Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 1
Employee Handbook
United States
May 2018 Edition
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 2
Dear Western Global Team Member:
Welcome to Western Global Airlines. You are part of a select team of talented individuals who work together to achieve
a higher purpose--connecting people anywhere in the world to the urgent necessities that are important to them,
through safe, reliable, responsive and low-cost air transportation, utilizing our extensive fleet of efficient wide-body
freighter aircraft. To accomplish this, you are entrusted with very valuable capital resources, highly upgraded wide body
freighter airplanes equipped with advanced GE engines, and supported by an extensive parts inventory, which you would
be operating, maintaining, scheduling, loading, coordinating and managing. We expect that you use common sense and
good judgment in all situations, and treat one another with honesty and respect. When it comes to taking care of our
customers, and in all your interactions with other Western Global employees, suppliers, vendors or any other third
parties, you are expected to represent the Company’s best interests with excellence, loyalty, and pride.
Our goal is to make Western Global Airlines the best airline in the world and a great place to work for all of our
employees. We wish to be a positive force in our community, our country and the world. Together, we can make this
happen, and each and every employee of Western Global will be part of it. We are creating a different and better type
of airline, based on companywide collaboration and teamwork, where every employee has a voice and direct influence.
Having flown to over 300 cities in more than 100 countries on 6 continents in a mere three years, Western Global
Airlines has already made remarkable progress as a start-up airline and we are well positioned to continue to grow,
expand and succeed.
The Employee Handbook is intended to guide our employees with regard to Western Global’s standards, policies, and
procedures concerning the important aspects of employment, and to establish expectations. The Handbook is a living
document and as such, we will make adjustments over time as we grow and evolve. We believe that each of us arrives at
work each day to do our best, and with the right training, resources and guidance our potentials are unlimited.
In order to accomplish this, we need to work closely together across every expertise and function--we must be
collaborative. We must clearly communicate with each other and ensure that all of our communications are understood
and the intended result achieved. We must be professional, and always, always treat others with respect.
Every employee is expected to comply with the policies in the Handbook and any other applicable laws, regulations,
expectations, policies, procedures and guidelines that apply to your position. If you have any questions or doubts, be
sure to reach out to your resources, including your supervisor, department head or Human Resources manager. We are
here to help.
Congratulations on being part of the WGA team!
Western Global Airlines
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Disclaimer: Nothing contained in this Employee Handbook shall be construed as constituting a contract of employment,
or as creating any contractual obligations on the part of Western Global Airlines, LLC (hereinafter the Company”)
Instead, the rules, policies, and standards of the Employee Handbook are guidelines subject to modification, deletion, or
addition at any time. Employees will be informed of any such changes via communication from the Human Resources
Department on the Company’s Communication System, ADP. Employees are required to check ADP frequently for
Company information and are required to read revisions to the Employee Handbook. Since the Company reserves the
right to make modifications to the Handbook, all employees are hereby advised that the only valid version of the
Employee Handbook is located on ADP. If an employee chooses to print a copy of the Employee Handbook, it is the
Employee’s responsibility to check ADP frequently to ensure that the employee has a copy of the current version of the
Employee Handbook.
We reserve the right to revise or terminate any or all policies, procedures and benefits (if offered to you by the
Company), in whole or in part at any time, and employees will be informed of any changes made. Company benefit plans
(available if premiums and contributions are paid and if participation and other requirements are met), are defined in
legal documents such as insurance contracts, official plan texts, and summary plan descriptions. This means that if you
are offered benefits and if a question ever arises about the nature and extent of plan benefits, or if there is conflicting
language, the formal language of the plan documents govern, not the informal wording of this Handbook. Plan
documents, if applicable, are available for your inspection.
Nothing in this Handbook, or in any other personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions, creates or is intended
to create a promise or representation of continued employment for any employee, or change the at-will nature of
employment with the Company
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WORKPLACE COMMITMENTS ................................................................................................................. 6
OPEN DOOR POLICY AND PROCEDURE ................................................................................................. 6
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY .................................................................................................. 6
DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION ........................................................................... 6
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
EMPLOYMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 9
AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT........................................................................................................................ 9
IMMIGRATION LAW AND COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................... 9
EMPLOYMENT STATUS ........................................................................................................................ 9
PROBATIONARY PERIOD .................................................................................................................... 10
BACKGROUND CHECKS ...................................................................................................................... 10
COMPANY AND EMPLOYEE PROPERTY ............................................................................................... 10
LEGAL COMPLIANCE .......................................................................................................................... 11
WHISTLEBLOWER AND COMPLAINT POLICY ....................................................................................... 12
ENDING THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP ....................................................................................... 12
WORKPLACE SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 13
SUBSTANCE ABUSE ............................................................................................................................ 13
EDUCATION AND AWARENESS PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 15
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE ...................................................................................................................... 15
SAFETY .............................................................................................................................................. 16
INCLEMENT WEATHER ....................................................................................................................... 16
SMOKING .......................................................................................................................................... 17
SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................... 18
WORKPLACE EXPECTATIONS.................................................................................................................. 18
CONFIDENTIALITY .............................................................................................................................. 18
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................................. 19
CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS.................................................................................................................... 22
ATTENDANCE..................................................................................................................................... 22
PERSONAL APPEARANCE.................................................................................................................... 23
ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................... 25
CELL PHONE USAGE/TEXTING ............................................................................................................ 26
SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION ..................................................................................................... 26
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EMPLOYEE RECORDS ......................................................................................................................... 27
EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 27
COMPENSATION.................................................................................................................................... 28
SAFE HARBOR .................................................................................................................................... 28
PAYMENT OF WAGES......................................................................................................................... 29
RECORDING TIME WORKED ............................................................................................................... 30
OVERTIME ......................................................................................................................................... 30
WORK WEEK, BREAKS, AND MEAL PERIODS ....................................................................................... 30
WESTERN GLOBAL WAY (WGW) BONUS PROGRAM ........................................................................... 30
EMPLOYEE TRAVEL POLICY ................................................................................................................ 30
EMPLOYEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT POLICY...................................................................................... 33
TIME OFF ............................................................................................................................................... 34
HOLIDAYS .......................................................................................................................................... 34
PAID TIME OFF (PTO) ......................................................................................................................... 34
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) ......................................................................................... 35
BEREAVEMENT LEAVE........................................................................................................................ 40
JURY DUTY LEAVE .............................................................................................................................. 40
VOTING LEAVE ................................................................................................................................... 40
MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................................................................ 40
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................... 41
BENEFITS OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 41
COBRA ............................................................................................................................................... 42
HIPPA ................................................................................................................................................ 42
WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ............................................................................................ 42
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (EMPLOYEE COPY) ............................................................................................... 45
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (HUMAN RESOURCE COPY) ................................................................................. 46
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Western Global Airlines welcomes open communication between employees and supervisors. Employees are invited to
share their concerns and provide input to their supervisor at any time. It is your supervisor’s responsibility to address any
employee concerns and provide appropriate follow up with the employee. If, however, your immediate supervisor
cannot adequately address your questions or solve your problem, or if you do not feel comfortable speaking with your
immediate supervisor, you may contact your department head or the Manager of Human Resources.
It is the policy of Western Global Airlines to provide equal opportunity employment to all employees and applicants
without regard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, genetic information, age, veteran
status, disability, handicap, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual identification, or any other status
protected by applicable law, subject to regulatory and government compliance
This policy relates to all employment decisions, including those in connection with recruitment, hiring, training,
promotion, compensation, benefits, termination, and all other terms and conditions of employment. All policies are in
accordance with federal, state and local equal employment opportunity principles and other related laws. The Company
will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination or harassment, and any such conduct is prohibited. Any employee who feels
that he or she has been subject to unlawful discrimination or harassment should inform his or her immediate supervisor,
or the Manager of Human Resources.
The Company does not tolerate retaliation for making a good-faith complaint of discrimination or harassment. Any
employee who feels he or she has been retaliated against in violation of making such a complaint is responsible for
reporting the retaliation to his or her immediate supervisor or the Manager of Human Resources, in the same manner as
any other form of harassment or discrimination should be reported.
Western Global Airlines expressly prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation with regard to any of
our employees, customers, vendors, suppliers, or independent contractors, based on race, creed, color, sex, pregnancy,
religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, citizenship status, handicap, genetic information, age, marital status, sexual
orientation, sexual identification, veteran status, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law.
Conduct that unlawfully interferes with the Company or an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating,
hostile or offensive working environment is prohibited. The Company will not tolerate any attempts of retaliation against
an employee who raises a sincere and valid concern that this policy has been violated. The Company will take all
allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation very seriously and is firmly committed to ensuring a
workplace free of discriminatory and retaliatory activities. Anyone engaging in unlawful discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Harassment Prohibited Definition
As used in this Handbook, the term “unlawful harassment” refers to conduct relating to a person’s race, creed, color, sex,
pregnancy, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, citizenship status, handicap, age, marital status, sexual
orientation, sexual identification, veteran status, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law. This
policy protects and covers the conduct of all employees, vendors, residents and visitors. Unlawful harassment that is
forbidden by this policy can take several forms, including but not limited to:
1) Sexual Harassment
The definition of Sexual Harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with an employees work
performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment and/or where the individual is made
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to feel as if he or she must agree to the request or submit to the advance in order to get favorable treatment at
work. While not exhaustive, the following is a list of some examples of sexual harassment:
Unwanted sexual advances.
Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual harassment.
Visual conduct such as leering, making sexual gestures, displaying or distributing sexually suggestive
objects or pictures, cartoons or posters.
Verbal conduct such as making or using sexually derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or jokes.
Verbal sexual advances or propositions.
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body, sexually
degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations.
Physical conduct or threat of physical conduct, such as unwanted touching, assault, or impeding or
blocking movements.
2) Other Forms of Harassment
This form of harassment can include any verbal, written, or physical act that makes an employee uncomfortable
at work or interferes with an employee's ability to perform their job, and is based on race, creed, color, religion,
ancestry, national origin, disability, citizenship status, handicap, genetic information, age, gender, pregnancy,
marital status, sexual orientation, sexual identification, veteran status, or any other protected category under
federal, state, or local law.
While not exhaustive, the following is a list of some examples of the above referenced types of harassment:
Jokes that refer to a persons race, creed, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, citizenship
status, handicap, genetic information, age, gender, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual
identification, veteran status, or any other protected category under federal, state, or local law.
Posting or distributing cartoons, drawings, emails, or any other material that a reasonable person might
find offensive or degrading.
The use of slurs or other offensive language.
Practical jokes, horseplay, or teasing that makes fun of or insults a person’s race, creed, color, religion,
ancestry, national origin, disability, citizenship status, handicap, genetic information, age, gender,
pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, sexual identification, veteran status, or any other protected
category under federal, state, or local law.
All Company employees, particularly supervisors, have a responsibility for keeping our work environment free of
harassment. Any employee who becomes aware of an incident of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or
being told of it, must report it to their immediate supervisor, their department head, and the Manager of Human
Resources. When Management becomes aware of the existence of harassment, it is obligated to take prompt and
appropriate action, whether or not the victim wants the Company to do so.
Reporting and Investigating Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
In an effort to eliminate all workplace unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, Western Global Airlines will
utilize an internal investigation process to respond to any such complaints. Anyone who believes he or she is being
subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation or who has witnessed such conduct must report the conduct as
outlined in the following procedure.
Report any discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory behavior that you experience or witness to your immediate
supervisor immediately.
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If the issue is not addressed in a timely manner, or if you are not comfortable addressing the issue with your
immediate supervisor, contact the department head, the Manager of Human Resources, or another member of
A thorough investigation will be conducted, and there will be no retaliation against anyone who, in good faith,
reports such conduct or otherwise participates in the investigation.
Anyone who knowingly fails to report an incident of unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation may be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
In cases involving a report of unlawful harassment or discrimination, all reasonable efforts will be made to protect the
privacy of the individuals involved. In many cases, however, the Company’s duty to investigate and remedy harassment
makes absolute confidentiality impossible. The Company will try to limit the sharing of confidential information with
employees on a “need to know basis. In some cases, employees who assist in an investigation may be required to
maintain the confidentiality of all information they learn of or provide.
Assurance of Non-Retaliation
Western Global Airlines expressly prohibits retaliation of any kind against anyone for reporting unlawful harassment or
discrimination. Any such retaliation will not be tolerated and may result in discipline up to and including discharge.
Western Global Airlines is committed to complying fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA”) and is
committed to ensuring equal opportunity in employment for qualified persons with disabilities. We conduct all our
employment practices and activities on a non-discriminatory basis.
Our hiring procedures provide meaningful employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. Upon request, we will
make job applications available in alternative, accessible formats. We will also give assistance in completing the
application. We only make pre-employment inquiries regarding an applicant's ability to perform the essential duties of
the job.
It is Western Global Airlines policy to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities who are
otherwise qualified to perform the essential functions of their position, and due to an individual’s sincerely-held religious
beliefs, unless such accommodations would impose an undue hardship on the Company.
A reasonable accommodation is a change in the work environment or in the way a job is performed that enables a
person with a disability or sincerely-held religious beliefs to enjoy equal employment opportunities. While there are
many potential accommodations that the Company may be able to provide, the Company generally will not consider the
elimination of essential job requirements, leaves of an indefinite duration, or the creation of a new position as a
reasonable accommodation.
Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent to the Human Resource Department. The Company also may
require documentation in order to confirm the nature of your disability or religious beliefs and to help us identify the
appropriate accommodation, including, but not limited to, medical certification when an accommodation is requested
because of a disability. While the Company will make every attempt to provide your requested accommodation, we may
not always be able to do so. The Company reserves the right to provide an alternative reasonable accommodation that is
effective at removing the workplace barrier in question and to not provide accommodation when doing so would pose
an undue hardship on the Companys business.
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Nothing in this information constitutes an employment contract. Your employment with Western Global Airlines
remains at-will, which means that both you and the Company reserve the right to end the employment relationship at
any time for any or no reason. Your job status does not guarantee employment for any specific length of time or terms.
Your employment is entered into voluntarily, and both you and the Company are free to end the employment
relationship at any time. The policies in this Handbook should not be construed to constitute contractual obligations of
any kind or a contract of employment between Western Global Airlines and any employee.
The provisions in this Handbook have been developed at the discretion of the Company, and except for the policy of
employment-at-will, may be amended or cancelled at any time at the sole discretion of Western Global Airlines.
Western Global Airlines is committed to employing only people who are legally authorized to work in the United States.
Western Global Airlines does not discriminate because of a person's citizenship or national origin. Because the Company
complies with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, every new employee at Western Global Airlines is
required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and show documents that prove identity and
employment eligibility.
If you leave Western Global Airlines and are rehired, you must complete another Form I-9 if the previous I-9 with
Western Global Airlines is more than three years old, if the original I-9 is no longer accurate, or if the Company no longer
possesses the original I-9. If you have questions or want information on the immigration laws or this policy, contact the
Manager of Human Resources.
At the time you are hired, you will be classified as either “exempt” or “non-exempt.This is necessary because, by law,
“non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40)
hours per workweek. . Exempt employees include managers, executives, professional staff, technical staff, outside sales
representatives, officers, directors, and others whose duties and responsibilities allow them to be “exempt” from
provisions as provided by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and any applicable state laws. If you are an
exemptemployee, you will be advised that you are in this classification at the time you are hired, transferred, or
promoted. Participation in our benefits programs may be affected by your employment status or classification. All
employees of Western Global Airlines, whether exempt, non-exempt, full-time, part-time or per diem are employed at-
EXEMPT status applies to certain administrative, professional, and executive staff. Exempt employees qualify for
exemption from overtime regulations under state and federal law and their salaries already take into account their
NON-EXEMPT status applies to all other regular employees. Non-exempt employees are covered by regulations in
accordance with the FLSA as well as state specific regulations in the states where they work and receive extra pay for
overtime work (as described in the overtime section of this Employee Handbook).
FULL-TIME employees work on a regular basis for at least 40 hours per week. Full-time employees may or may not be
exempt. They are eligible for all benefits available through work at the Company, as long as they meet the applicable
requirements (such as length of service).
PART-TIME (WITHOUT BENEFITS) employees work on a regular basis for fewer than 30 hours per week. Part-time
employees are not eligible for benefits covered in this Handbook other than those specified and/or required by law.
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CONTRACT employees work on an as-needed schedule. Contract employees are not eligible for benefits covered in
this Employee Handbook other than those required by law or as stipulated in writing signed by the CEO of the Company.
TEMPORARY employees are contracted through one of the Company’s temporary agency partners when there is a
temporary need for additional staff. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits covered in this Employee
Handbook, other than those required by law or as stipulated in writing signed by the CEO of the Company.
Western Global Airlines has a probationary period of 90 days for new employees. During the probationary period, your
supervisor will evaluate your performance and abilities to make sure that you can perform your job satisfactorily. The
probationary period also gives you time to decide if the new job meets your expectations. Since your employment with
Western Global Airlines is voluntary and at will, you may terminate your employment at any time during or after the
probationary period, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, Western Global Airlines may also terminate your
employment at any time during or after the probationary period, with or without cause or advance notice.
During and at the end of the new hire probationary period, your supervisor will discuss your job performance with you.
During the course of the discussion, you are encouraged to provide your comments and ideas as well.
Western Global Airlines recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe workplace with employees who are honest,
trustworthy, qualified, reliable, and non-violent, and who do not present a risk of harm to their fellow employees or our
clients. As part of the Company’s focus on these concerns and interests, Western Global Airlines reserves the right to
investigate an employee’s prior employment history, personal references, and educational background, as well as other
relevant information. Consistent with legal requirements, the Company also reserves the right to obtain and to review
an applicant’s or an employees criminal history, and other relevant information, and to use such information when
making employment decisions. Credit reports will only be requested in very limited situations where a credit report is
permitted under applicable state law based upon the nature of your job duties. Likewise, criminal history reports will
only be requested and used in compliance with applicable law. You may also be requested to provide fingerprints when
required for your job. If an applicant indicates on his or her application that they would prefer that Western Global
Airlines not contact the applicant’s current employer, and the applicant is subsequently hired, Western Global Airlines
will complete the applicant’s background check by contacting the previous employer at that time. Failure to successfully
complete a background check (including fingerprinting) will result in an applicant’s denial of employment, the denial of a
transfer request, or separation from employment, as appropriate. Pilots will be subject to PRIA records checks. Pilots will
be required to sign all authorization forms related to PRIA records if required. PRIA records will be maintained by the
Company. In addition, the Company will release required PRIA information to future employers when receiving a
properly signed PRIA request.
Each of us has the responsibility to safeguard the assets of Western Global Airlines.
Equipment essential to accomplishing job duties is often expensive and may be difficult to replace. When using Company
property, employees are expected to exercise care and respect, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating
instructions, safety standards, and guidelines while guarding against waste and abuse.
The Company requires that all equipment be in proper working order and safe to work with at all times. If any equipment
appears to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair, do not use it until a qualified technician certifies that it is
repaired and serviceable in accordance with government regulations. Never try to fix broken equipment yourself. Please
notify your manager of any equipment breakdown as soon as it happens. If the breakdown requires emergency repairs,
your supervisor/manager will try to deal with the emergency situation as soon as possible. Prompt reporting of damages,
defects, and the need for repairs could prevent possible personal injury and deterioration of equipment. Please ask your
supervisor/manager if you have any questions about your responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment used on
the job.
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Employees are responsible for all Company property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their
possession. You may be asked to sign an acknowledgment of receipt of Company property issued to you. A copy of such
form can be found on ADP. All Company property must be returned on or before an employee’s last day of work, and in
the same condition as when it was received. You may be responsible for the replacement cost of Company property not
returned upon request or returned in damaged condition.
All employees and business associates must protect from unauthorized disclosure or misuse of all non-public information
received about the Company, including, for example, technology, competitive position, strategy, unreleased financial
results, and customer information.
Company cars are for Company business only, and only authorized employees may drive Company cars. Employee
spouses, children, friends or anyone other than the employee may not operate these vehicles, unless an emergency
arises. A violation of these rules, or excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, may result in disciplinary action,
up to and including termination.
Employees who are required to drive a Company vehicle or their own vehicle on Company business will be required to
show proof of a current, valid drivers license and current effective auto insurance coverage prior to the first day of
employment. Employees who drive their own vehicles on Company business will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate.
Western Global Airlines is not responsible for personal property that is lost, damaged, or stolen. If you bring personal
property onto Company property, you are responsible to keep track of the item(s). The Company prohibits any items on
Company premises that are sexually suggestive, offensive, or demeaning to individuals or groups. For security reasons,
you should not leave personal belongings of value in the workplace. Personal items and desks are subject to inspection
and search, with or without notice, and with or without your prior consent. Because even a routine search for Company
property might result in the discovery of an employee’s personal possessions, employees are encouraged not to bring
into the workplace any item of personal property which they do not want to reveal to the Company.
In addition, all desks, offices, work spaces, credenzas, cabinets, email, telephone systems, office systems, computer
systems, Company vehicles and other areas or items belonging to the Company are open to the Company and its
Employees must have no expectation of privacy in any of these areas:
Personal items and messages or information that an employee considers private should not be placed or kept in desks,
offices, workspaces, credenzas, cabinets, email, telephone systems, office systems, computer systems, Company vehicles
and other areas or items belonging to the Company.
Desks and work areas must be kept clean, and are to be used only for work-related purposes. Company property is
subject to inspection at any time, with or without prior notice. Prior authorization must be obtained before any Company
property may be removed from the premises.
Terminated employees should remove any personal items at the time they leave us. Personal items left in the workplace
by previous employees are subject to disposal if not claimed at the time of your termination.
Western Global Airlines is committed to ensuring our Company exhibits high standards of ethical business conduct and
complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The airline industry is highly regulated, and it is important that we
work together as a team to ensure compliance with our legal obligations. As part of our commitment to maintaining a
culture of compliance, every employee has an obligation to:
Comply with all applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations and Company policies in the performance
of their job duties;
Be sensitive to situations that could lead to unlawful or unethical business conduct and avoid engaging in such
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Learn and follow any subject-specific policies and procedures related to your job;
Promptly raise any concern that you or others may have about possible violations of law or procedure;
Understand the options every employee has for raising compliance concerns; and
Cooperate with any investigations by the Company or its legal counsel into concerns about a possible violation
of law or policy.
If you would like assistance in understanding this policy or the laws and policies that apply to you in your work, please
contact the Director of Safety at safety@westernglobal.aero and Manager of Human Resources at
Western Global Airline’s Whistleblower and Complaint Policy is designed to provide guidance to employees in reporting
known or suspected improper activities. The policy provides employees with confidential, anonymous avenues for
making reports. The policy requires employees to report to their immediate supervisor any and all known and suspected
violations of: (1) laws, governmental rules and regulations (including but not limited to safety-related laws and
regulations); (2) accounting, internal accounting controls and auditing matters; and (3) any Company safety or other
policies or rules. Employees should also report situations where they feel they have been requested to participate in any
of the above conduct or where they have refused to participate in such conduct but are being subject to retaliation for
such refusal. This includes concerns by employees and complaints or reports received from persons outside the
Company. Reports should include as much detail as possible, since the ability to investigate will be largely dependent on
the quality and specificity of the information. In the event that you have a concern or complaint, you should contact the
Director of Safety at safety@westernglobal.aero and Manager of Human Resources and HR@westernglobal.aero.
Western Global Airlines recognizes the right of any employee to terminate employment with Western Global Airlines on
a voluntary basis. You are encouraged to discuss your impending resignation with your supervisor to ensure that all
options have been considered. As a matter of courtesy, you are asked to give as much notice of your resignation as
possible to your supervisor. At a minimum, we request two weeks advance notice.
Paid Time Off (PTO) will not be included as calendar days during the notice period. The notice period may be extended
by the number of PTO days you take during this time period. Upon separation of employment, employees will be paid for
unused PTO that has been accrued through their last day of work.
Exit Interviews
When you terminate employment with Western Global Airlines, you will have the opportunity to complete an exit
interview with the Manager of Human Resources. The exit interview is important because your impressions and/or
constructive feedback may provide information that could result in the improvement of the working environment.
Returning Company Property
Your Handbook, ID Badge, building key card, phone, laptop computer and any other items issued or provided to you that
are the property of Western Global Airlines must be returned when you terminate employment. You will be subject to a
charge for failing to promptly return such property. You are also responsible for satisfying all outstanding financial
obligations you may have with the Company.
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Western Global Airlines is a drug-free environment. Specifically, the Company is committed to having a workplace free
from the improper use of narcotics and other controlled substances (commonly referred to as illegal drugs), the abuse of
alcohol, and the misuse of legal or prescription drugs. Their sale, use, and abuse, when connected to the work
environment threatens the safety, morale, and public image of both you and the Company. All positions that may be
safety sensitive will be placed in a DOT random pool for random drug and alcohol testing. To the extent of any conflict
between this policy and then applicable DOT requirements and regulations, the DOT requirements and regulations shall
The following practices will be used to ensure a drug free environment:
Use, presence in the body, sale, distribution or possession of illegal drugs by employees, while present on
Company premises or during scheduled working hours, including break or meal periods, is strictly prohibited
and is grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.
An employee who is found to be involved in the sale, solicitation, or dealing of illegal drugs will be subject to
An employee who is taking prescription medication or other legal drugs that might impair your physical or
mental faculties should provide prompt notice of this fact to his/her supervisor. Employees should not report to
work under the influence of any drug that creates an impairment or a safety risk.
The use or possession of alcoholic beverages on Company premises, except for authorized events, is also
Reporting to work or working under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medication or other
legal drugs that might impair your physical or mental faculties is prohibited and is grounds for discipline, up to
and including termination.
Any current employee who recognizes their own need for counseling or medical assistance due to dependence
upon drugs or alcohol may voluntarily contact their supervisor or the Manager of Human Resources to receive
confidential assistance in determining what options are available and ways in which the Company may support
his/her recovery or you may contact EAP (Employee Assistance Program) at: 800-964-3577, 24 hours/day, 7
Western Global Airlines may, at its discretion, conduct substance abuse screening and/or alcohol analysis under any of
the circumstances described below:
Pre-employment substance abuse screening
Safety sensitive (including for example):
o Pilot
o Aircraft Mechanic
o Dispatcher
o Loadmaster
o Other safety sensitive position
After any on-the-job accident where personal injury requiring medical treatment or damage to Company
property occurs.
Where actions of employees give rise to reasonable suspicion of alcohol or substance abuse; e.g. observed
alcohol or substance abuse, or impaired physical state.
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Direct observation of drug/alcohol use, or the symptoms of being under the influence of a drug or alcohol.
Abnormal behavior while at work or a significant deterioration in work performance.
A report of drug or alcohol use, or the symptoms of being under the influence of a drug or alcohol, provided by
a reliable and credible source.
Evidence that an individual has tampered with a drug test.
Information that an employee has caused, contributed to, or been involved in an accident while at work.
Evidence that an employee has used, possessed, sold, or solicited drugs while working or while on the
employer’s premises or while operating the employers vehicle, machinery, or equipment.
Substance abuse screening may include testing for some or all of the following drugs:
o Also known as: speed
o Pharmaceutical names: Dexedrine, Benzedrine
o Also known as: coke, crack, rock cocaine
o Also known as: dope, weed, hemp, hash, Colombian, sinsemilla
o Pharmaceutical name: Marinol
o Also known as: PCP, angel dust
o Codeine
Morphine and/or Heroin
o Also known as: smack, tar, chasing the tiger
o Pharmaceutical names: Duramorph, Roxanol
o Also known as: fizzies
o Pharmaceutical names: Amidone, Dolophine
o Pharmaceutical names: Darvon, Darvocet, Noyopropoxyn
Western Global Airlines will determine the appropriate action, according to the Handbook, should testing indicate
substance abuse or alcohol. If you refuse to participate in substance abuse testing, your employment may be terminated.
Employees should report potential violations of the Companys Substance Abuse policies to their immediate supervisor,
the Manager of Human Resources, or department head. Reports may be submitted verbally or in writing. Reports may be
Timely Completion of Drug Test
All candidates must take a drug test as part of their conditional offer of employment. All conditional offers of
employment extended to job candidates are contingent upon completion of this requirement within the scheduled time
period. Failure to take the drug test or a confirmed positive result on a drug test will result in revocation of a conditional
job offer or termination.
Option to Re-Test
If a candidate believes a positive drug result is incorrect, he/she may decide to re-test the same specimen at his/her own
expense. The Company will not accept drug results from sources other than those authorized by the Company.
Western Global Airlines reserves the right to search an employee, an employees work area if Western Global Airlines
has reasonable suspicion that the no alcohol or drugs policy may have been violated in accordance with applicable law.
Refusal to cooperate in these procedures may result in discipline or termination of employment.
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Employee Assistance
Western Global Airlines provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to all employees at no cost that offers
confidential counseling and referral services to employees for assistance with such problems as drug and/or alcohol
abuse or addiction. EAP: 800-964-3577 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
It is in the best interest of the employee to voluntarily seek assistance from the EAP prior to reaching a point where poor
judgment, performance, or behavior issues may lead to disciplinary action. Employees may contact the Employee
Assistance Program at any time for confidential assistance. Participation in the EAP after disciplinary action has begun
will not have any effect on current or future disciplinary actions.
Western Global Airlines has established a Drug-Free Awareness Program which is designed to inform employees of the
dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, and ensure that they are familiar with the Drug-Free Workplace policy and with
the corrective actions that will result from a violation of this policy.
Occasionally, employees will be asked to attend a Drug-Free Awareness Program session, or otherwise provided with
information about the Program. Employees will be provided with current information about the Companys Employee
Assistance Program (EAP) and other available programs offering counseling and rehabilitation. FAA-regulated employees
will be educated regarding additional drug and alcohol rules applicable to them.
Western Global Airlines is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. The
Company has adopted the following guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment, bullying, or other threats of (or
actual) violence that may occur during business hours or on its premises. All employees, including supervisors,
contractors, and temporary employees, should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Employees are
expected to refrain from fighting, “horseplay,” or other conduct that may be dangerous to others. Except where
permitted by state law, firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances are prohibited from
the premises of Western Global Airlines.
Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another employee, a customer, or a member of the public at any time,
including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes all acts of harassment, including harassment
that is based on an individuals protected status. All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be
reported as soon as possible to your immediate supervisor, department head, or Manager of Human Resources. This
includes threats by employees, as well as threats by customers, vendors, solicitors, or other members of the public.
When reporting a threat of violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible.
All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to your supervisor. Do not place
yourself in peril. If you see or hear a commotion or disturbance near your work station, do not try to intercede or see
what is happening. The Company will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual) violence
and of suspicious individuals or activities. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is
In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, the Company may suspend employees, either
with or without pay, pending investigation. Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of (or actual) violence or
other conduct that is in violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action up to and including
suspension or termination of employment.
Western Global Airlines encourages employees to bring their disputes or differences with other employees to the
attention of their immediate supervisor or the Manager of Human Resources before the situation escalates into
potential violence. The Company is eager to assist in the resolution of employee disputes and will not discipline
employees for raising such concerns.
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Western Global Airlines is committed to providing a safe work environment for all of our employees. All employees of
the Company are to follow safe work practices. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to enforce safety procedures and
address the safety concerns of their employees.
Reporting Emergencies
In the event of an emergency during normal work hours, please proceed to a safe area and call 911.
Emergency Evacuation
When instructed to evacuate the premises, or you hear the evacuation alarm, you should:
Stop all work
Walk to the nearest exit and leave the building
Await instructions
Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so
Specific procedures may vary from site-to-site
Injuries, Accidents, and Other Reportable Events
If you feel a situation at work presents a safety or health hazard, or creates a safety or health risk, you are required to
report it to your immediate supervisor, as well as to the attention of the Director of Safety at safety@westernglobal.aero
and Manager of Human resources at HR@westernglobal.aero. All work-related injuries, no matter how minor, must be
reported immediately. All employees with knowledge of an injury must provide written details no later than the end of
their next work day. Injured employees are required to submit written details and any required workers compensation
paperwork once the injury has been properly treated.
In addition, it is the responsibility of all employees to immediately report any accidents or damage to the property of
Western Global Airlines or others, regardless of the nature or extent of the damage. This is an integral part of the
Companys commitment to safety. This allows the Company to promptly investigate potential safety concerns and
hazards, and take remedial or other action where appropriate.
You should report any injuries, accidents, and property damage or safety concerns via written notice. Include as much
detail about the situation as possible. The Director of Safety is available to assist you in preparing the written
statements, and to answer questions in regards to whether a particular condition creates a safety concern.
Communicable Diseases
In order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, if you are (a) diagnosed with an illness that is communicable in
the workplace, such as active Tuberculosis or SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), or (b) if you believe you may
have been exposed to a person with a communicable illness, or (c) if you have recently visited a location in which there
has been an outbreak of such an illness and you do not feel well or are exhibiting any symptoms, you must report this to
the Director of Safety at safety@westernglobal.aero and to Manager of Human Resources at HR@westernglobal.aero.
All reports of such illness will be kept confidential to the extent reasonably possible/required by applicable law; however,
full confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. If a leave of absence is necessary, you will be provided any and all leave
benefits for which you are eligible. The Company will respond promptly to any allegations of harassment or retaliation.
The Company will make every effort to maintain normal work hours during inclement weather. When severe weather
occurs, it is necessary to initiate a plan of action to ensure adequate office support is available to our customers during
all types of weather. The decision of closed or delayed operations is governed by the affected operations. Headquarters
decisions will be determined by the Manager of Human Resources with the approval of senior leadership. Should the
Company choose to close on a scheduled workday prior to its start; all efforts will be made to make the decision
between 5:00 am and 6:00 am.
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In the event of bad weather conditions the following actions will take place:
Weather updates will be provided by email.
Employees are free to contact their supervisor for more direction.
Should the Company be closed due to extremely harsh weather, all regular full-time employees, contractors, temporary
employees, will be paid for a normal day of work. Once the office reopens for business, all full-time employees,
contractors, and temporary employees will be expected to make reasonable efforts to get to work. However, it is
important to observe weather conditions in his/her area and decide whether it is unduly hazardous to attempt to drive
to work when weather conditions are severe. We do not expect anyone to take an unreasonable risk attempting to drive
to work. If you are unable to report to work, you should call your supervisor to report an absence as early as possible,
but no later than one hour prior to the start of your shift. Non-exempt employees who are not able to report to work will
not be paid for the day. PTO will be taken if available. If PTO is unavailable, hours will be unpaid. Anyone arriving late to
work will be excused, but will be paid only for hours worked. PTO will be taken if total hours worked for the week are
under 40 hours.
If the decision has been made to open the office or facility on a delayed schedule (e.g. 10:00 a.m.), the following payroll
guidelines have been established for non-exempt employees:
Reporting to work before 10:00 am will receive a full day’s pay.
Reporting after 10:00 am will be paid for hours worked.
Those who do not report to work will not be paid for that day. The day will be considered an excused absence
and PTO will be taken if available. If PTO is not taken, the hours will be unpaid.
On days when weather conditions worsen as the day progresses, Human Resources, with senior leadership approval,
may decide to close early. Once the decision has been made, it will be communicated to all employees via email.
Employees will be expected to remain at work until the appointed closing time, unless they receive permission from their
supervisor to do otherwise. If an employee feels they must leave before the office has officially closed, they can do so
provided they coordinate with their supervisors, but must either use PTO if available for the remaining hours left in the
day or for hours under 40 for the week. The time will be unpaid if PTO is unavailable. Departments that have employees
who work from home will be expected to work that day as usual. If you are provided the option to remain home during
inclement weather, the Company will not be responsible for any personal injuries or property damage if you attempt to
arrive at work. You should use your best judgment in deciding whether it is reasonable for you to attempt to get to work.
The Company maintains a smoke- and tobacco-free office. No smoking or other use of tobacco or similar products
(including, but not limited to, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, snuff, e-cigarettes/“vaping, or chewing tobacco) is permitted
while on Company business, while in transit between work locations or assignments, while driving Company owned or
leased vehicles, while at client locations, while in any part of a Company building, or within 25 feet of the entire exterior
perimeter surrounding such Company building.
There are no designated smoking areas inside or on Company premises, nor does the Company allow smoking breaks
during the workday; i.e., no additional breaks beyond those allowed under the Company's break policy may be taken for
the purpose of using tobacco or similar products. If returning from a meal break during which you have used tobacco or
similar products, do not leave cigarette butts or other traces of litter or tobacco use on the ground or anywhere else.
Dispose of any litter properly in the receptacles provided for that purpose. All employees are expected to abide by this
policy in all respects while at work and violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment.
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The Federal Aviation Administration Standard Security Program governs the Company for many purposes. It is
everyone’s responsibility to help keep our workplace secure from unauthorized intruders. It is the responsibility of all
Company employees and contractors to report any known network or privacy or security policy violation. Any suspected
privacy or security violation shall be reported immediately to the Director of Safety and/or Manager of Human
After-hours access to the workplace is limited to those employees and contractors who need to work late. If you are
going to be working past our usual closing time, please let your supervisor know.
Company Identification Badges
It is the policy of the Company that each employee or contractor of the Company is required to display an identification
badge in work places located in, on, or around the grounds of the Company. Badges must be visibly displayed above the
waist at all times. It is the responsibility of each department to coordinate with the Manager of Human Resources to
arrange a time for new employees or contractors to have their picture taken and card issued by their first day of
employment. Lost, stolen or misplaced badges must be reported within 24 hours after the fact to the Manager of Human
Resources. The employee or contractor is responsible for the $25.00 replacement fee. ID badges that are damaged in the
course of normal usage will be replaced at no charge. ID badges are the property of the Company and must be
surrendered upon request of the Company and upon termination of employment.
Visitors in the Workplace
To provide for the safety and security of all employees, contractors, part-time employees, and the facilities, only
authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace. Restricting unauthorized visitors helps maintain safety standards,
protects against theft, ensures security of equipment, protects confidential information, safeguards the Company
welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances.
Employees should wear their Company-issued and other required airport badges and are encouraged to challenge those
who are not wearing a badge.
Visitors must wear an identification badge or be escorted at all times when they are in our workplace. It is recommended
that visitors be escorted to their destination for safety and security reasons. They must return the visitors badge when
they leave Company premises. Employees are responsible for the conduct and safety of their visitors.
Delivery personnel will be permitted to make their deliveries to the appropriate areas without a badge or pass provided
they do not go outside normal areas of pick-up and delivery.
All non-public information about Western Global Airlines and its affiliates should be considered confidential information.
It is very important to Western Global Airlines that we protect our confidential business information and trade secrets.
Confidential information means any and all information that is not available to the general public. It includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
compensation data
computer processes
computer programs and codes
customer lists
customer preferences and related information
employee information and data
financial information
marketing strategies
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 19
new materials research
standard operating procedures
pending projects and proposals
proprietary production processes
strategic plans and processes
any company contracts and agreements
vendor and supplier information and data
It is the responsibility of all Western Global Airlinesemployees and business associates to protect the interests and
privacy of Western Global Airlines, their coworkers, and customers. You may not inappropriately discuss, solicit,
disclose, or use for your personal benefit information in company records, files, databases, employee/customer
correspondence, internal company correspondence, personnel files or work schedules. All employees will be asked to
sign a Confidentiality, Non-Solicitation/-Disparagement, and Title to Work Product Acknowledgement (Appendix B) as a
condition of employment. If you improperly use or disclose a trade secret or confidential business information, you will
be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment and legal action. This applies even if you do not
receive any benefit from releasing the information.
Ethical Standards
The successful business operation and reputation of the Company is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical
conduct of our employees. The Company has an excellent reputation for conducting its business activities with integrity,
fairness, and in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
The continued success of the Company is dependent upon our employees’, customers’ and suppliers’ trust and we are
dedicated to preserving that trust. Employees owe a duty to the Company, customers, shareholders and the community
to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the public.
The Company is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Compliance with
legal requirements and restrictions represents only a minimum level of acceptable conduct. Where appropriate, you
must do more than merely act within the law; your conduct must withstand the closest scrutiny. Employees must
carefully avoid any actions or relations which would create even the appearance of compromising ethical standards and
report any such activities to their supervisors or department heads and the Manager of Human Resources. The Company
expects that all its business transactions will be the result of legal, open, and honest competition and its business will be
conducted in an ethical and moral manner.
In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide you with respect to lines of acceptable
conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter should be discussed
openly with your immediate supervisor at the Company. No one will be asked or expected to compromise these
Code of Conduct
When groups of people work together, reasonable rules are necessary to conduct an orderly business and make working
conditions more pleasant for everyone. Western Global Airlines has in effect the following standards of conduct in
addition to those addressed elsewhere in this Handbook. If you fail to work within these guidelines, you will subject
yourself to disciplinary action, up to and including termination and legal action. Any other types of unacceptable
behavior not specifically addressed, or violation of the business standards below, may also result in disciplinary action.
The following list of unacceptable behaviors is not intended to be all-inclusive, but merely illustrates the various types of
prohibited conduct that may result in disciplinary action:
Violation of Company policies, safety standards or practices; or creating unsafe/unsanitary conditions.
Reporting to work under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or in an unfit condition to work.
Use of drugs or alcohol on Company property while conducting Company business.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 20
Misrepresentation or falsification of Company records or paperwork including time/work records; furnishing
false information in an investigation.
Unauthorized access of Company records, use of Company property or disclosure of proprietary information.
Disruptive work behavior.
Obscene or abusive language toward any manager, employee or customer; indifference or rudeness towards a
customer or fellow employee; any disorderly/antagonistic conduct on Company premises.
Insubordination; refusing to obey instructions properly issued by your manager pertaining to your work; refusal
to help out on a special assignment.
Willful acts or threats resulting in risk to actual injury to another employee or damage to Company property.
Theft, misappropriation of funds or concealment of Company property from fellow colleagues, the Company or
Smoking in prohibited areas.
Any act of harassment, sexual, racial, or other; telling sexist or racist jokes; making racial or ethnic slurs.
Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the workplace.
Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice; failure to report an absence or late arrival, or
unauthorized absence from work station during the workday; sleeping or loitering during working hours.
Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system, or other Company-owned equipment.
Originating, spreading, and taking part in malicious gossip or rumors about employees of the Company.
Unauthorized disclosure of business "secrets" or confidential information; giving confidential or proprietary
information to competitors or other organizations or to unauthorized Company employees; breach of
confidentiality of personnel or Company information.
Unsatisfactory or careless work; failure to meet production or quality standards as explained to you by your
Speeding or careless driving of Company vehicles.
Failure to immediately report any damage or accident involving Company equipment and vehicles.
Failure or refusal to comply with instructions of Management or insubordination.
Violating any employment policy or procedure, whether contained in this Handbook or not.
Violation of the Company’s Code of Conduct & Ethics.
Excessive attendance problems, such as absences, tardiness, or leaving work early; failure to report absences
Failure to follow established policy or procedure or to comply with a reasonable request from your Supervisor.
These are only examples of violations that may result in discipline, suspension, or immediate discharge. Other situations
of a similar nature may arise and these too may result in discipline, discharge, and/or legal action
Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when an individual’s personal interest, or that of a family member or friend, interferes in any
way, or even appears to interfere, with what is in the best interest of Western Global Airlines. All employees must, at all
times, conduct their activities, both business and personal, in such a manner that there is no conflict of interest with
their duties to Western Global Airlines. This includes but is not limited to conflicts of interest in hiring, employment of
relatives, selection of suppliers, supplier benefits, and misadministration of contracts.
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Each employee is expected to avoid any investment, interest or association which interferes, or might interfere, with the
independent exercise of his/her judgment in the best interests of the Company.
Each employee is expected to refrain from engaging in any course of conduct or transaction detrimental to, or in conflict
with, the interest of the Company.
A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s duty to give his/her undivided loyalty to the Company can be prejudiced
by actual or potential benefit from another source.
Conflict of Interest Policy
It is the policy of the Company and its affiliates that its operations are conducted according to the highest standard of
business integrity, and that its employees avoid situations which might conflict with their responsibilities on behalf of the
Situations involving conflicts of interest may not always be clear-cut. This policy contains guidelines which are intended
to assist employees in making decisions on behalf of the Company and avoiding conflicts of interest. An employee faced
with deciding a difficult situation should consider whether he or she would feel uncomfortable if the decision became
public knowledge. If the answer is yes, the decision must comply with this policy and be disclosed to the department
head, the Manager of Human Resources, and the CEO/President.
Employees should not hesitate to ask their supervisor if they have questions concerning this policy. The Manager of
Human Resources should also be consulted if there are further questions regarding interpretation or applicability of this
policy in general, or with regard to a specific situation.
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests
If an employee owns, directly or beneficially, a significant financial interest (> 3%) in an actual or potential supplier,
competitor, corporation, firm or business with which the Company conducts, or is considering conducting any business
transaction, such employee shall immediately disclose the relevant facts in the manner described in the relevant
paragraph below.
If an employee is in a position to influence decisions of an actual or potential supplier, competitor, corporation, firm or
business with which the Company conducts, or is considering conducting, any business transaction, such employee shall
immediately disclose the relevant facts in the manner described in the relevant paragraph below.
No such employee will be assigned to any position where he or she may influence decisions with respect to any such
supplier, or competitor or such business transaction, without the prior written approval of the CEO and the Manager of
Human Resources.
Ownership of any significant financial interest, whose acquisition is governed by this policy, shall be disclosed in writing
in the manner described below, regardless of whether such interest was acquired before the effective date of this policy
or acquired subsequently in any manner.
Prohibition of Certain Financial Interests
Unless approved by the CEO and Manager of Human Resources of the Company, no employee shall purchase, directly or
indirectly, a significant financial interest (>3%) in (a) any actual or potential supplier, or direct/indirect competitor of the
Company or (b) any corporation, firm or business in which the Company has any financial interest.
No employee shall acquire any interest in any corporation, firm or business, when he/she knows, or has reason to
believe, that the Company or one of its affiliates is interested in acquiring a significant portion of its capital stock. No
existing significant financial interest prohibited from being acquired hereunder shall be increased after the effective date
of this policy, and any such interest should be eliminated as soon as practicable.
Director, Officer, Etc. of Another Company
An employee shall obtain, in writing, the approval of the CEO and the Manager of Human Resources before serving as a
board member, director, officer, partner, employee, consultant, agent, representative of any corporation, firm or
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 22
business in addition to Western Global Airlines, and in no case serve in any of these capacities at a supplier or
Acceptance of Commissions, Fees, Benefits or Privileges
No commission, payment, service, benefit, gain, loan or promise of future benefit shall be accepted by any employee or
member of his/her family, from any actual or potential customer, supplier or competitor of the Company.
Insignificant gifts (other than money which is not permitted to be accepted), such as advertising novelties, may be
accepted by employees from a customer, supplier, or competitor of the Company so long as such gifts do not obligate
the employee and are not being provided as a quid pro quo for services or special considerations. Any gift having a value
in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) must be reported in writing to the employees immediate supervisor and department
head with a copy forwarded to the Manager of Human Resources for filing in the employee’s personnel file.
No employee, while employed by the Company, shall seek or accept employment from any actual or potential customer,
supplier, competitor (direct or indirect), firm, business or persons engaged in the same or similar type services as the
Company or conduct any business with such entities or persons outside of the Company.
This policy is not intended to prohibit the participation in customary business luncheons or dinners or other
entertainment which is normal in the everyday course of business and is reasonable, subject to pre-approval in writing
by the department head.
All employees of the Company must ensure that, to the best of their ability, family members and associates conform to
this policy.
Procedure for Disclosing Information / Granting Approvals and Exceptions
Disclosures of personal interests or other circumstances which might constitute conflicts of interest, as defined in this
Handbook, are to be made promptly, in writing, to the employee’s immediate supervisor, Departmental Vice President,
and the Manager of Human Resources, who will hold the matter in confidence and will give such advice and direction as
appropriate. If appropriate, approvals or exceptions may be granted.
Each employee affected by this policy will, if requested, from time to time acknowledge in writing in the form distributed
by or on behalf of the Company that he/she understands this policy and practice, and is in compliance with it, noting any
relevant exceptions that have been approved, and will adhere to its provisions.
Employees must inform the Manager of Human Resources within five (5) days if they are convicted of a crime involving
drug and alcohol-related activity. A conviction is defined as a finding of guilt, including a plea of guilty or no contest, or
imposition of sentence, by any judicial body.
Punctuality and regular attendance are essential to ensure operational reliability. In order for the Company to achieve its
goals, employees are required to maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. Employees are expected to be punctual
and regular in attendance. Any tardiness or absence causes problems for your fellow employees and your supervisor.
When you are absent, your workload must be performed by others, just as you must assume the workload of others who
are absent.
Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time, and prepared to start work. Employees are also
expected to remain at work for their entire work schedule, except for meal periods or when required to leave on
authorized Company business. Late arrival, early departure, or other absences from scheduled hours are disruptive and
must be avoided.
Punctuality and attendance are taken into consideration during a performance review and are also factors which may
warrant termination of employment. Repeated absenteeism or tardiness (whether excused or not) will not be tolerated.
Continuing patterns of absences, early departures, or tardinessregardless of the exact number of daysmay warrant
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Emergency or extraordinary circumstances
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 23
concerning an absence or tardiness will be considered and the organization reserves the right to make an exception to
this policy if, in its sole discretion, an exception is warranted. Repeated car failures, missing the bus, consistently failing
to arrange back up childcare or oversleeping do not constitute an emergency or extraordinary circumstances. The
Company reserves the right to determine what is considered excessive absenteeism.
Unscheduled Absence
Failure to report to work on a scheduled workday or working less than half of a scheduled workday due to tardiness or
leaving early without a written and approved time off request from at least the previous day. Absences on consecutive
days for the same reason will count as one unscheduled absence under this policy. Some examples of unscheduled
absences include absences due to car trouble, caring for a family member who has the flu, and home emergency.
Scheduled Absence
A scheduled absence occurs when an employee requests time off in a timely manner in accordance with Company’s Paid
Time Off Policy. Some examples of scheduled absences include approved vacation, holidays, jury duty, military related,
bereavement leave, and FMLA leave.
Failure to report to an employee’s assigned work area within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, including returning
from breaks and meal periods.
Pattern Absences
Unscheduled absences the day before or after a scheduled holiday, or vacation; on a desirable day off, a specific day of
the week, or a weekend; a specific or unique work day; or other paid time off is accrued.
No call/no show
An unscheduled absence without proper notification to the employees supervisor or department. If you fail to report to
work without any notification to your supervisor and your absence continues for a period of three (3) days, the Company
will consider that you have abandoned your job and have voluntarily terminated your employment.
Excessive Absenteeism
Refers to repeated occurrences of unscheduled absence(s) and/or tardiness that are unrelated to approved time off.
Notification of any unscheduled absence or tardiness must be made as far in advance as possible. An employee who will
be unable to report to work as scheduled, tardy, or leaving early must contact his/her supervisor or the department’s
designee as far in advance as possible and at the latest prior to the start of the shift. Notification of an absence or
tardiness will not excuse it.
Excessive absenteeism or tardiness (excused or not) may be grounds for discipline (up to and including termination of
employment), depending on the circumstances. Each situation of excessive absenteeism or tardiness will be evaluated
on a case-by-case basis. However, even one no call/no show absence may be considered excessive.
If an employee is absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness or injury, and no prior approval was granted
for the absence, a physician’s statement may be requested verifying the reason for the absence and its beginning and
expected end dates.
One of Western Global Airlines primary objectives is to have employees project a professional image, promote a
productive work environment and comply with health and safety standards while taking advantage of casual and relaxed
clothing. Our business appearance and image are important to us, however, we respect individual preference and choice
in dress and appearance, and therefore promote a business casual work environment. We are confident that employees
will use their best judgment in following our dress and attire guidelines. We ask that all employees make certain that
their appearance is well groomed and clean, and that clothing is appropriate, neat, clean and well-fitting. While relaxed
business attire is acceptable within the stated guidelines, we want to ensure that our environment does not jeopardize
professionalism, productivity or safety.
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Western Global Airlines employees who interact with clients, prospective clients, and the community outside of the
Company as part of business activities represent the organization to the public. In such instances, a higher level of
professionalism in dress is required, and relaxed business attire must be replaced with professional attire such as
dresses, suits, slacks, pantsuits, skirts, blouses, collared shirts, blazers, and dress shoes.
General Hygiene and Personal Appearance
Hair should be clean, managed neatly, and not extreme in color or style.
Facial hair must be kept neat and well-trimmed.
Makeup should be conservative.
Nails should be clean and trimmed to a reasonable length.
Jewelry may be worn with discretion and consideration of safety precautions. Dangling chains, necklaces, rings,
earrings, and bracelets could be dangerous. Excessive or unprofessional jewelry is not appropriate in the
Fragrances must be used sparingly as many individuals have allergies or sensitivities.
Dress and Apparel
Clothing should be appropriate for the job and must be clean, neat, and in good repair.
Clothing displaying pictures or comments must not be worn to work. While pictures or comments may not be
offensive to the wearer, they may be offensive to others.
Modest dress is required. Revealing or excessively tight clothing is unacceptable. Spaghetti strap shirts, belly
shirts, tank tops, tube tops, bare midriffs, and deep U or V necks are not appropriate for the work environment.
Shorts, t shirts or sweat suits are not allowed.
Dresses and skirts should be of modest length.
Headwear (baseball caps, sweatbands, sweatshirt hoods, etc.) is generally not allowed.
Flip-flops are not allowed by any staff member.
Office-acceptable denim pants/jeans are permitted on Friday of each week and should be accompanied by a
neat, professional, dressy-style shirt/top/blouse/jacket/pullover, etc.
Office acceptable denim pants/jeans must be clean, neat, and in good repair and are further defined as: dark or
colored denim that is NOT distressed, cut off, ripped, paint-splattered, stained, skintight, excessively baggy,
sequined/bejeweled, faded, or frayed, and does not contain holes, cutouts, or patchwork.
Western Global Airlines designates those departments in which a standard uniform is mandatory. Anyone working in a
department with a standard uniform is required to wear the designated uniform at all times while on Duty.
Business casual dress may be pre-empted by the Company for customer visits or any other events.
Specific Employees who are in doubt, or have questions about the specific personal appearance standards or dress
code should consult their supervisor or Manager of Human Resources. Any employee who, in the supervisor’s sole
discretion, appears for work in a manner that does not conform to the Company’s standards may be required to return
home to obtain appropriate attire, and the period of absence may be treated as unpaid leave. Repeated violations of this
policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
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The Company’s computer systems, voice mail, electronic mail (email), fax machines, text messages, instant messages
and/or any other similar business devices should only be used for business purposes. Any information transmitted by,
received from, or stored in such equipment is also the Companys property. Employees should use these systems for
legitimate business purposes to advance the Companys business interests. We reserve the right to listen to voice mail
messages (land line and Company cellphones), access email and text messages, and check computer and/or desk
contents to ensure compliance with this rule, without notice to you and/or in your absence. Passwords are “on loan” to
employees and, at all times, remain the property of the Company.
You have no individual privacy rights with regard to any information on the Company computers and/or
computer networks or other Company property. The Company reserves the right to monitor, access,
intercept, review and disclose the contents of all computer files, email messages, voice mail messages
and internet usage on the Company’s computers and/or computer networks.
During working time, you may not use electronic communication systems (including email, voice over internet systems,
and PDAs) to solicit for commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job related
solicitations, socializing, or social networking. While using the Companys electronic communication systems, you should
respect all applicable copyright, trademark, or trade secrets laws. Installation of software may only be performed by
authorized employees of the Company.
The signature block and any other information/bylines on employees’ email address is standardized and must be
provided by the Company, and may not be altered.
Social Communications
We respect the right of employees to write a blog or post information on other blogs or websites on their personal time
using personal computer equipment. Employees may not post on a blog or social networking site during their working
time or at any time using Company equipment, Company email accounts, or Company property. If you identify yourself
as our employee on any website or blog, engage in blogging for any business-related purpose, or discuss our
organization, you must act in accordance with the following guidelines:
Always add a disclaimer to the effect that "the views expressed on this site are the author's and do not reflect
the views of my employer."
Do not post any material that is abusive, discriminatory, untrue, harassing, hateful, obscene, malicious, or
threatening to another person or entity, including the Company.
Do not discuss our confidential information or our trade secrets or any internal business matters not generally
known outside our organization. Any confidential information that cannot be disclosed through an email, a
conversation, or a note also cannot be disclosed on a blog or social networking site.
Respect all copyright and other intellectual property laws. For the Companys protection as well as your own, it
is critical that you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright, fair use of copyrighted material owned
by others, trademarks and other intellectual property, including the Company’s own copyrights, trademarks
and brands.
Any conduct which is impermissible under the law if expressed in any other form or forum is impermissible if expressed
through a social networking site.
For example, the publication or posting of discriminatory, defamatory, or libelous information is forbidden. The
Company’s policies, including but not limited to the Equal Opportunity Policy and Harassment apply equally to employee
comments on social networking sites even if done on nonworking time. Employees are encouraged to review those
sections of the Handbook for further guidance.
All incidents relating to violation of this Company policy will be noted in the personnel file of the involved employee(s).
Repeated minor incidents, or misconduct that is more serious, will result in discipline up to and including termination.
Any conduct that violates local, state, or federal laws may result in the immediate loss of all computer privileges, and/or
termination of employment, and will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. This includes the illegal
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 26
duplication of software and its related documentation. If you are aware that there has been a violation of this Company
policy, please notify the Manager of Human Resources.
Press Releases, Public Relations and General Communications
All public disclosures, materials or broadcasts must be properly reviewed, preapproved and coordinated in advance with
the Company prior to publication, dissemination or disclosure of information. Employees shall refrain from any
discussions with the media and will refer any request to the Company’s CEO, President and Senior VP of Operations.
Commenting on Rumors
It is the Company’s policy not to confirm or deny rumors or speculation about the Company or its business, except to
correct factually inaccurate information, so long as it is clear that the Company is not the source of the rumor.
Personal Cell Phones
The use of personal cellular phones, including text messaging, shall be limited during the work day, and Company cellular
phones shall be utilized for business purposes only and in a safe manner. During paid work time, employees are expected
to exercise discretion in using personal cellular phones. Excessive personal calls, including text messaging, during the
work day, regardless of phone used, can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. The Company
encourages employees to limit personal calls during work time.
Employees are expected to make personal calls on non-work time whenever possible and to ensure that friends and
family members are aware of the Company’s policy. Flexibility will be provided in circumstances demanding immediate
personal phone use, but this immediate need should be communicated to and cleared with an employees supervisor. If
employee use of a personal cell phone causes disruptions, safety concerns or loss in productivity, the employee may
become subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Cell Phone Usage and Driving
Employees whose job responsibilities include regular or occasional driving should refrain from using a cellular phone
while driving. Safety must come before all other concerns. Employees are expected to regard all state driving regulations
for cell phone use by drivers as well. Provided there are no state specific restrictions, allow voice mail or your passenger
to handle calls when possible. Regardless of the circumstances, including slow or stopped traffic, employees are strongly
encouraged to pull off to the side of the road and safely stop the vehicle before placing or accepting a call.
Under no circumstances are employees allowed to place themselves at risk to fulfill business needs. Text messaging,
reading emails, and writing emails while driving is not allowable under any circumstance. Employees who are charged
with traffic violations resulting from the use of a cellular phone while driving on duty may be subject to disciplinary
action and personal liability resulting from such traffic violations. Repeated violations of this policy will result in
disciplinary action, up to and including discharge termination of employment.
Every effort will be made to prevent interference with employees at work. Unauthorized solicitation and/or distribution
of any kind by employees during working time, which in any way interferes with work, is prohibited. Violations of this
rule will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
For the purposes of this rule, solicitation includes personal solicitations or soliciting on behalf of any organization support
for membership or participation in, or subscriptions of pledges to that organization. Solicitation also includes the
circulation of petitions or conducting any personal activities during working time. Working time is the time when you, or
the person who is soliciting you, are expected to be properly engaged in the performance of your work responsibilities
and tasks.
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Western Global Airlines maintains an official record for each employee. Master files are located in Human Resources.
These files contain Western Global Airlines records, including but not limited to, employment applications, employee
change forms, performance assessments, and counseling/disciplinary notices.
Additionally, federal laws impose certain recordkeeping requirements on employers. These documents are considered
confidential. Access is restricted to those individuals with a “need-to-know status, such as your immediate supervisor or
Management. While you are at Western Global Airlines, if you wish to see your file, you should make your request
through Human Resources. An appointment will be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
It is important that your records be kept up-to-date. Changes in your personal status can affect whether or not you
receive Western Global Airlines mailings, whether or not the proper deductions are made from your paycheck, and
whether or not your dependents are covered by Western Global Airlines benefits. You should use the Companys
communication system, ADP, to update your information in the event of a life event. The Manager of Human Resources
will receive notification from ADP when changes are made, such as:
Marriage or divorce
Birth or adoption of a child
Change in dependent custody
Death of a dependent
Loss of medical coverage by a spouse
Termination or commencement of a spouse’s employment
Significant change in your spouse’s health coverage due to an employment change
Address or telephone number change
Legal name change
Change in beneficiary for life insurance
In addition, please promptly update your information in the ADP self-service website whenever there are any changes as
indicated above.
Western Global Airlines policy in regards to references for employees who have left the Company is to disclose only the
dates of employment and the title of the last position held. The Company will provide a prospective employer with the
amount of the salary or wage last earned only with a written request. Exiting employees may provide a signed form
authorizing the Company to release reference information to potential employers.
It is the Companys policy that only Human Resources is authorized to respond to requests for employee references and
verification of employment from financial institutions, etc. No other employee is authorized to provide references for
current or former employees. As an employee of Western Global Airlines, do not under any circumstances respond to
any requests for information regarding another employee unless it is part of your assigned job responsibilities. If it is not,
please forward the information request to your supervisor and the Manager of Human Resources.
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It is our policy and practice to compensate employees for all time worked and to do so in compliance with all applicable
state and federal laws. To ensure that you are paid properly for all time worked and that no improper deductions are
made, you must record correctly all work time and review your paychecks promptly to identify and to report all errors.
No one who is eligible for overtime should perform any work that is not authorized and recorded on his or her time card.
Review Your Pay Statement
We make every effort to ensure our employees are paid correctly. Occasionally, however, inadvertent mistakes can
happen. When mistakes do happen and are called to our attention, we promptly will make any corrections that are
necessary. Please review your pay statement when you receive it to make sure it is correct. If you believe a mistake has
occurred (including any improper deductions, under-reported hours of work or other error) or if you have any questions,
please use the reporting procedure outlined below.
Non-Exempt Employees
If you are classified as a non-exempt employee (which means that you are eligible for overage pay), you must maintain a
record of the total hours you work each day on your time card. Each employee must accurately maintain his/her time
card and verify that the reported hours worked are complete and accurate. Your time card must accurately reflect all
regular and overtime hours worked, any absences, late arrivals, early departures and meal breaks.
At the end of each pay period, your supervisor will review and approve your timecard. If your time card is not accurate,
notify your supervisor immediately. When you receive each pay check, please verify immediately that you were paid
correctly for all regular and overtime hours worked each work week. Unless you are authorized by your supervisor, you
should not work any hours that are not authorized. Do not start work early, finish work late, work during a meal break or
perform any other extra or overtime work unless you are authorized to do so and that time is recorded on your time
Employees are prohibited from performing any "off-the-clock" work. "Off-the-clock" work means work you perform but
fail to report on your time card. Any employee who fails to report or inaccurately reports any hours worked will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
It is a violation of the Company's policy for any employee to falsify a time card or to alter another employee's time card.
It is also a serious violation of Company policy for any employee at any level to instruct another employee to incorrectly
or falsely report hours worked or to alter another employee's time card to under- or over-report hours worked or to fail
to report any such misconduct. If any employee at any level instructs you to (1) incorrectly or falsely under- or over-
report your hours worked, (2) alter another employee's time records to inaccurately or falsely report that employee's
hours worked, or (3) conceal any falsification of time records or to violate this policy, you should report it immediately to
the Manager of Human Resources.
Exempt Employees
If you are classified as an exempt salaried employee, you will receive a salary which is intended to compensate you for all
hours you may work for the Company. This salary will be established at the time of hire or when you are classified as an
exempt employee. While your base salary may be subject to review and modification from time to time, the salary will
be a predetermined amount that will not be subject to deductions for variations in the quantity or quality of the work
you perform. Under federal and state law, your salary is subject to certain deductions. For example, absent contrary
state law requirements, your salary can be reduced for the following reasons (if authorized by state law and any
applicable contract):
Full day absences for personal reasons.
Full day absences for sickness or disability.
Full day disciplinary suspensions for major safety violations or significant infractions of important written
workplace conduct rules.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 29
Family and Medical Leave absences (either full or partial day absences).
To offset amounts received as payment for jury and witness fees or military pay.
The first or last week of employment in the event you work less than a full week.
Any full work week in which you do not perform any work.
Your salary may also be reduced for certain types of deductions such as your portion of health, dental or life insurance
premiums; state, federal or local taxes, social security; or, voluntary contributions to a 401k plan. In any work week in
which you performed any work, your salary will not be reduced for any of the following reasons:
Partial day absences for personal reasons, sickness, vacation or disability, unless the leave is FMLA-protected.
Your absence on a day because the facility is closed on a scheduled work day.
Absences for jury duty, attendance as a witness, or military leave in any week in which you have performed any
Any other deductions prohibited by state or federal law.
Please note: It is not an improper deduction to reduce an employees accrued paid time off for full or partial day
absences for personal reasons or sickness. Pursuant to our paid time off policies, employees who are absent for all or
part of a work day must apply accrued paid time off to that missed work time. After all paid time off is exhausted, no
partial day deductions will be made from the salary of a salaried exempt employee.
To Report Concerns or Obtain More Information
If you have questions about deductions from your pay or your wages, please immediately contact your supervisor or
Human Resources. If you believe you have been subject to any improper deductions or your pay does not accurately
reflect your time worked, you should immediately report the matter to your supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable
or if you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person (or if you have not received a prompt and fully
acceptable reply), you should immediately contact the Manager of Human Resources, or any other supervisor in the
Company with whom you feel comfortable.
Every report will be fully investigated and corrective action will be taken where appropriate, up to and including
discharge for any employee(s) who violates this policy. The Company will not allow any form of retaliation against
individuals who report alleged violations of this policy or who cooperate in the Companys investigation of such reports.
Retaliation is unacceptable, and any form of retaliation in violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to
and including termination.
You will receive your paycheck on the 6
and 20
of each month (i.e., semi-monthly). The pay received on the 6
is for
the 15
through the last day in the prior month, and pay received for the 20
is for the 1
through the 15
. The pay
received on the 20
will also include any earned Per Diem pay and overage from the full month prior to the pay period.
If a payday is a holiday, every effort will be made to issue your paycheck the business day before the holiday. Your
paycheck will be direct deposited into your checking or savings account at the bank of your choice. There is no charge for
this service, and you will receive a complete payroll record of your earnings and deductions every payday. In addition,
you can access the ADP self-service website to view your pay history. To commence direct deposit, complete a Direct
Deposit Form and return it to the Manager of Human Resources. When changes are made to direct deposit accounts,
you are responsible for the accurate entry and submission of the account information. You can update your direct
deposit information via the ADP self-service website. Western Global Airlines is not responsible for late posting of your
direct deposit. It is always your responsibility to verify availability of funds before writing checks.
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Western Global Airlines must comply with applicable laws that require records to be maintained of the hours worked by
employees. To ensure that accurate records are kept of the hours a non-exempt employee works (including overtime
hours where applicable), of the accrued paid-time off time an employee has taken, the amount of unscheduled time off,
and that employees are paid in a timely manner, employees and their department are required to maintain accurate
time and attendance records.
Time entry shall be completed by the employee on a daily basis. Employees have the responsibility for ensuring that their
actual hours worked, and time off/absences, are recorded accurately. Falsifying recorded time is an act of misconduct
and will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination and legal action.
When operating requirements or other business needs cannot be met during regular working hours, employees may be
scheduled to work overtime. Whenever possible, notification of these assignments will be provided with sufficient
notice. Overtime assignments will be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the
required work. Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime pay in accordance with applicable state and federal law.
Overtime will only be computed based on the number of hours you actually work. While you may be paid for time not
worked, such as holidays and PTO, these hours will not be included for the purposes of computing overtime. All overtime
must be requested and approved in advance by your supervisor and Departmental Vice President in accordance with
Company policy.
Standard work week in the office is 40 hours per week from 8:30 to 5:30 which includes a one hour unpaid meal break.
Business needs may necessitate changes in schedules, variations in starting and ending times, days of the week worked,
as well as variations in the total hours that may be scheduled each day and week. Because of the nature of our business,
your work schedule may vary depending on a department’s business needs. Supervisors will advise employees of their
schedules, which will include a ½-hour to 1-hour allocated to lunch.
Western Global Airlines recognizes the importance of breaks during the workday. Full-time employees will receive meal
and break periods according to state regulations of the state in which you work. If no state regulations exist, you will
receive a ½-hour to 1-hour unpaid meal period and up to two 15-minute paid breaks per day one in the morning and
one in the afternoon. Breaks may not be scheduled during the first or last hour of work. From time to time, business
situations may arise that prevent you from taking a break. Your workday will not be shortened to compensate for missed
breaks. Additionally, breaks may not be taken in conjunction with the meal period.
All Western Global Airlines full time employees will be eligible for the WGW Companywide Bonus based on Company
performance (under development at time of implementation of this Handbook).
Company Travel includes air transportation, lodging, and ground transportation.
Travel Approval and Bookings
All company travel must booked by the Crew Scheduling Department in accordance with the approved Company travel
Air travel will either be on the Company aircraft or Economy Class on commercial air carriers as scheduled and selected
by the Company. The travel will be arranged and paid for by the Company or a customer.
Western Global has defined Employee Travel into two distinct categories:
Essential Travel: Any travel in support of specific live flight.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 31
Nonessential Travel: Any travel not in support of a specific live flight.
Essential Employee Travel
Essential Travel includes anyone in direct support of a specific flight leg. This may be revenue or non-revenue.
Department leaders will provide Crew Scheduling with a crew roster or planned crew composition. Travel for these
individuals will be booked directly by Crew Scheduling in support of the specific live flight.
Nonessential Employee Travel
Nonessential Travel includes office personnel, mechanics travelling to perform required checks or maintenance for
aircraft not scheduled for any flying, travel required for training, etc.
Nonessential Travel will require a completed and approved Travel Request Form prior to submission to Crew
Scheduling for booking. This form is available on the Company shared drive, and must be submitted to and
approved, as designated on the Form, prior to any travel being booked.
Conference/Continuing Education Attendance Request
All requests to attend/register for conferences, continuing education, etc. will require a completed and approved
Conference Attendance Request Form. This form is available on the Company shared drive, and must be submitted and
approved, as designated on the Form, prior to registration to attend the event and any travel being booked. In addition,
supporting documentation such as an itinerary, meeting schedule or detailed course description, copy of invitation, copy
of agenda or other relevant documentation must be included when submitting the Form for approval.
Travel Reimbursements
Western Global Airlines will reimburse travelers for reasonable and necessary out of pocket expenses incurred in
connection with approved travel on behalf of the Company. All requests must be completed and submitted for approval
on a Travel Expense Form with details of the expenses incurred. In addition, supporting documentation such as receipts
must be included when submitting the Form for approval.
As a reminder, all Company reimbursed travel must be booked by the Crew Scheduling Department. The Crew
Scheduling Department will book travel only once it receives the appropriate and correctly completed request
forms. Travelers should verify that planned travel/attendance is approved before making any commitments to travel or
Travel Management System
Each Western Global Airlines traveler will have a profile within our Travel Booking System. Each traveler should go into
his or her profile to ensure the information Western Global Airlines has on file is correct: Make certain that your first,
middle and last names are identical to your Passport and your frequent traveler accounts. For those of you who have a
Global Entry Number, which is strongly recommended, please enter it under the TSA information, to ensure it will be
passed onto your travel reservations.
Frequent Traveler Programs
NOTE: Any points or miles earned are yours and can be used for your own personal travel.
In order to personally benefit from airline/hotel/car rental miles and points, improve traveler status, upgrade potential,
and potential for seat assignment priority, the Company strongly recommends that all travelers make sure that all their
frequent traveler programs and accurate numbers are notated in their travel profile. (Instructions for creating a log in
will be emailed to each employee’s Company email). Travelers may contact Crew Scheduling with any questions, at
Airline frequent traveler miles status will help you when Crew Scheduling books your tickets, as your status may unlock
seats not available to those without it at the time of booking, may waive baggage fees, raise boarding priority, upgrade
seats, etc. To benefit, please enter all your airline frequent traveler numbers in your profile. We recommend you join all
the various airline programs, and require that at a minimum you sign up for American, United, and Delta Airlines. When
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 32
entering these numbers in your profile, make sure to check the box statingmy status qualifies me for premium seating,”
so more seating options will be shown to Crew Scheduling when your flights are being booked. You may also set other
preferences such as: aisle/window seats, in front of/behind the wing, etc. Please note that preferences are not
guaranteed, but are taken into consideration at the time of booking. The system will also continue to search for a seat
that better fit your preferences after the booking has been made, if one becomes available.
Voluntary Denied Boarding is not permitted When traveling on a Company purchased ticket, travelers may not
voluntarily give up their seats or accept compensation associated with a voluntary bump.
Please be sure to join hotel frequent traveler programs. The more points you earn within hotel chains, the more rewards
you can possibly get, which include: room upgrades, free breakfast, and sometimes dinner/drinks, etc. Western Global
Airlines has relationships with many Hilton properties, so we strongly recommend you sign up for Hilton, as well as
Marriott and Wyndham Reward s. Be sure to enter as many hotel frequent traveler programs as you wish in your profile.
You may also set other preferences such as preferences for a smoking room (we will always book nonsmoking rooms), a
room away from elevators or ice machines, a room not on the first floor, etc. Please note that preferences are not
guaranteed, but are taken into consideration at the time of booking, and are also passed directly onto the hotel in your
Rental Cars
Rental car points can possibly reward you with car upgrades, free rentals etc., and some airlines, rental car companies
and hotels have agreements with each other, so that if you earn points with one, you will gain with another as well.
Western Global Airlines has one agreement with Enterprise and National, as they are sister companies, but each has its
own program.
‘Emerald Club’ is a free loyalty program for the National brand which will link your membership directly to Western
Global Airlines account with them, allowing you to create a hard-coded profile to help streamline the rental process, and
to give you the ability to earn rental credits and a better selection of vehicles.
It is required that all travelers enroll in this free loyalty program. It provides value, such as bypass counters, free choice
and upgrades: http://www.nationalcar.com/offer/XZ35110
Crew Scheduling will book the rental as a ‘midsize class’. As an Emerald Club Member, when you arrive at the airport,
you will bypass the counter, head straight to where the rental cars are, proceed to the aisle marked ‘Emerald Aisle, and
select any car in that aisle. You then drive away, stopping at the kiosk on the way out for some quick paperwork! (*see
below the Travel Policy regarding rental cars and other ground transportation options). We require (not recommend)
that all travelers to sign up with National’s Emerald Club, and have a profile with them linked to Western Global Airlines
account with their Company credit card.
When renting a car, do not select the prepaid option for fuel, nor return it empty. Both can result in a much higher,
unnecessary cost of fuel. Please make sure these preferences are unchecked in your National Emerald Club profile to
avoid unknowingly selecting this option automatically.
Ground Transportation
Employees should utilize hotel shuttles whenever possible, between hotels and airports. If there is no hotel
transportation available, and the transportation is local (between the hotel and airport), Uber, Lyft or equivalent should
be utilized when available, as it is more cost effective, and often quicker, than using a taxi service. Taxis may be utilized
when Uber, Lyft, or the equivalent is not available. In addition, employees are encouraged to carpool and to use
Company-owned vehicles when available. Car rentals require specific Company approval prior and will only be booked
by Crew Scheduling. All receipts should be saved and uploaded into the Company’s expense reporting tool, SmartData.
At no time is it approved to utilize the Company credit card or submit expense reimbursement for personal
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 33
The following is a comprehensive guide to the Western Global Airlines expense policy and procedures for the reporting
and reimbursement of expenses.
All expenses will be paid in US Dollars.
Expenses incurred in other currencies must list at least the local currency amount on the Travel Expense Form.
You may insert the exchange rate you incurred and make the calculations based on that number. If you use an exchange
rate higher than the published rate on the day expenses are due, you must either provide documentation of the
exchange rate you incurred or, Western Global Airlines reserves the right to recalculate based on the current exchange
If the exchange rate is left blank, the exchange will be computed by Western Global Airlines using the published
exchange rate on the day that the expenses are due.
Copies of receipts for the charges listed on the Travel Expense Form must be submitted with the Travel Expense Form.
Any charges without receipts will not be paid.
Original receipts must be furnished upon request.
Due Dates
The Travel Expense Form must be submitted on or before the 5th of each month for expenses actually incurred during
the previous calendar month.
Expenses submitted on or before the 5th of the month will be reimbursed with the paycheck distributed on the 20th of
the next month.
Expenses submitted after the 5th will be reimbursed during the next subsequent month’s reimbursement schedule.
Expenses incurred more than 90 days prior to the submission due date will not be paid.
Approved Expenses
The following expenses may be submitted without specific pre-approval, receipts are still required:
Cost of a Taxi to/from the Company-provided hotel if other transportation is not available.
Internet if not provided by Company agreement with hotel (Limit $20 per day)
Breakfast at hotel if not provided by Company agreement with hotel (Limit $12 per day Domestic and $20
per day International)
Western Global Airlines shall reimburse Employee for the reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred
by Employee to acquire any required visas or permits as mandated by any applicable governing authority
that may be required for the performance of employee’s duties. Western Global Airlines will also
reimburse for Visa pictures, a second passport, and extra passport pages.
Vaccinations on Western Global Airlines approved List
With prior approval, Employee may be eligible for up to $200 emergency assistance in case of lost or stolen
luggage during travel, not the result of negligence by traveler, if it is not reimbursed by the airline or by the
employee’s insurance. Proper documentation must be submitted for reimbursement, such as police
report or Airport Authority report.
Medical Exams
No reimbursement.
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Regular, full-time employees are eligible for paid Company-observed holidays. Temporary and part-time employees are
not eligible for paid holidays. The Company will observe the following holidays:
Observed Holidays (each Holiday day is equivalent to 8 hours of work)
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
The specific dates for the observation of holidays will be announced each year by the Manager of Human Resources and
posted on the ADP self-service website. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Company will observe the holiday on the
Friday prior to the holiday; if a holiday falls on a Sunday, the Company will observe the holiday on the Monday following
the holiday.
Full-time employees not scheduled to work on the holiday due to their normal schedule will not be
compensated for the holiday.
Full-time or part-time employees that work on the holiday will be awarded floating time off their regularly
scheduled hours in their time-off bank.
Employees that regularly work 10-hour shifts will be compensated at 8 hours for the holiday where applicable
Time Off for Holiday Worked/Non-Scheduled Days
Equal time off (not to exceed regularly scheduled hours), at the mutual convenience of the employee and the supervisor,
may be given if regular and probationary exempt/nonexempt/hourly employees are required to work on an observed
Company holiday or non-scheduled work day. The alternative equal time off is to be taken within one month of when the
holiday or non-scheduled work day occurs and must be approved in advance by the department supervisor, the HR
Manager and the President.
Overtime for Non-Exempt/Hourly Employees
Overtime pay will be calculated based on an employees regular hourly rate of pay.
Holiday hours are excluded as time worked in the computation of overtime.
PTO is a benefit which provides all full-time employees paid time away from work that can be used for vacation, personal
time, personal illness or time off to care for dependents. With the exception of an unexpected illness or injury, PTO must
be scheduled in advance in accordance with Company guidelines, have supervisor and department head approval, and
be submitted to the Manager of Payroll. PTO is paid at the employee’s base pay rate at the time of absence. It does not
include overtime or any special forms of compensation. In the event state laws differ from these guidelines, those laws
will prevail in the administration of the PTO policy.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 35
Paid Time Off is a benefit provided to employees who work 30 or more hours a week. Full-time employees begin
accruing PTO from the first day of employment according to the following schedule.
Eligibility / PTO Accrual
The accrued PTO is available for use on the first day of the month after ninety (90) days of employment. Temporary and
part-time employees working less than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for PTO. PTO is to be used for all
scheduled and unscheduled absences.
The PTO accrual schedule is indicated in the following table:
Years of Service Accrual Rate per Month (4 on 4 off accrual rate*) Annual Accrual (4 on 4 off accrual rate*)
0 4 years
6.66 hours or .832 Days per month
*8 hours or .667 Days per month
10 days (80 hours)
*8 days (96 hours)
5 9 years
10 hours or 1.25 Days per month
*12 hours or 1 Day per month
15 days (120 hours)
*12 days (144 hours)
10 plus years
13.33 hours or 1.67 Days per month
*16 hours or 1.33 Days per month
20 days (160 hours)
*16 days (192 hours)
Employees during their first year of employment may carry over a maximum of one (1) week of PTO into their second
year of employment. All other employees may carry over a maximum of two weeks of PTO from one year to the next
during their employment. For clarification, one week is comprised of 5 work days, or 40 hours, for 5 day per week
employees. For 4 days on 4 days off employees, one week is comprised of 4 days, or 48 hours.
Upon separation of employment, employees will be paid by the Company up to the maximum of forty (40) hours
or five (5) days of earned and unused PTO time, if applicable. Final paychecks for employees will include PTO pay
or deductions for any negative balance upon termination, if applicable.
PTO Requests
Employees shall provide as much notice as possible in submitting requests for PTO so that the Company may schedule
work requirements and plan accordingly, and submit such requests prior to making travel plans. It is important to note
that all requests for using scheduled PTO must have the prior approval of the immediate supervisor and department
head. In addition, all requests for PTO must be submitted and approved in ADP.
PTO must be used for unscheduled absences. However, unscheduled absences must adhere to the Company’s standards
of attendance. If an employee fails to notify their supervisor, the absence may not be approved for pay. It may also result
in corrective action.
Western Global Airlines provides leave to eligible employees in accordance with the Federal Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA”). The FMLA applies to all employers who employ 50 or more workers within a 75-mile radius. The
FMLA applies to all eligible employees. This policy may change, without notice, periodically to be consistent with the
minimum leave required by law.
FMLA requires that eligible employees be provided with continuation of health benefits as if the employee still was at
work and on the payroll. Employees are entitled to one 12-week period of continued health benefits in each 12-month
period. Western Global Airlines uses the “rolling” method to determine employee eligibility, whereby one counts
backward 12 months from the day of the requested leave to determine the employees eligibility and eligibility period.
Eligibility for FMLA Leave
If you have been employed by the Company for at least 12 months and you have worked at least 1,250 hours during the
12 months immediately preceding your leave, you are covered by the provisions of FMLA. If you are an employee
returning from fulfilling your National Guard or Reserve military obligation, you will be credited with the hours of service
that would have been performed but for the period of such military service in determining whether you have worked the
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 36
necessary 1,250 hours in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Types of Leaves that are covered under FMLA
FMLA guarantees covered employees the right to take an unpaid leave for a maximum of 12 work weeks of leave in a 12-
month period for any one or more of the following reasons:
1. The birth of a child and in order to care for that child;
2. The placement of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child;
3. To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition (described below);
4. The serious health condition (described below) of the employee; or
5. Qualifying exigency leave for families of members of the National Guard or Reserves or of a regular component
of the Armed Forces when the covered military member is on covered active Duty or called to cover active
An employee whose spouse, son, daughter or parent either has been notified of an impending call or order to covered
active military Duty or who is already on covered active Duty may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for reasons
related to or affected by the family member’s call-up or service. The qualifying exigency must be one of the following:
a) short-notice deployment;
b) military events and activities;
c) child care and school activities;
d) financial and legal arrangements;
e) counseling;
f) rest and recuperation;
g) post-deployment activities; and
h) additional activities that arise out of active Duty, provided that the employer and employee agree, including
agreement on timing and duration of the leave.
Eligible employees are entitled to FMLA leave to care for a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of
the National Guard or Reserves, or a member of the Armed Forces, the National Guard or Reserves who is on the
temporary disability retired list, who has a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of Duty on active Duty for which he
or she is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy; or otherwise in outpatient status; or otherwise on the
temporary disability retired list. Eligible employees may not take leave under this provision to care for former members
of the Armed Forces, former members of the National Guard and Reserves, and members on the permanent disability
retired list.
In order to care for a covered service member, an eligible employee must be the spouse, son, daughter, or parent, or
next of kin of a covered service member.
As referenced in this paragraph:
A “son or daughter of a covered service member” means the covered service member's biological, adopted, or
foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child for whom the covered service member stood in loco parentis, and
who is of any age.
A “parent of a covered service member” means a covered service member's biological, adoptive, step or foster
father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the covered service member. This term
does not include parents in law.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 37
Under the FMLA, aspouse” means a husband or wife, including those in same-sex marriages, which were
made legal in all 50 United States as of June 26, 2015.
The “next of kin of a covered service member” is the nearest blood relative, other than the covered service member's
spouse, parent, son, or daughter, in the following order of priority: blood relatives who have been granted legal custody
of the service member by court decree or statutory provisions, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and
first cousins, unless the covered service member has specifically designated in writing another blood relative as his or her
nearest blood relative for purposes of military caregiver leave under the FMLA. When no such designation is made, and
there are multiple family members with the same level of relationship to the covered service member, all such family
members shall be considered the covered service member's next of kin and may take FMLA leave to provide care to the
covered service member, either consecutively or simultaneously. When such designation has been made, the designated
individual shall be deemed to be the covered service member's only next of kin. For example, if a covered service
member has three siblings and has not designated a blood relative to provide care, all three siblings would be considered
the covered service member's next of kin. Alternatively, where a covered service member has a sibling(s) and designates
a cousin as his or her next of kin for FMLA purposes, then only the designated cousin is eligible as the covered service
member's next of kin.
An employer is permitted to require an employee to provide confirmation of covered family relationship to the covered
service member pursuant to 29 CFR §825.122(k).
Covered active Duty means:
o Covered active Dutyfor members of a regular component of the Armed Forces means Duty during
deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country.
o Covered active Dutyor “call to covered active Duty status” in the case of a member of the Reserve
components of the Armed Forces means Duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed
Forces to a foreign country under a Federal call or order to active Duty in support of a contingency
operation, in accordance with 29 CFR 825.102.
The leave may commence as soon as the individual receives the call-up notice. Son or daughter for this type of FMLA
leave is defined the same as for child for other types of FMLA leave except that the person does not have to be a minor.
This type of leave would be counted toward the employee’s 12-week maximum of FMLA leave in a 12-month period.
Military caregiver leave (also known as covered service member leave) to care for a service member or veteran with
serious injury or illness: An employee whose son, daughter, parent or next of kin is a covered service member may take
up to 26 weeks in a single 12-month period to take care of leave to care for that service member. Next of kin is defined
as the closest blood relative of the injured or recovering service member.
The term “covered service member” means:
(a) a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves) who is
undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is
otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or
(b) a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, for a serious injury or
illness and who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or
Reserves) at any time during the period of 5 years preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes
that medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy.
The termserious injury or illness means:
(a) in the case of a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or
Reserves), an injury or illness that was incurred by the member in line of Duty on active Duty in the
Armed Forces (or existed before the beginning of the member’s active Duty and was aggravated by
service in line of Duty on active Duty in the Armed Forces) and that may render the member medically
unfit to perform the duties of the member’s office, grade, rank, or rating; and
(b) in the case of a veteran who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the
National Guard or Reserves) at any time during a period when the person was a covered service
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 38
member, a qualifying (as defined by the Secretary of Labor) injury or illness incurred by a covered
service member in the line of Duty on active Duty that may render the service member medically unfit
to perform the duties of his or her office, grade, rank or rating.
Outpatient status, with respect to a covered service member, means the status of a member of the Armed
forces assigned to either a military medical treatment facility as an outpatient; or a unit established for the
purpose of providing command and control of members of the Armed Forces receiving medical care as
Serious Health Condition
An employee may take leave because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the
functions of the employee's position. The law defines serious health condition as an illness, injury, impairment, or
physical or mental condition that involves:
Inpatient treatment (i.e., an overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility including
any period of incapacity or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care), or
Continuing Treatment by a Health Care Provider. Such treatment includes one or more of the following:
o A period of incapacity for more than three consecutive calendar days provided that the condition also
(i) at least two visits to a health care provider within 30 days of the first day of incapacity, or
(ii) one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment;
Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or for prenatal care. This entitles employee to FMLA leave.
Any period of incapacity or treatment for such incapacity due to a chronic serious health condition (i.e.,
requires periodic visits for treatment by a health care provider or nurse; continues over an extended period of
time; and may cause episodic incapacity);
A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term (i.e., requiring the continuing supervision, but not
necessarily the active treatment by, a health care provider); or
Conditions requiring multiple treatments.
Additionally, if you feel your condition is permanent and may qualify for accommodations under the ADA, please contact
the Manager of Human Resources.
Notice and Certification
Employees seeking to use FMLA leave are required to provide 30-day advance notice of the need to take
FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable and such notice is practical. Notice must be made in writing and submitted to
the Manager of Human Resources.
Employees must provide sufficient information to allow the Company to determine if the leave qualifies for FMLA
protection, and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient information may include: evidence of the
date on which the serious health condition started; evidence that the employee is unable to perform the job functions;
evidence that the covered family member is unable to perform daily activities; evidence of the need for hospitalization
or continuing treatment by a health care provider; and/or evidence on the circumstances supporting the need for
military leave.
Employees must also inform the Company if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously
taken or certified. Employees may also be required to provide a certification and periodic recertification supporting the
need for leave.
Intermittent Leave
FMLA leave does not have to be taken all at once. However, the employee must provide 30 days advance notice of the
need to take FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable. An employee can take the FMLA leave on an intermittent basis
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 39
due to anunpredictable” serious health condition. For intermittent leave, the employee must provide as much
advanced notice as practicable and generally must comply with the call-in procedures for the employee’s department.
Applying for Leave
If possible, an employee should give at least 30 days notice when requesting an FMLA leave and must complete and
return a Western Global Airlines Request for Leave of Absence form to the Manager of Human Resources, along with any
other medical certification documentation that may be necessary. You should make a “reasonable effort”, if possible, to
schedule leave so as to not disrupt unduly Western Global Airlines operations. Please contact the Manager of Human
Resources for further information.
Job Restoration
Upon return from FMLA leave, an employee will be restored to the employee’s original job, or to an equivalent job with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. When returning to work after an FMLA leave
(other than for pregnancy), the employee must provide certification from his/her medical provider that he/she is able to
safely perform all of the essential functions of his/her position with or without reasonable accommodation and/or any
Integration with Other Benefits
FMLA leave is unpaid. An employee who is taking FMLA leave because of the employee's own serious health condition or
the serious health condition of a family member must use all personal leave prior to being eligible for unpaid leave.
Workers' compensation leave (to the extent that it qualifies), will be designated as FMLA leave and will run concurrently
with FMLA. For example, if the Company provides six weeks of pregnancy disability leave, the six weeks will be
designated as FMLA leave and counted toward the employee's 12-week entitlement. The employee may then be
required to substitute accrued (or earned) paid leave as appropriate before being eligible for unpaid leave for what
remains of the 12-week entitlement.
An employee who is taking leave for the adoption or foster care of a child must use all paid time off prior to being eligible
for unpaid leave. An employee who is using military FMLA leave for a qualifying exigency must use all paid time off prior
to being eligible for unpaid leave. An employee using FMLA military caregiver leave must also use all paid time off prior
to being eligible for unpaid leave.
Employees will not accrue Paid Time Off nor be paid for holidays while out on FMLA leave.
Substitute Paid Leave for Unpaid FMLA Leave
Employees must use any accrued paid time prior to taking unpaid FMLA leave. The substitution of paid time for unpaid
FMLA leave time does not extend the length of FMLA leave and the paid time will run concurrently with an employee’s
FMLA entitlement. Leaves of absence taken in connection with a workers’ compensation injury/illness shall run
concurrently with any FMLA leave entitlement. Upon written request, the Company will allow employees to use accrued
paid time off to supplement any paid disability benefits.
Pay Employees’ Share of Health Insurance Premiums
As noted above, during FMLA leave, employees are entitled to continued group health plan coverage under the same
conditions as if they had continued to work. Unless the Company notifies employees of other arrangements, whenever
employees are receiving pay from the Company during FMLA leave, the Company will deduct the employee portion of
the group health plan premium from the employee’s paycheck in the same manner as if the employee was actively
working. If FMLA leave is unpaid, employees must pay their portion of the group health premium. Contact the Manager
of Human Resources to make payment arrangements.
Questions and/or Complaints about FMLA Leave
If you have questions regarding this FMLA policy, please contact the Manager of Human Resources. The Company is
committed to complying with the FMLA and, whenever necessary, shall interpret and apply this policy in a manner
consistent with the FMLA. The provisions set forth above are a brief summary of the entitlements and requirements
under the FMLA. The Notice of Employee Rights is included at the end of this Handbook.
The FMLA makes it unlawful for employers to: 1) interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided
under FMLA; or 2) discharge or discriminate against any person for opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA or
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 40
involvement in any proceeding under or relating to FMLA. If employees believe their FMLA rights have been violated,
they should contact the Manager of Human Resources immediately. The Company will investigate any FMLA complaints
and take prompt and appropriate remedial action to address and/or remedy any FMLA violation. For more information
about the FMLA, please view the Employees Rights and Responsibilities Information Sheet, which is (at minimum) posted
in the break/kitchen area of the Company location and included in the Appendix to this Handbook.
Western Global Airlines provides bereavement leave to employees who need to take time off due to the death of an
immediate family member to attend memorial/funeral services and tend to other related family matters. Full-time
employees will receive paid leave for up to two (2) regular workdays missed due to the death of an immediate family
member. For bereavement leave, "immediate family" means your mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister,
grandmother, grandfather, and grandchild.
Bereavement pay will be calculated on the employee’s base pay rate times the number of hours the employee would
otherwise have worked on the day of absence (up to a maximum of 8 or 10 hours per day). Bereavement pay is excluded
as time worked for the purposes of calculating overtime pay.
The Company will permit bereavement leave unless there are serious operations requirements that require the
employee to be at work. With supervisor's approval, employees can use any available paid leave benefits you have, such
as Paid Time Off, if more time off is needed.
Western Global Airlines encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by serving jury Duty when required.
Full-time employees may request up to two (2) days of paid jury duty leave per calendar year. Jury duty pay will be
calculated on the employee’s base pay rate times the number of hours the employee would otherwise have worked on
the day of absence (up to a maximum of 8 or 10 hours per day).
If employees are required to serve on jury duty beyond the period of paid jury leave, they may use any available paid
time off or may request an unpaid jury duty leave of absence. Employees must provide a copy of the jury duty summons
to their supervisor as soon as possible after receiving the summons so that the supervisor may make arrangements to
accommodate their absence. Employees are expected to report to work whenever the court schedule permits, including
partial days. Either Western Global Airlines or the employee may request an excuse from jury duty if, in the Companys
judgment, the employee’s absence would create serious operations difficulties.
Western Global Airlines also encourages all employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by voting in all official public
elections. Generally working hours are such that employees will have ample time to cast their vote before or after
working hours. However if there is insufficient time to vote due to overtime work etc., please discuss the matter with
your supervisor. The Company will comply with all applicable voting time laws of the states and municipalities in which
its facilities and offices are located.
Upon request, employees are eligible for a leave of absence to serve in the active or reserve military services of the
United States in accordance with applicable law. Western Global Airlines will comply with the Uniform Services
Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (“USERRA”). This act applies to all employees who perform services in the
Armed Forces, Army National Guard, Public Health Services, or any other category of service designated by the
President in time of war or emergency. The following guidelines will be followed for an employee requesting a leave of
Employees are required to give their employers advanced written or verbal notice of an absence for military
service unless circumstances make it unreasonable or impossible to do so.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 41
Employees may use any accrued time off or other available paid leave during the military leave.
After the conclusion of their military service, employees must report to their employers, or submit an
application for re-employment within a prescribed timeframe, which varies depending on the length of the
leave of absence.
Employees are entitled to take a cumulative leave of absence due to military service for up to five (5) years.
(This includes previous leave absences)
Employees eligible for Paid Time Off should contact the Manager of Human Resources for specific details.
Health Insurance for Military Leave:
Employees who are currently enrolled in Company offered health plans will have their benefits continued for up to 31
days from the leave of absence date. If the leave extends beyond 31 days, you may elect to continue your coverage
under COBRA for up to eighteen (18) months, however, you may be required to pay all or part of the premium for the
continuation of COBRA coverage. Please ask the Manager of Human Resources for specific information.
Return from Military Duty:
Re-employment and/or reinstatement of employment will be made in accordance with applicable law. Employees should
contact their supervisor for specific information regarding return to work procedures.
Western Global Airlines believes in the health and well-being of its employees and their families. We proudly offer a rich
benefits package of medical and supplemental benefits plans, from leading benefit providers.
Medical Plan
Dental and Vision plans
Voluntary Life and AD&D.
Basic Life and AD&D free to all eligible employees.
Voluntary 401k plan. Contributions by the Company, under development at time of implementation of this
Full-time and part-time employees working at least 30 hours per week are eligible to enroll in these plans. Dependent
and domestic partner coverage is also available, with dependents receiving extended age coverage for all offerings. A
detailed description of Western Global Airline's Health Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, and 401k Benefits is provided to
each employee. Western Global Airlines anticipates continuing to make the benefits described in this section and
elsewhere available to its employees, but benefits, plans, and programs may be modified, added or terminated at any
time by the insurance company or benefit provider, per the terms of the plan, or by Western Global Airlines, at its sole
On occasion, we may have a temporary need for additional staff. These temporary employees will be hired by the
Company’s temporary agency partners. The Company requires these temporary agencies to comply with all aspects of
the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including offering coverage to their temporary employees that is both affordable and
meets the ACA’s minimum value requirement. All temporary agencies contracted with the Company must have a current
ACA compliant statement on file with Human Resources. If a regular full time position becomes available, temporary
employees may apply for the open position. If hired, they will be eligible for benefits offered to full time employees.
Contact the Manager of Human Resources for plan booklets that explain the eligibility requirements and details
regarding benefit coverage. The terms of the benefit will be controlled by the carrier’s plan description. In addition, you
can visit the ADP self-service website for benefit information.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 42
The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) helps employees and their dependents continue
their health insurance even if they are no longer eligible under our health plan. COBRA lets an eligible employee and
dependents choose to continue their health insurance when a "qualifying event" happens. Qualifying events include the
employee's resignation, termination, leave of absence, shorter work hours, divorce, legal separation, or death. Another
qualifying event is when a dependent child stops being eligible for coverage under your health insurance.
If you continue your insurance under COBRA, you will pay the full cost of the insurance at Western Global Airlines group
rates plus an administration fee. When you become eligible for our health insurance plan, you will receive a written
notice describing your COBRA rights. Because the notice contains important information about your rights and what to
do if you need COBRA, be sure to read it carefully.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) limits exclusions for preexisting conditions;
prohibits discrimination against employees and their dependents based on their health status; guarantees renewability
and availability of health coverage to certain employers and individuals; and protects many workers who lose health
coverage by providing better access to individual health insurance. The special enrollment rights apply without regard to
the dates on which an individual would otherwise be able to enroll under the plan. Special enrollment periods apply to
you and/or your dependent(s), if you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption or the placement for
adoption (i.e., a “qualifying event”). Under these rules, a group health plan is required to provide the opportunity for
special enrollment for these individuals should they make the request within 30 days of the date the qualifying event
If you decline enrollment under Western Global Airlinesplan for yourself or your dependents (including your spouse)
and state in writing that you and/or your dependents have coverage under another group health plan or health
insurance coverage as the reason for declining to enroll, you may also have special enrollment rights. Special enrollment
rights may apply to you and/or your dependents in the event that you and/or your dependents are no longer eligible for
this other coverage. Your plan may offer an Annual Open Enrollment giving you the opportunity to enroll yourself and/or
your dependents if you have previously declined/waived coverage for you and/or dependents.
Employees who are injured or become ill because of work may be eligible to receive insurance benefits as provided
under applicable state Workers’ Compensation laws. The Company pays all costs of providing this insurance protection.
Workers’ Compensation covers any injury or illness sustained on the job that requires medical, surgical, or hospital
treatment. Subject to applicable legal requirements, Workers Compensation Insurance provides benefits after a short
waiting period or, if the employee is hospitalized, immediately.
Employees who sustain work-related injuries or illnesses must inform their supervisor immediately. No matter how
minor an on-the- job injury may appear, it is important that it be reported immediately. This will enable an eligible
employee to qualify for coverage as quickly as possible.
Workers' Compensation covers only work-related injuries and illnesses. Neither Western Global Airlines nor its insurance
carrier will pay Workers' Compensation benefits for injuries that might happen if you voluntarily participate in an off-
duty recreational, social, or athletic activity that the Company might sponsor.
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 43
(WHD Publication 1420)
Basic Leave Entitlement
FMLA requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for the following
for incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care or child birth;
to care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;
to care for the employee’s spouse, son, daughter or parent, who has a serious health condition; or
for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job.
Military Family Leave Entitlements
Eligible employees whose spouse, son, daughter or parent is on covered active Duty or call to covered active Duty status may use
their 12-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may include attending certain military
events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling
sessions, and attending post-deployment reintegration briefings.
FMLA also includes a special leave entitlement that permits eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a covered
Service member during a single 12-month period. A covered service member is:
(1) a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical
treatment, recuperation or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a
serious injury or illness*; or
(2) a veteran who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the five-year period prior
to the first date the eligible employee takes FMLA leave to care for the covered veteran, and who is undergoing medical treatment,
recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness.*
*The FMLA definitions of “serious injury or illness” for current service members and veterans are distinct from the FMLA
definition ofserious health condition”. Benefits and Protections during FMLA leave, the employer must maintain the
employee’s health coverage under anygroup health plan” on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Upon
return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and
other employment terms. Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an
employee’s leave.
Eligibility Requirements
Employees are eligible if they have worked for a covered employer for at least 12 months, have 1,250 hours of service in the
previous 12 months*, and if at least 50 employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles.
*Special hours of service eligibility requirements apply to airline flight crew employees.
Definition of Serious Health Condition A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition
that involves either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider for a condition that
either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee’s job, or prevents the qualified family member from
participating in school or other daily activities. Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met by a
period of incapacity of more than 3 consecutive calendar days combined with at least two visits to a health care provider or one visit
and a regimen of continuing treatment, or incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic condition. Other conditions
may meet the definition of continuing treatment.
Use of Leave
An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave
schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so
as not to unduly disrupt the employers operations. Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.
Substitution of Paid Leave for Unpaid Leave
Employees may choose or employers may require use of accrued paid leave while taking FMLA leave. In order to use paid leave for
FMLA leave, employees must comply with the employers normal paid leave policies.
Employee Responsibilities
Employees must provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable. When 30 days’
notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable and generally must comply with an employers
normal call-in procedures. Employees must provide sufficient information for the employer to determine if the leave may qualify for
FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient information may include that the employee is unable
to perform job functions, the family member is unable to perform daily activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing treatment
by a health care provider, or circumstances supporting the need for military family leave. Employees also must inform the employer
if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified. Employees also may be required to
provide a certification and periodic recertification supporting the need for leave.
Employer Responsibilities
Covered employers must inform employees requesting leave whether they are eligible under FMLA. If they are, the notice must
specify any additional information required as well as the employees’ rights and responsibilities. If they are not eligible, the employer
must provide a reason for the ineligibility. Covered employers must inform employees if leave will be designated as FMLA-protected
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 44
and the amount of leave counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. If the employer determines that the leave is not FMLA-
protected, the employer must notify the employee.
Unlawful Acts by Employers
FMLA makes it unlawful for any employer to:
interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided under FMLA; and
discharge or discriminate against any person for opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA or for involvement in any
proceeding under or relating to FMLA.
An employee may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor or may bring a private lawsuit against an employer. FMLA
does not affect any Federal or State law prohibiting discrimination, or supersede any State or local law or collective bargaining
agreement which provides greater family or medical leave rights.
FMLA section 109 (29 U.S.C. § 2619) requires FMLA covered employers to post the text of this notice. Regulation 29 C.F.R.
§ 825.300(a) may require additional disclosures.
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I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook (version revised May 2018) and have read
or had it read to me. If I have any questions regarding this Handbook, I understand that it is
my responsibility to ask my supervisor, department head, or Manager of Human Resources
about them. I recognize it is my responsibility to review the policies, practices, standards,
and rules this Handbook contains, and I agree to comply with them during my employment.
I understand the information in this Handbook is intended to acquaint employees with
general policies, principles, standards, and procedures, and does not represent a contractual
commitment by Western Global Airlines (“the Company) concerning terms of employment or
other matters. The Company is free to act according to its the best business judgment and to
change, interpret, withdraw, or add to the policies, procedures, and standards described in
this Handbook at any time without prior notice, consideration, or approval by an employee. I
further understand that the discussion of benefits in this Handbook is intended solely as an
overview and, accordingly, if there is any conflict between the terms in this Handbook and
the terms of the applicable plan, the conflict is unintended and the terms of the plan will
prevail. Further, nothing in this Handbook shall be deemed to interfere with employee
disclosure rights protected by law.
By signing below, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, and understand, the provisions
contained in this Handbook.
Team Members Printed Name Employee Number
_________________________________________ ______________________
Team Members Signature Date
Western Global Airlines Employee Handbook, May 2018 Edition Page | 46
I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook (version revised May 2018) and have read
or had it read to me. If I have any questions regarding this Handbook, I understand that it is
my responsibility to ask my supervisor, department head, or Manager of Human Resources
about them. I recognize it is my responsibility to review the policies, practices, standards,
and rules this Handbook contains, and I agree to comply with them during my employment.
I understand the information in this Handbook is intended to acquaint employees with
general policies, principles, standards, and procedures, and does not represent a contractual
commitment by Western Global Airlines (“the Company) concerning terms of employment or
other matters. The Company is free to act according to its the best business judgment and to
change, interpret, withdraw, or add to the policies, procedures, and standards described in
this Handbook at any time without prior notice, consideration, or approval by an employee. I
further understand that the discussion of benefits in this Handbook is intended solely as an
overview and, accordingly, if there is any conflict between the terms in this Handbook and
the terms of the applicable plan, the conflict is unintended and the terms of the plan will
prevail. Further, nothing in this Handbook shall be deemed to interfere with employee
disclosure rights protected by law.
By signing below, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, and understand, the provisions
contained in this Handbook.
Team Members Printed Name Employee Number
_________________________________________ ______________________
Team Members Signature Date
Confirmation Code: 4982