Supplier Code of Conduct
The execution of our strategy is firmly anchored by our culture the foundation comprised of the shared
values, competencies and spirit. Aligned with our vision to put the world on vacation, our values are the
HEART of Wyndham Destinations -
espect and
We recognize that our impact on customers, associates, and communities strengthens lives. Wyndham
Destinations thrives upon our commitment, and we foster a culture that unlocks the full potential for
success as a company, and as individual and team contributors.
Wyndham Destination's Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) defines our expectations of how Wyndham
Destinations Suppliers must operate. Suppliers, their workers, agents, and subcontractors (collectively
referred to as “Suppliers”) are expected to adhere to this Code while conducting business with or on behalf
of Wyndham Destinations. This includes aligning and integrating guidelines, policies, and practices with
this Code and communicating and enforcing the Code throughout their organization and across their
supply chain. This Code should be prominently communicated in a language and method that is accessible
and understandable.
All Suppliers must act with integrity and are expected to demonstrate a commitment to legal, ethical, safe,
fair, and responsible business practices. Wyndham Destinations promotes an inclusive and diverse work
environment and expects its Suppliers to demonstrate a similar commitment to inclusive business
While we recognize that there are different legal and cultural environments in which our Suppliers operate,
all Suppliers are required to comply with all relevant laws, rules, regulations, and standards in the countries
in which they operate and meet the minimum requirements set forth in this Code. We encourage our
Suppliers to go beyond legal compliance, aspiring to meet internationally recognized standards, in order
to advance social and environmental responsibility, and business ethics. In instances where standards
outlined in this Code differ from local laws, Suppliers must adhere to the more stringent standards.
This Code consists of six sections, including standards on human rights, labor rights, and environmental
and anti-corruption principles.
Section 1: Human Rights and Labor Practices
Section 2: Health and Safety
Section 3: Inclusion and Diversity
Section 4: Environmental Sustainability
Section 5: Business Ethics and Regulatory Compliance
Section 6: Management Systems
Human Rights and Labor Practices
We are committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity, and in full compliance with all
applicable laws. Respecting human rights means treating people with dignity. Wyndham Destinations
recognizes its responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights and labor standards,
including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions. We expect our
Suppliers to enact similar policies and practices covering the following topics that apply to their
workers and business relationships, including contract workers.
Freely Chosen Employment
Suppliers must not engage in or support any form of slavery, forced or compulsory, bonded,
prison, indentured labor, or human trafficking of involuntary labor through threat, force,
fraudulent claims, or coercion. Suppliers must also not permit their subcontractors to engage
in these practices. We require our Suppliers to fully comply with the requirements of
applicable slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking laws, including, but not limited to, the
UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act.
Suppliers must be aware of the indicators of forced labor identified by the International
Labour Organization, such as the withholding of wages, retention of identity documents, and
restriction of movement. Suppliers must also implement measures to ensure that workers
are not exploited by third-party labor providers, such as recruiters or agencies. Such measures
include, but are not limited to, caps on or elimination of recruitment fees, provision of
contracts to all workers in their native language or other language that they are able to
understand, and elimination of deposits paid by workers to vendors or recruiters to secure
Suppliers are required to implement due diligence measures to ensure that no human
trafficking exists within their extended supply chains.
Child Labor
We condemn all forms of exploitation of children. Suppliers must not employ or recruit child
labor, and support the elimination of exploitative child labor. Suppliers must not employ or
support the employment of child labor in the manufacturing or in the provision of services or
supply of goods. The term “child” refers to any person under the age of 15, or under the age
for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the
country, whichever is higher. Wyndham Destinations only supports the development of
legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs for the educational benefit of young people
and will not do business with those who abuse such systems. Workers under the age of 18
shall not perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts
and overtime.
In addition, Suppliers must take the necessary preventive measures to ensure that they do
not employ anyone under the applicable legal minimum age of employment. Examples of
preventive measures include, but are not limited to, age verification systems, training for
managers, and communicating with suppliers about child labor issues.
Wages and Benefits
Suppliers must ensure that their workers are paid lawful wages, including overtime, premium
pay, equal pay for work, and legally mandated benefits. Compensation must be provided in a
way that is prompt and easily understood. Conditional payments or disciplinary deductions
are not tolerated.
Working Hours
Suppliers must ensure that working hours do not exceed the maximum set by local law. In
addition, a work week shall not be more than 60 hours per week, including overtime, except
in emergency or unusual situations. Employees must be allowed at least one day off per a
seven - day week.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
In addition to all local laws and regulations governing the legal rights of their employees,
Suppliers must respect the rights of workers to join or not to join worker organizations
including trade unions, without any form of physical or psychological violence, threats,
intimidation, retaliation, harassment, or abuse. Employees must also have the right to
collectively bargain if they choose not to be represented.
Harassment, Discrimination, and Equal Employment Opportunity
Suppliers must ensure that all people are provided with equal employment opportunities and
are not harassed or discriminated against in any way.
All forms of violence and harassment, including physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological
abuse, are prohibited. Sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted
hugs and touches, suggestive or lewd remarks, requests for sexual favors, or the display of
indecent, derogatory, or pornographic material, is prohibited. Suppliers must ensure that all
workers are protected from retaliation for raising concerns related to violence and
Health and Safety
Wyndham Destinations recognizes the importance of conditions that are healthy and safe for all
workers and requires its Suppliers to provide a working environment that minimizes health and safety
risks, supports accident prevention and emergency plans and response procedures, and protects the
health and safety of all people who may be affected by their activities. Our Suppliers must comply
with health and safety laws and regulations in the geographies in which they operate, and must
provide workers with health and safety information in a language and through a medium that is
understandable. In addition, our Suppliers are expected to adhere to the following.
Occupational Safety
Suppliers must identify, assess, and control as appropriate any possibility of workers being
exposed to potential safety hazards (e.g. chemical, electrical and other energy sources, fire,
vehicles, and fall hazards). Where hazards cannot be adequately controlled by these means,
Suppliers must provide workers with appropriate and well-maintained protective equipment
at no cost, as well as educational materials about risks associated with these hazards to their
health and safety. Workers must be encouraged to raise safety concerns.
Our Suppliers must also have in place procedures and systems to prevent, manage, track,
and report occupational injury and illness.
Physically Demanding Work
Our Suppliers must identify, evaluate, and control any worker exposure to the hazards of
physically demanding tasks, including manual material handling and heavy or repetitive
lifting, prolonged standing, and highly repetitive or forceful assembly tasks.
Machine Safeguarding
Suppliers must evaluate safety hazards related to production and other machinery. Physical
guards, interlocks, and barriers must be provided and properly maintained where machinery
presents an injury hazard to workers.
Drugs and Alcohol
Our Suppliers must prohibit the use, manufacture, distribution, sale, or possession of
narcotics, drugs, controlled substances, paraphernalia, and literature that promotes illegal
drugs and substance use while on Wyndham Destinations-owned or Wyndham Destinations-
managed premises.
Suppliers must also prohibit the use of alcohol and any other impairing substance (including
those permitted by state or local law) that adversely affects their employees’ job performance
or is within eight hours of an employee reporting for work, training, or other opportunities
while engaging in work for or representing Wyndham Destinations.
Inclusion and Diversity
Respect is the foundation of an inclusive work environment and is key to Wyndham Destinations
success, sustainability, and profitability. We require our Suppliers to promote an inclusive work
environment in their operations and across their supply chains. Suppliers are encouraged to establish
diversity and inclusion strategies and goals, develop cross-functional diversity taskforces, and track
key metrics such as diversity representation by level, attrition by gender, representation in external
hires, representation in promotions, and representation on the board of directors.
Suppliers are encouraged to engage in supplier diversity by procuring goods and services from
companies that are owned, operated, and controlled by underrepresented groups such as women
and ethnic minorities. Similarly, Suppliers are encouraged to engage in impact sourcing, by
outsourcing the procurement of goods and services to individuals in economically disadvantaged
Environmental Sustainability
With our global presence, Wyndham Destinations considers many of the world’s most beautiful and
coveted travel destinations “home”. We place a high value on protecting the environment and
communities in which we live and operate. We ask our suppliers to share the commitments we have
made in our Environmental Sustainability Policy Statement which affirms our commitment to reduce
the environmental impacts associated with our operations and value chain.
We require our suppliers to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
We expect and encourage our suppliers to:
Eliminate or minimize emissions, establish greenhouse gas emissions reduction
targets, and select low greenhouse gas emissions products and services where
Ensure the responsible use of energy and water via the addition of efficiency measures,
behavioral changes and investments in renewable technologies.
Minimize and properly manage waste by reducing, donating and recycling waste
streams generated by the supplier’s business operations.
Consume responsibly by partnering upstream suppliers that sustain, protect and
restore the environment, and maximize our procurement of sustainable, eco-efficient
products and services.
As Wyndham Destinations provides information to its stakeholders on how we effectively manage the
performance of our environmental footprint, we rely upon our suppliers to provide similar information
and work collectively toward this goal. Wyndham Destinations may ask its suppliers to provide
information on its efforts to identify, monitor and minimize the environmental impacts of its operations.
Business Ethics and Regulatory Compliance
Wyndham Destinations conducts its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and
in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Our Suppliers must conduct business
fairly, ethically, and in compliance with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Our Suppliers must
have in place policies and processes as appropriate to ensure that all employees understand and
adhere to these standards.
Suppliers must have a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and bribery in any form. Our
Suppliers are required to comply with requirements of all applicable anti-corruption laws,
including but not limited to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. In
addition, our Business Partners must not directly or indirectly give, offer, or accept anything
of value to obtain or retain business or favored treatment, to influence actions, or to obtain
an improper advantage for Wyndham Destinations, itself, or a third party. This includes, but
is not limited to, any benefit, fee, commission, dividend, gift, cash, gratuity, services,
consideration, or inducements of any kind to any Wyndham Destinations employee. We
require our Suppliers to require the same of their affiliates, retained agents, subcontractors,
intermediaries, or workers.
Suppliers must adhere to all antitrust and fair competition laws that govern the jurisdictions
in which they operate. This includes not participating in any of the following: price fixing,
volume/ capacity agreements among Suppliers, collusive bidding, market/customer
allocation, illegal price discrimination in products, tie-ins, attempts to monopolize any market,
reciprocal dealing requirements, and theft or trade secrets.
Conflicts of Interest
Suppliers must avoid the appearance of or actual improprieties or conflicts of interest.
Wyndham DestinationsSuppliers must disclose promptly all information regarding financial
and personal relationships, arrangements with Wyndham Destinations employees,
representatives, or their close relatives that could appear to influence the negotiation process
or the outcome of an agreement, or potentially create a conflict of interest. To disclose conflict
of interest visit
Insider Trading
Suppliers must not buy or sell Wyndham Destinations or another company’s securities when
in possession of “material, non-public information” about Wyndham Destinations or another
company that could influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell the security.
Suppliers are prohibited from speaking to the press on behalf of Wyndham Destinations
without written express authorization from Wyndham Destinations.
Business Records
Suppliers must honestly and accurately record and report all business information and
dealings and comply with all applicable laws regarding their completion and accuracy. Our
Suppliers are required to create, retain, and dispose of business records in full compliance
with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. The falsification of records and/or
misrepresentation of conditions or practices in the supply chain is unacceptable.
Suppliers are permitted to offer Wyndham Destinations employees business gifts or
hospitalities as long as the gift or hospitality is customary in size, cost, frequency, or nature.
Wyndham DestinationsConflict of Interest Policy contains guidelines of acceptable and
unacceptable gifts. Gifts cannot be offered during an active RFP, contract renewal, or contract
negotiations; and requires individual gifts more than $150.00 (US Dollars), or multiple Gifts
over the course of a single calendar year that is more than $500.00 (US Dollars), to be
disclosed and approved prior to providing. To disclose gifts visit
Intellectual Property
Suppliers must protect Wyndham Destinationsintellectual property, including trademarks,
patents, copyrights, business methodologies, and trade secrets. Suppliers may not use any
of Wyndham Destinationsintellectual property or confidential information except as provided
in the Supplier’s contract.
Privacy and Data Protection
Suppliers must have privacy and security programs in place to ensure the protection of
personal information of everyone they conduct business with, including Suppliers, Employees,
Customers, and consumers. Suppliers must also comply with all privacy and security laws and
regulatory requirements regarding the collection, storage, process, and transmission of
personal information, such as the General Data Protection Regulation.
Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
Suppliers that supply products that include minerals sourced from conflict-affected and high-
risk areas, including but not limited to cobalt, tantalum, tin, tungsten, or gold, must ensure
that the sourcing of these minerals does not directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed
groups or contribute to serious human rights abuses in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas,
as defined in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals
from Conflict- Affected and High-Risk Areas. Our Suppliers must exercise due diligence on the
source and chain of custody of these minerals.
Management Systems
Wyndham Destinations requires its Suppliers to maintain an effective management system that
allows the company to comply with applicable laws and regulations and adhere to this Code. The
system must include a process for the identification and mitigation of risks related to this Code and
allow the facilitation of continuous improvement of our Suppliers’ social and environmental
While we expect our Suppliers to self-monitor and demonstrate their compliance with the
Code, Wyndham Destinations may audit a Supplier or inspect a Supplier’s facilities in order
to confirm compliance. If requested by Wyndham Destinations, Suppliers are required to
provide details and data about their performance on the topics included in this Code.
Complaint Mechanism
Suppliers must have a process through which employees can raise workplace concerns
without fear of retaliation. This complaint mechanism must be transparent and
understandable to all employees and must recognize the sensitivities associated with lodging
a concern, especially by employees who are women, minorities, or people with disabilities.
Noncompliance with Code
Suppliers are required to promptly report to the Ethics and Compliance team or the Wyndham
Destinations Business Integrity Hotline any actual or suspected violations of this Code,
Wyndham Destinations policies and procedures, and/or federal, state, or local law. If a
Supplier is or may be in violation of this Code, the Supplier must inform Wyndham
Destinations immediately, remedy any violation in a timely and sensitive manner, and
participate in a Progressive Remediation Program as defined by Wyndham Destinations.
Wyndham Destinations reserves the right to immediately terminate any and all agreements
with a Supplier if such Supplier or its subcontractor(s) behaves in a manner that is or may be
perceived to be unlawful or inconsistent with this Code.
Progressive Remediation Program
A Progressive Remediation Program may be administered for violations of this Code.
Wyndham Destinations reserves the right to deviate from or modify this program depending
on the nature, severity, and circumstances of the violation. The following are potential
program steps that can be used subject to modification at Wyndham Destinations sole
Initial Guidance
This step is designed to identify, determine scale, and document the
issue and ensure that all involved parties are aware of the situation and of expected
performance standards.
Continued Guidance
If a new issue arises or an existing issue persists after Initial
Guidance, Wyndham Destinations may issue Continued Guidance to the Supplier
explaining our expectations.
Final Guidance
If an issue is severe but does not warrant termination of the relevant
agreement between Wyndham Destinations and the Supplier, or if an issue persists after
Initial and Continued Guidance, Wyndham Destinations may issue Final Guidance to notify
the Supplier of our intent to suspend or terminate an agreement until the issue is resolved
within an acceptable timeframe.
Suspension or Termination
If an issue is severe in nature or has not been corrected with
previous Guidance, Wyndham Destinations reserves the right to terminate or suspend the
relevant agreement with the Supplier.
Wyndham Destinations maintains a number of channels for Employees, Suppliers, and the
public to raise concerns without reprisal.
For guidance on this Code of Conduct and questions concerning laws and acceptable
business practices, email Wyndham DestinationsEthics and Compliance team at
To anonymously report concerns and potential or actual violations of this Code, contact our
Wyndham Destinations Wyntegrity Hotline at 1-866-949-9963 for U.S., PR, U.S. Virgin Islands,
Canada or visit Additional country phone numbers are available
on the GEP portal. Our hotline is operated by an independent third party and is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. Concerns will be routed to the appropriate Wyndham Destinations
leadership for investigation.
Wyndham Destinations, where applicable by local law, will maintain confidentiality to the
extent possible and will not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone who, in good
faith, reports misconduct or noncompliance with this Code.
Wyndham Destinations will periodically review and may unilaterally amend this Code to ensure that
it continues to reflect the most important environmental, social, and governance issues that affect
Wyndham Destinations, its Suppliers, and society.