to disassemble the contents of the file
mysrc.obj and produce the output to the listing file mysrc.lst. The source lines are extracted from
the file mysrc.c.
An alternate form of this option is "s=<source_file>". With this form, you can specify the name of the
source file.
C>wdis mysrc -s=myprog.c -l
The above example produces the same result as in the previous example except the source lines are
extracted from the file myprog.c.
5.14 An Example
Consider the following program contained in the file hello.c.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf( "Hello world\n" );
Compile it with the "d1" option. An object file called hello.obj will be produced. The "d1" option
causes line numbering information to be generated in the object file. We can use the Open Watcom
Disassembler to disassemble the contents of the object file by issuing the following command.
C>wdis hello -l -e -p -s -fu
The output will be written to a listing file called hello.lst (the "l" option was specified"). It will
contain a list of external symbols (the "e" option was specified), a list of public symbols (the "p" option was
specified) and the source lines corresponding to the assembly language instructions (the "s" option was
specified). The source input file is called hello.c. The register names will be displayed in upper case
(the "fu" option was specified). The output, shown below, is the result of using the Open Watcom C++
The following is a disassembly of 80x86 code.
60 An Example
The Object File Disassembler
Module: HELLO.C
Segment: _TEXT DWORD USE32 0000001A bytes
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
0000 main_:
0000 68 08 00 00 00 PUSH 0x00000008
0005 E8 00 00 00 00 CALL __CHK
printf( "Hello world\n" );
000A 68 00 00 00 00 PUSH offset L$1
000F E8 00 00 00 00 CALL printf_
0014 83 C4 04 ADD ESP,0x00000004
0017 31 C0 XOR EAX,EAX
0019 C3 RET
Routine Size: 26 bytes, Routine Base: _TEXT + 0000
No disassembly errors
List of external references
__CHK 0006
printf_ 0010
Segment: CONST DWORD USE32 0000000D bytes
0000 L$1:
0000 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A 00 Hello world..
BSS Size: 0 bytes
List of public symbols
main_ _TEXT 00000000
The following is a disassembly of Alpha AXP code.
An Example 61
Object File Utilities
.new_section .text, "crx4"
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
0000 main:
0000 23DEFFF0 LDA SP,-0x10(SP)
0004 B75E0000 STQ RA,(SP)
printf( "Hello world\n" );
0008 261F0000 LDAH A0,h^L$0(R31)
000C 22100000 LDA A0,l^L$0(A0)
0010 43F00010 SEXTL A0,A0
0014 D3400000 BSR RA,j^printf
0018 201F0000 MOV 0x00000000,V0
001C A75E0000 LDQ RA,(SP)
0020 23DE0010 LDA SP,0x10(SP)
0024 6BFA8001 RET (RA)
Routine Size: 40 bytes, Routine Base: .text + 0000
No disassembly errors
List of external references
printf 0014
.new_section .const, "drw4"
0000 L$0:
0000 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A 00 00 00 00 Hello world.....
.new_section .const2, "drw4"
.new_section .data, "drw4"
.new_section .bss, "urw4"
0000 .bss:
BSS Size: 0 bytes
.new_section .pdata, "dr2"
0000 // Procedure descriptor for main
main // BeginAddress : 0
main+0x28 // EndAddress : 40
00000000 // ExceptionHandler : 0
00000000 // HandlerData : 0
main+0x8 // PrologEnd : 8
.new_section .drectve, "iRr0"
0000 2D 64 65 66 61 75 6C 74 6C 69 62 3A 63 6C 69 62 -defaultlib:clib
0010 20 2D 64 65 66 61 75 6C 74 6C 69 62 3A 70 6C 69 -defaultlib:pli
0020 62 20 2D 64 65 66 61 75 6C 74 6C 69 62 3A 6D 61 b -defaultlib:ma
0030 74 68 20 00 th .
List of public symbols
main .text 00000000
62 An Example
The Object File Disassembler
Let us create a form of the listing file that can be used as input to an assembler.
C>wdis hello -l=hello.asm -r -a
The output will be produced in the file hello.asm. The output, shown below, is the result of using the
Open Watcom C++ compiler.
The following is a disassembly of 80x86 code.
PUBLIC main_
EXTRN printf_:BYTE
EXTRN ___wcpp_3_data_init_fs_root_:BYTE
EXTRN _cstart_:BYTE
PUSH 0x00000008
CALL near ptr __CHK
PUSH offset L$1
CALL near ptr printf_
ADD ESP,0x00000004
DB 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f
DB 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x0a, 0x00
The following is a disassembly of Alpha AXP code.
.globl main
.extrn printf
.extrn _cstart_
.new_section .text, "crx4"
LDA $SP,-0x10($SP)
LDAH $A0,h^‘L$0‘($ZERO)
LDA $A0,l^‘L$0‘($A0)
BSR $RA,j^printf
MOV 0x00000000,$V0
LDA $SP,0x10($SP)
RET $ZERO,($RA),0x00000001
An Example 63
Object File Utilities
.new_section .const, "drw4"
.asciiz "Hello world\n"
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.new_section .pdata, "dr2"
// 0000 Procedure descriptor for main
.long main // BeginAddress : 0
.long main+0x28 // EndAddress : 40
.long 00000000 // ExceptionHandler : 0
.long 00000000 // HandlerData : 0
.long main+0x8 // PrologEnd : 8
.new_section .drectve, "iRr0"
.asciiz "-defaultlib:clib -defaultlib:plib -defaultlib:math "
64 An Example
6 Optimization of Far Calls
Optimization of far calls can result in smaller executable files and improved performance. It is most useful
when the automatic grouping of logical segments into physical segments takes place. Note that, by default,
automatic grouping is performed by the Open Watcom Linker.
The Open Watcom C, C++ and FORTRAN 77 compilers automatically enable the far call optimization.
The Open Watcom Linker will optimize far calls to procedures that reside in the same physical segment as
the caller. For example, a large code model program will probably contain many far calls to procedures in
the same physical segment. Since the segment address of the caller is the same as the segment address of
the called procedure, only a near call is necessary. A near call does not require a relocation entry in the
relocation table of the executable file whereas a far call does. Thus, the far call optimization will result in
smaller executable files that will load faster. Furthermore, a near call will generally execute faster than a
far call, particularly on 286 and 386-based machines where, for applications running in protected mode,
segment switching is fairly expensive.
The following describes the far call optimization. The call far label instruction is converted to one of the
following sequences of code.
push cs seg ss
call near label push cs
nop call near label
1. The nop or seg ss instruction is present since a call far label instruction is five bytes. The push
cs instruction is one byte and the call near label instruction is three bytes. The seg ss instruction
is used because it is faster than the nop instruction.
2. The called procedure will still use a retf instruction but since the code segment and the near
address are pushed on the stack, the far return will execute correctly.
3. The position of the padding instruction is chosen so that the return address is word aligned. A
word aligned return address improves performance.
4. When two consecutive call far label instructions are optimized and the first call far label
instruction is word aligned, the following sequence replaces both call far label instructions.
push cs
call near label1
seg ss
push cs
seg cs
call near label2
5. If your program contains only near calls, this optimization will have no effect.
A far jump optimization is also performed by the Open Watcom Linker. This has the same benefits as the
far call optimization. A jmp far label instruction to a location in the same segment will be replaced by the
following sequence of code.
Optimization of Far Calls 65
Object File Utilities
jmp near label
mov ax,ax
Note that for 32-bit segments, this instruction becomes mov eax,eax.
6.1 Far Call Optimizations for Non-Open Watcom Object
The far call optimization is automatically enabled when object modules created by the Open Watcom C,
C++, or FORTRAN 77 compilers are linked. These compilers mark those segments in which this
optimization can be performed. The following utility can be used to enable this optimization for object
modules that have been created by other compilers or assemblers.
6.1.1 The Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling Utility
Only DOS, OS/2 and Windows-hosted versions of the Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling
Utility are available. A QNX-hosted version is not necessary since QNX-hosted development tools that
generate object files, generate the necessary information that enables the far call optimization.
The format of the Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling Utility is as follows. Items enclosed in
square brackets are optional; items enclosed in braces may be repeated zero or more times.
FCENABLE { [option] [file] }
where description
option is an option and must be preceded by a dash (’-’) or slash (’/’).
file is a file specification for an object file or library file. If no file extension is specified, a file
extension of "obj" is assumed. Wild card specifiers may be used.
The following describes the command line options.
b Do not create a backup file. By default, a backup file will be created. The backup file
name will have the same file name as the input file and a file extension of "bob" for object
files and "bak" for library files.
c Specify a list of class names, each separated by a comma. This enables the far call
optimization for all segments belonging to the specified classes.
s Specify a list of segment names, each separated by a comma. This enables the far call
optimization for all specified segments.
x Specify a list of ranges, each separated by a comma, for which no far call optimizations are
to be made. A range has the following format.
66 Far Call Optimizations for Non-Open Watcom Object Modules
Optimization of Far Calls
seg_name start-end
seg_name start:length
seg_name is the name of a segment. start is an offset into the specified segment defining
the start of the range. end is an offset into the specified segment defining the end of the
range. length is the number of bytes from start to be included in the range. All values are
assumed to be hexadecimal.
1. If more than one class list or segment list is specified, only the last one is used. A class or
segment list applies to all object and library files regardless of their position relative to the class
or segment list.
2. A range list applies only to the first object file following the range specification. If the object
file contains more than one module, the range list will only apply to the first module in the object
The following examples illustrate the use of the Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling Utility.
fcenable -c code *.obj
In the above example, the far call optimization will be enabled for all segments belonging to the "code"
fcenable -s _text *.obj
In the above example, the far call optimization will be enabled for all segments with name "_text".
fcenable -x special 0:400 asmfile.obj
In the above example, the far call optimization will be disabled for the first 1k bytes of the segment named
"special" in the object file "asmfile".
fcenable -x special 0-ffffffff asmfile.obj
In the above example, the far call optimization will be disabled for the entire segment named "special" in
the object file "asmfile".
Far Call Optimizations for Non-Open Watcom Object Modules 67
Object File Utilities
68 Far Call Optimizations for Non-Open Watcom Object Modules
7 The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility
The exe2bin utility strips off the header of a DOS executable file and applies any necessary fixups. In
addition, it is able to display the header and relocations of an executable file in human readable format.
When DOS executes a program (supplied as an ".exe" file) it first reads the header of the executable file
and ensures there is enough memory to load the program. If there is, DOS loads the file — excluding the
header — to memory. Before jumping to the entry point, DOS has to adjust a number of certain locations
that depend on the load address of the program. These adjustments consist of the addition of the load
address to each entry in the above mentioned list of relocations. These relocations are part of the header of
an executable file. The load address may vary from invocation to invocation, this creates the need for the
existence of relocations.
As exe2bin strips the executable header, the relocations are lost (among other things). This would render
the resulting output useless, if exe2bin were not to apply the relocations as part of the conversion process.
Just like DOS, exe2bin therefore needs to know the load address. This is supplied via an argument to
Some programs do not rely on the address they are being loaded at, and consequently do not contain any
relocations. In this case exe2bin merely copies the contents of the input file (apart from the header) to the
output file.
The phrase "binary part" (also "binary data") is used as a technical term in the documentation of exe2bin. It
denotes the data following the header. The length of the binary data is determined by the header entries
"Size mod 512", "Number of pages" and "Size of header". It is not directly related to the actual size of the
input file.
Note: Although Open Watcom Exe2bin is capable of producing DOS ".COM" executables, this
functionality is only provided for compatibility with other tools. The preferred way of generating
".COM" executables is to use the Open Watcom Linker with directive "format dos com". Refer
to the Open Watcom Linker Guide for details.
7.1 The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility Command Line
The format of the Open Watcom Exe2bin command line is as follows. Items enclosed in square brackets
("[ ]") are optional.
EXE2BIN [options] exe_file [bin_file]
The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility Command Line 69
Object File Utilities
where description
options is a list of options, each preceded by a dash (""). On non-UNIX platforms, a slash ("/")
may be also used instead of a dash. Options may be specified in any order. Supported
options are:
h display the executable file header
r display the relocations of the executable file
l=<seg> specify the load address of the binary file
x enable extended capabilities of Open Watcom Exe2bin
exe_file is a file specification for a 16-bit DOS executable file used as input. If no file extension is
specified, a file extension of ".exe" is assumed. Wild card specifiers may not be used.
bin_file is an optional file specification for a binary output file. If no file name is given, the
extension of the input file is replaced by "bin" and taken as the name for the binary output
1. If are any relocations in the input file, the -l option becomes mandatory (and is useless
2. If exe2bin is called without the -x option, certain restrictions to the input file apply (apart from
being a valid DOS executable file):
• the size of the binary data must be <= 64 KByte
• no stack must be defined, i.e. ss:sp = 0x0000:0x0000
• the code segment must be always zero, i.e. cs = 0x0000
• the initial instruction pointer must be either ip = 0x0000 or ip = 0x0100
None of the above restrictions apply if the -x option is supplied.
3. If cs:ip = 0x0000:0x0100 and the -x option is not specified, no relocations are allowed in the
input file. Furthermore, exe2bin skips another 0x100 bytes following the header (in addition to
the latter).
This behaviour allows the creation of DOS ".COM" executables and is implemented for
backward compatibility. It is however strongly suggested to use the Open Watcom Linker
instead (together with directive "format dos com" ).
The examples below illustrate the use of Open Watcom Exe2bin.
70 The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility Command Line
The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility
exe2bin prog.exe
Strips off the executable header from prog.exe and writes the binary part to prog.bin. If there are
any relocations in prog.exe or if the input file violates any of the restrictions listed above, the execution
of exe2bin fails.
exe2bin -x prog.exe
Same as above but the "-x" option relaxes certain restrictions.
Note: Even if exe2bin is sucessfully invoked with identical input files as in the preceding examples (i.e.
with vs. without -x) the output files may differ. This happens when cs:ip = 0x0000:0x0100 causes
exe2bin to skip additional 0x100 bytes from the input file, if the user did not specify -x.
exe2bin -h prog.exe test.bin
Displays the header of prog.exe, strips it off and copies the binary part to test.bin.
exe2bin -h -r -x -l=0xE000 bios.exe bios.rom
Displays the header and the relocations (if any) of bios.exe strips the header and applies any fixups to
(i.e. relocates) bios.exe as if it were to be loaded at 0xE000:0x0000. The result will be written to
The above command line may serve as an example of creating a 128 KByte BIOS image for the PC-AT
7.2 Exe2bin Messages
This is a list of the diagnostic messages exe2bin may display, accompanied by more verbose descriptions
and some possible causes.
Error opening %s for reading.
The input executable file could not be opened for reading.
Check that the input file exists and exe2bin has read permissions.
Error opening %s for writing.
The output binary file could not be opened for writing.
Make sure the media is not write protected, has enough free space to hold the output file,
and exe2bin has write permissions.
Error allocating file I/O buffer.
There is not enough free memory to allocate a file buffer.
Exe2bin Messages 71
Object File Utilities
Error reading while copying data.
An error occured while reading the binary part of the input file.
This is most likely due to a corrupted executable header. Run exe2bin with the -h option
and check the size reported. The size of the input file must be at least ("Number of pages" -
1) * 512 + "Size mod 512". Omit decrementing the number of pages if "Size mod 512"
happens to equal zero.
Error writing while copying data.
The output binary file can not be written to.
Make sure the media has enough free space to hold the output file and is not removed while
writing to it.
Error. %s has no valid executable header.
The signature (the first two bytes of the input file) does not match "MZ".
exe2bin can only use valid DOS executable files as input.
Error allocating/reading reloc-table.
There is either not enough free memory to allocate a buffer for the relocations (each
relocation takes about 4 bytes) or there was an error while reading from the input file.
Error. Option "-l=<seg>" mandatory (there are relocations).
The executable file contains relocations. Therefore, exe2bin needs to know the segment the
binary output file is supposed to reside at.
Either provide a segment as an argument to the -l option or rewrite your executable file to
not contain any relocations.
Error: Binary part exceeds 64 KBytes.
The binary part of the input file is larger than 64 KBytes.
The restriction applies because the -x option was not specified. Check if the extended
behaviour is suitable or rewrite the program to shorten the binary part.
Error: Stack segment defined.
The header defines an initial stack, i.e. ss:sp != 0x0000:0x0000.
The restriction applies because the -x option was not specified. Check if the extended
behaviour is suitable or rewrite the program to not have a segment of class "stack".
Error: CS:IP neither 0x0000:0x0000 nor 0x0000:0x0100.
The header defines an initial cs:ip not matching any of the two values.
The restriction applies because the -x option was not specified. Check if the extended
behaviour is suitable or rewrite the program to have a different entry point (cf. Open
Watcom Linker "option start" ).
Error: com-file must not have relocations.
Although the binary part is <= 64 KByte in length, there is no stack defined and the cs:ip is
0x0000:0x0100, i.e. exe2bin assumes you try to generate a ".COM" executable, there are
relocations in the input file.
72 Exe2bin Messages
The Open Watcom Exe2bin Utility
".COM" files are not allowed to contain relocations. Either produce an ".EXE" file instead
or rewrite the program to avoid the need for relocations. In order to do the latter, look for
statements that refer to segments or groups such as mov ax, _TEXT or mov ax,
Exe2bin Messages 73
Object File Utilities
74 Exe2bin Messages
Executable Image Utilities
Executable Image Utilities
8 The Open Watcom Patch Utility
8.1 Introduction
The Open Watcom Patch Utility is a utility program which may be used to apply patches or bug fixes to
Open Watcom’s compilers and its associated tools. As problems are reported and fixed, patches are created
and made available on Open Watcom’s BBS, Open Watcom’s FTP site, or CompuServe for users to
download and apply to their copy of the tools.
8.2 Applying a Patch
The format of the BPATCH command line is:
BPATCH [options] patch_file
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
where description
options is a list of valid Open Watcom Patch Utility options, each preceded by a dash ("").
Options may be specified in any order. The possible options are:
-p Do not prompt for confirmation
-b Do not create a .BAK file
-q Print current patch level of file
patch_file is the file specification for a patch file provided by Open Watcom.
Suppose a patch file called "wlink.a" is supplied by Open Watcom to fix a bug in the file "WLINK.EXE".
The patch may be applied by typing the command:
bpatch wlink.a
The Open Watcom Patch Utility locates the file C:\WATCOM\BINW\WLINK.EXE using the PATH
environment variable. The actual name of the executable file is extracted from the file wlink.a. It then
verifies that the file to be patched is the correct one by comparing the size of the file to be patched to the
expected size. If the file sizes match, the program responds with:
Ok to modify ’C:\WATCOM\BINW\WLINK.EXE’? [y|n]
If you respond with "yes", BPATCH will modify the indicated file. If you respond with "no", BPATCH
aborts. Once the patch has been applied the resulting file is verified. First the file size is checked to make
Applying a Patch 77
Executable Image Utilities
sure it matches the expected file size. If the file size matches, a check-sum is computed and compared to
the expected check-sum.
1. If an error message is issued during the patch process, the file that you specified to be patched
will remain unchanged.
2. If a sequence of patch files exist, such as "wlink.a", "wlink.b" and "wlink.c", the patches must be
applied in order. That is, "wlink.a" must be applied first followed by "wlink.b" and finally
8.3 Diagnostic Messages
If the patch cannot be successfully applied, one of the following error messages will be displayed.
Usage: BPATCH {-p} {-q} {-b} <file>
-p = Do not prompt for confirmation
-b = Do not create a .BAK file
-q = Print current patch level of file
The command line was entered with no arguments.
File ’%s’ has not been patched
This message is issued when the "-q" option is used and the file has not been patched.
File ’%s’ has been patched to level ’%s’
This message is issued when the "-q" option is used and the file has been patched to the
indicated level.
File ’%s’ has already been patched to level ’%s’ - skipping
This message is issued when the file has already been patched to the same level or higher.
Command line may only contain one file name
More than one file name is specified on the command line. Make sure that "/" is not used
as an option delimiter.
Command line must specify a file name
No file name has been specified on the command line.
’%s’ is not a Open Watcom patch file
The patch file is not of the required format. The required header information is not present.
’%s’ is not a valid Open Watcom patch file
The patch file is not of the required format. The required header information is present but
the remaining contents of the file have been corrupted.
’%s’ is the wrong size (%lu1). Should be (%lu2)
The size of the file to be patched (%lu1) is not the same as the expected size (%lu2).
Cannot find ’%s’
Cannot find the executable to be patched.
78 Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Patch Utility
Cannot open ’%s’
An error occurred while trying to open the patch file, the file to be patched or the resulting
Cannot read ’%s’
An input error occurred while reading the old version of the file being patched.
Cannot rename ’%s’ to ’%s’
The file to be patched could not be renamed to the backup file name or the resulting file
could not be renamed to the name of the file that was patched.
Cannot write to ’%s’
An output error occurred while writing to the new version of the file to be patched.
I/O error processing file ’%s’
An error occurred while seeking in the specified file.
No memory for %s
An attempt to allocate memory dynamically failed.
Patch program aborted!
This message is issued if you answered no to the "OK to modify" prompt.
Resulting file has wrong checksum (%lu) - Should be (%lu2)
The check-sum of the resulting file (%lu) does not match the expected check-sum (%lu2).
This message is issued if you have patched the wrong version.
Resulting file has wrong size (%lu1) - Should be (%lu2)
The size of the resulting file (%lu1) does not match the expected size (%lu2). This
message is issued if you have patched the wrong version.
Diagnostic Messages 79
Executable Image Utilities
80 Diagnostic Messages
9 The Open Watcom Strip Utility
9.1 Introduction
The Open Watcom Strip Utility may be used to manipulate information that is appended to the end of an
executable file. The information can be either one of two things:
1. Symbolic debugging information
2. Resource information
This information can be added or removed from the executable file. Symbolic debugging information is
placed at the end of an executable file by the Open Watcom Linker or the Open Watcom Strip Utility.
Resource information is placed at the end of an executable by a resource compiler or the Open Watcom
Strip Utility.
Once a program has been debugged, the Open Watcom Strip Utility allows you to remove the debugging
information from the executable file so that you do not have to remove the debugging directives from the
linker directive file and link your program again. Removal of the debugging information reduces the size
of the executable image.
All executable files generated by the Open Watcom Linker can be specified as input to the Open Watcom
Strip Utility. Note that for executable files created for Novell’s NetWare operating system, debugging
information created using the "NOVELL" option in the "DEBUG" directive cannot be removed from the
executable file. You must remove the "DEBUG" directive from the directive file and re-link your
The Open Watcom Strip Utility currently runs under the following operating systems.
• OS/2
• Windows NT/2000/XP
• Windows 95/98/Me
9.2 The Open Watcom Strip Utility Command Line
The Open Watcom Strip Utility command line syntax is:
The Open Watcom Strip Utility Command Line 81
Executable Image Utilities
WSTRIP [options] input_file [output_file] [info_file]
[] The square brackets denote items which are optional.
-b (backup) Create backup (.bak) file for input executable.
-n (noerrors) Do not issue any diagnostic message.
-q (quiet) Do not print any informational messages.
-r (resources) Process resource information rather than debugging
-a (add) Add information rather than remove information.
input_file is a file specification for the name of an executable file. If no file extension is specified,
the Open Watcom Strip Utility will assume one of the following extensions: "exe", "dll",
"exp", "rex", "nlm", "dsk", "lan", "nam", "msl", "cdm", "ham", "qnx" or no file extension.
Note that the order specified in the list of file extensions is the order in which the Open
Watcom Strip Utility will select file extensions.
output_file is an optional file specification for the output file. If no file extension is specified, the file
extension specified in the input file name will be used for the output file name. If "." is
specified, the input file name will be used.
info_file is an optional file specification for the file in which the debugging or resource information
is to be stored (when removing information) or read (when adding information). If no file
extension is specified, a file extension of "sym" is assumed for debugging information and
"res" for resource information. To specify the name of the information file but not the
name of an output file, a "." may be specified in place of output_file.
1. If the "r" (resource) option is not specified then the default action is to add/remove symbolic
debugging information.
2. If the "a" (add) option is not specified then the default action is to remove information.
3. If output_file is not specified, the debugging or resource information is added to or removed
from input_file.
4. If output_file is specified, input_file is copied to output_file and the debugging or resource
information is added to or removed from output_file. input_file remains unchanged.
5. If info_file is specified then the debugging or resource information that is added to or removed
from the executable file is read from or written to this file. The debugging or resource
information may be appended to the executable by specifying the "a" (add) option. Also, the
82 The Open Watcom Strip Utility Command Line
The Open Watcom Strip Utility
debugging information may be appended to the executable by concatenating the debugging
information file to the end of the executable file (the files must be treated as binary files).
6. During processing, the Open Watcom Strip Utility will create a temporary file, ensuring that a
file by the chosen name does not already exist.
9.3 Strip Utility Messages
The following messages may be issued by the Open Watcom Strip Utility.
Usage: WSTRIP [options] input_file [output_file] [info_file]
options: (-option is also accepted)
/n don’t print warning messages
/q don’t print informational messages
/r process resource information rather than debugging information
/a add information rather than delete information
input_file: executable file
output_file: optional output executable or ’.’
info_file: optional output debugging or resource information file
or input debugging or resource informational file
The command line was entered with no arguments.
Too low on memory
There is not enough free memory to allocate file buffers.
Unable to find ’%s’
The specified file could not be located.
Cannot create temporary file
All the temporary file names are in use.
Unable to open ’%s’ to read
The input executable file cannot be opened for reading.
’%s’ is not a valid executable file
The input file has invalid executable file header information.
’%s’ does not contain debugging information
There is nothing to strip from the specified executable file.
Seek error on ’%s’
An error occurred during a seek operation on the specified file.
Unable to create output file ’%s’
The output file could not be created. Check that the output disk is not write-protected or
that the specified output file is not marked "read-only".
Unable to create symbol file ’%s’
The symbol file could not be created.
Error reading ’%s’
An error occurred while reading the input executable file.
Strip Utility Messages 83
Executable Image Utilities
Error writing to ’%s’
An error occurred while writing the output executable file or the symbol file. Check the
amount of free space on the output disk. If the input and output files reside on the same
disk, there might not be enough room for a second copy of the executable file during
Cannot erase file ’%s’
The input executable file is probably marked "read-only" and therefore could not be erased
(the input file is erased whenever the output file has the same name).
Cannot rename file ’%s’
The output executable file could not be renamed. Ordinarily, this should never occur.
84 Strip Utility Messages
The Make/Touch Utilities
The Make/Touch Utilities
10 The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.1 Introduction
The Open Watcom Make utility is useful in the development of programs and text processing but is general
enough to be used in many different applications. Make uses the fact that each file has a time-stamp
associated with it that indicates the last time the file was updated. Make uses this time-stamp to decide
which files are out of date with respect to each other. For instance, if we have an input data file and an
output report file we would like the output report file to accurately reflect the contents of the input data file.
In terms of time-stamps, we would like the output report to have a more recent time-stamp than the input
data file (we will say that the output report file should be "younger" than the input data file). If the input
file had been modified then we would know from the younger time-stamp (in comparison to the report file)
that the report file was out of date and should be updated. Make may be used in this and many other
situations to ensure that files are kept up to date.
Some readers will be quite familiar with the concepts of the Make file maintenance tool. Open Watcom
Make is patterned after the Make utility found on UNIX systems. The next major section is simply
intended to summarize, for reference purposes only, the syntax and options of Make’s command line and
special macros. Subsequent sections go into the philosophy and capabilities of Open Watcom Make. If
you are not familiar with the capabilities of the Make utility, we recommend that you skip to the next major
section entitled "Dependency Declarations" and read on.
10.2 Open Watcom Make Reference
The following sub-sections serve as a reference guide to the Open Watcom Make utility.
10.2.1 Open Watcom Make Command Line Format
The formal Open Watcom Make command line syntax is shown below.
WMAKE [options] [macro_defs] [targets]
As indicated by the square brackets [ ], all items are optional.
options is a list of valid Open Watcom Make options, each preceded by a dash (""). Alternatively,
a slash ("/") can be used on non-UNIX systems. Options may be specified in any order.
macro_defs is a list of valid Open Watcom Make macro definitions. Macro definitions are of the form:
and are readily identified by the presence of the "=". Surround the definition with quotes
(") if it contains blanks (e.g., "debug_opt=debug all"). The macro definitions specified on
Open Watcom Make Reference 87
The Make/Touch Utilities
the command line supersede any macro definitions defined in makefiles. Macro names are
case-insensitive unless the "ms" option is used to select Microsoft NMAKE mode.
targets is one or more targets described in the makefile.
10.2.2 Open Watcom Make Options Summary
In this section, we present a terse summary of the Open Watcom Make options. This summary is displayed
on the screen by simply entering "WMAKE ?" on the command line.
C>wmake ?
-a make all targets by ignoring time-stamps
-b block/ignore all implicit rules
-c do not verify the existence of files made
-d debug mode - echo all work as it progresses
-e always erase target after error/interrupt (disables prompting)
-f the next parameter is a name of dependency description file
-h do not print out Make identification lines (no header)
-i ignore return status of all commands executed
-k on error/interrupt: continue on next target
-l the next parameter is the name of a output log file
-m do not search for MAKEINIT file
-ms Microsoft NMAKE mode
-n no execute mode - print commands without executing
-o use circular implicit rule path
-p print the dependency tree as understood from the file
-q query mode - check targets without updating them
-r do not use default definitions
-s silent mode - do not print commands before execution
-sn noisy mode - always print commands before execution
-t touch files instead of executing commands
-u UNIX compatibility mode
-v verbose listing of inline files
-y show why a target will be updated
-z do not erase target after error/interrupt (disables prompting)
10.2.3 Command Line Options
Command line options, available with Open Watcom Make, allow you to control the processing of the
make all targets by ignoring time-stamps
The "a" option is a safe way to update every target. For program maintenance, it is the preferred method
over deleting object files or touching source files.
88 Open Watcom Make Reference
The Open Watcom Make Utility
block/ignore all implicit rules
The "b" option will indicate to Make that you do not want any implicit rule checking done. The "b" option
is useful in makefiles containing double colon "::" explicit rules because an implicit rule search is
conducted after a double colon "::" target is updated. Including the directive .BLOCK in a makefile also
will disable implicit rule checking.
do not verify the existence of files made
Make will check to ensure that a target exists after the associated command list is executed. The target
existence checking may be disabled with the "c" option. The "c" option is useful in processing makefiles
that were developed with other Make utilities. The .NOCHECK directive is used to disable target existence
checks in a makefile.
debug mode - echo all work as it progresses
The "d" option will print out information about the time-stamp of files and indicate how the makefile
processing is proceeding.
always erase target after error/interrupt (disables prompting)
The "e" option will indicate to Make that, if an error or interrupt occurs during makefile processing, the
current target being made may be deleted without prompting. The .ERASE directive may be used as an
equivalent option in a makefile.
the next parameter is a name of dependency description file
The "f" option specifies that the next parameter on the command line is the name of a makefile which must
be processed. If the "f" option is specified then the search for the default makefile named "MAKEFILE" is
not done. Any number of makefiles may be processed with the "f" option.
wmake /f myfile
wmake /f myfile1 /f myfile2
do not print out Make identification lines (no header)
The "h" option is useful for less verbose output. Combined with the "q" option, this allows a batch file to
silently query if an application is up to date. Combined with the "n" option, a batch file could be produced
containing the commands necessary to update the application.
ignore return status of all commands executed
Open Watcom Make Reference 89
The Make/Touch Utilities
The "i" option is equivalent to the .IGNORE directive.
on error/interrupt: continue on next target
Make will stop updating targets when a non-zero status is returned by a command. The "k" option will
continue processing targets that do not depend on the target that caused the error. The .CONTINUE
directive in a makefile will enable this error handling capability.
the next parameter is the name of a output log file
Make will output an error message when a non-zero status is returned by a command. The "l" option
specifies a file that will record all error messages output by Make during the processing of the makefile.
do not search for the MAKEINIT file
The default action for Make is to search for an initialization file called "MAKEINIT" or "TOOLS.INI" if
the "ms" option is set. The "m" option will indicate to Make that processing of the MAKEINIT file is not
Microsoft NMAKE mode
The default action for Make is to process makefiles using Open Watcom syntax rules. The "ms" option will
indicate to Make that it should process makefiles using Microsoft syntax rules. For example, the line
continuation in NMAKE is a backslash ("\") at the end of the line.
no execute mode - print commands without executing
The "n" option will print out what commands should be executed to update the application without actually
executing them. Combined with the "h" option, a batch file could be produced which would contain the
commands necessary to update the application.
wmake /h /n >update.bat
This is useful for applications which require all available resources (memory and devices) for executing the
updating commands.
use circular implicit rule path
When this option is specified, Make will use a circular path specification search which may save on disk
activity for large makefiles. The "o" option is equivalent to the .OPTIMIZE directive.
90 Open Watcom Make Reference
The Open Watcom Make Utility
print out makefile information
The "p" option will cause Make to print out information about all the explicit rules, implicit rules, and
macro definitions.
query mode - check targets without updating them
The "q" option will cause Make to return a status of 1 if the application requires updating; it will return a
status of 0 otherwise. Here is a example batch file using the "q" option:
wmake /q
if errorstatus 0 goto noupdate
wmake /q /h /n >\tmp\update.bat
call \tmp\update.bat
do not use default definitions
The default definitions are:
__MAKEOPTS__ = <options passed to WMAKE>
__MAKEFILES__ = <list of makefiles>
__VERSION__ = <version number>
__LOADDLL__= defined if DLL loading supported
MAKE = <name of file containing WMAKE>
# clear .EXTENSIONS list
# In general,
# set .EXTENSIONS list as follows
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .nlm .dsk .lan .exp &
.lib .obj &
.i &
.asm .c .cpp .cxx .cc .for .pas .cob &
.h .hpp .hxx .hh .fi .mif .inc
The conditional definitions are:
Open Watcom Make Reference 91
The Make/Touch Utilities
__DOS__= for DOS host version
__MSDOS__= ...
__OS2__= for OS/2 host version
__RDOS__= for RDOS host version
__NT__= for any Windows NT host version
__NT386__= for x86 Windows NT host version
__NTX64__= for x64 Windows NT host version
__NTAXP__= for Alpha AXP Windows NT host version
__QNX__= for QNX host version
__LINUX__= for any Linux host version
__LINUX386__= for x86 Linux host version
__LINUXX64__= for x64 Linux host version
__LINUXPPC__= for PowerPC Linux host version
__LINUXMIPS__= for MIPS Linux host version
__UNIX__= for any QNX or Linux host version
For Microsoft NMAKE compatibility (when you use the "ms" option), the following default definitions are
92 Open Watcom Make Reference
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# For Microsoft NMAKE compatibility switch,
# set .EXTENSIONS list as follows
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .obj .asm .c .cpp .cxx &
.bas .cbl .for .f .f90 .pas .res .rc
MAKE=<name of file containing WMAKE>
$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $*.asm
$(AS) $(AFLAGS) /c $*.asm
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) /c $*.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cxx
$(BC) $(BFLAGS) $*.bas
$(COBOL) $(COBFLAGS) $*.cbl, $*.exe;
$(COBOL) $(COBFLAGS) $*.cbl;
$(FOR) $(FFLAGS) $*.f
$(FOR) /c $(FFLAGS) $*.f
$(FOR) $(FFLAGS) $*.f90
$(FOR) /c $(FFLAGS) $*.f90
$(FOR) $(FFLAGS) $*.for
$(FOR) /c $(FFLAGS) $*.for
$(PASCAL) $(PFLAGS) $*.pas
$(PASCAL) /c $(PFLAGS) $*.pas
$(RC) $(RFLAGS) /r $*
Open Watcom Make Reference 93
The Make/Touch Utilities
For UNIX make compatibility (when you use the "u" option), the following default definition is
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .obj .c .y .l .f
MAKE=<name of file containing WMAKE>
$(AS) $(AFLAGS) $*.asm
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $<
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
move $@
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
del lex.yy.c
move lex.yy.obj $@
$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
move $@
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) $<
move lex.yy.c $@
For POSIX make compatibility (when you use the "ux" option), the following default definition is
94 Open Watcom Make Reference
The Open Watcom Make Utility
.EXTENSIONS: .o .obj .c .y .l .a .sh .f
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c
rm -f
mv $@
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) $<
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
rm -f lex.yy.c
mv lex.yy.o $@
$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
mv $@
$(LEX) $(LFLAGS) $<
mv lex.yy.c $@
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
rm -f $*.o
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $<
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $*.o
rm -f $*.o
The "r" option will disable these definitions before processing any makefiles.
silent mode - do not print commands before execution
The "s" option is equivalent to the .SILENT directive.
noisy mode - always print commands before execution
The "sn" option overrules all silencing controls. It can be used to assist in debugging a makefile.
Open Watcom Make Reference 95
The Make/Touch Utilities
touch files instead of executing commands
Sometimes there are changes which are purely cosmetic (adding a comment to a source file) that will cause
targets to be updated needlessly thus wasting computer resources. The "t" option will make files appear
younger without altering their contents. The "t" option is useful but should be used with caution.
UNIX compatibility mode
The "u" option will indicate to Make that the line continuation character should be a backslash "\" rather
than an ampersand "&".
The "v" option enables a verbose listing of inline temporary files.
The "y" option enables the display of a progress line denoting which dependent file has caused a target to
be updated. This is a useful option for helping to debug makefiles.
do not erase target after error/interrupt (disables prompting)
The "z" option will indicate to Make that if an error or interrupt occurs during makefile processing then the
current target being made should not be deleted. The .HOLD directive in a makefile has the same effect as
the "z" option.
10.2.4 Special Macros
Open Watcom Make has many different special macros. Here are some of the simpler ones.
Macro Expansion
$$ represents the character "$"
$# represents the character "#"
$@ full file name of the target
$* target with the extension removed
$< list of all dependents
$? list of dependents that are younger than the target
The following macros are for more sophisticated makefiles.
Macro Expansion
__DOS__ This macro is defined in the DOS environment.
__MSDOS__ This macro is defined in the DOS environment.
__RDOS__ This macro is defined in the RDOS environment.
96 Open Watcom Make Reference
The Open Watcom Make Utility
__NT__ This macro is defined in the Windows NT environment.
__OS2__ This macro is defined in the OS/2 environment.
__LINUX__ This macro is defined in the Linux environment.
__QNX__ This macro is defined in the QNX environment.
__UNIX__ This macro is defined in the Linux or QNX environment.
__MAKEOPTS__ contains all of the command line options that WMAKE was invoked with except
for any use of the "f" or "n" options.
__MAKEFILES__ contains the names of all of the makefiles processed at the time of expansion
(includes the file currently being processed)
MAKE contains the full name of the file that contains WMAKE
__VERSION__ contains the wmake version.
The next three tables contain macros that are valid during execution of command lists for explicit rules,
implicit rules, and the .ERROR directive. The expansion is presented for the following example:
a:\dir\target.ext : b:\dir1\dep1.ex1 c:\dir2\dep2.ex2
Macro Expansion
$^@ a:\dir\target.ext
$^* a:\dir\target
$^& target
$^. target.ext
$^: a:\dir\
Macro Expansion
$[@ b:\dir1\dep1.ex1
$[* b:\dir1\dep1
$[& dep1
$[. dep1.ex1
$[: b:\dir1\
Macro Expansion
$]@ c:\dir2\dep2.ex2
$]* c:\dir2\dep2
$]& dep2
$]. dep2.ex2
$]: c:\dir2\
Open Watcom Make Reference 97
The Make/Touch Utilities
10.3 Dependency Declarations
In order for Open Watcom Make to be effective, a list of file dependencies must be declared. The
declarations may be entered into a text file of any name but Make will read a file called "MAKEFILE" by
default if it is invoked as follows:
If you want to use a file that is not called "MAKEFILE" then the command line option "f" will cause Make
to read the specified file instead of the default "MAKEFILE".
C>wmake /f myfile
We will now go through an example to illustrate how Make may be used for a simple application. Suppose
we have an input file, a report file, and a report generator program then we may declare a dependency as
# (a comment in a makefile starts with a "#")
# simple dependency declaration
balance.lst : ledger.dat
Note that the dependency declaration starts at the beginning of a line while commands always have at least
one blank or tab before them. This form of a dependency declaration is called an explicit rule. The file
"BALANCE.LST" is called the target of the rule. The dependent of the rule is the file "LEDGER.DAT"
while "DOREPORT" forms one line of the rule command list. The dependent is separated from the target
by a colon.
Hint: A good habit to develop is to always put spaces around the colon so that it will not be confused
with drive specifications (e.g., a:).
The explicit rule declaration indicates to Make that the program "DOREPORT" should be executed if
"LEDGER.DAT" is younger than "BALANCE.LST" or if "BALANCE.LST" does not yet exist. In
general, if the dependent file has a more recent modification date and time than the target file then Open
Watcom Make will execute the specified command.
Note: The terminology employed here is used by S.I.Feldman of Bell Laboratories in Make - A
Program for Maintaining Computer Programs. has a copy of this seminal
article. Confusion often arises from the use of the word "dependent". In this context, it means "a
subordinate part". In the example, "LEDGER.DAT" is a subordinate part of the report
98 Dependency Declarations
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.4 Multiple Dependents
Suppose that our report "BALANCE.LST" becomes out-of-date if any of the files "LEDGER.DAT",
"SALES.DAT" or "PURCHASE.DAT" are modified. We may modify the dependency rule as follows:
# multiple dependents rule
balance.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
This is an example of a rule with multiple dependents. In this situation, the program "DOREPORT" should
be executed if any of "LEDGER.DAT", "SALES.DAT" or "PURCHASE.DAT" are younger than
"BALANCE.LST" or if "BALANCE.LST" does not yet exist. In cases where there are multiple
dependents, if any of the dependent files has a more recent modification date and time than the target file
then Open Watcom Make will execute the specified command.
10.5 Multiple Targets
Suppose that the "DOREPORT" program produces two reports. If both of these reports require updating as
a result of modification to the dependent files, we could change the rule as follows:
# multiple targets and multiple dependents rule
balance.lst summary.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
Suppose that you entered the command:
which causes Make to start processing the rules described in "MAKEFILE". In the case where multiple
targets are listed in the makefile, Make will, by default, process only the first target it encounters. In the
example, Make will check the date and time of "BALANCE.LST" against its dependents since this is the
first target listed.
To indicate that some other target should be processed, the target is specified as an argument to the Make
wmake summary.lst
There are a number of interesting points to consider:
1. By default, Make will only check that the target file exists after the command ("DOREPORT" in
this example) is executed. It does not check that the target’s time-stamp shows it to be younger.
If the target file does not exist after the command has been executed, an error is reported.
2. There is no guarantee that the command you have specified does update the target file. In other
words, simply because you have stated a dependency does not mean that one exists.
Multiple Targets 99
The Make/Touch Utilities
3. Furthermore, it is not implied that other targets in our list will not be updated. In the case of our
example, you can assume that we have designed the "doreport" command to update both targets.
10.6 Multiple Rules
A makefile may consist of any number of rules. Note that the following:
target1 target2 : dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
command list
is equivalent to:
target1 : dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
command list
target2 : dependent1 dependent2 dependent3
command list
Also, the rules may depend on the targets of other rules.
# rule 1: this rule uses rule 2
balance.lst summary.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
# rule 2: used by rules 1 and 3
sales.dat : canada.dat england.dat usa.dat
# rule 3: this rule uses rule 2
year.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
The dependents are checked to see if they are the targets of any other rules in the makefile in which case
they are updated. This process of updating dependents that are targets in other rules continues until a rule is
reached that has only simple dependents that are not targets of rules. At this point, if the target does not
exist or if any of the dependents is younger than the target then the command list associated with the rule is
Hint: The term "updating", in this context, refers to the process of checking the time-stamps of
dependents and running the specified command list whenever they are out-of-date. Whenever a
dependent is the target of some other rule, the dependent must be brought up-to-date first. Stated
another way, if "A" depends on "B" and "B" depends on "C" and "C" is younger than "B" then we must
update "B" before we update "A".
Make will check to ensure that the target exists after its associated command list is executed. The target
existence checking may be disabled in two ways:
100 Multiple Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
1. use the command line option "c"
2. use the .NOCHECK directive.
The rule checking returns to the previous rule that had the target as a dependent. Upon returning to the
rule, the command list is executed if the target does not exist or if any of the updated dependents are now
younger than the target. If you were to type:
here are the steps that would occur with the previous makefile:
update(balance.lst) (rule 1)
update(ledger.dat) (not a target)
update(sales.dat) (found rule 2)
update(canada.dat) (not a target)
update(england.dat) (not a target)
update(usa.dat) (not a target)
IF sales.dat does not exist OR
any of (canada.dat,england.dat,usa.dat)
is younger than sales.dat
THEN execute "dosales"
update(purchase.dat) (not a target)
IF balance.lst does not exist OR
any of (ledger.dat,sales.dat,purchase.dat)
is younger than (balance.lst)
THEN execute "doreport"
The third rule in the makefile will not be included in this update sequence of steps. Recall that the default
target that is "updated" is the first target in the first rule encountered in the makefile. This is the default
action taken by Make when no target is specified on the command line. If you were to type:
wmake year.lst
then the file "YEAR.LST" would be updated. As Make reads the rules in "MAKEFILE", it discovers that
updating "YEAR.LST" involves updating "SALES.DAT". The update sequence is similar to the previous
10.7 Command Lists
A command list is a sequence of one or more commands. Each command is preceded by one or more
spaces or tabs. Command lists may also be used to construct inline files "on the fly". Macros substitute in
command lists and in inline files. An inline file is introduced by "<<" in a command in a command list.
Data to insert into that file is placed (left-justified) in the command list. The data is terminated by "<<" in
the first column. It is not possible to place a line which starts "<<" in an inline file. More than one inline
file may be created in a command. Data for each is placed in order of reference in the command.
In building the Open Watcom system, it is sometimes necessary to do some text substitution with a program
called vi. This needs a file of instructions. The following simplifies an example used to build Open
Watcom so that inline files may be shown. Without inline files, this is done as:
Command Lists 101
The Make/Touch Utilities
$(dllname).imp : $(dllname).lbc ../../
cp $(dllname).lbc $(dllname).imp
$(vi) -s ../../ $(dllname).imp
where consists of
set magic
set magicstring = ()
A doubled "$" to produce a single dollar is notable when an inline file is used:
$(dllname).imp : $(dllname).lbc
cp $(dllname).lbc $(dllname).imp
$(vi) -s << $(dllname).imp
set magic
set magicstring = ()
A filename may follow a "<<" on a command line to cause a file with that name to be created. (Otherwise,
’WMAKE’ chooses a name.) "keep" or "nokeep" may follow a terminating "<<" to show what to do with
the file after usage. The default is "nokeep" which zaps it.
10.8 Final Commands (.AFTER)
The .AFTER directive specifies commands for Make to run after it has done all other commands. See the
section entitled "Command List Directives" on page 141 for a full description of its use.
10.9 Ignoring Dependent Timestamps (.ALWAYS)
The .ALWAYS directive indicates to Make that the target should always be updated regardless of the
timestamps of its dependents.
# .always directive
foo : bar .always
wtouch $@
foo is updated each time Make is run.
102 Ignoring Dependent Timestamps (.ALWAYS)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.10 Automatic Dependency Detection (.AUTODEPEND)
Explicit listing of dependencies in a makefile can often be tedious in the development and maintenance
phases of a project. The Open Watcom C/C++ compiler will insert dependency information into the object
file as it processes source files so that a complete snapshot of the files necessary to build the object file are
recorded. Since all files do not have dependency information contained within them in a standard form, it
is necessary to indicate to Make when dependencies are present.
To illustrate the use of the .AUTODEPEND directive, we will show its use in an implicit rule and in an
explicit rule.
# .AUTODEPEND example
wcc386 $[* $(compile_options)
test.exe : a.obj b.obj c.obj test.res
wlink FILE a.obj, b.obj, c.obj
wrc -q -bt=windows test.res test.exe
test.res : test.rc test.ico .AUTODEPEND
wrc -ad -q -bt=windows -r $[@ $^@
In the above example, Make will use the contents of the object file to determine whether the object file has
to be built during processing. The Open Watcom Resource Compiler can also insert dependency
information into a resource file that can be used by Make.
10.11 Initial Commands (.BEFORE)
The .BEFORE directive specifies commands for Make to run before it does any other command. See the
section entitled "Command List Directives" on page 141 for a full description of its use.
10.12 Disable Implicit Rules (.BLOCK)
The .BLOCK directive and the "b" command line option are alternative controls to cause implicit rules to
be ignored. See the section entitled "Command Line Options" on page 88 for a full description of its use.
10.13 Ignoring Errors (.CONTINUE)
The .CONTINUE directive and the "b" command line option are alternative controls to cause failing
commands to be ignored. See the section entitled "Command Line Options" on page 88 for a full
description of its use.
Ignoring Errors (.CONTINUE) 103
The Make/Touch Utilities
# .continue example
all: bad good
touch $@
Although the command list for bad fails, that for good is done. Without the directive, good is not built.
10.14 Default Command List (.DEFAULT)
The .DEFAULT directive provides a default command list for those targets which lack one. See the section
entitled "Command List Directives" on page 141 for a full description of its use.
# .default example
@echo Using default rule to update target "$@"
@echo because of dependent(s) "$<"
wtouch $@
all: foo
wtouch foo
"all" has no command list. The one supplied to the default directive is executed instead.
10.15 Erasing Targets After Error (.ERASE)
Most operating system utilities and programs have special return codes that indicate error conditions. Open
Watcom Make will check the return code for every command executed. If the return code is non-zero,
Make will stop processing the current rule and optionally delete the current target being updated. By
default, Make will prompt for deletion of the current target. The .ERASE directive indicates to Make that
the target should be deleted if an error occurs during the execution of the associated command list. No
prompt is issued in this case. Here is an example of the .ERASE directive:
# .ERASE example
balance.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
104 Erasing Targets After Error (.ERASE)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
If the program "DOREPORT" executes and its return code is non-zero then Make will attempt to delete
10.16 Error Action (.ERROR)
The .ERROR directive supplies a command list for error conditions. See the section entitled "Command
List Directives" on page 141 for a full description of its use.
# .error example
@echo it is good that "$@" is known
all : .symbolic
10.17 Ignoring Target Timestamp (.EXISTSONLY)
The .EXISTSONLY directive indicates to Make that the target should not be updated if it already exists,
regardless of its timestamp.
# .existsonly directive
foo: .existsonly
wtouch $@
If absent, this file creates foo; if present, this file does nothing.
10.18 Specifying Explicitly Updated Targets (.EXPLICIT)
The .EXPLICIT directive may me used to specify a target that needs to be explicitly updated. Normally,
the first target in a makefule will be implicitly updated if no target is specified on Make command line.
The .EXPLICIT directive prevents this, and is useful for instance when creating files designed to be
included for other make files.
# .EXPLICIT example
target : .symbolic .explicit
@echo updating first target
next : .symbolic
@echo updating next target
In the above example, Make will not automatically update "target", despite the fact that it is the first one
Specifying Explicitly Updated Targets (.EXPLICIT) 105
The Make/Touch Utilities
10.19 Defining Recognized File Extensions (.EXTENSIONS)
The .EXTENSIONS directive and its synonym, the .SUFFIXES directive declare which extensions are
allowed to be used in implicit rules and how these extensions are ordered. .EXTENSIONS is the
traditional Watcom name; .SUFFIXES is the corresponding POSIX name. The default .EXTENSIONS
declaration is:
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .nlm .dsk .lan .exp .lib .obj &
.i .asm .c .cpp .cxx .cc .for .pas .cob &
.h .hpp .hxx .hh .fi .mif .inc
A .EXTENSIONS directive with an empty list will clear the .EXTENSIONS list and any previously
defined implicit rules. Any subsequent .EXTENSIONS directives will add extensions to the end of the list.
Hint: The default .EXTENSIONS declaration could have been coded as:
.EXTENSIONS: .nlm .dsk .lan .exp
.EXTENSIONS: .i .asm .c .cpp .cxx .cc
.EXTENSIONS: .for .pas .cob
.EXTENSIONS: .h .hpp .hxx .hh .fi .mif .inc
with identical results.
Make will not allow any implicit rule declarations that use extensions that are not in the current
# .extensions and .suffixes directives
.suffixes : # Clear list
.extensions : .foo .bar
copy $< $@ .existsonly
wtouch $@
The first time this example runs, Make creates This example always ensures that is a
copy of Note the implicit connection beween the two files.
106 Defining Recognized File Extensions (.EXTENSIONS)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.20 Approximate Timestamp Matching (.FUZZY)
The .FUZZY directive allows .AUTODEPEND times to be out by a minute without considering a target out
of date. It is only useful in conjunction with the .JUST_ENOUGH directive when Make is calculating the
timestamp to set the target to.
10.21 Preserving Targets After Error (.HOLD)
Most operating system utilities and programs have special return codes that indicate error conditions. Open
Watcom Make will check the return code for every command executed. If the return code is non-zero,
Make will stop processing the current rule and optionally delete the current target being updated. By
default, Make will prompt for deletion of the current target. The .HOLD directive indicates to Make that
the target should not be deleted if an error occurs during the execution of the associated command list. No
prompt is issued in this case. The .HOLD directive is similar to .PRECIOUS but applies to all targets
listed in the makefile. Here is an example of the .HOLD directive:
# .HOLD example
balance.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
If the program "DOREPORT" executes and its return code is non-zero then Make will not delete
10.22 Ignoring Return Codes (.IGNORE)
Some programs do not have meaningful return codes so for these programs we want to ignore the return
code completely. There are different ways to ignore return codes namely,
1. use the command line option "i"
2. put a "" in front of specific commands, or
3. use the .IGNORE directive.
In the following example, the rule:
# ignore return code example
balance.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
will ignore the return status from the program "DOREPORT". Using the dash in front of the command is
the preferred method for ignoring return codes because it allows Make to check all the other return codes.
The .IGNORE directive is used as follows:
Ignoring Return Codes (.IGNORE) 107
The Make/Touch Utilities
# .IGNORE example
balance.lst : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
Using the .IGNORE directive will cause Make to ignore the return code for every command. The "i"
command line option and the .IGNORE directive prohibit Make from performing any error checking on the
commands executed and, as such, should be used with caution.
Another way to handle non-zero return codes is to continue processing targets which do not depend on the
target that had a non-zero return code during execution of its associated command list. There are two ways
of indicating to Make that processing should continue after a non-zero return code:
1. use the command line option "k"
2. use the .CONTINUE directive.
10.23 Minimising Target Timestamp (.JUST_ENOUGH)
The .JUST_ENOUGH directive is equivalent to the "j" command line option. The timestamps of created
targets are set to be the same as those of their youngest dependendents.
# .JUST_ENOUGH example
wcl386 -zq $<
hello.exe is given the same timestamp as hello.c, and not the usual timestamp corresponding to when
hello.exe was built.
10.24 Updating Targets Multiple Times (.MULTIPLE)
The .MULTIPLE directive is used to update a target multiple times. Normally, Make will only update
each target once while processing a makefile. The .MULTIPLE directive is useful if a target needs to be
updated more than once, for instance in case the target is destroyed during processing of other targets.
Consider the following example:
108 Updating Targets Multiple Times (.MULTIPLE)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# example not using .multiple
all: targ1 targ2
wtouch target
targ1: target
rm target
wtouch targ1
targ2: target
rm target
wtouch targ2
This makefile will fail because "target" is destroyed when updating "targ1", and later is implicitly expected
to exist when updating "targ2". Using the .MULTIPLE directive will work around this problem:
# .MULTIPLE example
all : targ1 targ2
target : .multiple
wtouch target
targ1 : target
rm target
wtouch targ1
targ2 : target
rm target
wtouch targ2
Now Make will attempt to update "target" again when updating "targ2", discover that "target" doesn’t exist,
and recreate it.
10.25 Ignoring Target Timestamp (.NOCHECK)
The .NOCHECK directive is used to disable target existence checks in a makefile. See the section entitled
"Command Line Options" on page 88 for a full description of its use.
10.26 Cache Search Path (.OPTIMIZE)
The .OPTIMIZE directive and the equivalent "o" command line option cause Make to use a circular path
search. If a file is found in a particular directory, that directory will be the first searched for the next file.
See the section entitled "Command Line Options" on page 88 for a full description of its use.
Cache Search Path (.OPTIMIZE) 109
The Make/Touch Utilities
10.27 Preserving Targets (.PRECIOUS)
Most operating system utilities and programs have special return codes that indicate error conditions. Open
Watcom Make will check the return code for every command executed. If the return code is non-zero,
Make will stop processing the current rule and optionally delete the current target being updated. If a file is
precious enough that this treatment of return codes is not wanted then the .PRECIOUS directive may be
used. The .PRECIOUS directive indicates to Make that the target should not be deleted if an error occurs
during the execution of the associated command list. Here is an example of the .PRECIOUS directive:
# .PRECIOUS example
balance summary : sales.dat purchase.dat .PRECIOUS
If the program "DOREPORT" executes and its return code is non-zero then Make will not attempt to delete
"BALANCE" or "SUMMARY". If only one of the files is precious then the makefile could be coded as
# .PRECIOUS example
balance : .PRECIOUS
balance summary : sales.dat purchase.dat
The file "BALANCE.LST" will not be deleted if an error occurs while the program "DOREPORT" is
10.28 Name Command Sequence (.PROCEDURE)
The .PROCEDURE directive may be used to construct "procedures" in a makefile.
# .procedure example
all: .symbolic
@%make proc
proc: .procedure
@echo Executing procedure "proc"
10.29 Re-Checking Target Timestamp (.RECHECK)
Make will re-check the target’s timestamp, rather than assuming it was updated by its command list. This
is useful if the target is built by another make- style tool, as in the following example:
110 Re-Checking Target Timestamp (.RECHECK)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# .RECHECK example
foo.gz : foo
gzip foo
foo’s command list will always be run, but foo will only be compressed if the timestamp is actually
10.30 Suppressing Terminal Output (.SILENT)
As commands are executed, Open Watcom Make will print out the current command before it is executed.
It is possible to execute the makefile without having the commands printed. There are three ways to inhibit
the printing of the commands before they are executed, namely:
1. use the command line option "s"
2. put an "@" in front of specific commands, or
3. use the .SILENT directive.
In the following example, the rule:
# silent command example
balance summary : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
will prevent the string "doreport" from being printed on the screen before the command is executed.
The .SILENT directive is used as follows:
# .SILENT example
balance summary : ledger.dat sales.dat purchase.dat
Using the .SILENT directive or the "s" command line option will inhibit the printing of all commands
before they are executed. The "sn" command line option can be used to veto any silencing control.
At this point, most of the capability of Make may be realized. Methods for making makefiles more
succinct will be discussed.
Suppressing Terminal Output (.SILENT) 111
The Make/Touch Utilities
10.31 Defining Recognized File Extensions (.SUFFIXES)
The .SUFFIXES directive declares which extensions are allowed to be used in implicit rules and how
these extensions are ordered. It is a synonym for the .EXTENSIONS directive. See the section entitled
"Defining Recognized File Extensions (.EXTENSIONS)" on page 106 for a full description of both
10.32 Targets Without Any Dependents (.SYMBOLIC)
There must always be at least one target in a rule but it is not necessary to have any dependents. If a target
does not have any dependents, the command list associated with the rule will always be executed if the
target is updated.
You might ask, "What may a rule with no dependents be used for?". A rule with no dependents may be
used to describe actions that are useful for the group of files being maintained. Possible uses include
backing up files, cleaning up files, or printing files.
To illustrate the use of the .SYMBOLIC directive, we will add two new rules to the previous example.
First, we will omit the .SYMBOLIC directive and observe what will happen when it is not present.
# rule 4: backup the data files
backup :
echo "insert backup disk"
copy *.dat a:
echo "backup complete"
# rule 5: cleanup temporary files
cleanup :
del *.tmp
del \tmp\*.*
and then execute the command:
wmake backup
Make will execute the command list associated with the "backup" target and issue an error message
indicating that the file "BACKUP" does not exist after the command list was executed. The same thing
would happen if we typed:
wmake cleanup
In this makefile we are using "backup" and "cleanup" to represent actions we want performed. The names
are not real files but rather they are symbolic names. This special type of target may be declared with the
.SYMBOLIC directive. This time, we show rules 4 and 5 with the appropriate addition of .SYMBOLIC
112 Targets Without Any Dependents (.SYMBOLIC)
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# rule 4: backup the data files
backup : .SYMBOLIC
echo "insert backup disk"
copy *.dat a:
echo "backup complete"
# rule 5: cleanup temporary files
cleanup : .SYMBOLIC
del *.tmp
del \tmp\*.*
The use of the .SYMBOLIC directive indicates to Make that the target should always be updated internally
after the command list associated with the rule has been executed. A short form for the common idiom of
singular .SYMBOLIC targets like:
target : .SYMBOLIC
This kind of target definition is useful for many types of management tasks that can be described in a
10.33 Macros
Open Watcom Make has a simple macro facility that may be used to improve makefiles by making them
easier to read and maintain. A macro identifier may be composed from a string of alphabetic characters and
numeric characters. The underscore character is also allowed in a macro identifier. If the macro identifier
starts with a "%" character, the macro identifier represents an environment variable. For instance, the
macro identifier "%path" represents the environment variable "path".
Macro identifiers Valid?
2morrow yes
stitch_in_9 yes
invalid~id no
2b_or_not_2b yes
%path yes
reports yes
!@#*% no
We will use a programming example to show how macros are used. The programming example involves
four C/C++ source files and two header files. Here is the initial makefile (before macros):
Macros 113
The Make/Touch Utilities
# programming example
# (before macros)
plot.exe : main.obj input.obj calc.obj output.obj
wlink @plot
main.obj : main.c defs.h globals.h
wcc386 main /mf /d1 /w3
calc.obj : calc.c defs.h globals.h
wcc386 calc /mf /d1 /w3
input.obj : input.c defs.h globals.h
wcc386 input /mf /d1 /w3
output.obj : output.c defs.h globals.h
wcc386 output /mf /d1 /w3
Macros become useful when changes must be made to makefiles. If the programmer wanted to change the
compiler options for the different compiles, the programmer would have to make a global change to the
makefile. With this simple example, it is quite easy to make the change but try to imagine a more complex
example with different programs having similar options. The global change made by the editor could cause
problems by changing the options for other programs. A good habit to develop is to define macros for any
programs that have command line options. In our example, we would change the makefile to be:
# programming example
# (after macros)
link_options =
compiler = wcc386
compile_options = /mf /d1 /w3
plot.exe : main.obj input.obj calc.obj output.obj
wlink $(link_options) @plot
main.obj : main.c defs.h globals.h
$(compiler) main $(compile_options)
calc.obj : calc.c defs.h globals.h
$(compiler) calc $(compile_options)
input.obj : input.c defs.h globals.h
$(compiler) input $(compile_options)
output.obj : output.c defs.h globals.h
$(compiler) output $(compile_options)
A macro definition consists of a macro identifier starting on the beginning of the line followed by an "="
which in turn is followed by the text to be replaced. A macro may be redefined, with the latest declaration
being used for subsequent expansions (no warning is given upon redefinition of a macro). The replacement
text may contain macro references.
114 Macros
The Open Watcom Make Utility
A macro reference may occur in two forms. The previous example illustrates one way to reference macros
whereby the macro identifier is delimited by "$(" and ")". The parentheses are optional so the macros
"compiler" and "compile_options" could be referenced by:
main.obj : main.c defs.h globals.h
$compiler main $compile_options
Certain ambiguities may arise with this form of macro reference. For instance, examine this makefile
temporary_dir = \tmp\
temporary_file = $temporary_dirtmp000.tmp
The intention of the declarations is to have a macro that will expand into a file specification for a temporary
file. Make will collect the largest identifier possible before macro expansion occurs. The macro reference
is followed by text that looks like part of the macro identifier ("tmp000") so the macro identifier that will
be referenced will be "temporary_dirtmp000". The incorrect macro identifier will not be defined so an
error message will be issued.
If the makefile fragment was:
temporary_dir = \tmp\
temporary_file = $(temporary_dir)tmp000.tmp
there would be no ambiguity. The preferred way to reference macros is to enclose the macro identifier by
"$(" and ")".
Macro references are expanded immediately on dependency lines (and thus may not contain references to
macros that have not been defined) but other macro references have their expansion deferred until they are
used in a command. In the previous example, the macros "link_options", "compiler", and
"compile_options" will not be expanded until the commands that reference them are executed.
Another use for macros is to replace large amounts of text with a much smaller macro reference. In our
example, we only have two header files but suppose we had very many header files. Each explicit rule
would be very large and difficult to read and maintain. We will use the previous example makefile to
illustrate this use of macros.
# programming example
# (with more macros)
link_options =
compiler = wcc386
compile_options = /mf /d1 /w3
header_files = defs.h globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
wlink $(link_options) @plot
main.obj : main.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) main $(compile_options)
Macros 115
The Make/Touch Utilities
calc.obj : calc.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) calc $(compile_options)
input.obj : input.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) input $(compile_options)
output.obj : output.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) output $(compile_options)
Notice the ampersand ("&") at the end of the macro definition for "object_files". The ampersand indicates
that the macro definition continues on the next line. In general, if you want to continue a line in a makefile,
use an ampersand ("&") at the end of the line.
There are special macros provided by Make to access environment variable names. To access the PATH
environment variable in a makefile, we use the macro identifier "%path". For example, if we have the
following line in a command list:
echo $(%path)
it will print out the current value of the PATH environment variable when it is executed.
There are two other special environment macros that are predefined by Make. The macro identifier
"%cdrive" will expand into one letter representing the current drive. Note that it is operating system
dependent whether the cd command changes the current drive. The macro identifier "%cwd" will expand
into the current working directory. These macro identifiers are not very useful unless we can specify that
they be expanded immediately. The complementary macros "$+" and "$" respectively turn on and turn
off immediate expansion of macros. The scope of the "$+" macro is the current line after which the default
macro expansion behaviour is resumed. A possible use of these macros is illustrated by the following
example makefile.
# $(%cdrive), $(%cwd), $+, and $- example
dir1 = $(%cdrive):$(%cwd)
dir2 = $+ $(dir1) $-
example : .SYMBOLIC
cd ..
echo $(dir1)
echo $(dir2)
Which would produce the following output if the current working directory is
(command output only)
The macro definition for "dir2" forces immediate expansion of the "%cdrive" and "%cwd" macros thus
defining "dir2" to be the current directory that Make was invoked in. The macro "dir1" is not expanded
until execution time when the current directory has changed from the initial directory.
Combining the $+ and $ special macros with the special macro identifiers "%cdrive" and "%cwd" is a
useful makefile technique. The $+ and $ special macros are general enough to be used in many different
116 Macros
The Open Watcom Make Utility
Constructing other macros is another use for the $+ and $ special macros. Make allows macros to be
redefined and combining this with the $+ and $ special macros, similar looking macros may be
# macro construction with $+ and $-
template = file1.$(ext) file2.$(ext) file3.$(ext) file4.$(ext)
ext = dat
data_files = $+ $(template) $-
ext = lst
listing_files = $+ $(template) $-
example : .SYMBOLIC
echo $(data_files)
echo $(listing_files)
This makefile would produce the following output:
file1.dat file2.dat file3.dat file4.dat
file1.lst file2.lst file3.lst file4.lst
Adding more text to a macro can also be done with the $+ and $ special macros.
# macro addition with $+ and $-
objs = file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj
objs = $+$(objs)$- file4.obj
objs = $+$(objs)$- file5.obj
example : .SYMBOLIC
echo $(objs)
This makefile would produce the following output:
file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj file4.obj file5.obj
Make provides a shorthand notation for this type of macro operation. Text can be added to a macro by
using the "+=" macro assignment. The previous makefile can be written as:
# macro addition with +=
objs = file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj
objs += file4.obj
objs += file5.obj
example : .SYMBOLIC
echo $(objs)
and still produce the same results. The shorthand notation "+=" supported by Make provides a quick way
to add more text to macros.
Make provides the "!inject" preprocessor directive to append a "word" (one or more graphic characters) to
one or more macros. The previous makefile is adapted to show the usage:
Macros 117
The Make/Touch Utilities
# macro construction with !inject
!inject file1.obj objs objs12 objs13 objs14 objs15
!inject file2.obj objs objs12 objs13 objs14 objs15
!inject file3.obj objs objs13 objs14 objs15
!inject file4.obj objs objs14 objs15
!inject file5.obj objs objs15
example : .SYMBOLIC
echo $(objs)
echo $(objs12)
echo $(objs13)
echo $(objs14)
echo $(objs15)
This makefile would produce the following output:
file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj file4.obj file5.obj
file1.obj file2.obj
file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj
file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj file4.obj
file1.obj file2.obj file3.obj file4.obj file5.obj
The "!inject" preprocessor directive supported by Make provides a way to append a word to several macros.
There are instances when it is useful to have macro identifiers that have macro references contained in
them. If you wanted to print out an informative message before linking the executable that was different
between the debugging and production version, we would express it as follows:
# programming example
# (macro selection)
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
118 Macros
The Open Watcom Make Utility
header_files = defs.h globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @plot
main.obj : main.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) main $(compile_options)
calc.obj : calc.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) calc $(compile_options)
input.obj : input.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) input $(compile_options)
output.obj : output.c $(header_files)
$(compiler) output $(compile_options)
Take notice of the macro references that are of the form:
The expansion of a macro reference begins by expanding any macros seen until a matching right
parenthesis is found. The macro identifier that is present after the matching parenthesis is found will be
expanded. The other form of macro reference namely:
may be used in a similar fashion. The previous example would be of the form:
Macro expansion occurs until a character that cannot be in a macro identifier is found (on the same line as
the "$") after which the resultant macro identifier is expanded. If you want two macros to be concatenated
then the line would have to be coded:
The use of parentheses is the preferred method for macro references because it completely specifies the
order of expansion.
In the previous example, we can see that the four command lines that invoke the compiler are very similar
in form. We may make use of these similarities by denoting the command by a macro reference. We need
to be able to define a macro that will expand into the correct command when processed. Fortunately, Make
can reference the first member of the dependent list, the last member of the dependent list, and the current
target being updated with the use of some special macros. These special macros have the form:
where <file_specifier> is one of:
Macros 119
The Make/Touch Utilities
"^" represents the current target being updated
"[" represents the first member of the dependent list
"]" represents the last member of the dependent list
and <form_qualifier> is one of:
"@" full file name
"*" file name with extension removed
"&" file name with path and extension removed
"." file name with path removed
":" path of file name
If the file "D:\DIR1\DIR2\NAME.EXT" is the current target being updated then the following example will
show how the form qualifiers are used.
Macro Expansion for D:\DIR1\DIR2\NAME.EXT
$^& NAME
$^: D:\DIR1\DIR2\
These special macros provide the capability to reference targets and dependents in a variety of ways.
# programming example
# (more macros)
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
120 Macros
The Open Watcom Make Utility
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
compiler_command = wcc386 $[* $(compile_options)
header_files = defs.h globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
main.obj : main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : output.c $(header_files)
This example illustrates the use of the special dependency macros. Notice the use of "$^*" in the linker
command. The macro expands into the string "plot" since "plot.exe" is the target when the command is
processed. The use of the special dependency macros is recommended because they make use of
information that is already contained in the dependency rule.
At this point, we know that macro references begin with a "$" and that comments begin with a "#". What
happens if we want to use these characters without their special meaning? Make has two special macros
that provide these characters to you. The special macro "$$" will result in a "$" when expanded and "$#"
will expand into a "#". These special macros are provided so that you are not forced to work around the
special meanings of the "$" and "#" characters.
There is also a simple macro text substitution facility. We have previously seen that a macro call can be
made with $(macroname). The construct $(macroname:string1=string2) substitutes macroname with each
occurrence of string1 replaced by string2. We have already seen that it can be useful for a macro to be a set
of object file names separated by spaces. The file directive in wlink can accept a set of names separated by
# programming example
# (macro substitution)
wcc386 -zq $*.c
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj output.obj
plot.exe : $(object_files)
wlink name $@ file $(object_files: =,)
Macros 121
The Make/Touch Utilities
Note that macro substitution cannot be used with special macros.
It is also worth noting that although the above example shows a valid approach, the same problem, that is,
providing a list of object files to wlink, can be solved without macro subsitutions. The solution is using the
{} syntax of wlink, as shown in the following example. Refer to the Open Watcom Linker Guide for
# programming example
# (not using macro substitution)
wcc386 -zq $*.c
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj output.obj
plot.exe : $(object_files)
wlink name $@ file { $(object_files) }
10.34 Implicit Rules
Open Watcom Make is capable of accepting declarations of commonly used dependencies. These
declarations are called "implicit rules" as opposed to "explicit rules" which were discussed previously.
Implicit rules may be applied only in instances where you are able to describe a dependency in terms of file
Hint: Recall that a file extension is the portion of the file name which follows the period. In the file
the file extension is "SYS".
An implicit rule provides a command list for a dependency between files with certain extensions. The form
of an implicit rule is as follows:
Implicit rules are used if a file has not been declared as a target in any explicit rule or the file has been
declared as a target in an explicit rule with no command list. For a given target file, a search is conducted
to see if there are any implicit rules defined for the target file’s extension in which case Make will then
check if the file with the dependent extension in the implicit rule exists. If the file with the dependent
extension exists then the command list associated with the implicit rule is executed and processing of the
makefile continues.
Other implicit rules for the target extension are searched in a similar fashion. The order in which the
dependent extensions are checked becomes important if there is more than one implicit rule declaration for
a target extension. If we have the following makefile fragment:
122 Implicit Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
(command list)
(command list)
an ambiguity arises. If we have a target file "TEST.OBJ" then which do we check for first, "TEST.PAS" or
"TEST.C"? Make handles this with the previously described .EXTENSIONS directive. Returning to our
makefile fragment:
(command list)
(command list)
and our target file "TEST.OBJ", we know that the .EXTENSIONS list determines in what order the
dependents "TEST.PAS" and "TEST.C" will be tried. If the .EXTENSIONS declaration is:
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .obj .asm .pas .c .cpp .for .cob
we can see that the dependent file "TEST.PAS" will be tried first as a possible dependent with "TEST.C"
being tried next.
One apparent problem with implicit rules and their associated command lists is that they are used for many
different targets and dependents during the processing of a makefile. The same problem occurs with
commands constructed from macros. Recall that there is a set of special macros that start with "$^", "$[",
or "$]" that reference the target, first dependent, or last dependent of an explicit dependency rule. In an
implicit rule there may be only one dependent or many dependents depending on whether the rule is being
executed for a target with a single colon ":" or double colon "::" dependency. If the target has a single
colon or double colon dependency, the "$^", "$[", and "$]" special macros will reflect the values in the rule
that caused the implicit rule to be invoked. Otherwise, if the target does not have a dependency rule then
the "$[" and "$]" special macros will be set to the same value, namely, the file found in the implicit rule
We will use the last programming example to illustrate a possible use of implicit rules.
# programming example
# (implicit rules)
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
Implicit Rules 123
The Make/Touch Utilities
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
header_files = defs.h globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
main.obj : main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : output.c $(header_files)
As this makefile is processed, any time an object file is found to be older than its associated source file or
header files then Make will attempt to execute the command list associated with the explicit rule. Since
there are no command lists associated with the four object file targets, an implicit rule search is conducted.
Suppose "CALC.OBJ" was older than "CALC.C". The lack of a command list in the explicit rule with
"CALC.OBJ" as a target causes the ".c.obj" implicit rule to be invoked for "CALC.OBJ". The file
"CALC.C" is found to exist so the commands
wcc386 calc /mf /d1 /w3
echo linking debug version ...
wlink debug all @plot
are executed. The last two commands are a result of the compilation of "CALC.C" producing a
"CALC.OBJ" file that is younger than the "PLOT.EXE" file that in turn must be generated again.
The use of implicit rules is straightforward when all the files that the makefile deals with are in the current
directory. Larger applications may have files that are in many different directories. Suppose we moved the
programming example files to three sub-directories.
Files Sub-directory
Now the previous makefile (located in the \EXAMPLE\O sub-directory) would look like this:
124 Implicit Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# programming example
# (implicit rules)
h_dir = \example\h\ #sub-directory containing header files
c_dir = \example\c\ #sub-directory containing C/C++ files
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
header_files = $(h_dir)defs.h $(h_dir)globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
main.obj : $(c_dir)main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : $(c_dir)calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : $(c_dir)input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : $(c_dir)output.c $(header_files)
Suppose "\EXAMPLE\O\CALC.OBJ" was older than "\EXAMPLE\C\CALC.C". The lack of a command
list in the explicit rule with "CALC.OBJ" as a target causes the ".c.obj" implicit rule to be invoked for
"CALC.OBJ". At this time, the file "\EXAMPLE\O\CALC.C" is not found so an error is reported
indicating that "CALC.OBJ" could not be updated. How may implicit rules be useful in larger applications
if they will only search the current directory for the dependent file? We must specify more information
about the dependent extension (in this case ".C"). We do this by associating a path with the dependent
extension as follows:
.<dependent_extension> : <path_specification>
This allows the implicit rule search to find the files with the dependent extension.
Hint: A valid path specification is made up of directory specifications separated by semicolons (";").
Here are some path specifications:
Notice that these path specifications are identical to the form required by the operating system shell’s
"PATH" command.
Implicit Rules 125
The Make/Touch Utilities
Our makefile will be correct now if we add the new declaration as follows:
# programming example
# (implicit rules)
h_dir = \example\h\ #sub-directory containing header files
c_dir = \example\c\ #sub-directory containing C/C++ files
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
header_files = $(h_dir)defs.h $(h_dir)globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
.c: $(c_dir)
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
main.obj : $(c_dir)main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : $(c_dir)calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : $(c_dir)input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : $(c_dir)output.c $(header_files)
Suppose "\EXAMPLE\O\CALC.OBJ" is older than "\EXAMPLE\C\CALC.C". The lack of a command list
in the explicit rule with "CALC.OBJ" as a target will cause the ".c.obj" implicit rule to be invoked for
"CALC.OBJ". The dependent extension ".C" has a path associated with it so the file
"\EXAMPLE\C\CALC.C" is found to exist. The commands
wcc386 \EXAMPLE\C\CALC /mf /d1 /w3
echo linking debug version ...
wlink debug all @plot
are executed to update the necessary files.
If the application requires many source files in different directories Make will search for the files using
their associated path specifications. For instance, if the current example files were setup as follows:
Sub-directory Contents
126 Implicit Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
the makefile would be changed to:
# programming example
# (implicit rules)
h_dir = ..\h\ # sub-directory with header files
# sub-directories with C/C++ source files
program_dir = ..\c\program\ # - MAIN.C, CALC.C
screen_dir = ..\c\screen\ # - INPUT.C, OUTPUT.C
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
header_files = $(h_dir)defs.h $(h_dir)globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
.c: $(program_dir);$(screen_dir)
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
main.obj : $(program_dir)main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : $(program_dir)calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : $(screen_dir)input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : $(screen_dir)output.c $(header_files)
Suppose that there is a change in the "DEFS.H" file which causes all the source files to be recompiled. The
implicit rule ".c.obj" is invoked for every object file so the corresponding ".C" file must be found for each
".OBJ" file. We will show where Make searches for the C/C++ source files.
update main.obj
test ..\c\program\main.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\program\main /mf /d1 /w3
update calc.obj
test ..\c\program\calc.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\program\calc /mf /d1 /w3
Implicit Rules 127
The Make/Touch Utilities
update input.obj
test ..\c\program\input.c (it does not exist)
test ..\c\screen\input.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\screen\input /mf /d1 /w3
update output.obj
test ..\c\program\output.c (it does not exist)
test ..\c\screen\output.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\screen\output /mf /d1 /w3
Notice that Make checked the sub-directory "..\C\PROGRAM" for the files "INPUT.C" and "OUTPUT.C".
Make optionally may use a circular path specification search which may save on disk activity for large
makefiles. The circular path searching may be used in two different ways:
1. use the command line option "o"
2. use the .OPTIMIZE directive.
Make will retain (for each suffix) what sub-directory yielded the last successful search for a file. The
search for a file is resumed at this directory in the hope that wasted disk activity will be minimized. If the
file cannot be found in the sub-directory then Make will search the next sub-directory in the path
specification (cycling to the first sub-directory in the path specification after an unsuccessful search in the
last sub-directory).
Changing the previous example to include this feature, results in the following:
# programming example
# (optimized path searching)
h_dir = ..\h\ # sub-directory with header files
# sub-directories with C/C++ source files
program_dir = ..\c\program\ # - MAIN.C, CALC.C
screen_dir = ..\c\screen\ # - INPUT.C, OUTPUT.C
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
header_files = $(h_dir)defs.h $(h_dir)globals.h
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
.c: $(program_dir);$(screen_dir)
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
128 Implicit Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
main.obj : $(program_dir)main.c $(header_files)
calc.obj : $(program_dir)calc.c $(header_files)
input.obj : $(screen_dir)input.c $(header_files)
output.obj : $(screen_dir)output.c $(header_files)
Suppose again that there is a change in the "DEFS.H" file which causes all the source files to be
recompiled. We will show where Make searches for the C/C++ source files using the optimized path
specification searching.
update main.obj
test ..\c\program\main.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\program\main /mf /d1 /w3
update calc.obj
test ..\c\program\calc.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\program\calc /mf /d1 /w3
update input.obj
test ..\c\program\input.c (it does not exist)
test ..\c\screen\input.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\screen\input /mf /d1 /w3
update output.obj
test ..\c\screen\output.c (it does exist)
execute wcc386 ..\c\screen\output /mf /d1 /w3
Make did not check the sub-directory "..\C\PROGRAM" for the file "OUTPUT.C" because the last
successful attempt to find a ".C" file occurred in the "..\C\SCREEN" sub-directory. In this small example,
the amount of disk activity saved by Make is not substantial but the savings become much more
pronounced in larger makefiles.
Hint: The simple heuristic method that Make uses for optimizing path specification searches namely,
keeping track of the last successful sub-directory, is very effective in reducing the amount of disk
activity during the processing of a makefile. A pitfall to avoid is having two files with the same name
in the path. The version of the file that is used to update the target depends on the previous searches.
Care should be taken when using files that have the same name with path specifications.
Large makefiles for projects written in C/C++ may become difficult to maintain with all the header file
dependencies. Ignoring header file dependencies and using implicit rules may reduce the size of the
makefile while keeping most of the functionality intact. The previous example may be made smaller by
using this idea.
Implicit Rules 129
The Make/Touch Utilities
# programming example
# (no header dependencies)
h_dir = ..\h\ # sub-directory with header files
# sub-directories with C/C++ source files
program_dir = ..\c\program\ # - MAIN.C, CALC.C
screen_dir = ..\c\screen\ # - INPUT.C, OUTPUT.C
version = debugging # debugging version
msg_production = linking production version ...
msg_debugging = linking debug version ...
link_options_production =
link_options_debugging = debug all
link_options = $(link_options_$(version))
compiler = wcc386
compile_options_production = /mf /w3
compile_options_debugging = /mf /d1 /w3
compile_options = $(compile_options_$(version))
object_files = main.obj input.obj calc.obj &
plot.exe : $(object_files)
echo $(msg_$(version))
wlink $(link_options) @$^*
.c: $(program_dir);$(screen_dir)
$(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
Implicit rules are very useful in this regard providing you are aware that you have to make up for the
information that is missing from the makefile. In the case of C/C++ programs, you must ensure that you
force Make to compile any programs affected by changes in header files. Forcing Make to compile
programs may be done by touching source files (not recommended), deleting object files, or using the "a"
option and targets on the command line. Here is how the files "INPUT.OBJ" and "MAIN.OBJ" may be
recompiled if a change in some header file affects both files.
del input.obj
del main.obj
or using the "a" option
wmake /a input.obj main.obj
The possibility of introducing bugs into programs is present when using this makefile technique because it
does not protect the programmer completely from object modules becoming out-of-date. The use of
implicit rules without header file dependencies is a viable makefile technique but it is not without its
130 Implicit Rules
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.35 Double Colon Explicit Rules
Single colon ":" explicit rules are useful in many makefile applications. However, the single colon rule has
certain restrictions that make it difficult to express more complex dependency relationships. The
restrictions imposed on single colon ":" explicit rules are:
1. only one command list is allowed for each target
2. after the command list is executed, the target is considered up to date
The first restriction becomes evident when you want to update a target in different ways (i.e., when the
target is out of date with respect to different dependents). The double colon explicit rule removes this
# multiple command lists
target1 :: dependent1 dependent2
target1 :: dependent3 dependent4
Notice that if "target1" is out of date with respect to either "dependent1" or "dependent2" then "command1"
will be executed. The double colon "::" explicit rule does not consider the target (in this case "target1") up
to date after the command list is executed. Make will continue to attempt to update "target1". Afterwards
"command2" will be executed if "target1" is out of date with respect to either "dependent3" or
"dependent4". It is possible that both "command1" and "command2" will be executed. As a result of the
target not being considered up to date, an implicit rule search will be conducted on "target1" also. Make
will process the double colon "::" explicit rules in the order that they are encountered in the makefile. A
useful application of the double colon "::" explicit rule involves maintaining and using prototype
information generated by a compiler.
# double colon "::" example
compiler = wcc386
options = /w3
# generate macros for the .OBJ and .DEF files
template = module1.$(ext) module2.$(ext) module3.$(ext)
ext = obj
objs = $+ $(template) $-
ext = def
defs = $+ $(template) $-
# add .DEF to the extensions list
.EXTENSIONS: .exe .obj .def .c
Double Colon Explicit Rules 131
The Make/Touch Utilities
# implicit rules for the .OBJ and .DEF files
$(compiler) $[* $(options)
# generate the prototype file (only do a syntax check)
$(compiler) $[* $(options) /v/zs
program.exe :: $(defs)
erase *.err
program.exe :: $(objs)
wlink @$^*
The ".OBJ" files are updated to complete the update of the file "PROGRAM.EXE". It is important to keep
in mind that Make does not consider the file "PROGRAM.EXE" up to date until it has conducted a final
implicit rule search. The double colon "::" explicit rule is useful when describing complex update actions.
10.36 Preprocessing Directives
One of the primary objectives in using a make utility is to improve the development and maintenance of
projects. A programming project consisting of many makefiles in different sub-directories may become
unwieldy to maintain. The maintenance problem stems from the amount of duplicated information
scattered throughout the project makefiles. Make provides a method to reduce the amount of duplicated
information present in makefiles. Preprocessing directives provide the capability for different makefiles to
make use of common information.
10.36.1 File Inclusion
A common solution to the "duplicated information" problem involves referencing text contained in one file
from many different files. Make supports file inclusion with the !include preprocessing directive. The
development of object libraries, using 16-bit Open Watcom C/C++, for the different 80x86 16-bit memory
models provides an ideal example to illustrate the use of the !include preprocessing directive.
Sub-directory Contents
small model object files, MAKEFILE, WINDOW_S.LIB
compact model object files, MAKEFILE, WINDOW_C.LIB
medium model object files, MAKEFILE, WINDOW_M.LIB
132 Preprocessing Directives
The Open Watcom Make Utility
large model object files, MAKEFILE, WINDOW_L.LIB
huge model object files, MAKEFILE, WINDOW_L.LIB
The WLIB command file "WINDOW.CMD" contains the list of library operations required to build the
libraries. The contents of "WINDOW.CMD" are:
The "+" library manager command indicates to WLIB that the object file should be replaced in the library.
The file "WINDOW.MIF" contains the makefile declarations that are common to every memory model.
The ".MIF" extension will be used for all the Make Include Files discussed in this manual. This extension
is also in the default extension list so it is a recommended extension for Make include files. The contents of
the "WINDOW.MIF" file is as follows:
# example of a Make Include File
common = /d1 /w3 # common options
objs = window.obj bios.obj keyboard.obj mouse.obj
.c: ..\c
wcc $[* $(common) $(local) /m$(model)
window_$(model).lib : $(objs)
wlib window_$(model) @..\window
The macros "model" and "local" are defined by the file "MAKEFILE" in each object directory. An
example of the file "MAKEFILE" in the medium memory model object directory is:
# !include example
model = m # memory model required
local = # memory model specific options
!include ..\window.mif
Notice that changes that affect all the memory models may be made in one file, namely "WINDOW.MIF".
Any changes that are specific to a memory model may be made to the "MAKEFILE" in the object
directory. To update the medium memory model library, the following commands may be executed:
Preprocessing Directives 133
The Make/Touch Utilities
C>cd \window\bcsd
A DOS ".BAT" or OS/2 ".CMD" file may be used to update all the different memory models. If the
following DOS "MAKEALL.BAT" (OS/2 "MAKEALL.CMD") file is located somewhere in the "PATH",
we may update all the libraries.
cd \window\scsd
wmake %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
cd \window\scbd
wmake %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
cd \window\bcsd
wmake %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
cd \window\bcbd
wmake %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
cd \window\bchd
wmake %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
The batch file parameters are useful if you want to specify options to Make. For instance, a global
recompile may be done by executing:
C>makeall /a
The !include preprocessing directive is a good way to partition common information so that it may be
maintained easily.
Another use of the !include involves program generated makefile information. For instance, if we have
a program called "WMKMK" that will search through source files and generate a file called
"WMKMK.MIF" that contains:
# program generated makefile information
C_to_OBJ = $(compiler) $[* $(compile_options)
In order to use this program generated makefile information, we use a "MAKEFILE" containing:
134 Preprocessing Directives
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# makefile that makes use of generated makefile information
compile_options = /mf /d1 /w3
first_target : window.lib .SYMBOLIC
echo done
!include wmkmk.mif
window.lib : $(OBJECTS)
wlib window $(OBJECTS)
make : .SYMBOLIC
wmkmk /r ..\c\*.c+..\c\*.cpp+..\h
Notice that there is a symbolic target "first_target" that is used as a "place holder". The default behaviour
for Make is to "make" the first target encountered in the makefile. The symbolic target "first_target"
ensures that we have control over what file will be updated first (in this case "WINDOW.LIB"). The use of
the !include preprocessing directive simplifies the use of program generated makefile information
because any changes are localized to the file "MAKEFILE". As program development continues, the file
"WMKMK.MIF" may be regenerated so that subsequent invocations of WMAKE benefit from the new
makefile information. The file "MAKEFILE" even contains the command to regenerate the file
"WMKMK.MIF". The symbolic target "make" has an associated command list that will regenerate the file
"WMKMK.MIF". The command list can be executed by typing the following command:
C>wmake make
The use of the !include preprocessing directive is a simple way to reduce maintenance of related
Hint: Macros are expanded on !include preprocessor control lines. This allows many benefits like:
!include $(%env_var)
so that the files that Make will process can be controlled through many different avenues like internal
macros, command line macros, and environment variables.
Another way to access files is through the suffix path feature of Make. A definition like
.mif : c:\mymifs;d:\some\more\mifs
will cause Make to search different paths for any make include files.
10.36.2 Conditional Processing
Open Watcom Make has conditional preprocessing directives available that allow different declarations to
be processed. The conditional preprocessing directives allow the makefile to
1. check whether a macro is defined, and
2. check whether a macro has a certain value.
The macros that can be checked include
Preprocessing Directives 135
The Make/Touch Utilities
1. normal macros "$(<macro_identifier>)"
2. environment macros "$(%<environment_var>)"
The conditional preprocessing directives allow a makefile to adapt to different external conditions based on
the values of macros or environment variables. We can define macros on the WMAKE command line as
shown in the following example.
C>wmake "macro=some text with spaces in it"
Alternatively, we can include a makefile that defines the macros if all the macros cannot fit on the
command line. This is shown in the following example:
C>wmake /f macdef.mif /f makefile
Also, environment variables can be set before WMAKE is invoked. This is shown in the following
C>set macro=some text with spaces in it
Now that we know how to convey information to Make through either macros or environment variables, we
will look at how this information can be used to influence makefile processing.
Make has conditional preprocessing directives that are similar to the C preprocessor directives. Make
supports these preprocessor directives:
along with
Together these preprocessor directives allow selection of makefile declarations to be based on either the
value or the existence of a macro.
Environment variables can be checked by using an environment variable name prefixed with a "%". A
common use of a conditional preprocessing directive involves setting environment variables.
# setting an environment variable
!ifndef %lib
set lib=c:\watcom\lib386;c:\watcom\lib386\dos
136 Preprocessing Directives
The Open Watcom Make Utility
If you are writing portable applications, you might want to have:
# checking a macro
!include version.mif
!ifdef OS2
machine = /2 # compile for 286
machine = /0 # default: 8086
The !ifdef ("if defined") and !ifndef ("if not defined") conditional preprocessing directives are useful
for checking boolean conditions. In other words, the !ifdef and !ifndef are useful for "yes-no"
conditions. There are instances where it would be useful to check a macro against a value. In order to use
the value checking preprocessor directives, we must know the exact value of a macro. A macro definition
is of the form:
<macro_identifier> = <text> <comment>
Make will first strip any comment off the line. The macro definition will then be the text following the
equal "=" sign with leading and trailing blanks removed. Initially this might not seem like a sensible way
to define a macro but it does lend itself well to defining macros that are common in makefiles. For
instance, it allows definitions like:
# sample macro definitions
link_options = debug line # line number debugging
compile_options = /d1 /s # line numbers, no stack checking
These definitions are both readable and useful. A makefile can handle differences between compilers with
the !ifeq, !ifneq, !ifeqi and !ifneqi conditional preprocessing directives. The first two perform
case sensitive comparisons while the last two perform case insensitive comparisons. One way of setting up
adaptive makefiles is:
# options made simple
compiler = wcc386
stack_overflow = No # yes -> check for stack overflow
line_info = Yes # yes -> generate line numbers
!ifeq compiler wcc386
!ifneqi stack_overflow yes
stack_option = /s
!ifeqi line_info yes
line_option = /d1
Preprocessing Directives 137
The Make/Touch Utilities
!ifeq compiler tcc
!ifeqi stack_overflow yes
stack_option = -N
!ifeqi line_info yes
line_option = -y
# make sure the macros are defined
!ifndef stack_option
stack_option =
!ifndef line_option
line_option =
example : .SYMBOLIC
echo $(compiler) $(stack_option) $(line_option)
The conditional preprocessing directives can be very useful to hide differences, exploit similarities, and
organize declarations for applications that use many different programs.
Another directive is the !define directive. This directive is equivalent to the normal type of macro
definition (i.e., macro = text) but will make C programmers feel more at home. One important distinction
is that the !define preprocessor directive may be used to reflect the logical structure of macro definitions
in conditional processing. For instance, the previous makefile could have been written in this style:
!ifndef stack_option
! define stack_option
!ifndef line_option
! define line_option
The "!" character must be in the first column but the directive keyword can be indented. This freedom
applies to all of the preprocessing directives. The !else preprocessing directive benefits from this type of
style because !else can also check conditions like:
!else ifeq
!else ifneq
!else ifeqi
!else ifneqi
!else ifdef
!else ifndef
so that logical structures like:
138 Preprocessing Directives
The Open Watcom Make Utility
!ifdef %version
! ifeq %version debugging
! define option debug all
! else ifeq %version beta
! define option debug line
! else ifeq %version production
! define option debug
! else
! error invalid value in VERSION
! endif
can be used. The above example checks the environment variable "VERSION" for three possible values
and acts accordingly.
Another derivative from the C language preprocessor is the !error directive which has the form of
!error <text>
in Make. This directive will print out the text and terminate processing of the makefile. It is very useful in
preventing errors from macros that are not defined properly. Here is an example of the !error
preprocessing directive.
!ifndef stack_option
! error stack_option is not defined
!ifndef line_option
! error line_option is not defined
There is one more directive that can be used in a makefile. The !undef preprocessing directive will clear
a macro definition. The !undef preprocessing directive has the form:
!undef <macro_identifier>
The macro identifier can represent a normal macro or an environment variable. A macro can be cleared
after it is no longer needed. Clearing a macro will reduce the memory requirements for a makefile. If the
macro identifier represents an environment variable (i.e., the identifier has a "%" prefix) then the
environment variable will be deleted from the current environment. The !undef preprocessing directive
is useful for deleting environment variables and reducing the amount of internal memory required during
makefile processing.
10.36.3 Loading Dynamic Link Libraries
Open Watcom Make supports loading of Dynamic Link Library (DLL) versions of Open Watcom software
through the use of the !loaddll preprocessing directive. This support is available on Win32 and 32-bit
OS/2 platforms. Performance is greatly improved by avoiding a reload of the software for each file to be
processed. The syntax of the !loaddll preprocessing directive is:
!loaddll $(exename) $(dllname)
where $(exename) is the command name used in the makefile and $(dllname) is the name of the
DLL to be loaded and executed in its place. For example, consider the following makefile which contains a
list of commands and their corresponding DLL versions.
Preprocessing Directives 139
The Make/Touch Utilities
# Default compilation macros for sample programs
# Compile switches that are enabled
CFLAGS = -d1
CC = wpp386 $(CFLAGS)
LINK = wlink $(LFLAGS)
!ifdef __LOADDLL__
! loaddll wcc wccd
! loaddll wccaxp wccdaxp
! loaddll wcc386 wccd386
! loaddll wpp wppdi86
! loaddll wppaxp wppdaxp
! loaddll wpp386 wppd386
! loaddll wlink wlinkd
! loaddll wlib wlibd
! loaddll wrc wrcd
$(CC) $*.c
The __LOADDLL__ symbol is defined for versions of Open Watcom Make that support the !loaddll
preprocessing directive. The !ifdef __LOADDLL__ construct ensures that the makefile can be
processed by an older version of Open Watcom Make.
Make will look up the wpp386 command in its DLL load table and find a match. It will then attempt to
load the corresponding DLL (i.e., wppd386.dll) and pass it the command line for processing. The
lookup is case insensitive but must match in all other respects. For example, if a path is included with the
command name then the same path must be specified in the !loaddll preprocessing directive. This
problem can be avoided through the use of macros as illustrated below.
140 Preprocessing Directives
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# Default compilation macros for sample programs
# Compile switches that are enabled
cc286 = wpp
cc286d = wppdi86
cc386 = wpp386
cc386d = wppd386
linker = wlink
linkerd = wlinkd
CFLAGS = -d1
CC = $(cc386) $(CFLAGS)
LINK = wlink $(LFLAGS)
!ifdef __LOADDLL__
!loaddll $(cc286) $(cc286d)
!loaddll $(cc386) $(cc386d)
!loaddll $(linker) $(linkerd)
$(CC) $*.c
A path and/or extension may be specified with the DLL name if desired.
10.37 Command List Directives
Open Watcom Make supports special directives that provide command lists for different purposes. If a
command list cannot be found while updating a target then the directive .DEFAULT may be used to
provide one. A simple .DEFAULT command list which makes the target appear to be updated is:
wtouch $^@
The Open Watcom Touch utility sets the time-stamp on the file to the current time. The effect of the above
rule will be to "update" the file without altering its contents.
In some applications it is necessary to execute some commands before any other commands are executed
and likewise it is useful to be able to execute some commands after all other commands are executed.
Make supports this capability by checking to see if the .BEFORE and .AFTER directives have been used.
If the .BEFORE directive has been used, the .BEFORE command list is executed before any commands are
executed. Similarly the .AFTER command list is executed after processing is finished. It is important to
note that if all the files are up to date and no commands must be executed, the .BEFORE and .AFTER
command lists are never executed. If some commands are executed to update targets and errors are
detected (non-zero return status, macro expansion errors), the .AFTER command list is not executed (the
.ERROR directive supplies a command list for error conditions and is discussed in this section). These two
directives may be used for maintenance as illustrated in the following example:
Command List Directives 141
The Make/Touch Utilities
# .BEFORE and .AFTER example
echo .BEFORE command list executed
echo .AFTER command list executed
# rest of makefile follows
If all the targets in the makefile are up to date then neither the .BEFORE nor the .AFTER command lists
will be executed. If any of the targets are not up to date then before any commands to update the target are
executed, the .BEFORE command list will be executed. The .AFTER command list will be executed only
if there were no errors detected during the updating of the targets. The .BEFORE, .DEFAULT, and
.AFTER command list directives provide the capability to execute commands before, during, and after the
makefile processing.
Make also supports the .ERROR directive. The .ERROR directive supplies a command list to be executed
if an error occurs during the updating of a target.
# .ERROR example
# rest of makefile follows
The above makefile will audibly signal you that an error has occurred during the makefile processing. If
any errors occur during the .ERROR command list execution, makefile processing is terminated.
10.38 MAKEINIT File
As you become proficient at using Open Watcom Make, you will probably want to isolate common
makefile declarations so that there is less duplication among different makefiles. Make will search for a
file called "MAKEINIT" (or "TOOLS.INI" when the "ms" option is set) and process it before any other
makefiles. The search for the "MAKEINIT" file will occur along the current "PATH". If the file
"MAKEINIT" is not found, processing continues without any errors. By default, Make defines a set of data
described at the "r" option. The use of a "MAKEINIT" file will allow you to reuse common declarations
and will result in simpler, more maintainable makefiles.
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.39 Command List Execution
Open Watcom Make is a program which must execute other programs and operating system shell
commands. There are three basic types of executable files in DOS and RDOS.
1. .COM files
2. .EXE files
3. .BAT files
There are two basic types of executable files in Windows NT.
1. .EXE files
2. .BAT files
There are two basic types of executable files in OS/2.
1. .EXE files
2. .CMD files
The .COM and .EXE files may be loaded into memory and executed. The .BAT files must be executed by
the DOS command processor or shell, "COMMAND.COM". The .CMD files must be executed by the
OS/2 command processor or shell, "CMD.EXE" Make will search along the "PATH" for the command and
depending on the file extension the file will be executed in the proper manner.
If Make detects any input or output redirection characters (these are ">", "<", and "|") in the command, it
will be executed by the shell.
Under DOS, an asterisk prefix (*) will cause Make to examine the length of the command argument. If it is
too long (> 126 characters), it will take the command argument and stuff it into a temporary environment
variable and then execute the command with "@env_var" as its argument. Suppose the following sample
makefile fragment contained a very long command line argument.
# Asterisk example
*foo myfile /a /b /c ... /x /y /z
Make will perform something logically similar to the following steps.
set TEMPVAR001=myfile /a /b /c ... /x /y /z
foo @TEMPVAR001
The command must, of course, support the "@env_var" syntax. Typically, DOS commands do not support
this syntax but many of the Open Watcom tools do.
The exclamation mark prefix (!) will force a command to be executed by the shell. Also, the command will
be executed by the shell if the command is an internal shell command from the following list:
break check for Ctrl+Break
call nest batch files
cd change current directory
chdir change current directory
Command List Execution 143
The Make/Touch Utilities
cls clear the screen
cmd start NT or OS/2 command processor
command start DOS command processor
ctty DOS redirect input/output to COM port
d: change drive where "d" represents a drive specifier
date set system date
del erase files
dir display contents in a directory
echo display commands as they are processed, intercepted by WMAKE
erase erase files
for repetitively process commands, intercepted by WMAKE
if allow conditional processing of commands, intercepted by WMAKE
md make directory
mkdir make directory, intercepted by WMAKE
path set search path
pause suspend batch operations
prompt change command prompt
ren rename files
rename rename files
rmdir remove directory, intercepted by WMAKE
rd remove directory
rm erase files or directories, intercepted by WMAKE
set set environment variables, intercepted by WMAKE
time set system time
type display contents of a file
ver display the operating system version number
verify set data verification
vol display disk volume label
Below is description of all commands intercepted by Make. Their syntax and functionality is derived from
DOS version of these commands. Some of them is not available on DOS OS, these commands syntax and
functionality is derived from POSIX standard.
Any of these commands have not the same limitations as on appropriate OS and support features necessary
for all supported OSes.
• no length limit for commands
• long file name (LFN) support for file names
• mixed forward and backward slash support for directory and file names
10.39.1 echo command
The operating system shell "echo" command is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
echo [<value>]
The "echo" command may be used to output any string to standard output without length limitation.
144 Command List Execution
The Open Watcom Make Utility
10.39.2 set command
The operating system shell "set" command is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
set <name> =[<value>] (if no value then variable is deleted)
The "set" command may be used to set environment variables to values required during makefile
processing. The environment variable changes are only valid during makefile processing and do not affect
the values that were in effect before Make was invoked. The "set" command may be used to initialize
environment variables necessary for the makefile commands to execute properly. The setting of
environment variables in makefiles reduces the number of "set" commands required in the system
initialization file. Here is an example with the Open Watcom C/C++ compiler.
# set example
set include=c:\special\h;$(%include)
set lib=c:\watcom\lib386;c:\watcom\lib386\dos
# rest of makefile follows
The first "set" command will set up the INCLUDE environment variable so that the Open Watcom C/C++
compiler may find header files. Notice that the old value of the INCLUDE environment variable is used in
setting the new value.
The second "set" command indicates to the Open Watcom Linker that libraries may be found in the
indicated directories.
Environment variables may be used also as dynamic variables that may communicate information between
different parts of the makefile. An example of communication within a makefile is illustrated in the
following example.
# internal makefile communication
set message=message text 1
echo *$(%message)*
set message=
echo *$(%message)*
.example : another_target .SYMBOLIC
echo *$(%message)*
another_target : .SYMBOLIC
set message=message text 2
The output of the previous makefile would be:
Command List Execution 145
The Make/Touch Utilities
(command output only)
*message text 1*
*message text 2*
Make handles the "set" command so that it appears to work in an intuitive manner similar to the operating
system shell’s "set" command. The "set" command also may be used to allow commands to relay
information to commands that are executed afterwards.
10.39.3 for command
The operating system shell "for" command is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
for %[%]<var> in (<set>) do <command>
DOS has a fixed limit for the size of a command thus making it unusable for large makefile applications.
One such application that can be done easily with Make is the construction of a WLINK command file
from a makefile. The idea behind the next example is to have one file that contains the list of object files.
Anytime this file is changed, say, after a new module has been added, a new linker command file will be
generated which in turn, will cause the linker to relink the executable. First we need the makefile to define
the list of object files, this file is "OBJDEF.MIF" and it declares a macro "objs" which has as its value the
list of object files in the application. The content of the "OBJDEF.MIF" file is:
# list of object files
objs = &
window.obj &
bios.obj &
keyboard.obj &
The main makefile ("MAKEFILE") is:
# for command example
!include objdef.mif
plot.exe : $(objs) plot.lnk
wlink @plot
plot.lnk : objdef.mif
echo NAME $^& >$^@
echo DEBUG all >>$^@
for %i in ($(objs)) do echo FILE %i >>$^@
This makefile would produce a file "PLOT.LNK" automatically whenever the list of object files is changed
(anytime "OBJDEF.MIF" is changed). For the above example, the file "PLOT.LNK" would contain:
146 Command List Execution
The Open Watcom Make Utility
NAME plot
FILE window.obj
FILE bios.obj
FILE keyboard.obj
FILE mouse.obj
10.39.4 if command
The operating system shell "if" command is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
{ errorlevel <number> }
if [not] { <str1> == <str2> } <command>
{ exist <file> }
It handles file names consistently with other Make commands.
10.39.5 rm command
The commands "rm" is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
rm [-frv] <files/directories>
The "rm" command may be used to delete files or directories. Make "rm" command is simplified
implementation of the POSIX rm command. It handles file/directory names consistently with other Make
commands. Following options are support.
-f force deletion of read-only files, no diagnostics messages about missing items
-r deletion of directories
-v verbose operation
10.39.6 mkdir command
The commands "mkdir" is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
mkdir [-p] <directory>
The "mkdir" command may be used to create a directory. Make "mkdir" command is simplified
implementation of the POSIX "mkdir" command. It handles directory names consistently with other Make
commands. Following options are support.
-p force creation of all parent directories
Command List Execution 147
The Make/Touch Utilities
10.39.7 rmdir command
The commands "rmdir" is intercepted by Make. It uses following syntax:
rmdir <directory>
The "rmdir" command may be used to delete a directory. Make "rmdir" command is is simplified
implementation of the POSIX "rmdir" command. It handles directory names consistently with other Make
10.39.8 Make internal commands
Make supports nine internal commands:
1. %abort
2. %append
3. %copy
4. %create
5. %erase
6. %make
7. %null
8. %quit
9. %ren
10. %stop
11. %write
The %abort and %quit internal commands terminate execution of Make and return to the operating
system shell: %abort sets a non-zero exit code; %quit sets a zero exit code.
# %abort and %quit example
done_enough :
suicide :
The %append, %create, %erase, and %write internal commands allow WMAKE to generate files
under makefile control. This is useful for files that have contents that depend on makefile contents.
Through the use of macros and the "for" command, Make becomes a very powerful tool in maintaining lists
of files for other programs.
The %append internal command appends a text line to the end of a file (which is created if absent) while
the %write internal command creates or truncates a file and writes one line of text into it. Both
commands have the same form, namely:
%append <file> <text>
%write <file> <text>
where <file> is a file specification and <text> is arbitrary text.
The %copy internal command will copy a file. The command has the form:
148 Command List Execution
The Open Watcom Make Utility
%copy <from file> <to file>
where <from file> and <to file> are a file specification.
The %ren internal command will rename a file. The command has the form:
%ren <from file> <to file>
where <from file> and <to file> are a file specification.
The %create internal command will create or truncate a file so that the file does not contain any text
while the %erase internal command will delete a file. Both commands have the same form, namely:
%create <file>
%erase <file>
where <file> is a file specification.
Full macro processing is performed on these internal commands so the full power of WMAKE can be used.
The following example illustrates a common use of these internal commands.
# %append, %create, %erase, and %write example
!include objdef.mif
plot.exe : $(objs) plot.lnk
wlink @plot
plot.lnk : objdef.mif
%create $^@
%append $^@ NAME $^&
# Next line equivalent to previous two lines.
%create $^@ NAME $^&
%append $^@ DEBUG all
for %i in ($(objs)) do %append $^@ FILE %i
clean : .SYMBOLIC
%erase plot.lnk
The above code demonstrates a valuable technique that can generate directive files for WLINK, WLIB, and
other utilities.
The %make internal command permits the updating of a specific target and has the form:
%make <target>
where <target> is a target in the makefile.
Command List Execution 149
The Make/Touch Utilities
# %make example
!include objdef.mif
plot.exe : $(objs)
%make plot.lnk
wlink @plot
plot.lnk : objdef.mif
%create $^@
%append $^@ NAME $^&
%append $^@ DEBUG all
for %i in ($(objs)) do %append $^@ FILE %i
There seem to be other ways of doing the same thing. Among them is putting plot.lnk into the list of
# %make counter-example
!include objdef.mif
plot.exe : $(objs) plot.lnk
wlink @plot
plot.lnk : objdef.mif
%create $^@
%append $^@ NAME $^&
%append $^@ DEBUG all
for %i in ($(objs)) do %append $^@ FILE %i
and using a make variable:
# %make counter-example
!include objdef.mif
plot.exe : $(objs)
wlink NAME $^& DEBUG all FILE { $(objs) }
The %null internal command does absolutely nothing. It is useful because Make demands that a
command list be present whenever a target is updated.
150 Command List Execution
The Open Watcom Make Utility
# %null example
all : application1 application2 .SYMBOLIC
application1 : appl1.exe .SYMBOLIC
application2 : appl2.exe .SYMBOLIC
appl1.exe : (dependents ...)
appl2.exe : (dependents ...)
Through the use of the %null internal command, multiple application makefiles may be produced that are
quite readable and maintainable.
The %stop internal command will temporarily suspend makefile processing and print out a message
asking whether Makefile processing should continue. Make will wait for either the "y" key (indicating that
the Makefile processing should continue) or the "n" key. If the "n" key is pressed, makefile processing will
stop. The %stop internal command is very useful for debugging makefiles but it may be used also to
develop interactive makefiles.
# %stop example
all : appl1.exe .SYMBOLIC
appl1.exe : (dependents ...)
@echo Are you feeling lucky? Punk!
10.40 Compatibility Between Open Watcom Make and UNIX
Open Watcom Make was originally based on the UNIX Make utility. The PC’s operating environment
presents a base of users which may or may not be familiar with the UNIX operating system. Make is
designed to be a PC product with some UNIX compatibility. The line continuation in UNIX Make is a
backslash ("\") at the end of the line. The backslash ("\") is used by the operating system for directory
specifications and as such will be confused with line continuation. For example, you could type:
cd \
along with other commands ... and get unexpected results. However, if your makefile does not contain
path separator characters ("\") and you wish to use "\" as a line continuation indicator then you can use the
Make "u" (UNIX compatibility mode) option.
Compatibility Between Open Watcom Make and UNIX Make 151
The Make/Touch Utilities
Also, in the UNIX operating system there is no concept of file extensions, only the concept of a file suffix.
Make will accept the UNIX Make directive .SUFFIXES for compatibility with UNIX makefiles. The
UNIX compatible special macros supported are:
Macro Expansion
$@ full name of the target
$* target with the extension removed
$< list of all dependents
$? list of dependents that are younger than the target
The extra checking of makefiles done by Make will require modifications to UNIX makefiles. The UNIX
Make utility does not check for the existence of targets after the associated command list is executed so the
"c" or the .NOCHECK directive should be used to disable this checking. The lack of a command list to
update a target is ignored by the UNIX Make utility but Open Watcom Make requires the special internal
command %null to specify a null command list. In summary, Make supports many of the features of the
UNIX Make utility but is not 100% compatible.
10.41 Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages
This section lists the various warning and error messages that may be issued by the Open Watcom Make.
In the messages below, %? character sequences indicate places in the message that are replaced with some
other string.
1 Out of memory
2 Make execution terminated
3 Option %c%c invalid
4 %c%c must be followed by a filename
5 No targets specified
6 Ignoring first target in MAKEINIT
7 Expecting a %M
8 Invalid macro name %E
9 Ignoring out of place %M
10 Macros nested too deep
11 Unknown internal command
12 Program name is too long
13 No control characters allowed in options
14 Cannot execute %E: %Z
152 Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Make Utility
15 Syntax error in %s command
16 Nested %s loops not allowed
17 Token too long, maximum size is %d chars
18 Unrecognized or out of place character ’%C’
19 Target %E already declared %M
20 Command list does not belong to any target
21 Extension(s) %E not defined
22 No existing file matches %E
23 Extensions reversed in implicit rule
24 More than one command list found for %E
25 Extension %E declared more than once
26 Unknown preprocessor directive: %s
27 Macro %E is undefined
28 !If statements nested too deep
29 !%s has no matching !if
30 Skipping !%1 block after !%2
31 %1 not allowed after !%2
32 Opening file %E: %Z
34 !%s pending at end of file
35 Trying to !%s an undefined macro
36 Illegal attempt to update special target %E
37 Target %E is defined recursively
38 %E does not exist and cannot be made from existing files
39 Target %E not mentioned in any makefile
40 Could not touch %E
41 No %s commands for making %E
42 Last command making (%L) returned a bad status
Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages 153
The Make/Touch Utilities
43 Deleting %E: %Z
44 %s command returned a bad status
45 Maximum string length exceeded
46 Illegal character value %xH in file
47 Assuming target(s) are .%s
48 Maximum %%make depth exceeded
49 Opening (%s) for write: %Z
50 Unable to write: %Z
51 CD’ing to %E: %Z
52 Changing to drive %C:
53 DOS memory inconsistency detected! System may halt ...
53 OS corruption detected
54 While reading (%s): %Z
59 !IF Parse Error
60 TMP Path/File Too Long
61 Unexpected End of File
62 Only NO(KEEP) allowed here
63 Non-matching "
64 Invalid String Macro Substitution
65 File Name Length Exceeded
66 Redefinition of .DEFAULT Command List
67 Non-matching { In Implicit Rule
68 Invalid Implicit Rule Definition
69 Path Too Long
70 Cannot Load/Unload DLL %E
71 Initialization of DLL %E returned a bad status
72 DLL %E returned a bad status
154 Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages
The Open Watcom Make Utility
73 Illegal Character %C in macro name
74 in closing file %E
75 in opening file %E
76 in writing file %E
77 User Break Encountered
78 Error in Memory Tracking Encountered
79 Makefile may be Microsoft; try /ms switch
80 Expecting double quote character to end open string
Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages 155
The Make/Touch Utilities
156 Open Watcom Make Diagnostic Messages
11 The Touch Utility
11.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the Open Watcom Touch utility. Open Watcom Touch will set the time-stamp (i.e.,
the modification date and time) of one or more files. The new modification date and time may be the
current date and time, the modification date and time of another file, or a date and time specified on the
command line. This utility is normally used in conjunction with the Open Watcom Make utility. The
rationale for bringing a file up-to-date without altering its contents is best understood by reading the
chapter which describes the Make utility.
The Open Watcom Touch command line syntax is:
WTOUCH [options] file_spec [file_spec...]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional.
options is a list of valid options, each preceded by a slash ("/") or a dash (""). Options may be
specified in any order.
file_spec is the file specification for the file to be touched. Any number of file specifications may be
listed. The wild card characters "*" and "?" may be used.
The following is a description of the options available.
c do not create an empty file if the specified file does not exist
d <date> specify the date for the file time-stamp in "mm-dd-yy" format
f <file> use the time-stamp from the specified file
i increment time-stamp before touching the file
q suppress informational messages
r touch file even if it is marked read-only
t <time> specify the time for the file time-stamp in "hh:mm:ss" format
u use USA date/time format regardless of country
? display help screen
11.2 WTOUCH Operation
WTOUCH is used to set the time-stamp (i.e., the modification date and time) of a file. The contents of the
file are not affected by this operation. If the specified file does not exist, it will be created as an empty file.
This behaviour may be altered with the "c" option so that if the file is not present, a new empty file will not
be created.
WTOUCH Operation 157
The Make/Touch Utilities
(will not create myfile.dat)
C>wtouch /c myfile.dat
If a wild card file specification is used and no files match the pattern, no files will have their time-stamps
altered. The date and time that all the specified files are set to is determined as follows:
1. The current date and time is used as a default value.
2. A time-stamp from an "age file" may replace the current date and time. The "f" option is used to
specify the file that will supply the time-stamp.
(use the date and time from file "last.tim")
C>wtouch /f last.tim file*.dat
3. The date and/or time may be specified from the command line to override a part of the
time-stamp that will be used. The "d" and "t" options are used to override the date and time
(use current date but use different time)
C>wtouch /t 2:00p file*.dat
(completely specify date and time)
C>wtouch /d 10-31-90 /t 8:00:00 file*.dat
(use date from file "last.tim" but set time)
C>wtouch /f last.tim /t 12:00 file*.dat
The format of the date and time on the command line depends on the country information
provided by the host operating system. Open Watcom Touch should accept dates and times in a
similar format to any operating system utilities (i.e., the DATE and TIME utilities provided by
DOS). The "a" and "p" suffix is an extension to the time syntax for specifying whether the time
is A.M. or P.M., but this is only available if the operating system is not configured for military
or 24-hour time.
158 WTOUCH Operation
The IDE2MAKE Batch Utility
The IDE2MAKE Batch Utility
12 The IDE2MAKE Utility
12.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the IDE2MAKE utility. IDE2MAKE loads an IDE project file and, using the
associated .tgt files, generates make files that can be invoked with WMAKE. If the .wpj file does not exist,
a default project is used. If any tgtfile(s) are specified, they are used as the targets in creating the make
The IDE2MAKE command line syntax is:
ide2make [options] [tgtfile]
The square brackets [ ] denote items which are optional. At least one item must be specified, otherwise the
program usage is shown.
options is a list of valid options, each preceded by a slash ("/") or a dash (""). Options may be
specified in any order.
tgtfile is the file specification for the targetfile to be used. Any number of file specifications may
be listed.
The following is a description of the options available.
p <wpjfile> loads wpjfile.wpj (project.wpj by default)
c <cfgfile> loads cfgfile instead of ide.cfg
i directory to search configuration files
d generate makefiles using development switch set
l generate makefiles with long lines (no length limit)
r generate makefiles using release switch set
h <number> generate makefiles for selected host OS (default is current host)
0 - Windows 3.x
1 - OS/2 PM
2 - Windows NT
3 - Win-OS/2
4 - Windows 95
5 - Japanese Windows 3.x on an IBM
6 - Japanese Windows 3.x on a Nec98
7 - Dec Alpha (Windows NT)
8 - DOS
9 - Linux
Introduction 161
The IDE2MAKE Batch Utility
12.2 IDE2MAKE Operation
IDE2MAKE is used to create makefiles from IDE project and targetfiles. If no targetfile is specified,
makefiles for all targets are generated.
162 IDE2MAKE Operation
. B
.alpha 29 batch files 134
.break 29 BEFORE
.continue 29 WMAKE directive 103, 141
.cref 29 Bell Laboratories 98
.else 29 BLOCK
.endif 29 WMAKE directive 89, 103
.endw 29 BPATCH
.exit 29 command line format 77
.if 29 diagnostics 78
.lfcond 29 bugs 77
.list 29
.listall 29
.listif 29
.listmacro 29
.listmacroall 29
.nocref 29
.nolist 29
casemap 29
.radix 29
catstr 29
.repeat 29
checking macro values 137
.sall 29
CMD.EXE shell 143
.seq 29
colon (:)
.sfcond 29
behaviour in WMAKE 100
.startup 29
explicit rule in WMAKE 98
.tfcond 29
command execution 143
.until 29
command line format
.while 29
.xcref 29
.xlist 29
owcc 13
WCL386 3
addr 29 WSTRIP 81
WMAKE directive 102, 141 COMMAND.COM shell 143
ALWAYS common information 132
WMAKE directive 102 communication 145
assembler 23 CONFIG.SYS
AUTODEPEND system initialization file 9
WMAKE directive 103, 107 CONTINUE
AUTOEXEC.BAT WMAKE directive 90, 103
system initialization file 9
WMAKE directive 89, 104
WMAKE directive 105, 142
executable files
reducing size 81
debug information
removal 81
WMAKE directive 105
debugging makefiles 89, 151
declarations 98
WMAKE directive 105
DEF files 131
explicit rule 98, 131
WMAKE directive 104, 141
WMAKE directive 106, 123
dependency 98
dependent 98
dependent extension 122
different memory model libraries 132
disassembler 55
far call optimization
disassembly example 60
enabling 66
DLL support 139
far call optimizations 65
DOS Extender
far jump optimization 65
Phar Lap 286 11
FCENABLE options
b 66
double colon explicit rule 131
c 66
double-colon (::)
s 66
behaviour in WMAKE 132
x 66
explicit rule in WMAKE 131
Feldman, S.I 98
duplicated information 132
finding targets 125
Dynamic Link Library
imports 45-46, 48
using Open Watcom Make 146
dynamic variables 145
WMAKE directive 107
echo 29
using Open Watcom Make 144
makefile 161
endmacro 29
generating prototypes 131
environment string
global recompile 88, 134
# 9
= substitute 9
environment variables 116, 135-136, 145
LIB 11, 136, 145
PATH 77, 116
WCL386 9
LBC command file 46
LIB environment variable 11
LIBOS2 environment variable 11
libraries 132
import 48
high 29
library file
highword 29
adding to a 43
deleting from a 43
WMAKE directive 96, 107
extracting from a 44
replacing a module in a 44
library manager 41
line continuation 116
__LOADDLL__ 140
low 29
lowword 29
lroffset 29
make 161
command line format 161
using Open Watcom Make 147
WMAKE directive 90, 107
macro construction 117, 131
ignoring return codes 107
macro definition 137
implicit rule 122
macro identifier 135
implicit rules
macro text 137
$[ form 123
macros 113, 137
$] form 123
maintaining libraries 132
$^ form 123
maintenance 87
import library 45-46, 48
INCLUDE environment variable 145
include file 133
initialization file 142
reference 87
invoke 29
Touch 157
invoking IDE2MAKE 161
invoking Open Watcom Make 98, 133, 135
invoking Open Watcom Touch 157
MAKEFILE comments 98
mask 29
memory model 132
message passing 145
Microsoft compatibility
using Open Watcom Make 147
WMAKE directive 107-108
modification 157
WMAKE directive 108
multiple dependents 99
multiple source directories 126
multiple targets 99
large projects 132
larger applications 126
Phar Lap
286 DOS Extender 11
popcontext 29
WMAKE directive 107, 110
preprocessing directives
NMAKE 88, 90
WMAKE directive 89, 101, 109, 152
WMAKE directive 110
program maintenance 87
proto 29
prototypes 131
purge 29
pushcontext 29
opattr 29
Open Watcom Far Call Optimization Enabling Utility
Open Watcom Make
WMAKE directive 90, 109, 128
WMAKE directive 110
option 29
recompile 88, 130, 134
OS/2 11
record 29
reducing maintenance 135
owcc 18-19
removing debug information 81
command line format 13
replace 133
owcc options
return codes 104, 107, 110
b <system name> 16
c 14
using Open Watcom Make 147
compile 14
fd[=<directive_file>] 17
using Open Watcom Make 148
fm[=<map_file>] 18
rule command list 98
L <dir> 17
l <library> 17
mstack-size=<size> 17
o 14
s 14, 18
Wl 18
x 14
INCLUDE environment variable 145
LIB environment variable 11, 145
LIBOS2 environment variable 11
using Open Watcom Make 145-146
WCL environment variable 9-11
WCL386 environment variable 9-11
page 29
patches 77
modification date 157
path 125
modification time 157
PATH environment variable 77, 116
setting environment variables 136, 145
WMAKE directive 111 cc++ 4
single colon explicit rule 98 compile 4
strip utility 81 fd[=<directive_file>] 8
subtitle 29 fe=<executable> 8
subttl 29 fm[=<map_file>] 8
SUFFIXES k<stack_size> 8
WMAKE directive 112, 152 l=<system_name> 8
suppressing output 111 lp 8, 11
WMAKE directive 112, 116-117, 150 y 4
system initialization file 145 WCL386 9-11
AUTOEXEC.BAT 9 command line format 3
CONFIG.SYS 9 WCL386 environment variable 9, 11
WCL386 options
@ 9
bcl=<system name> 8
c 4
cc 4
cc++ 4
compile 4
target 98
fd[=<directive_file>] 8
target deletion prompt 89, 96
fe=<executable> 8
this 29
fm[=<map_file>] 8
time-stamp 87, 157
k<stack_size> 8
title 29
l=<system_name> 8
Touch 88, 96, 141, 157
lp 11
touch utility 157
y 4
typedef 29
command line format 55
WDIS example 60
WDIS options 56
a 56
e 56
ff 57
fi 57
union 29
fp 57
UNIX 98, 151
fr 58
UNIX compatibility mode in Make 96
fu 58
i 56
l (lowercase L) 58
m 59
p 58
s 59
width 29
command file 46
command line format 23
command line format 41
WCL 9-11
operations 42
command line format 3
WLIB options 47
WCL environment variable 9, 11
b 47
WCL options
c 47
@ 9
d 47
bcl=<system name> 8
f 47
c 4
i 48 maintaining libraries 132
l (lower case L) 48 MAKEFILE 89, 98
m 49 MAKEFILE comments 98
n 49 MAKEINIT 142
o 49 memory model 132
p 50 multiple dependents 99
pa 50 multiple source directories 126
q 50 multiple targets 99
s 50 path 125
t 51 preprocessing directives 132
v 51 recompile 130
x 51 reducing maintenance 135
WLINK debug options 118 reference 87
WMAKE return codes 104, 107, 110
! command execution 143 rule command list 98
":" behaviour 100 setting environment variables 136, 145
":" explicit rule 98 single colon explicit rule 98
"::" behaviour 132 special macros 96
"::" explicit rule 131 suppressing output 111
* command execution 143 target 98
.DEF files 131 target deletion prompt 89, 96
< redirection 143 time-stamp 87
> redirection 143 touch 88, 96, 141
batch files 134 UNIX 98, 151
Bell Laboratories 98 UNIX compatibility mode 96
checking macro values 137 WTOUCH 141
command execution 143 | redirection 143
common information 132 WMAKE command line
debugging makefiles 89, 151 defining macros 87, 136
declarations 98 format 87
dependency 98 help 88
dependent 98 invoking WMAKE 87, 98, 133, 135
dependent extension 122 options 88
different memory model libraries 132 summary 88
double colon explicit rule 131 targets 88, 135
duplicated information 132 WMAKE command prefix
dynamic variables 145 - 107
environment variables 116, 135-136, 145 @ 111
explicit rule 98, 131 WMAKE directives
Feldman, S.I 98 .AFTER 102, 141
finding targets 125 .ALWAYS 102
ignoring return codes 107 .AUTODEPEND 103, 107
implicit rule 122 .BEFORE 103, 141
include file 133 .BLOCK 89, 103
initialization file 142 .CONTINUE 90, 103
large projects 132 .DEFAULT 104, 141
larger applications 126 .ERASE 89, 104
libraries 132 .ERROR 105, 142
line continuation 116 .EXISTSONLY 105
macro construction 117, 131 .EXPLICIT 105
macro definition 137 .EXTENSIONS 106, 123
macro identifier 113, 135 .FUZZY 107
macro text 137 .HOLD 96, 107
macros 113, 137 .IGNORE 90, 107
.JUST_ENOUGH 107-108 !ifeqi 136
.MULTIPLE 108 !ifndef 136
.NOCHECK 89, 101, 109, 152 !ifneq 136
.OPTIMIZE 90, 109, 128 !ifneqi 136
.PRECIOUS 107, 110 !include 132
.PROCEDURE 110 !inject 117
.RECHECK 110 !loaddll 139
.SILENT 111 !undef 139
.SUFFIXES 112, 152 DLL support 139
.SYMBOLIC 112, 116-117, 150 __LOADDLL__ 140
WMAKE internal commands 148 WMAKE special macros
%abort 148 $# 96, 121
%append 148-149 $$ 96, 121
%copy 148 $(%<environment_var>) 116, 135
%create 148-149 $(%cdrive) 116
%erase 148-149 $(%cwd) 116
%make 148-149 $(%path) 116, 145
%null 148, 150, 152 $* 96, 152
%quit 148 $+ 116-117, 131
%ren 148 $- 116-117, 131
%stop 148, 151 $< 96, 152
%write 148-149 $? 96, 152
WMAKE options $@ 96, 152
a 88, 130, 134 $[ 97, 119
b 89 $[ form 97, 119, 123
c 89 $[& 97, 119
d 89 $[* 97, 119
e 89 $[: 97, 119
f 89, 98, 136 $[@ 97, 119
h 89 $] 97, 119
i 89, 107 $] form 97, 119, 123
k 90 $]& 97, 119
l 90 $]* 97, 119
m 90 $]: 97, 119
ms 90 $]@ 97, 119
n 90 $^ 97, 119
o 90 $^ form 97, 119, 123
p 91 $^& 97, 119
q 91 $^* 97, 119
r 91 $^: 97, 119
s 95, 111 $^@ 97, 119
sn 95 WSTRIP 81
t 96 command line format 81
u 96 diagnostics 83
v 96 WTOUCH 88, 96, 141
y 96 command line format 157
z 96 WTOUCH options 157
WMAKE preprocessing
!define 138
!else 136
!endif 136
!error 139
!ifdef 136
!ifeq 136