Updated Oct 2020
ACQ: Acquisitions (Now: CON)
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
ADR: Alternate Dispute Resolution
AM: Asset Management
AOC: Area of Consideration
AOR: Area of Responsibility
APWO: Assistant Public Works Officer
ARE: Assistant Regional Engineer
AWF: Acquisition Workforce
AWOL: Absence Without Leave
AWS: Alternate Work Schedule
BD: Business Directorate / Business Director
BIN: Billet Identification Number
BL: Business Line
BLL: Business Line Leader
BLUF: Bottom Line Up Front
BMS: Business Management System
BOP: Business Operations Plan
BTG: Bridging the Gap
BUE: Bargaining Unit Employee
BUS: Bargaining Unit Status
CAF: Central Adjudication Facility
CAP: Computer/Electronics Accommodations
CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement
CBT: Computer Based Training
CC: Cost Center
CCC: Cost Center Code
CE: Contingency Engineer
CEAP: Civilian Employee Assistance Program
CEC: Civil Engineer Corps
CI: Capital Improvements (now DC)
CIO: Command Information Officer
CL: Continuous Learning
CMO: Chief Management Officer
CNIC: Commander Navy Installations Command (aka
“The Region”)
COE: Center of Expertise
CON: Contracting (previously ACQ)
COP: Continuation of Pay
CPI: Continuous Process Improvement
CSRS: Civil Service Retirement System
CTR: Contractor (also KTR)
CWS: Compressed Work Schedules
DACM: the Director, Acquisition Career Management
DAU: Defense Acquisition University
DAWIA: Defense Acquisition Workforce
Improvement Act
DC: Design and Construction (previously CI)
DCPDS: Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
DCS: Defense Collaboration Services
DFAS: Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DHA: Direct Hiring Authority
DoD: Department of Defense
DODI: Department of Defense Instruction
DOL: Department of Labor
DoN: Department of the Navy
DON/AA: Department of the Navy Approving
DPMAP: DoD Performance Management and Appraisal
DPWO: Deputy Public Works Officer
DSN: Defense Switched Network
DTS: Defense Travel System
eDACM: Electronic Director, Acquisition Career
ECH: Short for Echelon
EDP: Employee Development Program
EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity
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Updated Oct 2020
EHA: Expedited Hiring Authority
EOD: Entrance on Duty
eOPF: Electronic Official Personnel Folder
ESAMS: Enterprise Safety Application Management
ESG: Executive Steering Group
ETS: Essential Task Statement
EV: Environmental
EXWC: Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare
EURAFSWA: Europe Africa South West Asia
FA: Functional Area
FEAD: Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division
FEC: Facilities Engineering Command
FECA: Federal Employee's Compensation Act
FE: Far East
FERS: Federal Employees Retirement System
FIP: Financial Information Pointer (timekeeping
reference number, also known as JON)
FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act
FM: Financial Management
FMD: Facility Management Division
FMLA: Family Medical Leave Act
FPL: Full Performance Level
FWS: Federal Wage System
FWS: Flexible Work Schedules
FYA: For your action (Also FORAC, or FFYA
Forwarding for your Action)
FSYA: For Your Situational Awareness
FYI: For Your Information
GF: General Fund
GIS: Geographic Information Systems
GOV: Government Owned Vehicle
GPC: Government Purchase Card
GS: General Schedule
HQ: Headquarters
HR: Human Resources
HRD: Human Resources Director
HRO: Human Resources Office
HVL: High Velocity Learning
IAM & AW: International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers
IBEW: International Brotherhood of Electrical
IDP: Individual Development Plan
IFPTE: International Federation of Professional and
Technical Engineers
IG: Inspector General
JBPHH: Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam
JON: Job Order Number
KTR: Contractor (also CTR)
LANT: Atlantic
LER: Labor & Employee Relations
LCL: Life Cycle Management
LWOP: Leave Without Pay
MAR: Marianas
MCBH: Marine Corps Base Hawaii
MD: Management Directive
MEB: Monthly Execution Brief
MIC: Management Identification of Candidates
MIDLANT: Mid-Atlantic
MNP: My Navy Portal
MOU: Memorandum of Understanding
MSPB: Merit Systems Protection Board
MTC: Metal Trades Council
NAF: Non-Appropriated Fund
NAVFAC: Naval Facilities Engineering Command
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Updated Oct 2020
NAVFAC HI: Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFAC PAC: Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFACSYSCOM: Naval Facilities Engineering
Systems Command (previously NAVFAC)
NEI: Navy Executive Institute
NFH: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Hawaii
NKO: Navy Knowledge Online
NTE: Not To Exceed
NWCF: Navy Working Capital Fund
OBE: Overcome By Events (no longer relevant)
OCHR: Office of Civilian Human Resources
OF: Optional Form
OPF: Official Personnel Folder
OPM: Office of Personnel Management
OPNAV: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
OPS: Operations
OSC: Office of Special Counsel
OWCP: Office of Workers' Compensation Program
PARB: Performance Award Review Board
PAO: Public Affairs Officer
PCS: Permanent Change of Station
PD: Position Description
PII: Personal Identifiable Information
PLC: Product Line Coordinator
PM: Program Management
PMB: Position Management Board
PMRF: Pacific Missile Range Facility
POC: Point of Contact
POSH: Prevention of Sexual Harassment
POV: May refer to Personally Owned Vehicle
PPP: Prohibited Personnel Practice
PW: Public Works
PWD: Public Works Department
PWO: Public Works Officer
QID: Qualified Individual with a Disability
RA: Reasonable Accommodation
RA POC: Reasonable Accommodation Point of
RDO: Rotating Day Off
RPA: Request for Personnel Action
SAPR: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
SCD: Service Computation Date
SECNAV: Secretary of the Navy
SES: Senior Executive Service
SF: Standard Form
SL: Support Line
SLDCADA: Standard Labor Data Collection and
Distribution Application
SMTAR: Specific, Measures, Times, Aligned, Realistic
SPD: Standard Position Descriptions
SME: Subject Matter Expert
SUPV: Supervisor
TAD/TDY: Temporary Duty
TFD: Total Force Development
TIMS: Training Information Management System
TWMS: Total Workforce Management System
UAC: Unauthorized Commitment
ULP: Unfair Labor Practice
VEOA: Veteran's Employment Opportunities Act
VLTP: Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
V/R: Very Respectfully (as seen in emails)
WC: Work Center
WG: Wage Grade
WGI: Within Grade Increase
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